Therefore, Mr. He has always been very tolerant towards Lin Qingwan. He often turns one eye and one eye shut. How can he be so mean and vicious to Mrs. Yao.

Otherwise, the social status of ancient women depends on their men. When a man is good enough, others will take care of it. This principle is not only at home, but also in the outside world.

As for Lin Qingwan and Yao Shi, both of them are gentle in nature, tolerant and gentle, and it is not easy for any conflicts to arise. After getting along for a long time, they gradually developed some unusual feelings.

As for the Wang family, Lin Qingwan had spent a long time together before realizing that she was also a superb.

At first, she thought that Wang was a little lazy, and that what He asked her to do would be diligent and pushy, and her face was always weird, especially when she and Yao were helping each other. when.

It was only later that I realized that Wang was really annoying.

Usually, when Wang's family was cooking, she either called Yao's help or asked her to help. At first, she didn't know Wang Shi's personality, and she thought that if her sister-in-law asked her to help, she would help, but it was nothing.

But after that, every time Mrs. Wang was doing family chores, she would ask for help. Either you would feed her pigs, you would feed her jī, or you would help her to water and fertilize her vegetable garden or something.

If she is really busy, others can understand. The key point is that when Wang asked Lin Qingwan to help her feed the pigs several times, Lin Qingwan realized that Wang had actually gone to sleep, and she felt as disgusting as swallowing a fly.

Then the next time Wang called her for help, she would not go.

This time, Wang Shi was not happy, and when he saw her, he stabbed her in a weird way. Said that she was disrespectful to her elders, but she shied away when her sister-in-law called her for help, that she was so delicate that no one could call her...

Lin Qingwan is not a soft bun either, she can be pinched by anyone. Every time Wang stabbed her with words, she either ignored her or pushed back.

After the two of them argued several times, they gradually stopped talking to each other unless it was necessary.


In the blink of an eye, it was autumn, and the people of the Yang family were gradually busy, because many things planted in the ground could be harvested in batches.

Luoxia Village belongs to the northern part of the country, the climate is cold, and the crops are all ripe once a year. Therefore, autumn is also the busiest period for the residents of Shiliba Village near Luoxia Mountain.

Lin Qingwan was not very familiar with the crops in the field from her previous life to this life, and she could not tell what was planted and what was not planted in Daxi Dynasty. She only knew that in Luoxia Village, the main crops are wheat, sorghum, millet, millet, corn, and some rapeseed. .

No one grows rice here, maybe the land is not suitable, and few people eat rice. If you want to eat it, you can, the rice shop in the town sells it, but it will be more expensive than other grains.

The staple foods here are sorghum rice, millet (millet), millet rice (similar to millet, but larger than millet, commonly known as huáng rice), and cornmeal. As for wheat, there are quite a lot of people here, but white flour is a fine grain, and the villagers are reluctant to eat it by themselves, so they all grow it and sell it for money.

The Yang family first harvested wheat, and after the wheat was harvested, other crops such as sorghum, peanuts, milo, corn and millet followed.

When it was time for the autumn harvest, the Yang family members were all adults and children. Except for Mrs. He and Ermei Yang, who stayed at home to cook and watched a few young children, including the two 10-year-old boys in the big room, they all had to go to the fields. help.

Of course, there is an exception, that is Yang Xuezhang.

Although the autumn harvest time, the college also gives the students the autumn harvest holiday. But Yang Xuezhang didn't have to go to the ground. One reason was that He was reluctant, and the other reason was that after each autumn harvest, the county examination in the county was about to start, and Yang Xuezhang had to prepare for the exam and review his homework.

Lin Qingwan really couldn't get a sickle to harvest, so her task was to tie the harvested wheat with straw, and then move it to the ox cart. There are also the ears of wheat that fell from the field when they were harvested.

Autumn tigers nüè nüè the earth, and the farmers who are still harvesting in the fields don't dare to complain that the sun is too big even if they are sunburned and their skins peel off.

Because the sun is very good, this way, the harvested grain can be quickly stored in the sun. Rain is not good, because once the rain wets the grain, the grain will sprout and cannot be eaten.

Lin Qingwan wore a straw hat on her head, and her body was tightly wrapped, even her face was covered with cloth, only one eye was exposed. Most of the young women in the field are dressed like this, because they will not only get tanned but also get sunburned because they are tanned by the sun.

Several men in the Yang family were sunburned, and Lin Qingwan found a peeling spot on Yang Tiezhu's body. This is just the beginning of the autumn harvest, I really don't know what it will be like after the autumn harvest.

Lin Qingwan carried a basket on her back and bent over to pick up wheat ears in the ground.

Because wheat is harvested from ridge to ridge, and it is harvested from the beginning to the end, sometimes it will inevitably fall into the field. Her and Wang's task was to follow the harvesters in front and pick up all the fallen ears of wheat, while Yao took a sickle and went to harvest with the men.

Lin Qingwan picked up the wheat ears with the simple gloves she made, and when she had collected enough, she threw it into the frame behind her. Wang Shi was picking it up not far from her.

