The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 415 It's Not That Easy To Escape

"I see, I'll head to the Hoenn Region as soon as the desert island is cleared.

Feng Che was worried about what excuse he could find to go to the Hoenn Region after the deserted island.

Now it is just right to use this mission to enter the Hoenn Region.

"Well, I look forward to your good news, Team Rocket's flag will eventually be planted all over the Pokémon world.

Giovanni finished speaking and hung up the communication.

"Levis, how far are we from the desert island now?"

Feng Che slapped Yawn and asked.

"Master Feng Che, we are still fifteen minutes away from the scheduled location, please be ready, Master Feng Che."

Levis said respectfully.


For this desert island exploration, Feng Che also brought a part of the second team of Pokémon over.

Darkrai's Pokémon eggs seem to have grown a bit after the events of Ilex Forest.

Lokia's Pokémon egg is still the same, always emitting a light blue light.

The Pokémon that Feng Che mainly trains this time are Deino, Beldum, Eevee, and Weedle.

Weedles are hatched from Pokémon eggs laid by the ancient Beedrill.

Feng Che specially selected Weedle, who has the most physical strength, for training.

The one-horned worm is three times the size of a normal Weedle, with three sharp horns on its head.

The whole body is covered with dense venomous thorns, and a sickle-like poisonous horn appears at the end of the tail.

It can quickly secrete venom to paralyze the enemy.

Feng Che also analyzed the venom, which was ten times stronger than the Common Beedrill venom.

Normal's Antidote potion will not remove the Weedle's poison.

Weedle has reached level 22 now, and he can be regarded as the main force of Feng Che's second line.

If it is cultivated again, it will definitely be able to cultivate a powerful ancient Beedrill.

"I hope these four little ones can get enough exercise on this island."

After Feng Che packed his luggage, the entire freighter stopped.

"Master Feng Che, we will be here waiting for the return of the Levis elite and the Ellie Wei elite.

"If you encounter any problems, please contact us by satellite phone in time."

The crew on the freighter said respectfully to Feng Che.

The crew lowered a speedboat from the freighter.

The speedboat is the Poseidon built by the largest shipyard in the Hoenn Region.

This kind of speedboat is famous for its speed. In order to increase the speed, the equipment strength of some security defenses was reduced, and the speed of the speedboat was brought to the extreme.

"Master Feng Che, because we have to cross the hidden reef and the area where the deep vortex is located."

"So we have to choose this speedboat, after it has been modified by the Rockets, its stability has been slightly improved.

"At the same time, it is also equipped with advanced missiles, Thunder Shock guns, fishing nets and other devices."

Levis introduced to Feng Che.

"I have a question, why don't we get to soybeans by helicopter?"

Feng Che asked puzzledly.

"Let me explain this."

The old captain said suddenly.

"There is a thick layer of dark clouds on the periphery of this deserted island, and there are countless thunder and lightning swimming in the dark clouds.

“When we were exploring deserted islands earlier, several helicopters were destroyed by Thunder Shock.™

"Later, we successfully landed on the island by using the seaway.

The old captain explained.

"This deserted island is in danger. No one in Normal will pay attention to this kind of place. It can be used as a secret base for our rocket team."

"So, at the beginning, Chief Giovanni wanted to plan to become the place where the Rockets exiled prisoners.

"It's a pity that after Giovannijin escaped from the desert island, the leader of the refuge changed his mind."

The old captain sighed.

Feng Che didn't say anything after listening to the old captain's explanation.

Afterwards, Feng Che directly used Psychic to take Ellie Wei and Levis Teleport to the speedboat.

"Let's sail."

The speedboat is driven by an experienced sailor.

Soon, the speedboat was started by the sailors, and the speedboat galloped away towards the distance.

Looking at the speedboat going away, the old captain suddenly showed a sullen smile on his face.

"Finally you were fooled, we finally attracted you.

"All this is to repay Lord Giovanni for saving his life."

"This speedboat will sail into the deepest underwater maelstrom on a deserted island."

"There is a special power in that vortex, and this special power can imprison the Psychic of the Psychic.

"Oh, Psychic, you will be buried in the bottom of the sea."

The old captain smiled proudly.

"I've surreptitiously disabled the satellite positioning function of the satellite phone."

"As long as Feng Che enters the deserted island, he will no longer be able to get in touch with the outside world.

"We set off for the Johto Region Region, to seek refuge with Lord Giovanni Tsu."

The old captain yelled loudly.

The speedboat is gradually approaching the submarine maelstrom.

Feng Che, I think it seems to suppress Psychic here.

Mewtwo suddenly felt an aura that made Mewtwo very disgusted.

"The space here is very unstable, and using Teleport here risks falling into the broken space."

Mewtwo reminded Feng Che.

At this moment, Feng Che suddenly heard a splash.

I saw that the sailor driving the speedboat suddenly jumped into the sea from the cab, and then disappeared.

"It's not good, Master Feng Che, after the sailors destroyed the control system of the speedboat, they jumped into the sea directly."

"Now we are infinitely close to the great whirlpool of the ocean floor."

Levis437 said anxiously.

At this moment, Feng Che saw countless Twisters that were touching the sky suddenly appear.

The entire speedboat is like a normal flat boat, floating in rough seas.

"It's not that easy to escape."

Feng Che snorted coldly.

Soon, the sailor who jumped into the sea was picked up from the sea by Mewtwo.

Mewtwo used Psychic to quickly read the memory of the sailor's mind, and understood the cause and effect.

"Feng Che, this captain is a servant of Jokizu."

"Giovanni was able to escape from the desert island, and the captain must have done a lot secretly."

"The sailor wanted to send us to the maelstrom of the seabed, and he destroyed the power system of the entire speedboat early on.

"Even if we use the powerful Pokémon, at such a short distance, we can't resist the strong suction of the vortex on the bottom of the sea."

"And that captain also destroyed our satellite communication system, trying to prevent us from getting in touch with the outside world."

Mewtwo said to Feng Che.

"I didn't expect Giovanni's poison to be so powerful."

"The entire Rockets team has been plowed by Giovanni several times, and there are still hidden loyalists."

"Very well, Giovanni Tsu, it's yours."

Feng Che sneered.

"Master Feng Che, what should we do? We don't have Flying and Water Pokémon in hand.

Levis said anxiously. .

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