The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 96: Great accumulation leads to great success!

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Zhang Chen's initiation ceremony is just around the corner. Just a month ago, Shushan sent out nearly a hundred disciples, distributed invitations widely, and invited some well-known figures in the world.

However, there are still many people who came to Shushan a month ago, including Lin Tiannan.

After Lin Tiannan came to Shushan, he went straight to Dugu Yuyun's residence. The two talked secretly for nearly a day before Lin Tiannan came out. After coming out, Lin Tiannan stayed in the guest room in Shushan.

Originally, Zhang Chen planned to visit Li Yiru's grandfather after hearing the news about Lin Tiannan's arrival, but he delayed because there was no progress in his cultivation.

During this period, Zhang Chen's understanding of the sword became deeper and deeper, and he became more and more skilled in the use of spiritual energy.

Originally, whether Zhang Chen used sword moves or spiritual energy, he used all the spiritual energy at once, such as the original Wan Jian Jue.

But after this period of special training by Lonely Yuyun, Zhang Chen gradually became able to control his own spiritual energy output, and the color of his spiritual energy further deepened, and he might break through to foundation building at any time.

However, if there is no breakthrough in foundation building, there is no breakthrough. Zhang Chen's current cultivation level should be considered to be between the foundation building stage and the Qi training stage.

It is worth mentioning that there is no record of Zhang Chen's Wan Jian Jue, a move that originally belonged to Shushan, so Zhang Chen added another title to his amazing talent, Sword Soul.

Sword Soul means that one has understood the soul of the sword and can create his own sword moves. Before Dugu Yuyun was called the Sword Master, he was also the title of Sword Soul.

This title has both good and bad sides. For Zhang Chen, further improvement in fame is naturally a good thing, but because Zhang Chen's talent has been demonstrated again, the already turbulent situation in the world has become more subtle.

In Zhang Chen's small courtyard, a puff of green smoke curled up.

"Well, that's good. It's charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It's roasted just right. I'm not saying that, Junior Brother Ning Chen, you can support yourself even if you sell barbecue if you go down the mountain!" Situ Zhong was sitting in front of the campfire with a piece of roasted rabbit. Enjoy the meat.

Zhang Chen was roasting another one. Hearing Situ Zhong's praise, Zhang Chen forced a smile on his lips, but his heart was bleeding.

Just kidding, can it not be delicious? I made this rabbit after soaking it in Guiyuan liquid for more than ten days!

It stands to reason that Zhang Chen would not be so stingy. After all, Guiyuan Liquid can be obtained as long as Zhang Chen practices for a period of time. But the problem is that the rabbit does not know what kind it is. The demand for Guiyuan Liquid is huge, but these two small Rabbit consumed all Zhang Chen's Guiyuan Liquid inventory.

Originally, Zhang Chen was planning to reward himself for practicing for such a long time, but he didn't expect that Situ Zhong would run over just as the first rabbit smelled its scent.

no! I'm bleeding profusely. I won't feel comfortable if you don't bleed profusely!

Zhang Chen thought like this and looked at Situ Zhong, who was drinking and eating meat. He squeezed out a smile and said in a calm and gentle tone, "Senior Brother Situ!"

Situ Zhong shuddered when he heard Zhang Chen's tone, "Hey! Don't talk to me in that tone. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Really?" Zhang Chen asked doubtfully.

Seeing Zhang Chen's appearance, Situ Zhong hurriedly hugged his wine gourd, "I'm telling you, don't worry about my wine!"

Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, I just want to trouble senior brother with something, and this matter is easy for senior brother!"

"Tell me, let me see what's going on." Situ Zhong took another bite of meat.

Zhang Chen immediately smiled and spread his hands, "I want the recipe for your wine!"

Situ Zhong was eating meat. He almost choked when he heard Zhang Chen's words, and immediately cursed, "Ahem! Ning Chen, you are waiting for me here!"

After saying that, Situ Zhong also smiled, took out a piece of paper from his arms and threw it to Zhang Chen.

"Here! Here you go."

Zhang Chen couldn't believe it after receiving the result sheet.

This can't be fake.

