The Prodigies War

Chapter 176 Final Examination

Hearing this, Xu Sanqi asked back, "How many other students in the camp do you think need us to help cover up their secrets?"

Xiao Ke thought about it and understood. 【Love ↑ go △ small ↓ say △ net .ai qu xs】

At present, of the 42 students in the camp, except for a few people such as Lin Xun and Li Duxing, everyone else has a profound background, and there is no need for them to do anything extra.

Xu Sanqi said: "Lin Xun is different, he is the most special student in this blood killing camp, not only has the potential beyond imagination, more importantly, the spirit pattern he has mastered is too incredible, Whether it is the transformation of the Ziying warship or the refining of the Flying Star Crossbow, they are all top-notch weapons in the world.

In just a few words, it was revealed that Xu Sanqi did not trust the big figures in the empire, and was even full of resistance!


Lin Xun didn't know that some of the special things he showed had already attracted Xu Sanqi's attention, and he even gave him a certain degree of protection.

Whether this protection is good or bad can only be seen later.

The training went on every day. When Lin Xunxiu reached the perfect level of the ninth realm of true martial arts, and the eighth soul star was lit up in the sea of ​​consciousness, there were only three days left before the one-year training period for the blood-killing camp.

At the end of the day's training, Xiao Ke suddenly said: "Tomorrow will have the last round of assessment, and the 30 students who passed the assessment will enter the Hu of Hua Gang to cultivate."

Lin Xun was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized that, before he knew it, he had been in the blood killing camp for nearly a year.

That night, Lao Mo's warehouse.

When Lin Xun was eating, he keenly noticed that Xiaoman was a little absent-minded, and couldn't help asking: "Miss Xiaoman, you seem to be in a bad mood?"

Xiaoman sighed faintly: "Don't worry about me, you have a good taste and preparation for tomorrow's assessment, there are only three days left, if you are eliminated at this time, it is too worthless."

Lin Xun hummed and ate silently.

Xiaoman felt that the atmosphere was a little dull, and couldn't help asking: "Chiu Chiu hasn't woken up yet?"

Lin Xun nodded, since this little guy swallowed the black animal tooth, he has been living in his palm, unable to sleep.

"Looks like,

That black animal tooth is indeed a remarkable treasure. [Love ↑ go to △ Xiao ↓ say △ qu xs]" Xiao Man thought thoughtfully.

Lin Xun stared at Xiaoman and said, "Sister Xiaoman, although I may leave the blood killing camp soon, if you have any trouble, be sure to tell me."

Words are calm and serious.

Xiaoman was stunned, and after a long while he sneered: "Just because you want to help me solve the trouble?"

Lin Xun didn't seem to be hit, and his expression became more serious: "But at least I will do my best and not frown."

Xiaoman hummed, then got up and walked out of the warehouse: "You have a good rest, if you are eliminated in tomorrow's assessment, I will not recognize your brother again."

Lin Xun watched Xiaoman's figure leave, and finally shook his head, no longer thinking about it.


Lin Xun didn't notice that the moment Xiaoman turned to leave the warehouse, there were wisps of water mist in Xiaoman's eyes.

She walked alone in the night, and the light wind blew her soft and smooth long, with a hint of coolness.

"This little bastard is quite emotional. It's too bad. When he leaves the blood killing camp, I don't know how many girls will be deceived by him in the future."

Xiaoman whispered softly.

because Lin

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Looking for a sentence made her emotionally turbulent and uncontrollable. It had been many years, and she had never experienced this feeling again.

Suddenly, Xu Sanqi's hard, sword-like voice came from the night: "This training session will end soon, you really don't plan to have a relationship with the Blood Killing Camp?"

Xiaoman froze all over, the tears in his beautiful eyes evaporated in an instant, and said pitifully, "Why, Xu Tou, do you want to drive me away?"

Xu Sanqi's spear-thin figure appeared, glanced at Xiaoman, and said, "I'm not kidding, the points you won in the last bet are enough to get you out of the blood-killing camp completely, and you don't have to bear the burden of the empire. The entrusted responsibility, the opportunity is this time, you should think about it."

"Don't think about it."

Xiaoman said without hesitation: "I choose to stay in the blood killing camp. As for this quota...let it be left to Xiaoke."

Xu Sanqi's blade-like eyes narrowed suddenly, and she said in a deep voice, "You should know that if Xiaoke leaves, she will go to the Forbidden City immediately to settle the grievance that year. Are you mentally prepared?"

There was a hint of sadness on Xiaoman's beautiful face, and he was stunned for a while before gritting his teeth: "I have done something wrong back then, and I don't want to let this wrong thing continue."

Xu Sanqi stared at Xiaoman for a long time, and finally nodded: "The path is yours to choose, I hope you don't regret it then."

After all, he turned to leave.

Xiaoman sat alone in the dark, looking at the night sky in the distance, and suddenly there was a sense of relief in his heart.

