The appearance of naval uniforms in villages is naturally a rare sight.

Many villagers on the side of the road, after seeing the team led by the squirrel, whispered and guessed the intention of the navy here.

In the sound of the villagers talking, you can faintly hear the name “Little Tina”, and the squirrel is more sure that he has not come to the wrong place.

In front of the dilapidated houses at the very edge of the village straight, nearly a dozen villagers gathered at the gate, each standing in the doorway, completely unaware of the approaching navy.

“Don’t go in again, little Tina doesn’t know what’s wrong, there are already two midwives injured and out!”

“It seems that Tina didn’t bring any colleagues from the Navy headquarters with her this time, did she sneak back alone?”

“Who knows… I didn’t think I had come back for three years, and when I came back, I would already be a mother. ”

“Be quiet, this child has been pitiful since he was a child, let’s stop talking about it!”

The villagers gathered around the door of the house, and as soon as they spoke, they said all kinds of things about Tina.

“Get out of the way!”

“Guys, get out of the way!”

The naval soldiers who followed behind the squirrel said to the people in a deep voice.

When the villagers saw the navy uniforms, they all dodged to the side. In such a small village, the sudden appearance of a large group of people is definitely a sensational thing.

An old-looking mother-in-law came out of the crowd with reading glasses on crutches and came straight to the squirrel’s side.

“This military officer’s clothes are different from others, and he must also be Tina’s colleague in the naval headquarters, knowing that her child is going to be born, so he came to visit, right?”

“I am the mother-in-law of the village chief here, and I welcome you on behalf of everyone.”

Although the village chief’s mother-in-law had never seen anything big, she politely spoke to the squirrel.

“Sorry, village chief, we are not here to visit any colleague this time, but to arrest the fugitive.”

The squirrel expressionlessly put his hand on the sword between his waist, and directly rejected the kindness of the village chief’s mother-in-law.

“Fugitive? Officer, you must be mistaken, this house lives the female leader of the captain, so it is not a fugitive. And now she can’t be disturbed, I think…”

“Make no mistake! The fugitive we want to capture is the one inside, former Captain Tina! ”

Without waiting for the village chief’s mother-in-law to finish, the squirrel walked past her and walked towards the door of the house.



Tina’s cry of pain came from inside the room, faintly accompanied by the shaking of the house.

The weird sense of vibration, like something is about to pop out of the room at any time, is strange!

“What did that Navy magnate just say? Want to catch Tina? ”

“How could Tina be a fugitive! She is the pride of the villagers! ”

“Even if you want to catch this kind of time, at least let her give birth to the child!”

“That’s right, that’s a little life that is about to come into the world.”

“That’s right, that’s right, the navy is also a general, can’t come nonsense!”




Two gunshots in the air interrupted the villagers’ argument.

In the face of absolute force, justice becomes the bao force of law.

The villagers retreated in horror, and no one dared to shout a word.

“It hurts!”

“I can’t hold on!”

“It’s really painful!”

While everyone was quiet, Tina’s shout was particularly clear.

The squirrel walked to the door of the house step by step, listened to the sound of ups and downs in the house, put his hand on the doorknob, and gently turned it.


Caught off guard, a raging wave of qi suddenly rushed out of the room.

The squirrel, who did not have time to react, raised its hands in black armed defense and protected its face. Rao was so, the sweep of energy waves still did not make him feel better.


At the same time that the door was broken, the squirrel was swept five meters away by the air wave, rubbing a mark on the ground that was enough to conceal the soles of its feet.





For a time, all the muzzles in the hands of the naval soldiers were aimed at the door of the room buried in the smoke.

The squirrel looked at the back of his hand that was still cracked under the armed color defense, and he knew that the lieutenant generals of the headquarters were all strong and unusual.

Not to mention a pregnant Tina, even in her heyday, she definitely can’t escape in the hands of squirrels.

“How can there be such a strong energy qi wave?”

The squirrel flicked away the blood stains on his palms in surprise, and his eyes converged on the doorway of the dilapidated house.

Intuition told him that the source of the attack power just now was definitely not Tina at the level of a colonel!

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