The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 565 How To Enter The Ultimate Different Cave

"Captain Shiranui, are you ready?"

"Can we go?"

Feng Che said to Captain Shiranui.

"This, Feng Che Elite, has a small situation. The ship doctor on our ship suddenly developed a high fever and is now being admitted to the hospital for treatment.

"I am urgently contacting another ship doctor, but he is on vacation in Laverre City, and it will take some time before he reaches Coumarine City-"

Captain Shiranui said angrily.

"Oh, that's just a small problem, we'll just sail off, forgot to introduce, besides being an Elite trainer, I'm also a top Pokémon healer

"Come out, Venusaur."

Feng Che released Venusaur, and this huge Venusaur standing on the Cargo Ship actually made the draft of the Cargo Ship press down.

"This Venusaur of mine is good at Grassy Terrain, and it's easy to treat various intractable diseases, so you don't have to worry about your own safety."

After Feng Che finished speaking, he took back the Venusaur.

"Okay, then Feng Che Elite will be troubled."

Captain Shiranui said happily.

"I'll arrange to sail right away, please rest in the room I prepared for a while."

"Rhode, hurry up and greet the distinguished guests."

Captain Shiranui said to a sixteen or seventeen-year-old sailor with scorched skin.

The sailor walked up to Feng Che barefoot, showing a mouthful of neat white teeth.

"Hi, I'm Rhodes, I'm a Novice sailor, and I'll be in charge of your daily life from now on. y

There is a Wingull on Rod's shoulder, and this Wingull is snoring slightly.

"This Wingull is pretty good, but it lacks a trace element, which causes Wingull to often fall into lethargy Contest Condition.

Feng Che glanced at Wingull, and knew the abnormality on this Wingull.

"Just give it more peach fruit, peach fruit is a very common tree fruit.

Feng Che added a sentence.

"Thank you, honored guest, to be honest, Xiaopi has been in low spirits for the past few days, and I have been worried for a while.

Rhodes grinned.

"Come with me, this is the room we have packed.

Feng Che passed the freighter's warehouse. The warehouse was well organized, and all goods were placed in categories.

The floor was also waxed and looked very smooth.

"Captain Shiranui has very high requirements on the freighter, and he would rather spend a high price to maintain the freighter. Although this freighter has been in operation for more than ten years, it is no different from the factory just left the factory.

"We spend a lot of money to overhaul the freighter every year, so you don't have to worry about the safety of this ship."

Feng Che has also been on many freighters, but he has never seen someone take care of the freighter so neatly.

A faint scent of green grass wafted from the cabin, and Feng Che entered a neatly tidied room.

This room is not big, only 60 square meters, but it has a big TV and bathroom,

"I'm on duty on the deck, if you have anything to call me, please press the Red button, I will come as soon as I hear it.

After Rhode introduced to Feng Che, he walked to the deck to clean up.

"Feng Che, this captain is really different from Mikey, he has very strict requirements, and he can keep the cabin so clean, which is really rare.

Mewtwo couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Normal's cabin has a faint smell of salted fish, which is the smell emitted after the sea water falls on the cabin and evaporates.

Unless rinsed frequently with a clean Tolkowsky, there will always be this salty fish smell.

At this moment, a message came from Feng Che's communicator, and Feng Che received information from Yuan Na.

There are detailed information about the study of the Ultra Wormhole, as well as the detailed notes made by Migami when she visited her grandfather's hospital.

"Grandfather really disappeared in the Sun and Moon Altar, and the elite of the clan disappeared with him.

"Only one elite who stayed behind escaped the catastrophe and returned to Yuan's house to tell everything."

"The elite died of illness not long after."

After Feng Che read these materials, his fingers tapped on the table unconsciously.

"This should be a conspiracy against the Yuan family."

"But which force did it?"

"How can I enter the ultimate cave?"

Feng Che checked the understanding of some Trainers who somehow entered the ultimate different hole and broke out from the ultimate different hole.

These Trainers said that they would feel a strong suction force before entering the ultra-different hole, and the body would be pulled, just like kneading dough Normal.

After living in the ultimate different hole for a period of time, they walked out of the ultimate different hole again.

They say that the Ultra Cave is very barren, but there are places like Oasis Normal.

‥...seeking flowers...0

These oases are all occupied by powerful ultra-different beasts, and it is very difficult for human beings to live in the ultra-different caves.

"I don't know if my grandfather is still alive in the past twenty years."

"Live to see people, die to see corpses, I will pass this time to find out the truth of the ultimate strange hole.

Feng Che thought calmly.

At this time, there was a slight shaking in the cabin, and then Feng Che felt that the freighter had left the Coumarine City pier.

Feng Che stepped out of the cabin and looked at the sparkling sea.

White's waves slapped on the cargo ship, splashing countless water splashes.

Groups of Wingulls are hovering in the air, making rattling noises.

From time to time, a Wingull drilled into the water surface, and after a while, the Wingull emerged from the sea.


It flew high into the air with a silverfish in its mouth.

As the freighter continues to sail to the deep sea, hideous Gyarados are appearing on the sea.

When these Gyarados saw the Cargo Ship approaching, they raised their tails gently and greeted the cargo ship.

"These Gyarados are friends of our sea hunters, and they will shelter us at sea."

Rhodes walked over, and the Wingull on his shoulder opened his eyes, and this Wingull greeted Feng Che energetically.

At this moment, a huge Wailord swam over from afar.

{Wailord: I smell the breath of benefactor. }

After Feng Che heard the voice of Wailord, he took a closer look, isn't this the Wailord he saved on Death Island?

This Wailord took a deep breath of sea water and sprayed it out through the hole in its head.

A column of water shot up to the sky, and these sprays turned into rainbows under the sun.

"Haha, thank you, Wailord, your performance made me very happy.

Feng Che waved his hand at Wailord, who shouted loudly.

"This Wailord has also helped us a lot."

"It's very friendly to humans."

Rhodes laughed.

"Xiaopi, you need to grow up quickly, and help me become a powerful sea hunter.

Rhode's gaze turned to Wingull.

Sea hunters are a group of water trainers, they are proud of capturing powerful water Pokémon, and they are also experienced sailors. .

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