Judging from the blood flowing from Lake's mouth, the power of the Navy's Six-style "Storm Kick" is indeed not to be underestimated.

However, the Storm Kick consumes a lot of physical strength.

"It seems that your mastery and level of domineering are very low. You are just getting started?"

Arthur saw that Lake was no longer calm and taunted softly:

"It seems that you are just so-so."

At this time, Lake noticed that Arthur's aura had undergone an amazing change.

His resolute and steady eyes flashed with a cold light, as if he was stared at by a real beast.

This made Lake feel like he was a prey about to be hunted.

"What's going on? Why does this guy suddenly give off the illusion of a strong aura?" Lake was frightened.

When he walked more than ten meters away from Arthur, he dared not move forward.

He just stood straight in the distance, confronting Arthur who didn't even breathe.

At this time, Arthur looked serious, and his worry about his life made him more crazy.

Lake suddenly spoke up and challenged: "Navy brat, your body is shaking like that, and you still want to beat me? I just need to hold on until Apollo defeats Garp's son."

"By then, you will be as powerless as an ant waiting to be slaughtered in front of Captain Apollo."

Arthur knew nothing about Apollo in the Rocks Pirates.

Before, Apollo might have been just an insignificant little character in the Rocks Pirates, but now he has become the captain of the 14th Division of the Sky Pirates.

Arthur waited for the opportunity, his calf muscles burst out instantly, and he rushed towards Lake at the speed of a flash step, saying in a deep voice:

"You have no chance of winning. Once Cooper and I fight seriously together, guys like you will never be our opponents."

Lake was furious when he heard this, and his muscles suddenly tensed up, and he shouted:


He rushed away, unable to tolerate Arthur, who was just like a lamb, daring to bluff.

The two men approached and threw punches at the same time, colliding fiercely, and it was hard to tell who was stronger.

At this time, Cooper, who stood on Arthur's shoulder, pecked at Lake's neck with all his strength.

Lake gathered all his strength in his right fist to fight with Arthur, and he couldn't withdraw to avoid it.

Arthur endured the severe pain in his fist and didn't retreat a step.

Fighting to protect his own life, his fighting will was as solid as a rock, and he was determined to defeat the beast in front of him.

The eagle's beak pierced Lake's neck, making him look hideous in pain, and the fist that collided with Arthur also lost a lot of strength.

In an instant, Arthur's fist broke through his defense and hit him in the abdomen with all his strength.


The muscles around Lake's abdomen burst, the sound waves spread, and the muscles bulged into his body.

Suffering from a huge force, his muscles twitched, blood spit out of his mouth, and his body was in severe pain and he couldn't control himself.

It was as if he was hit in the abdomen by a heavy object of dozens of tons, and he lost control of his body in an instant.

"Cooper!" Cooper flew in front of Lake, and slammed his eagle claws into his face, scraping half of his face into a bloody mess.

"Ah——!" Lake screamed, unbelievable that the favorable situation was reversed in an instant.

Arthur did not intend to stop there, giving the opponent a chance to breathe. He quickly came in front of him with the six-style shaving, and punched him in the chest with a fierce punch.

Bang! Another burst of fist wind penetrated his chest, Lake's face was hideous, and blood gushed out of his mouth again.

Boom boom boom, hiss hiss hiss.

Arthur attacked Lake's body continuously, and Cooper tore his upper body with his claws.

His fists fell like raindrops, each punch was solid, and each blow contained the shock of power.

Lake was shaky under the attack and had no power to fight back.

This kind of punch to the flesh, every punch wanted to penetrate the opponent's body, and every hit was accompanied by a crisp collision sound.

Under such bombardment, Lake's strong body endured hundreds of punches in two minutes.

His body was covered with fist marks, twisted like a dead man, kneeling on the ground, kneeling in front of Arthur and Cooper.

Seeing that the vice-captain of the pirates in front of him was unable to resist, Arthur stood in front of Lake, roaring in a low voice, his mouth opened wide, and saliva splashed on the other's face.

He was extremely excited, like a beast opening its bloody mouth, wanting to swallow him into its stomach.

"The navy actually recruited a guy like you, haha," Lake knelt on the ground, his body twisted and dying, and smiled bitterly:

"You must be eliminated as a threat."

Having said that, he knew that he had already lost, and he didn't even remember what happened in the past two minutes.