Thinking of this, Chen immediately opened the paper. The medicinal and spiritual materials in front were okay, but it was the last sentence that shocked Zhang Chen.

It takes ten years to make a brew, a hundred years to make a fine wine, a thousand years for sentient beings to be drunk, and a thousand years for gods to be drunk!

Zhang Chen's hand holding the paper was trembling a little, and he looked at Situ Zhong blankly, "Brother, this jug of wine..."

Situ Zhong continued eating meat as if nothing had happened, "Well, it didn't take long, just a hundred years."

Zhang Chen was speechless now, but he still kept the note in case it was useful in the future.

After eating the barbecue, Situ Zhong lay on the rockery and picked his teeth with a piece of grass. "Ning Chen, tomorrow is your initiation ceremony. Are you ready?"

Zhang Chen was cleaning up when he heard Situ Zhong suddenly say this. He moved his hands and said calmly, "What kind of preparations are you talking about, senior brother?"

As soon as Situ Zhong saw Zhang Chen's reaction, he knew that Zhang Chen had something in mind, "It's nothing. You may not be able to handle it when the time comes. Don't forget that the person standing behind you is me, the head brother, and the entire Shu Mountain."

Zhang Chen sighed, "Thank you for your concern, senior brother, but this initiation ceremony is my certificate to become a disciple of Shushan. If I can't even get over this difficulty, what dignity do I have to stay here."

Situ Zhong nodded and stopped talking.

Late at night, Zhang Chen couldn't fall asleep.

"The Moon Worship Sect, the Black Witch Tribe, and some small sects in the north are said to be coming. It seems like it will be lively tomorrow."

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen couldn't sleep. He got up in the middle of the night, took out the Xuanyuan Sword, and started dancing with the sword in the small courtyard.

In the past few months, Zhang Chen has been inseparable from Xuanyuan Sword. I don’t know if it’s Zhang Chen’s illusion or something else, but Zhang Chen has always had a feeling of bursting out in his heart when practicing sword recently.

Tonight, there will be a do-or-die battle, and this situation makes Zhang Chen unable to sleep.

Zhang Chen danced with the sword over and over again in the courtyard.

Every time he swung Xuanyuan Sword, the feeling of bursting out in Zhang Chen’s heart became stronger, and the movement of waving Xuanyuan Sword in Zhang Chen’s hand became faster, and gradually the sword shadows became a sword curtain.

One hour, two hours, suddenly, the first ray of sunlight between heaven and earth fell, and Zhang Chen also felt blessed at this time.


Zhang Chen whistled, and the feeling of bursting out in his heart surged out in an instant, and then the consciousness that was dormant in Zhang Chen’s brow suddenly moved.

The consciousness led the spiritual energy to surge out of Zhang Chen’s body, and turned into five giant swords several meters high beside Zhang Chen.

The giant sword had just taken shape, and the sword intent soared into the sky. Dugu Yuyun was meditating in the main hall. When the giant sword just took shape, he opened his eyes instantly and rushed to Zhang Chen's residence.

"This kid actually had an epiphany at this time!"

Zhang Chen's mind was blank at this moment. He felt as if he had a huge force of ten thousand tons and had to vent it, so he waved his hand forward involuntarily.

As Zhang Chen waved his hand, five giant swords lined up in a row and chopped forward.

At this moment, a sword light came from a distance and instantly blocked the way of the five giant swords.

However, it only resisted for a moment, and then the five giant swords shattered the sword light and continued to fly forward.

Although it was only a moment, it was enough for Dugu Yuyun to come.

After Dugu Yuyun felt the pressure of the five giant swords, his face changed, and he immediately summoned his flying sword, and then countless sword lights rushed towards the giant sword.

After about half a quarter of an hour, the five giant swords finally slowly dissipated. Dugu Yuyun came to Zhang Chen's courtyard at this time and saw Zhang Chen sleeping soundly with Xuanyuan Sword in his arms.

Thanks to Question for the 999 + 388 reward! Thanks to my Benyi scumbag, milk, fish balls, and orange for the reward!

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In addition, I recommend a doomsday book "The Doomsday General" which has hundreds of thousands of words. You can go and have a look if you are short of books~

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