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Chapter 273: Zhang Zi is gone

General Li took a pot of wine and handed it to Zi An. "Take a sip."

Zi An took it and drank three times in a row. The spirits rolled down his throat all the way to his stomach. The stomach burst into a burning sensation, and his whole body became warmer.

Zi An handed the wine back to General Li, and then said: "Ni Rong was bitten once a few days ago, but he used some herbal medicine outside the city. The herbal medicine was chewed. This time, he was bitten without any disease. , We thought it was not a zombie patient who bit him. But a few days ago, before I entered the epidemic area, he was bitten again, and there were three others who were bitten with him. The situation at that time was very similar to tonight, One of the bitten is a family member, one is a guard, and the other is Ni Rong. The other two are now under the control of my acupuncture and arsenic, and temporarily suppressed the disease, and Ni Rong showed no signs of illness. "

Rou Yao only understood why she would prevent the Lu family from entering the ancestral hall to see Li Er tonight.

She said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't question your decision."

General Li asked: "That is to say, after you used arsenic as a medicine, only Ni Rong was better?"

Zi Andao: "I still have to study the pharmacology. According to my previous treatment, arsenic does work, but it cannot be cured."

She stood up, "Okay, don't talk, I have prescribed the medicine, it is poisonous, although it does not have much effect, but although let them drink it, once the illness occurs, it is difficult to drink water."

There is a similarity between this zombie disease and rabies, that is, hydrophobia will appear. After the flying needle treatment, although this symptom is relieved, it is still difficult to feed water.

Everyone was busy, and bowls of soup and medicine were brought in. The four people who had just been bitten had no symptoms. Like normal people, they could drink water by themselves, but the others had to be irrigated.

Since medicine and soup can be fed, no one was sent out horizontally after the fight came.

However, everyone knows that this is only temporary.

According to previous records, symptoms usually appear in two to three days, so on the day after they were bitten, General Li tied them up.

However, until the third day, they still did not show any symptoms, even the eyes were not red, and the bite wound began to heal and scab.

This is something I haven't seen before. Although Wang Dasao and the bodyguard didn't go mad to bite, their eyes were very red, and the wounds had been ulcerated without scabs.

"What's the matter? They were clearly bitten, but the wound was crusted, and there were no symptoms." Rouyao County Master asked Zi An in surprise.

Zi An has been flipping through the records. Their situation has been written on them for the past three days, and she has been looking at it. There are indeed no symptoms.

A light suddenly flashed in Zi'an's mind, saying: "Look at it first, I will leave for two days first."

"Where are you going?" Asked the owner of Rouyao County.

"Verify some things." Zi An picked up the medicine chest and left.

"But you have to come back today. The prince will send someone to inspect today. Are you afraid that you are not present?" General Li shouted from her back.

Zi'an didn't come back. The prince brought people to inspect and found Xia Zi'an here.

The prince did not want to come, but Mrs. Liang and the queen strictly ordered him to come. This is the epidemic area and is the most concerned place in Beijing today. If he appears here to care about poverty and patients, he is not afraid of zombies and can be established among the people Good reputation.

After the prince went back, he told the prince that Xia Zi'an was not in the epidemic area.

Tai Fu narrowed his eyes, "Is it back to Chen's small courtyard?"

"I don't know. I'm not there anyway," the prince said sullenly. "This stone village is dirty. This palace will go back to bathe and clean up immediately. These clothes have to be thrown away."

Seeing him like this, Taifu waved his hand in trouble, "Go, go."

Zi'an did return to the Chen's small courtyard, but he didn't stay for long, but left after applying needles to Wang Yu.

Everyone thought that she had returned to Shitou Village, and Shitou Village thought she had returned to the small courtyard. She didn't show up until two days before General Li ordered someone to look for her in the small courtyard.

There was anxiety over the small courtyard, and Su Qing sent someone to look for it, and he went back and told Murong Jie.

When Su Qing came, Murong Jie happened to be back from the barracks with the military department Shang Shu, and the barracks are now under investigation, which is very cumbersome.

"Xia Zi'an is gone." Su Qing said in a low voice.

Murong Jie glanced at Su Qin, and then ordered the Ministry of Defense Shang Shu, "You can tell the king about the result of the investigation."

"Yes, the Weichen retired first." Shang Shu of the Ministry of Armed Forces went away.

Murong Jie looked at the military department Shang Shu and asked Su Qing, "What does it mean to be missing? Is it not in the epidemic area or in the small courtyard?"

"Not in the Chen family's small courtyard, nor in the epidemic area." Su Qingdao.

"Will you return to Xiangfu?" Murong asked, frowning.

"It shouldn't be. What's going back to Xiangfu at this time?"

Murong Jie thought about it, she really had no place to go, and, during the treatment, she would not wander around, there must be something important.

"Xiao Tuo? Let Xiao Tuo take someone to look for it. When you come in, this king has something to tell you." Murong Jie stepped forward.

Su Qing followed, "What's the matter?"

"In order to avoid running on both sides of Zi'an, Ben Wang intends to send the patients in the military camp and Northwest Street to Shitou Village. Ben Wang will also order the doctors of the Huimin Department and two doctors to enter the epidemic area to cooperate with Zi'an to carry out the epidemic the study."

"Unified management is also good, but in this way, if Xia Zi'an didn't think of a good way, Liang Taifu would definitely ask to burn the village. At that time, there is no way to use other places as an excuse." Su Qing worried.

Murong said coldly: "He said that he would burn the village, must this king permit it?"

"I'm afraid that one hundred officials will be forced, and the prince can't agree with it unless you plan to stand in the crowd and act arbitrarily."

Murong Jie lifted his chin slightly, making the lines of his face harder. "How about arbitrariness? Don't they all evaluate the king like this?"

Su Qing listened to this and thought for a while, and felt that now it is useless to serve softly. It is better to be tougher. He said: "Well, I will go to Xiao Tuo, what about Xiao Tuo?"

With such a reminder from Su Qing, Murong Jie remembered that Xiao Tuo had not seen Xiao Tuo in two days.

"Are you in Fuzhong? This king hasn't seen him in two days."

Su Qingdao said: "I'll let people go to him, he is yin and yang, and now I don't like to see him."

Murong Jie said angrily: "Isn't it because of Chen Liuliu? Is that something worth your quarrel?"

"Chen Liuliu? He doesn't like Liuliu, what's wrong with me?" Su Qing pouted.

"Do you really like Chen Liuliu?" Murong frowned.

Su Qing smiled, "Liu Liu has a good temperament. If she can't marry, I will marry her."

Having finished speaking, he turned away.

Murong Jie thought of Rou Yao, then shook his head, these things had nothing to do with him, do not care!

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