After being struck by lightning, a small branch-like scar appeared on my arm, and the CEO jumped between different personalities. No.

To be on the safe side, I stayed in the hospital for more than a month before being discharged smoothly.

Back at the president's house, I saw the black-clothed army who blamed themselves.

That day I wanted to knock down the president, but when I saw the president was studying, I left first. The little black brother looked at the luggage bag I brought and was suffering in his heart. He hesitated and let the president out to find I am, and there is the event of the President's awakening later.

The little black brother was once afraid that he was going to die, but after knowing that he would not die, he once again suspected that he was going to be fired.

I comforted the little black brother and promised to never fire the black suits.

In fact, I can't blame them, and the president doesn't know anything anyway.

Although personalities often change, the president has indeed lost his memory.

And the president's amnesia is very complete.

He forgot all the knowledge that I had tried so hard to teach him.

The former president with amnesia can still say "verygood" in fluent English, and now even the twenty-six English letters have to be taught from ABCD.

At the same time, the rainbow fart function that the president did not know where he developed it is getting more and more sophisticated.

For example, in the boss mode, I can't recite the words, and when I am about to go crazy, he will quickly switch to the cute mode, raise a pair of bright eyes and look at me with joy , "Although studying is very hard, but when I think of the experience with Xiaoshu, I feel that life is actually bitter and sweet, and there is more sugar than bitter."

Faced with such a well-behaved boy, how can I scold him?

The doctor told me that the president in the cute mode has only the intelligence equivalent of an eight-year-old child.

I believed it on the spot, because the president's IQ is about this level.

I also asked the doctor, why is the 8-year-old CEO only slightly lower in IQ, but he speaks like an adult, and he talks about small love words?

The doctor pondered for a long time and replied, "Well... it's probably a precocious child who has watched too many romance dramas."

If I hadn't known in advance that this doctor is a top neurologist in the country, I would have suspected that he had bought his medical certificate.

Don't lose your temper at a young child.

Therefore, the anger can only be held back in the stomach, and the anger has not dissipated, and it turned into a smile, and changed into a kindergarten teacher model to persuade with kind words, "Then President, you too Study hard, right?"

The arrogant boss snorted coldly, and ruthlessly brushed my hand away, "Woman, the one who dares to order me, you are the first."

I threw the book on the table, and was about to get angry and curse at the moment before I was on the verge of collapse.

The cute cut little star raised her head, "Little book, have I told you before that your eyes are big and beautiful?"

My anger, hold back!

It made my heart hurt.

But now I can't relax the education of the president, because the author has abandoned the pit, and in the future, the president will really support the Batian Group.

My life is like this day by day, bombarded by the boss mode and the cute mode in turn, rubbing it into a song of ice and fire mixed with pain and joy.

Oh yes, it was the second male who called me on the day of the end of the world. He was worried before confessing to the heroine. He read the author's latest chapter update and found that it was many days ago thing.

The author said in the author's words that the paper people in this world are too disobedient, she is too tired to write, she is going to fill the hole of another world where all members are obedient.

As a result, I feel that the burden on my shoulders is getting heavier and heavier. In the future, there will be no setting protection for the male number one. If the president continues to mess around, Batian Group will collapse sooner or later thing.

Sorry, President, even if you have a handsome face and eight-pack abs, no matter how cute and caring you are, it’s useless, you still have to learn.

I bought the little black brother, and two black suits took turns guarding the president, forcing him to study all night.

The next night, Batian Group took the lead and held a fundraising party for the previous natural disaster. Batian family and I were to attend.

The eight-year-old was overjoyed, and one day he could finally stop studying, and he was as happy as a free labor prisoner.


Only occasionally heard a few whispered complaints.

"It's a shame that I'm still doing so well, and I want to change my wish for this end-of-season assessment!"

"That's it! Me too! I knew it would not follow the plot!"

Generally speaking, everyone is relatively calm.

However, the attitude towards me has changed drastically.

I went from being a little secretary ignored by everyone to becoming the fiancée of President Batian.

