The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 852: China Alumni Association

Chuangye Building.

When Li Dong and Wu Yajun got off the bus, seven or eight people came around.

Yang Shaopeng, Chen Kaixuan, Wang Minghui, Qian Jinbo ...

These people are among the top students in the second phase. Either their own enterprise is a giant enterprise, or the state-owned enterprises they master have a good reputation.

As soon as Li Dong arrived, Yang Shaopeng said with a smile: "Dongzi, we can look at you today and give us more prestige."

Li Dong laughed: "Brother Yang, what you said is like fighting.

Isn't it just a class meeting?

Why do you guys come to the class meeting?

Helping each other and helping each other, more industry exchanges, and breaking industry barriers is the goal.

Although there are some of our opponents in the student union, at this time, private grudges are nothing.

Like me, it ’s not good to watch Erma, but everyone is a member of the classmates' union. Is it because of them that I won't come? "

"Hahaha ..."

Yang Shaopeng suddenly laughed a few people, and Wang Minghui joked aside: "Old Yang, I said that earlier, your vision is too narrow. You see, Dongzi sees clearly."

Yang Shaopeng was not angry, he said with a smile: "This is the reason, but after all, we are so narrow at first, we must not be weak.

These people in the same society have been in contact with each other for several years before. They are regarded as people in a circle.

And the last batch of people is much bigger than our company.

At this time, we just came, if we were silent, we let others underestimate us. "

Wu Yajun answered: "That's right, anyway, it doesn't matter if it's not humble or overbearing. If you're not polite, we won't let them down.

What's more, Dongzi is not familiar with them, are we still not familiar?

This is not the first time that everyone has dealt with each other. In these years, many of them have suffered from our losses.

And Lao Yang, you do n’t have to worry about things. Do n’t take care of him.

Lao Yang is one of the directors of the corporate club, and he is more familiar with Feng Lun and Guo Guangchang than we are.

At this time, he made a bad idea, it must be to provoke the relationship between Dongzi and other people. "

Yang Shaopeng called Qu Dao: "Xiao Wu, you are wronging me. You are the director of the club, but there are the chairman and deputy chairman.

I'm a soldier, those guys always bully me, I've seen them uncomfortable.

Now we are a group, can you kick me out ... "

He was talking, and there was someone behind him who laughed and said, "Lao Yang, are you saying that the black heart is not black heart?

Who bullied you, the last time you drank, you did n’t use it yourself.

Finally, I actually jumped on the table with Lao Yu to sing. I can tell you that I took your ugly picture.

If you talk about us bullying you again, I will pass it on to everyone. "

Yang Shaopeng's face suddenly changed, and he smiled bitterly: "Old Feng, don't you need to be so cool?"

Feng Lun laughed again, and others laughed.

It was just a joke before. Today is the day when Li Dong officially joined the China Association of Students.

Of course, the rules of the China Alumni Association are actually not strict.

Without imaginary difficulties and suppression, this simply cannot exist.

Why do you want to set up a student union?

It's not about making connections, expanding communication circles, and increasing influence.

As long as you have that strength, then you can join in.

There is no review mechanism, no one looks down on who, you can come, on the one hand, you have this confidence, on the one hand, it is recognized by others.

If Li Dong can come, it means that they have been recognized by everyone, and they think that Li Dong's people can help them.

At this time, no one can do anything to suppress.

Everyone talked and laughed for a few words, and then everyone got to know each other again.

In addition to Feng Lun, there was also Zhu Xinli from Huiyuan, Li Dongsheng from TCL, and Wu Ying who met last night.

These four people are all veterans of the Alumni Association and the heads of industry giants.

Let these four people come forward to receive Li Dong, not only a loss of merit, but also let everyone see the energy of the student union.

After greeting for a while, Feng Lun said with a smile: "Go, let's go upstairs. The people here are cold, and everyone above is still waiting for us."

Yang Shaopeng has a closer relationship with him, and Wen Yan smiled and said, "Who else is coming?"

"All of them are old acquaintances, old horses, old Liu, and the other two guys Xiaopan and Wang Shi also came, and Wang Zhongnan also came to Beijing to work, and came together.

Feng Lun walked and introduced that Li Dong and these people could not help being speechless.

It is indeed a gathering of cattle, and the old horse is naturally Ma Yun.

Lao Liu is the boss of Lenovo.

Xiao Pan was Pan Shiyi. He used to be with Feng Lun. He was a soldier of Feng Lun. Feng Lun was used to Xiao Pan.

Needless to say, Wang Shi is the boss of Vanke.

In addition, there is Wang Zhongnan, which is even more remarkable. At least for Li Dong, this one deserves more attention than others.

Wang Zhongnan has been the president of Bailian since 2003. In 2006, he served as chairman of Guangming Group.

Whether it is Bailian or bright, it is a retail giant.

Of course, it is not appropriate to say that Guangming is a retail giant. This is a manufacturing giant with the food industry chain at its core.

For retail companies, such manufacturing giants have more gold content.

Li Dong has always wanted to lay out the downstream industrial chain and master his own supply chain channels, if he can take the light down ...

Of course, this matter can only be considered temporarily.

Not to mention that the light is a state-owned enterprise, it is not so easy to win, even if it can be won, Li Dong cannot afford it.

There are several listed companies under the other party, not to mention that other unlisted companies are more valuable.

Overall, the total assets may not be less than 100 billion.

At this time, the distant place wants to swallow the other party, it is a good thing not to be swallowed by the other party.


After a few minutes, the crowd reached the top floor of the Venture Building.

When Li Dong entered the meeting room, several people applauded thunderously.

Speaking of meeting rooms, it is actually inappropriate.

Here, it is not as formal as a formal meeting.

Everyone sat loosely and loosely, and a few were knocking at the seeds. When Li Dong arrived, they quickly spit out the seeds and clapped.

Li Dong and some other people feel a bit different, but Yang Shaopeng has long been used to it.

In front of outsiders, they are naturally serious and majestic.

But now that everyone is not an outsider, they have come to the class meeting, that is, classmates, friends, and one-level characters.

Just like you chatting with your classmates, except for an extremely small number of people, who will be okay all day long with a dress code.

As soon as the applause was over, Feng Lun said with a smile: "Because it was a temporary party today, many people didn't come. But it doesn't matter. It's never too late to see you next time.

People like Lao Yang are no strangers.

To say strange, it is probably Li Dong.

Li Dong is young. Unlike our old guys, people have been rushing forward in the past few years, and we have left us behind.

It ’s rare to see it before. Everyone will be friends, comrades in arms, Li Dong. "

Li Dong smiled bitterly: "General Feng ..."

"It's Lao Feng! If you can't call it, then it's Professor Feng. I like the professor's name. Don't be fooled. The elders are afraid of something. You are better than most of us now. "

Feng Lun said a few words with a smile, seeming to be more intimate than last night.

It was social last night, but it is different today.

Said it is social, in fact, the relationship has to go further.

In China, there are various circles, and many times, everyone depends on the power of the circle to save their lives.

Here, it is easier to find like-minded friends.

The China Alumni Association is also one of these top circles.

Others such as Taishan Club and Corporate Clubs are the top circles, and most of them are coincident.

Over the years, there are not many new faces.

When the rise of Internet companies in the past few years, there have been many Internet giants, but now as Internet companies gradually stabilize, there are fewer new faces.

And like Li Dong, top business giants who have not yet entered the top circle are rare.

After Feng Lun finished speaking, