The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 5 5 Tal'darim Attack

Chapter 5 5. Tal'darin's Attack

The news of the Ancient Saint's resurrection was difficult to conceal, because when he was resurrected, the powerful spiritual energy quickly stirred up thousands of waves in the Kara network, and almost all the protoss immediately felt this long-lost secret in their genes. feeling, and they immediately understood that their former creator was back.

Just in the afternoon of that day, a large number of Ayr citizens gathered around the Great Pyramid in the center of the city, hoping to see the ancient saint who only existed in legends and myths. This caused serious traffic jams and even caused some citizens to As a result, they were trampled and injured. In the end, they had no choice but to dispatch the Templars to maintain order to avoid further expansion of the situation.

But now Gray has no way to leave the temple, because he now needs a body that can store himself. Otherwise, if you walk out with absolute spiritual power, it will be equivalent to leaving the barrier created by this ancient sanctuary. Here, he can still be protected by the barrier, but once he leaves here, his spiritual power will be instantly discovered by the evil gods of the subspace. In other words, they have discovered it but have no way to do anything to him for the time being, so he is now In urgent need of a body to preserve his soul. While the Kalai protoss was still worried about this matter, Neslam already had an option for this body.

It turns out that a mechanical body made by Xel'Naga, another creator of the protoss, was originally discovered on the home of the Dark Templars. This powerful nanorobot has been secretly protected by the Dark Templars to prevent this. Ancient relics are under the prying eyes of other factions. But now that the Ancient Saint has awakened, the Dark Temple is willing to make all sacrifices in order to allow its former creator and god to walk on the earth again.

Early the next morning, the precious cargo, escorted by a fleet of ships, left Shakuras, the mother of the Black Templars, bound for Aiur. But when they were about to arrive at the entrance to the Webway, the Webway gate in front of them suddenly flickered and lost its original energy.

Rashagar, who was standing on the bridge of the mothership, saw this scene and turned around and asked the engineer next to him.

"What's going on? Is there a problem with the network channel? Contact the port and ask them to send an engineering ship to repair it immediately."

"But Patriarch, we seem to have lost contact!"


After hearing this, Rashagar immediately felt that something was wrong and immediately ordered

"All ships go to the jump point, we're going to cross the channel!"

But it was too late to react at this time. A large number of black and red battleships suddenly appeared in the airspace of the jumping point. This huge death fleet was Tal'darin's fleet. Rashagal was furious when she saw this group of damned and dirty pirates and traitors appearing here. At this time, an Odessa next to him said

"Ma'am, we have received Tal'darin's communication signal. Are you connected?"

After hearing this, Rashagar shook the hem of her skirt angrily and said

"Take it."

Soon, a face of a pale star wearing black armor appeared on the golden screen. As soon as she saw this face, Rashagar immediately understood who she was facing. She gritted her teeth and said

"Aranak, what do you want to do?! Don't you know what mission we are on?"

The high-ranking lord in front of him sneered and said lazily.

"Of course I know, Rashagar. That's why my master specially asked me to come here to take care of him."

The psychic power of the ancient saint's resurrection does not only require Kara to receive. In fact, it is a combination of psychic genes that exists in all protoss, even the delirious Tada who has absorbed the terrestrial transformation for a long time. Lins can also receive it.

After hearing his words, Rashagar laughed angrily and said coldly

"Oh, your response method is really unique. Can you remove the interference to the webway and let us leave? The Ancient Sage is still waiting for our arrival."

But Alarak in front of her said something that made her fall into an ice cave.

"Do you understand what "response" means? It means, give this thing to us, and we will send it to Ayr."

After hearing this, Rashagar said without hesitation

"Don't even think about it!"

Rashagar will never allow these fallen compatriots to go to the holy land of the race. Al, as the protoss' home planet, will never allow it to be tainted in this way! And God knows whether they are going to escort the divine body, or are they going to Ayr to do something dirty?

Alarak finally took off his disguise after hearing Rashagar's firm refusal and sneered.

"Then, Rashagar, it seems that our normal handover cannot be completed, and we can only let the death fleet come to fight your poor troops!"

After saying that, Alarak cut off the signal, and Rashagal immediately issued orders to the Dark Templar fleet without any hesitation.

"All personnel obey orders! Move toward the remaining jump points immediately!"

Under tense orders, fifteen storm ships and seven aircraft carriers immediately covered the heavy cargo ship carrying precious cargo, namely nanorobots, and quickly began to evacuate. After seeing Nachiram's cargo ship preparing to escape, Alarak He made a disdainful snort and said in a strange voice

"Those naive guys don't think we just have a fleet, do they?"

Just as Rashagar's fleet was advancing rapidly, a group of black and red warships jumped out of their target jumping point again, blocking their way forward. Seeing this scene, Rashagar gritted his teeth and ordered

"The Destiny Aircraft Carrier sent out drones, and let the Storm Battleships approach and shoot, and drive those damn guys away!"

Under the command of the clan leader, the purple battleships and drones immediately engaged the red and black enemies. The storm-like electric beam bullets, huge plasma cannons, and the green phase beams emitted by the drones fiercely cut and burned the opponent's warships. Soon the opponent's three-kilometer-long aircraft carrier had been destroyed. , the two storm ships were also completely destroyed, but this was the moment the other party was waiting for.

When Nesilam's turn ended, Tal'darin quickly began his own brutal attack. The red light spears and plasma light balls quickly hit Nechiram's battleship, and a large number of drones swarmed up like an angry swarm, fighting the opponent. In an instant, the wreckage of drones and battleships were everywhere, and countless metal fragments were scattered into the cold void. Although the Dark Templar took the lead in the first attack, it was still powerless in the face of a death fleet that was far more numerous than itself.

Rashagar saw that the production line on the aircraft carrier was gradually unable to support the amount consumed by the front line, and calmly ordered:

"Phoenix fighter jets are dispatched, the drone swarm switches to defense mode, and all battleships gather around the cargo ship, ready to sacrifice at any time. We must bring the holy relic to Ayr!!"

Phoenix fighter jets in several formations began their final charge. A large number of Phoenix fighter jets were destroyed by drones during the attack. Some pilots had completely returned to nothingness before they had time to jump, but their sacrifices Contributed to subsequent progress.

Now, under the desperate assault of the void battleships and Phoenix fighter jets, the death fleet blocking the front finally found some gaps. The main battleships and cargo ships could continue to move forward, but the fleet led by Alarak was still pursuing them. Their hopes of escaping the siege remained slim. But the situation behind Alarak was not good, because after such a long time, the Dark Templars on the planet also understood the problem, quickly took off to intercept, and followed closely behind the death fleet.

Now it's a race against time. Rashagal looked at the Tal'darin fleet that was getting closer and closer, and then at the remaining enemy fleet in front that had regrouped from the chaos just now, and could only grit his teeth and say

"Cancel the warp engine preparation, open the isolation position, and prepare for a subspace jump!!"

Upon hearing this order, everyone showed frightened expressions, but still obeyed. All of them knew the dangers of the Warp, but these dangers were nothing compared to the safety of the relics.

With the terrifying purple portal suddenly appearing out of thin air in front of them, the six surviving battleships and cargo ships entered the terrifying subspace.

Seeing the failure of the mission, Alarak hammered his command throne with some annoyance. At the same time, he glanced at the Naziram's large force on the radar that was pursuing them, and reluctantly gave the order to retreat.

Now, for him, the mission is over, but for Rashagar, her mission is far from complete, so can she travel through the dangerous subspace to reach her destination?

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