Everyone looks at me with envy, suspicion, contempt, and more of a respectful look.



The pretentious exclamation and the poor acting fell.

There are also many women who see opportunity and take action.

For example, this lady who pretended to step on the hem of the evening dress and tried to fall on the shoulder of the president.

It's a pity that she was a cold president in the boss mode when she fluttered.

The president's eyes were sharp, he quickly turned sideways, and mercilessly avoided the fake attack.

I held up the goblet and swayed, leaning on the armrest and watching.

This popular little flower named Lu Paohui has appeared frequently recently.

The noisy crowd instantly quieted down, and countless cameras silently pointed in this direction.

I don't know how Lu Paohui is feeling now, maybe it's embarrassing.

Suddenly, the president bowed slightly, stretched out a hand to Lu Paohui's eyes, smiled kindly and apologetically, "Are you alright?"

The surprise of the onlookers was not much less than that of Lu Paohui, this is the president of Gao Lingzhihua! The president who has never shown kindness to any lady in public!

Does the president treat Lu Paohui differently? Maybe there is an unspeakable eight o'clock story between the two?

The eyes of the president, Lu Paohui, and me, waiting to watch the show, kept moving.

The hum of whispers around me was annoying.

What's the matter with the president, the cute mode doesn't open sooner or later, but it's online at this time.

I put down the wine glass, stepped forward and grabbed one hand, pulling it away.

I smiled hypocritically at Lu Paohui, turned my head and asked the eight-year-old in a warm voice, "President, be careful, do you remember what I said?"

The eight-year-old classmate pondered for several minutes, "Takecare!"

I took the president's arm and left with a smile.

I was too lazy to look at Lu Paohui.

Like this kind of girl, she looks beautiful, has a good figure, and has a good voice. All day long, he wants to marry into a wealthy family.

Married into a wealthy family? Hehe, is it that easy to get something for nothing? Don't even look at how tired I am.

Forget it, it's someone else's life choice, it's none of my business, and I don't need to think about it.

After patiently guiding the president to memorize a few words, I went to the bathroom, and the banquet hall became noisy when I came out.

It turned out that a large number of police uncles and business uncles in uniform came in, saying that they wanted to take the hostess' mother away to assist in the investigation.

It seems that the heroine still chooses to kill her relatives.

Aware of my gaze, the second male threw a bitter smile at me.

In order to avoid their embarrassment, I replied with an understanding expression and quickly looked away.


The eight-year-old idiot is still addicted to watching the fun, the silly child drinks wine like drinking Coke, and dries the wine in the glass in a few gulps, without realizing that he is about to You're going to be someone else's prey!


Why do the cannon fodder supporting actresses in Ba Zongwen drug the male protagonist!

Now that the society is ruled by law, where do they get their medicines!

My heart is in my throat, it is too late to stop the CEO from drinking. This fundraising dinner is hosted by Batian Group. This kind of thing may affect the fundraising results.

I'm still waiting for these celebrities to donate some money to the disaster area, no, I can't make it public for the time being.

I quickly pushed the crowd away, trying to run to the president's side.

At the same time, the uncle of the police and the uncle of the industry and commerce were taking the hostess and the accompanying staff out of the banquet hall, crowds of melon eaters and reporters crowded around.

When I finally squeezed into the position where the president and Lu Paohui were standing, they were no longer there.

I was so angry.

What does this woman want to do!

Will the next plot trend be a hit with a single shot, and she will secretly go abroad to conceive a child, and return to China to recognize her father with a young president who looks exactly like the president in six or seven years?

Then the president found out that she was seriously ill and had to change one or more of the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. For the sake of the child's mother, the president decided to disregard the result of the fit, and insisted on pushing my sad original partner out and giving her an organ replacement to save her life?


Will you pick one when I'm away!

Is it dead in front of my face?

A man who has not even eaten my mouth will never give you this brainless woman!

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: I don't like 2 bottles of live animals; I am very grateful for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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