On January 1, 1491, Haiyuan Calendar, it was 11:40 noon.

In the Marinford Inner Bay Square, all the monsters directly recruited from all over the world gathered here, and a steady stream of warships from overseas were coming one after another.

Under the scorching sun, a huge selection competition arena was set up in the inner bay of the Navy Headquarters.

It was set up to celebrate the directly recruited navy and the graduated elites.

The directly recruited officers were rushing to the huge competition arena.

The new elites were rushing to the audience stand to watch the strength benchmark test of the graduating elites this time.

"The bones healed again and again after being broken, which increased the bone density..." In the center of the competition field, Arthur stood alone under the hustle and bustle of the crowd, looking at his fist wrapped in medical bandages.

"Such training will make my wrist more stable and will not collapse in battle."

During the day, he and Cooper received theoretical knowledge and training suggestions from Zefa, and stayed with Garp to fight warships from afternoon to night.

He felt that his physique had improved significantly, but it seemed that just as Zephyr said, he was not suitable for fighting with fists.

On the viewing platform, Garp, Zephyr, Sengoku and others sat in a row.

"I can't imagine how outstanding a person with great potential and hard work will be in the future." Garp chewed on senbei and looked at Arthur who was motionless below.

This evaluation was entirely because Arthur worked hard to become stronger. He had never seen such a desperate person in the month he personally observed.

"Why are you like this? Garp?" Sitting next to Garp, eating senbei with him, the results of the battle were very puzzled.

Admiral Sengoku found that Zephyr and Garp looked solemn.

"See for yourself, Sengoku, you office animal." Zefa said to Sengoku, "This World Recruitment didn't recruit any hidden monsters. Instead, the recruits are better than the last one."

"I heard there is a natural freezing devil fruit user?"

"Not only that, there are also many animal-type ones. The overall strength is much stronger than that of Sakaski and Borsalino."


The bay has set up a competition field specifically for the World Recruitment-

The direct-recruitment officers have all arrived one after another, and a full thousand people of all sizes have gathered in the competition field.

"Giant tribe?" Arthur squinted and counted, and found that there were still 6 giant tribes in the competition field.

One woman, five men, some of whom are familiar.

"Hurry up and start, I can't see how durable these little people are." A direct-recruitment giant glanced at the little people under his feet with disdain, his face full of disappointment.

"What did you say?" After hearing this, Kaji's eyes were full of bloodshot, staring at him murderously: "Do you think you can do whatever you want just because you are big?"

He clenched his fists, waiting for the signal for the competition to start at 12 o'clock.

For this day, Kaji has been practicing silently for a whole month, just to amaze the audience.

After scanning the crowd, his eyes have been locked on Arthur, who is as calm as still water.

"Hahaha, what can the little people do? Look at me and slap you all away with one axe!"


The five giants laughed unruly, not taking the elites of their headquarters under their feet seriously at all.


"Do your best and defeat as many people as possible to evaluate the final joke official position, start!" Outside the competition field, Ganggu Kong personally announced the start of the competition.

With the bell ringing on time at noon, Ganggu Kong gave an order.

The competition officially began.

Boom, the giants were unscrupulously wielding their weapons, and some elite soldiers were knocked out of the sea.

"Let's quickly eliminate all of them, Cooper." Arthur stood with his sword drawn, and said to Cooper on his shoulder.

"Cooper!" (Good!)

Cooper flew into the air, swooped down quickly at a giant who was waving a weapon, and hit him on the head with his eagle claws.

The huge claw force instantly kicked the male giant out of the sea, splashing amazing waves.

"The eagle kicked the giant away? What a joke."

There was an uproar in the field. Every time Arthur took a step forward and swung the back of the knife, an elite would be knocked out as well.

"Get out of my way--! You big guys who are useless!" Kaji jumped high in the field, and Bang punched a giant in the abdomen.

The terrifying punch made the giant fly on the spot, without any resistance.

"What! Where do these little guys get their super powers from?"

Kaji punched everyone in front of him and sent them flying out of the arena, aiming directly at Arthur.