After so many years, it's time to let it go!


Early the next morning.

Lin Xun and other 42 students were called up, led by Xu Sanqi, and entered a huge venue.

This venue is very special. The ground is paved with dark and smooth rocks, and the surface is imprinted with mysterious spiritual patterns. Under the sunlight, it transpires with a dreamlike luster.

Thirty stone pillars stand in the center of the site. Each stone pillar is nine feet high and pitch black, like a giant sword inserted into the sky.

A group of students stood in the field, only to feel an indescribable solemn aura coming towards their faces, which made them all tremble in their hearts and did not dare to make a noise.

"These thirty stone pillars represent thirty passages into the Astral Lake!"

Xu Sanqi's first sentence attracted the minds of the students in the audience, and when he looked at the stone pillars, his eyes were already fiery.

They entered the blood killing camp training, and the ultimate goal is not to enter the Hu of Gangs?

Now, the opportunity is in front of you!

"This assessment is also your last assessment in the Blood Killing Camp. The method of assessment is very simple. Students who snatch the thirty stone pillars and fail to grab the stone pillars can choose to challenge any student who has snatched the stone pillars. Time It is an hour. When the time is over, students who still haven’t grabbed the stone pillar will be eliminated from the competition!”

Xu Sanqi quickly introduced the rules of this assessment, "Remember, you can't fight in groups, you can only challenge one-on-one! Except for combat weapons, other auxiliary items such as short crossbows and poisonous mists are not allowed!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the field became tense.

There are a total of 42 students in the field, but there are only 30 stone pillars, which means that 12 people are destined to be eliminated in this assessment!

Now there are only three days left before the training of the blood killing camp. At this last moment, who will be willing to be eliminated from the game?


Lin Xun heard

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This kind of simple assessment rules can not help but be a little surprised. It takes an hour to compete for the ownership of the thirty stone pillars. This seems simple, but when you think about it carefully, it is actually extremely dangerous.

If a student occupied the stone pillar, but was challenged by others and took away the stone pillar, the losing party would be very difficult to regain the situation.

But at the same time, the winning side will also face a crisis, because he has already fought a battle, and his physical strength will inevitably be exhausted. For those students who have not yet grabbed the stone pillar, it has become the best competition target.

With such a deduction, in this assessment, the battle is not only as simple as the combat power, but also the consumption of physical strength!

"Now, the assessment begins!"

Xu Sanqi spoke in a deep voice.

Whoosh whoosh!

Before the sound fell, the students who had been waiting for them rushed towards the thirty stone pillars in the center of the venue like arrows from the strings.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

All of them showed their milk-feeding energy, and wanted to occupy a stone pillar for the first time.


A student had just stepped on the stone pillar, and before he had time to be happy, someone next to him killed him, forcing him to retreat from the stone pillar with a slap.

Soon, scenes like this started one after another.

Lin Xun was also among them, even the first group to rush to a stone pillar, but there were three students competing with him.

The battle inevitably broke out. As soon as he stepped on the stone pillar, a stout young man shouted loudly: "Get down!"

Accompanied by the sound, the stout boy had already punched Lin Xun.

With a wave of Lin Xun's sleeve robe, he made an understatement and sent the stout young man flying out, falling to the ground, screaming in pain.

Seeing this, the other two students immediately showed fear and glared at Lin Xun before turning to choose another target.

Lin Xun stood on the stone pillar and looked around, and an interesting scene suddenly appeared.

Bai Lingxi, Zhao Yin, Li Duxing, and Changsun Hen had already occupied a stone pillar at this moment, but none of them went to challenge them.

Obviously, everyone knows that to snatch Bai Lingxi's stone pillar is no different from hitting a stone with an egg.

In the same way, Lin Xun also found that many students who did not grab the stone pillar would also hesitate when their eyes swept over him, and finally did not dare to come.

This made Lin Xun realize that now in the blood killing camp, he has indeed possessed a certain power, so that other students dare not attack.

The chaos in the field did not last long, and calm returned. Thirty students each occupied a stone pillar, and the remaining twelve students also became vigilant. Instead of rashly shooting, they were observing and choosing the most suitable Compete for goals.

What surprised Lin Xun was that this guy Ning Meng didn't grab the stone pillar. He was staring at him and choosing his opponent carefully.

When Lin Xun noticed the burning fighting spirit in Ning Meng's eyes, and the excited look on his face, he was speechless for a while, and completely understood that Ning Meng was intentional!

The reason why he did this was to find an opportunity to fight fiercely!

"This assessment seems a little too easy..."

In the distance, some instructors whispered, feeling that this assessment was a little calm, and there was nothing to watch.

"It's just the beginning, and the real good show is about to begin."

Xu Sanqi said calmly.


ps: I still owe 2 more updates. Ask for a monthly ticket for encouragement~

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