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Chapter 443 Forced Palace

The man was wearing golden armor and a black embroidered python cloak. His silver hair was rolled up, his face was majestic, his hand held a long whip, and he was stern.

Behind her, followed by the twelve sons of the Chen family, all dressed in uniforms. Behind them, Jin Getiema, as if the palace gate was the battlefield.

It was Chen Taijun who led Chen Jiajun to come to support.

Don't look at the old lady's advanced age, but sitting on the high-headed horse, it still looks heroic, and the majesty can't hold down any generals.

She drove through the crowd and sat on the horse. She looked down at Taifu and Nanhuai King with a sneer. "Taifu made sense. As a court humerus minister, he should stabilize the hearts of the people and calm down the rumors. It has been ascertained that the rumors came from the mouths of the prince and Liang Peng. Then please ask the crown prince to act decisively, dispose of the prince and Liang Peng, and settle the people's hearts. "

"You old thing, you are talking nonsense, making rumors," the prince was furious and actually reached out to pull Mr. Chen. "You roll down, this palace is standing, why do you sit on horseback and talk to this palace?"

Chen Taijun kicked over and scolded, "Today, the old man not only has to pierce the prince's stupidity and incompetence, but also beats you to be unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unjust."

Wu Dinghou ’s eldest son Lu Dingwei stood up and said coldly: "Old lady, we all respect you as a veteran of the Three Dynasties, and once made a military exploit for Da Zhou, but you have to be here to take pride in your merits. In the world of your Chen family, you must prevail and return to your Chen Mansion, so as not to be disgraceful. "

Chen Taijun glanced at him coldly, "who the old man thought he was, was originally a deserter of the Wu'an Hou family."

Lu Dingwei was furious, and said humbly: "I am not a deserter."

Chen Taijun said coldly: "Isn't it? Who was frightened by the enemy's army and fled in the first battle of Huaibei in the end, and finally fooled the emperor under the pretext of enticing the enemy? The Lu family's face was completely lost by you, and you dare today Is there trouble? If you are the old one, go back and hide in your mother's womb to avoid being ashamed. "

Ruding Wei said angrily: "Since the emperor has pardoned my innocence, it can prove that I am not fleeing. Do you mean that the emperor is also blinded by our ignorance and ignorance? Or do you Chen's family have already triumphed and questioned the emperor's decision? "

"The emperor cares about the reputation of your ancestors and ancestors of the Lu family. I cannot bear the prestige of the Lu family in your hands. If the emperor knows that you will commit chaos today, I am afraid that I will regret the fact that I opened up to your Lu family net."

Liang Peng coldly said: "Chen Taijun, you have retired. Don't blend in today's things, lest you can't guarantee it later."

Chen Taijun narrowed his eyes and looked at Liang Peng. Before Liang Liang was in the crowd, she couldn't see it.

"I didn't expect you to come to blend in. The old man was really disappointed with you. It was simply stupid." Chen Taijun shook his head. It seemed that they were sure that the emperor had a ghost face sore, and he would retreat from death to death.

Moreover, collusion with the King of Nanhuai really has no bottom line.

Liang Peng said with a blank expression: "The emperor got ghost face sores, which was seen by the palace and the prince. It is well known that the ghost face sores are the dissatisfaction of the heavens. The palace is just to disturb the chaos, and it is also a way of heaven."

Chen Taijun laughed in the sky, "Anyway, chaos for the sky?"

She stepped forward and looked around at the ministers, with a cold voice, "You are all court ministers, deeply empressed by the emperor, but now instigated by the villain, intending to rebel, this is a big crime of copying the family and killing the genocide, you really have to catch the rumor Is it his own net worth? "

Everyone listened to Chen Taijun's words and could not help seeing each other face to face. These two words of rebellion could not be afforded by them.

Mr. Liang sneered, "Chen Taijun is alarming and alarming. The emperor is suffering from ghost sores. He is a tyrant who acts as a tyranny. I will support the prince to ascend to the throne. The prince is also a Murong family.

Zhuangzhuang sneered: "You are now convinced that the emperor has a ghost face sore? Didn't you just say that there are rumors in the market, do you just want the emperor to come out to calm down the rumors? As a Taifu, do you talk upside down and talk about your face?"

Tai Fu Yin Yun said authentically: "Princess, it has not been confirmed before, but did you not listen to the prince and Liang Peng? They saw it with their own eyes. The prince and Liang Piao, one is the emperor's parent-child, and the other is the emperor's bedside person. , They do n’t talk nonsense? "

Chen Taijun said coldly: "The old man doesn't like people like you, dare to do it or not, and rebel to rebel. Why do you have to build a frame and set up a torii? Does the emperor have a ghost face sore, even if there is no regent? Are you there? Where is your turn to yell here? "

Tai Fu coldly said: "The prince is wrong, if the emperor suffers from ghost sores, then he will no longer have the right to establish the regent, which can be overturned."

The old lady raised her face and said angrily: "You mean, if the emperor suffers from ghost sores, he is not the emperor? Do you mean that? Who gave you the power to dethrone the emperor? The old bitch, are n’t you afraid to cut the door when you say this? You ’re not afraid, but dragging so many courtiers to rebel with you, harming your life and sins Wan Qian. "

The old lady rebelled bit by bit, slashing through the door, and indeed deterred some people.

Indeed, even if the emperor suffers from ghost sores, is he still the emperor? If he does not retreat, he will not retreat even if the ministers are pressing, he is in power, and the military power is in hand. There are many people who follow him in the middle of the DPRK.

Now, don't you understand the attitude of the Chen family? And Murong Jie, these are the people who hold the military power in their hands.

Mrs. Liang was very angry with her wicked words, "The old lady is self-respecting, not full of swear words, vulgar and interesting. The official does not have to talk to you more, if you do not retreat, you will violate the heavens and the prince will reign in the future. The Chen family was the first to suffer. "

Mr. Chen laughed, "If the prince ascends to the throne, my Chen family will rebel first. The prince is incompetent, ignorant, and held by your prince. Even if you become an emperor, it is just a puppet. The queen looked pretty clever in the past, but I did n’t expect to be so ignorant and stupid at this time, and she helped you to seize Jiangshan. When she regretted her and cried, as for Liang Taifu, you were a bit clever and said you were stupid. It ’s not wise to be clever. The king of Nanhuai is forcing the palace with you. What did they say? The gun shot a bird, think about it, no matter how anxious, you should n’t be in a hurry, if the emperor really suffered from ghost sores, the day would be Not much, you can't even wait for this? It has cost you many years of planning. "

Nanhuai King said lightly: "Chen Taijun is going to provoke alienation. The king and the prince are not allies to force the palace. They just want to know the truth. If the emperor is really a ghost sore, there are people who can be treated by the king. That's all."

Taijun sneered and looked at Liang Taifu, "Have you heard? This is the wise man. In the future, he will not be able to count the accounts, but it will be your Liang family, just wait for the bad luck."

Mr. Liang gave Nanhuai a complicated look. He naturally knew that Nanhuai and Guifeifei were cunning, but this time he forced the palace to support the crown prince to become king. Of course, Nanhuai would not do his best, because the two would still fight for the throne. He will retain his strength, and he can only force him after he can really force the emperor to abdicate.

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