“No more! The hull was badly damaged and all sails had to be collected! ”

“What to do? It’s too windy! The rain is also heavy! Heavy rain seeps down the deck, and the hull will get heavier and heavier! Going downwind, we will drift farther and farther away from the island, and against the wind, our ship is now in bad condition, and it cannot withstand the baptism of the storm… Let me think about it…! ”

“Forty-five degrees north, sailing at full speed, rushing out of the thundercloud area, we can be safe!” Left full rudder, Marko, quick, come and help me! ”

When Marko heard Belvia’s words, he made an uproar, and a pair of blue flame wings that were more than ten meters long grew behind him, and with a bang, the whole person flew into the air.

“This! It’s wings! Oh, my God! ”

Belviya froze, she saw Marko using the fruit ability for the first time, the pair of blue flaming wings that were more than ten meters long, and Belvia’s whole person couldn’t help but froze.

I saw Marko flap his flaming wings, fly into the air, raise his hand, and the huge sail was directly cut off, and all of them fell down in a uproar.

The rain passed through Marko’s pair of blue flaming wings, but could not extinguish the flames.

This blue flame does not have the scorching heat of ordinary flames, but it cannot be extinguished by water.

Belviya opened her small mouth, looking up at the pair of blue flame wings that shocked her in mid-air, from her angle, countless rain poured from the sky through Marco’s side, and was reflected by the blue flame into blue, the crystal clear rain blooming blue light, falling from the sky, beautiful, “How beautiful! ”


The entire huge pirate ship, with a total of six sails, was damaged on both sides in the previous battle, and even the mast was broken. With four sides left, Marko cut off two sails, leaving two sails to put away.


Marco landed, and at this time, Belviya woke up from her dream, and she, who was at the helm, quickly lowered her head.

“Your nautical skills are good.”

Marko smiled, and sure enough… I underestimated her before, but she is really not good-looking, a young girl, in the face of the fierce wind and waves of the new world, can actually calmly and calmly carry out orderly control.

Belviya heard Marko’s praise, and her heart was overjoyed, she raised her head, looked at the clouds in the sky seriously, felt the direction of the wind, judged the wind level, and finally flashed her big eyes to look at Marko, “We will get through this storm soon!” ”

In the storm, the sea surface stirred up a series of huge waves, originally calm waves, at this moment, countless waves rolled, full of more than ten meters high waves, the huge pirate ship constantly impacted, the entire pirate ship continued to sway, like a flat boat in the sea.

The weather in the New World is volatile, and far more dangerous than other seas.


The thunderclouds dissipated, the storm receded, and under the command of Belvia, the pirate ship finally carried the baptism of bad weather.

Hainan also calmed down, and a few sea fish jumped out of the sea, stirring up small waves.

The sun also came out, and the golden sunlight scattered down.

“Whew~~!” Belviya breathed a sigh of relief, secretly glad that he showed his navigation skills in front of Marco for the first time, there were no errors in judgment, no twists and turns, and calmly survived this storm.

Marco looked down at Moyo’s eighteen-nine-year-old Belvia in front of him, her clothes were already soaked, her long black hair was drooping against her back, and her delicate and somewhat innocent face had a little rain beads, which made her more playful and cute.

“Wow! Look, there’s a rainbow on the sea over there! ”

Belviya pointed to the other side, bouncing excitedly.

Marko looked over, and above the sea in the distance, a rainbow appeared, and after the wind and rain, it looked beautiful.


But at the same time that Marko saw the rainbow, he also saw a fleet heading towards his side.

“There’s a pirate ship over there! Six in total! ”

Belviya exclaimed almost at the same time, it is not a good thing to encounter a pirate ship on the sea of the New World, she knows this very well, Belviya can’t help but get nervous, she doesn’t know where to take out the binoculars, look over, “Their pirate flag… I’ve seen it! ”

“Yes?” Marko took the telescope that Belviya handed over, and was surprised that Belviya had a telescope, “Where did you get it?” ”

Belviya stuck out her tongue and said playfully, “When I was looking for a bathroom before… Got it by the way. It’s not stealing! ”

“It’s clever.” Marko then picked up the binoculars and looked ahead, six huge pirate ships, lined up in a straight line, sailing quickly, he looked at the other party’s pirate flag, his eyes couldn’t help but flash a coldness, and he secretly said in his heart, “It’s very clever…!” ”

“Obviously where did you see that pirate flag… But I couldn’t remember it for a while. Belviya pouted, thought hard, still didn’t remember where he had seen it, and patted his forehead depressed for a while, “Why am I so stupid…!” ”

“I know.” Marko said with a smile, he reached out and rubbed Belvia’s head, and his hair was wet with a clear fragrance, “You go take another bath, change your wet clothes, dry your wet hair and come out again.” ”


Belviya subconsciously wanted to lower her head to avoid Marko’s action of rubbing her hair, which was her usual vigilant habit, but at the moment of bowing her head, Belviya involuntarily stayed for a moment and did not bow her head to avoid.

This little gesture did not hide from Marko’s eyes.

It seems to be vigilant, and it is no wonder that he can survive this dangerous sea until now.

“Go ahead. Wash slowly. ”

“Then you… This? ”

“I know them.” Marko pointed to the six pirate ships that were getting closer and closer ahead, and said, “Don’t hold me back! Otherwise, you will be left alone. ”

“Hmph~~” Bellevia’s little Joan snorted and muttered in a low voice, “I won’t hold you back!” After that, she looked at Marko nervously, “Is it an enemy?” What if they shell us from afar? Our vessels… The damage is a bit serious…! ”

“That’s not right, we can change ships!” Looking at Belvia’s cute look of concern, Marco couldn’t help but smile and quipped, “If you don’t leave the deck, you will become a tow bottle!” ”

The six menacing pirate ships ahead, already… It’s getting closer!

[Thank you ‘duncan5678’, ‘Yang Shao’ and ‘Wandering’ three little brothers for their tips, thank you! ] 】

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