"Is this guy playing like this? Playing baseball?" Kaji watched Arthur leisurely waving a knife in the crowd, and rushed to his side with his legs and punched him."Get up and step." Arthur's momentum suddenly sank, and he found that Kaji was running straight towards him, so he quickly turned around and punched him with the back of his knife.

Arthur easily caught the punch with the back of his knife, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

Arthur narrowed his eyes and stared at Kaji's eyes, saying coldly: "Goodbye, Kaji."

"Huh? You don't think you are stronger than me..." Kaji hadn't finished speaking when he felt the huge force from his fist that instantly knocked him out.

"The force on my fist was removed by his blade skillfully!?" Kaji was flying in the air in disbelief.

Suddenly he shouted: "This TM gap is impossible!"

Arthur swung his knife explosively and lifted Kaji up to the sky.

Seeing his uncontrollable body rushing towards the sky at a high speed, he shook his head with contempt: "You are not the only hopeless person. I am also hopeless in my pursuit of becoming stronger."

After saying that, his aura sank again, and even the floor was crushed by him.

The muscles of his calves bulged, and he quickly shuttled through the crowd and swung his sword continuously, just to quickly end this competition of thousands of officers.

Whether it was the giant or other elites who had trained for more than a month, they were all knocked into the sea with the back of their swords.

Whether it was the direct-recruited officers who were domineering or the geniuses who were praised for their extraordinary talents, they were instantly crushed in front of him.

The entire competition field became his sword dance stage, and everyone became his target.

With everyone watching, half an hour later, only Cooper, Arthur, and Gion were left on the field.

"Jump." Arthur forced Gion to the seaside of the naval port with a knife and asked her to jump down by herself: "If you don't jump, I will chop you."

"You monster... Arthur!" Gion cursed at Arthur, and had retreated to the edge, looking at the sea one step behind him.

At this time, Cooper, who was flying in the air, suddenly kicked her.

"Fool, Cooper, come back." Arthur reminded loudly, but Cooper had already formed a diagonal dive and could not stop.

Gion held a knife and used the back of the knife to easily block Cooper's eagle claw.

"Cooper..." (This is Arthur's way of exerting force...) Cooper felt the power being removed, and his body lost balance and was instantly thrown into the sea behind him by Gion's force.

"Alas!" Arthur covered his face and sighed: "In the end, there are only two of us left. How nice it would be to fight each other with the six styles?"

"Rain kick!" Arthur raised his leg and swung a blue slashing wave, cutting through the ground and rushing vertically towards Gion.

Ding! Gion easily deflected it and said with a smile: "I have to say you are a genius, developing such a defensive sword technique."

"Don't you have to pay tuition for stealing?" Arthur felt a little regretful. Kizaru, Akainu, and Dragon who graduated early did not participate in this competition test.

Otherwise, he should have tried with them.

"But I can't do it to your level, why should I pay tuition?" Gion retorted. In her opinion, what she learned secretly was also her ability and talent.

Paying a shit to learn.

The next second, Arthur ran towards Gion with a knife, and rushed to her with lightning speed, and swung the knife at her.

Gion tried to bounce off and counterattack, but was broken by the burst of strange power from Arthur's knife, and fell into the sea like a broken string zither.

"The biggest flaw of this move is that once the enemy's power exceeds the instantaneous power of the sword holder, it will lose its effect." Arthur slowly put away the sword, and then pulled up Cooper who was thrown into the sea by Gion just now.

"Obviously, you can't stop my explosive swordsmanship."

Arthur's victory made the whole audience silent. I thought the competition would last a whole day, but it ended in half an hour?

Steel Bone Sora glanced at the clock, 12:29.

Immediately announced that Arthur won this competition.


One day later-

In the Grand Line New World, the Navy Nova, which is known as a monster, spread across the sea.

In a huge pirate ship flying in the sky in the New World.

In the hall as magnificent as a palace, many pirates with fierce momentum and scars stood on both sides of a golden lion head chair in the hall.

A man with thick golden hair, two scabbards hanging around his waist, and an extraordinary domineering aura sat on it.

He held the daily report released by the Navy today, and veins on his forehead burst: "The captain of the 14th Division was killed by this kid who hasn't even grown all his hair yet?"

Almost all the remnants of the Rocks Pirates gathered here.