Wang Shi wiped his sweat while picking it up, and soon became exhausted. She sat on the ground with her buttocks, and she didn't care whether she would get her clothes dirty.

Second brother and sister, you are so delicate. You are so tightly wrapped, you are afraid of getting sunburned.

Because of her unbearable heat, it was stuffy and hot, and her whole body was soaked with sweat.

Where are these two stinky boys, Dalang Erlang, their mother and I are still working hard here, these two boys ran away...

Lin Qingwan ignored her and continued to pick up with her head stuck.

She was too tired to speak, for fear that as soon as she spoke, her energy would dissipate, and she would slump on the ridge like Wang.

You didn't even say that you would make a pair for your sister-in-law with the cover on your hand, but you're really stingy. Mrs. Wang sat there and fanned the wind with a face covering cloth, and regardless of Lin Qingwan's ignorance of her, there was nothing to say. Saying one sentence.

Lin Qingwan rolled her eyes, but still ignored her. The Wang family is jealous of other people's things, and will always take care of you, secretly or secretly. If you don't give it to her, you will feel bad in your heart.

At the beginning, she was asked for several feet by Wang's, and she didn't know what Wang's character was at that time. You said that my sister-in-law said that the children at home have no cloth to make clothes, and said that the color of your cloth is really suitable for my family. Do you think you can not give it to her?

Well, the first time she gave. The second time Wang changed another Lang, and then she gave it again. The third time she came again, Lin Qingwan finally became angry and said with a face that she had no clothes to wear, or her sister-in-law would make a cloth for her. At that time, the Wang family left angrily...but——

However, within a few days, Wang saw that she had made Yang Tiezhu a new suit of coarse cloth that she usually wears, and she came to ask her if there was any extra cloth, so that she could make Yang Tieshuan a suit...

Lin Qingwan sometimes wondered if Wang was a cockroach. No matter how she refuses, the next time she likes something from you, she will continue to ask you for something like nothing...

Lin Qingwan didn't understand what kind of person Wang was until now.

To use the colloquial words of her previous life to describe it, Mrs. Wang is like a scorpion-toad-toad crawling on your feet, she won't do anything to you, but she can just disgust you to death.

Mr. Wang got up from the ground, supported his waist, and walked towards the shade of the tree where the water jug ​​was placed.

Oops, I'm so thirsty, I'll go get some water.

Lin Qingwan still ignored her and let her talk to herself. She finally couldn't hold it any longer, and sat on the ground, panting. After sitting on the hot ground for a while, he stood up and continued to pick it up.

Suddenly remembering that she hadn't heard Wang's words for a long time, she turned her head to look under the shade of the tree where the water jug ​​was placed, where there were still people in the shade.

It seems that Wang also ran away. She snorted inwardly.

After picking it up for a while, Lin Qingwan felt that her hands and feet were out of order.

At this time, Yao shi suddenly came over and greeted her.

Second sister-in-law, don't pick it up, go and have a rest.

Lin Qingwan straightened up and looked forward, only to see the men walking back. Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, and then she stood up and waited for the dizziness in her head to pass.

Suddenly being picked up by someone with a basket on her back, Lin Qingwan's eyes darkened for a while, only to realize that the person holding her was Yang Tiezhu.

Daughter-in-law, are you okay, are you tired?

Yang Tiezhu didn't care whether others saw it or not, he only knew that his daughter-in-law was about to lose her footing, so he quickly picked her up and walked under the shade of the tree.

Lin Qingwan didn't have the strength to struggle, and let Yang Tiezhu hold her. When she came to the shade, she broke free.

I'm fine, it's just that I've been bending over for a long time, and my head is a little dizzy and my eyes are blurry.

That's good, come and drink some water. Yang Tiezhu took a water bottle and handed it over.

Lin Qingwan looked at the man's dark face and peeled mouth, and pushed the jug over.

You drink first.

She undid the cloth covering her face and took out the handkerchief to wipe her sweat. Her whole body is now sweaty, and all the clothes inside are sticking to her body.

After wiping his own, he rubbed it on Yang Tiezhu again. The sweat on Yang Tiezhu's face was actually not much, because all of it became a thin white thing that stuck to the skin.

Lin Qingwan knew that it was the result of the evaporation of the salt in her body, so she secretly decided that when she went to the ground tomorrow, she would put boiled water with salt added in the water tank.

☆, Wang was punished

Yang Tiezhu smiled brightly and let his daughter-in-law wipe his sweat. Seeing that she was done, he quickly put the water can to her mouth for her to drink.

Yao shi sat next to them and looked at them enviously.

Seeing his daughter-in-law like this, Yang Tiegen quickly handed over the water jug ​​in his hand.

Daughter-in-law, you drink too.

Yao shi blushed and gave him an angry look, her face was always pale and cowardly, seldom shy.

After Yang Tiesuan poured water into his mouth fiercely, he collapsed to the ground.

Father, why don't you cut it in the afternoon? We'll talk about it tomorrow.

Mr. Yang sat on the ground and stared, Tomorrow tomorrow? Can we wait for tomorrow to harvest the crops? Why don't you hurry up and harvest while the weather is good?

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