The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 839: The gap with the world's giants (Dragon Boat Ankang)

December 23.

Capital city.

From the airport, Li Dong couldn't help but shudder.

Winter in the north is really cold and dry.

In Pingchuan at the end of December, pedestrians in single clothes can also be seen on the street.

In the capital, at this moment, all pedestrians on the roadside were wrapped in bloated down jackets.

Chen Ke behind him saw that Li Dong was a little cold and hurriedly lowered his body to open the suitcase.

Li Dong said with a smile: "No, just get used to it."

"Mr. Li, let's add some clothes. The capital is too cold."

"It's okay."

"It would be bad if you had a cold ..."

Two years later, Chen Ke has now become a suitable housekeeper.

It's not just business, it's more about Li Dong's life.

When Li Dong heard it, he laughed: "What I said is plausible. I have been exercising very well this year, and my body is very good. It is no problem to wear short sleeves in winter. Lao Tan, do you?

Tan Yongqian laughed silently.

Li Dong exercise is exercise, as for the effect, Tan Yong really dare not compliment.

Over the past year, Li Dong has practiced Tai Chi, military boxing, radio gymnastics, and even yoga.

But it wasn't until the end that Li Dong discovered a reason that the routine was not suitable for him.

He created a set of kings and eight fists, known as a combination of health and skill, free play is suitable for him, three or five strong men can not get close.

Everyone is bragging, anyway, Tan Yong did not dare to take it seriously.

Of course, till now, there is no chance for Li Dong to play in person. The higher the status, let alone fights, there are fewer opportunities to scold others.

In the past two years, Li Dong also personally shot, but now there is a little bit of trouble, and the security personnel hidden behind will rush up. How can Li Dong have the opportunity to shoot.

Tan Yong didn't answer the question, and the matter passed by automatically.

The three of them stood for a while near the airport, and Qi Yunna hurried over in a hurry.

As soon as he saw Li Dong, Qi Yunna quickly apologized: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry, there is some traffic jam on the road, I came out an hour and a half in advance ..."

Li Dong waved his hands and said: "It's okay, we have just come out. Let me ask you to send a driver to come. How come you came in person?"

"You are in Beijing, of course I have to pick it up myself."

Qi Yunna felt relieved when she saw that Li Dong was still in the past.

Several people exchanged a few words, and the cold wind screamed outside, and Qi Yunna hurriedly greeted Li Dong to get on the bus.

Qi Yunna didn't bring the driver this time, and drove out of the car by herself.

Li Dong asked Tan Yong to drive and chat with Qi Yunna in the back row.

Since March this year, Yuanyuan and Suning have reached a cooperation, and Double Convenience has begun to expand in the Beijing-Tianjin area.

Up to now, almost nine months have passed.

In 9 months, almost half of the stores in Beijing and Tianjin opened.

Before Li Dong had no time to come, Qi Yunna was in charge of the store opening. Although there were reports on the phone and documents, but after all, there was a floor, and now Li Dong asked more face to face.

For nearly a year, Qi Yunna was more able than before in Jiangbei.

The questions asked by Li Dong, Qi Yunna answered all of them neatly, without any traces.

Talking, Qi Yunna stopped suddenly, seeing Li Dong staring at herself, Qi Yunna suddenly flushed.

At this time, Li Dong also recovered, and said with some amusement: "Continue to say that when I just heard your report, I couldn't help thinking of being in Qingyang. At that time, you were not so capable.

It was only a few years, and finally some temperament of a strong woman. "

When Li Dong talked about Qingyang, Qi Yunna's eyes also showed memories.

It's been three years, and I went into the distance three years ago.

Starting from the store manager of the county store, she rose step by step. Until now, she has been the president of the Beijing-Tianjin area and even the North China area.

At that time, under the control of the thirty or fifty people, he felt that he had reached the peak of his life.

Who would have thought that in the past three years, the number of employees he has managed has exceeded 1,000.

After recalling it for a while, Qi Yunna sincerely said: "Mr. Li, you gave me all this. If it weren't you, I'm afraid I will continue to be my salesperson in Nanping."

Li Dong said with a smile: "Everyone has their own personal experience. It is not entirely my credit for you to go to the present.

Over the years, I have given many people the opportunity, some people have caught, but some people have not.

I still remember that in Qingyang, we had a total of a few stores. You are the manager of Nanping, Xie Hong is the manager of Qingyang, and Dongping has manager Yang and Fang Hao as the manager ...

Now that three years have passed, if you look back, how many people can go with us?

Xie Hong left, Fang Hao left, Manager Yang also left.

Up to now, there are not many people who can go down with me. "

After this, the car went silent.