Looking at the angry Golden Lion Shiki above, no one dared to speak.

"What genius? What monster? That's because they haven't met me! Those incompetent guys in the Navy can only create public opinion to confuse people." Shiki looked at the newspaper in his hand, furious.

I don't know how many geniuses and monsters the Navy said they had fallen in their hands.

Monster genius?That was just the threshold to meet them.

He knew that this was just a means for the navy to increase morale and recruit more new recruits.

In the content, the Navy World Recruitment ended, and troops were about to be sent to suppress and fight against the New World pirates.

In order to calm his bad mood, Shiki lit a cigar and held it in his mouth: "If it weren't for Roger, that nosy guy, showing up with Garp..."

"A month ago, the warship loaded with explosive rock was captured by me, damn it."

He couldn't understand why Roger, who was also a pirate, had no ambition and only wanted to take risks and live an ordinary life.

In his opinion, pirates should do big business, constantly expand and expand, and finally use all resources and manpower to rule the world. This is what pirates like them should do.

Just take risks to find treasures? What's the difference between that and being a pirate under the name of an adventurer?

"If we have ancient weapons, this era will not be our world?" Shiki said worriedly, doubting that the historical texts collected by Roger's pirate group recorded the whereabouts of ancient weapons.

Seeing Shiki's irritable mood gradually calm down, a cadre captain wearing a robe and a knife on his waist stood up calmly:

"Master Shiki, I heard that Whitebeard brought a group of little devils to rob our territory, and then docked the ship at an island pier called Sphinx."

"Whitebeard? He disappeared for 7 years, and now he finally appears?" Hearing the three words "Whitebeard", Shiki's mood suddenly became excited, as if he heard the name of an old friend.

"Let's go... Let's go see an old friend." Shiki waved his arm and immediately activated the ability of the Float-Float Fruit to adjust the flight direction of the pirate ship.

"But the navy has also learned about him. If we go to meet him, it will definitely attract attention." A navigator ran out to dissuade him.

The Navy does not allow the remnants of the Rocks Pirates to meet. Now that the pirates have learned the news, the Navy should also know it.

This move means another catastrophe of conflict with the Navy.

"So what?!" Hearing this, Shiki turned around and pulled out the pistol stuck in front of his waist, aimed at the navigator, and pulled the trigger decisively.

The bullet pierced the navigator's thigh, and he screamed in pain while covering his leg on the spot.

"Do you think I'm afraid of conflict with the Navy?" Shiki stared at the navigator with bloodshot eyes. He had encountered enough bad things in the past few months.

Just vent on him.


At the Marinford Military Dockyard, the alarm sounded throughout the island.

Soldiers and officers boarded the deck of the warship one after another, preparing to set sail for battle.

"So, my third mission is to go to sea with him?" Arthur stood on the deck of the warship where Garp was.

He looked at a man in front of him with dead fish eyes, wearing a gray sweater and covering his navy cap with the hood of the sweater.

The man standing in front of him with his hands in his sweater pockets was Sakaski who boarded the Garp warship.

"Do you have any prejudice against me?" Sakaski walked to Arthur with his hands in his pockets, staring at him with a cold breath.

During the last mission in the Eivor Sea, a new recruit dared to accuse him, a colonel of the headquarters.

Because of this incident, he had no good feelings towards Arthur since then, thinking that the other party had a wrong outlook and was not suitable for the navy.

"Oh?" Near the Garp warship, on another Sengoku warship.

Yellow Monkey looked at the deck of Garp's warship where the atmosphere was gradually heating up: "Those two guys don't seem to get along."

Garp saw this and hit Arthur and Sakaski on the head with his two tied fists:

"Don't be so prejudiced against your comrades. This mission is to go to the New World to prevent Golden Lion Shiki and Whitebeard from getting close to each other."

The two of them immediately held their heads in pain, and a big lump appeared on their faces.

"What's wrong with that fist? It hurts so much? Damn!" Arthur cursed in his heart while holding his head, not daring to imagine the scene in front of him.

Even Akainu was beaten by Garp when he was young?

Another thing that Arthur couldn't understand was why he was taken out to sea to do missions, and the people he met were all extraordinary people.

He already wanted to leave the Navy organization.

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