He only felt endless pain eroding his whole body, and his flesh and blood seemed to burn in the air.

Although it was unbelievable, the armed color domineering that he had just learned was actually lost to a seemingly immature boy.

But the fact is that Lake can't move, only his brain still retains consciousness.

Arthur quickly regained his firm eyes, put his hands in his pockets and said to him with a cold face:

"After this battle, youIt also made me realize that when Cooper and I fight with all our strength, guys of your level can only passively take a beating. "

Cooper grabbed Arthur's shoulders with his bloody claws and looked at the pirate in front of him sharply.

"Major Crow..." After the battle, Arthur suddenly thought of Major Crow.

His fist ached slightly, and he handcuffed Lake with an iron chain.

Then he walked to the room where Major Crow was leaning in the naval base to check on him.

"I'm fine, Arthur, it's just that my body was suddenly hit hard while I was in a relaxed state. "Major Crow's body gradually recovered. The injury just now was because he did not expect Lake to have armed Haki.

After this battle, Major Crow also understood his shortcomings and needed to strengthen physical and physical training.

It was also learned that once Arthur's life was threatened, he would become a very violent beast and would defeat the enemy at all costs, and he was very rational.

As long as this guy did not die in the mission, he would be a great talent in the navy in the future.

But... With Drago's gradual distrust of the justice of the navy, he also began to doubt the justice of the navy.

It was as if the upper echelons were training some ruthless killing machines for the mission.

"Most of the time, I questioned my own weakness and never felt my own strength."

Seeing that Major Crow was fine, Arthur walked to the square outside the base, picked up his gun and loaded it with bullets.

"Because, this is the world of One Piece, where monsters and geniuses are everywhere."

"After this battle, I realized that it was so difficult for me to even beat a remnant of the Rocks Pirates? Or, there are no so-called weaklings in the Rocks Pirates? "

Arthur was filled with emotion. This battle taught him a lot and made him understand a lot.

In this world, the human body can still fight back after being seriously injured.

Their body structure is completely incomparable to that of the blue star people.

Relying on pure flesh and desire for survival, Arthur defeated the opponent with great difficulty.

Because he didn't want to die in the hands of an unknown person, and his ambition to venture into the world of One Piece was not realized.

The naval base on Lionheart Island was littered with corpses of navy and pirates, and Arthur stood in the middle of the pile of corpses.

He looked up and saw the explosions and volcanic eruptions on other nearby islands, "The explosion of the Shining Fruit and the Magma Fruit..."

The volcanic ash falling from the sky quickly covered his cheeks.

Arthur carried a gun full of bullets and looked back at Major Crow: "The coast is still fighting, Major, what do I need to do now? "

"Arthur, you can go and help the other soldiers. I have to go to the base to take away the important documents."

Major Crow said to him, and then covered his wound and went deep into the damaged naval base.

Only Arthur and Cooper were left in the base square.

They were stunned for a while-

"Cooper?" (What should we do next, Arthur?)

"What else can I do? I am a soldier who joined the navy to learn the six styles. I must go to the town to resist pirates and protect civilians." Arthur quickly calmed himself down.

He took Cooper and walked alone into the town where gunfire continued, and heard the screams of civilians.

"Cooper! "(There is another pirate pretending to be dead in the square, Arthur, the guy I kicked away just now)

Cooper reminded, which made Arthur stop and take the gun from his back and aim at a pirate protruding into the ground in the base square.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

He fired 4 shots at the pirate in succession, crippling his arms and legs respectively to prevent him from rescuing the vice-captain of the pirates he defeated.

"It seems that he has a Den Den Mushi on him." Arthur reloaded and returned to Lake in the base square.

After searching for a Den Den Mushi from him, he walked straight to the town of Lionheart Island where strong winds and flames intertwined.

Not only here, all the nearby islands have become a purgatory on earth.


On the coast, Dragon was fighting fiercely with Apollo, the captain of the Flying Pirates who attacked Lionheart Island.

"Monkey D. Dragon, I believe my deputy has wiped out all your men on the island! "

Apollo was steady as he engaged in a physical duel with Dragon, and at the same time was always on guard against Dragon's sneak attack with the power of the natural devil fruit.

He did not try his best, but just waited for the good news from his deputy Lake.

Then he observed Dragon's facial expressions to gain pleasure and satisfaction, while humiliating him.