Both of them were somewhat sentimental. Most of their colleagues and comrades-in-law now left. There were tens of thousands of employees in the entire distance, and few old people remained.

Even if there are, most of them work in the middle and lower levels.

There are not many people who can reach the senior management level of the group, and the position is higher than that of Qi Yunna. Except for one Sun Tao, Liu Hongmei is barely forced.

However, Liu Hongmei joined the distance during the Pingchuan period, and it is not the most elder group.

Old people can't keep up with Li Dong's footsteps, and elimination is inevitable.

After all, there were only a few stores in that year, and the management staff was only from a small county, with no advanced education and rich management experience.

In three years, not many people can keep up.

Recalling the recollection, Li Dong did not immerse himself in this atmosphere, and soon laughed: "But I am still very happy, at least you did well.

Over the past year, you have been working hard in the capital alone, facing various problems and difficulties, and in the end, you have survived.

The situation in Beijing and Tianjin is a little complicated, and I know all of them.

In this case, you can let more than half of the stores operate smoothly, which is success. "

Qi Yunna hurriedly said: "This is not my credit, it is all directed by President Li."

"You don't need to be polite with me, it's useless to flatter me, your credit is yours."

After talking, Li Dong said: "How is this month?"

Qi Yunna immediately regained her true colors, "From November to now, a total of 64 stores have been opened.

Of the remaining 36, 20 are self-built stores, which is a bit slower, and probably will not open until March next year.

The other 16 are all planned for later site selection, some of which have not completed the renovation, and some of them have not yet opened.

Like the Wudaokou shopping mall, it is not open now, so it will not be open until the end of next month. "

"Okay, the speed is not too slow. How about the business of these opened stores?"

"The 22 stores that opened last month have a total turnover of 120 million.

And they are all opening one after another, not a full month.

This month is also about the same. According to our estimate, if all 100 stores are open, the monthly turnover is about 600 million.

This is the average, because it is now the peak sales season, so it is higher. If the whole year goes down, the total sales should not be less than 7 billion. "

"What about profits?"

"Gross profit is around 20%, but various expenses in Beijing and Tianjin are relatively large, and the net profit after tax may only reach 8% at most."

The 8% net profit is actually not low.

Some retail enterprises in the later generations have very low net profits, generally around 5%.

However, before 2008, the net profit of retail enterprises was still relatively high, with 10% being a common level.

After experiencing the financial crisis and inflation, the profits of major retail companies have dropped a lot.

Then it was impacted by e-commerce for a while, and the profit fell sharply, otherwise there would not be so many retail companies in the past few years to fight M & A.

Where does the money come from, of course, is earned.

Now that the distance has just entered Beijing and Tianjin, the 8% net profit is not high, but it is not low.

According to Qi Yunna's forecast, the income of distant places in Beijing and Tianjin could reach more than 500 million yuan throughout the year next year.

The far-end group's total investment in Beijing and Tianjin is about 3 billion, and the comparison of costs and benefits is okay.

Li Dong nodded slightly, and the annual sales of Beijing and Tianjin could exceed 7 billion next year, and Jiangbei and Southern Jiangsu would have more ~ ​​ ~ at least 20 billion.

In addition, there are fewer stores in Lu, Gan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Hubei provinces, but the four provinces together are not difficult to break through 15 billion.

There is also a mountain city under construction, and Shanghai, which is about to enter, has begun to build stores in Henan Province ...

Adding these places together, until next year, even if there is no further expansion in the distance, the annual sales can reach more than 50 billion, or higher.

It sounds like 50 billion turnover is not low, in fact it is not low.

When the list of Top 500 Chinese Enterprises in 2007 was announced, the 100th place was only about 38 billion.

And far away not only have retail enterprises, but also include real estate, logistics, shopping malls, all together, I am afraid that next year will reach 80 billion.

But 80 billion yuan, only 10 billion US dollars in revenue.

In 2007, Wal-Mart ranked first in the list of the world ’s top 500, with annual revenue of up to 351.1 billion US dollars. This is this year and will only be higher next year.

It is more than 40 times more than the distance, and it is only compared with the retail.

The gap is too big, too big to make people see no hope.

With nearly 3 trillion yuan in revenue, what a horror, Li Dong ’s ambitions are particularly ridiculous in the face of this gap, and they are simply weak.

I felt a little heavy in my heart, but soon Li Dong cheered up.

It's only three years. In three years, the distance starts from zero, from scratch, from zero to more than 50 billion. This speed is already very fast, and it may not necessarily be that remote revenue will exceed 100 billion next year.

The gap is gradually narrowing, even small ones cannot be seen at all.

However, Li Dong has said long ago that it is only a goal to be set, and it will not die if it is not completed. The goal is set a little higher. Who knows whether it will be able to complete the goal in the future.

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