However, after a long and fierce battle, Apollo found that Dragon's physical skills were very different from the last time.

"Isn't Garp's damn bloodline growing too fast?" Apollo gritted his teeth,In his heart, he cursed the hated Monkey D. Garp.

Facing Apollo's threat, Dragon had a resolute face, "If I don't trust even my own subordinates, who else can I trust?"

"As long as Shiqi is not here, no one can save you, just surrender!"

The fierce battle between the two continued on the coast.

In the town of Lionheart Island - Arthur, who defeated Lake, released Cooper into the air to look for civilians in need of rescue.

"Someone come! Save the child in my hand, please, anyone is fine, come and save us."

Arthur passed by a house engulfed by flames and was shocked to see a woman crawling out of the basement, desperately protecting her child in the sea of ​​fire and calling for help.

Her legs were stuck by burning wood, and despite being burned all over her body, she did not let go of the baby in her hand.

Seeing this, Arthur immediately rushed in to rescue her and continued to look for the next rescue target.

There were children who were unable to save themselves, and there were charred adults. Whether dead or alive, they were all saved by him.

Arthur saved the civilians on Lionheart Island one after another. His originally shiny eyes seemed to dim a little under such a blow.

After witnessing the cruelty of the world outside the East China Sea, his concept was overturned again.

Arthur held a scarred child, knelt on his knees, and gently placed him on the street of the town.

"This is the world outside the East China Sea. No, maybe this is the unknown truth and reality in the world of One Piece."

Bang! A bullet shot out from behind Arthur, almost hitting his back, and fell on the burning building next to him.

"Damn, missed!" The pirate was about to shoot again, but found that the bullets in the pistol were used up.

Arthur turned around quickly, alerting the pirate who attacked him.

When the pirate was reloading, Cooper swooped down from the air and grabbed the pirate's neck with his claws.

The sharp eagle claws pierced his neck, dragged him to the air tens of meters high and then threw him down.

Plop! The pirate fell in front of Arthur and died on the spot.

Arthur looked at the pirate corpse in front of him, quickly regained his composure, and turned to look at the sound of fighting coming from the coast where the pirate ship was docked:

"Cooper, you go to save the civilians in the town, I'll go to the other side of the coast to see."

"Cooper~!" Cooper hovered over Arthur and chirped in response to him.

In this mission, Arthur's mission was to defeat the pirates of this island called Lionheart Island with Dragon.

The pirates on the nearby islands were handed over to Sakaski and Borsalino.

In fact, he was just a new recruit who had just joined the navy. He only had to perform his duties and fight some small pirates.

However, the longer the battle lasted, the more casualties there would be.

While wandering in the town of Lionheart Island, he witnessed the corpses of many soldiers from the navy headquarters and thought it would be better to end it quickly.

Arthur galloped through the streets of the town, his expression solemn and unwavering.

He thought to himself: "It seems reasonable that the unknown remnants of the Rocks Pirates have all joined the Golden Lion."

"After the battle of God Valley, the future four emperors may have been in seclusion, secretly expanding their power. Only Golden Lion Shiki inherited Rocks' ambition to unify the world."

"Now, nearly seven years have passed since then, and the only one who has been active on the sea is Golden Lion Shiki."

"So where have Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom gone?"

Arthur analyzed the maritime events in recent years in his mind, and suddenly many pirates who were fighting fiercely with navy soldiers appeared on the street ahead.

He stared at the pirates who were gradually approaching and clenched his fists.

"Another navy is coming, send another person to stop him!"

Before the pirates planned their tactics, Arthur, who was close to them, punched a pirate about two meters tall from Lionheart Island to the horizon.

The terrifying power was like a beast, unstoppable.

Then, he used the Navy Six Styles·Storm Legs to quickly help other soldiers clear the pirates who were fighting hard in front.

"You are really like a monster, Arthur!"

"We fought hard for a long time and failed to defeat the pirates, but you solved them so easily?"

"What is the situation of the naval base on the island, Arthur?"

Arthur did not respond, his breath was steady, and his eyes were determined as he ran towards the coast where Dorag was.

The soldiers looked at him like a speeding Superman, and he disappeared from their sight in an instant.

"Haha, I really caught up with a good era." Arthur thought, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly: "For everything I want, I must put everything aside to become stronger!"

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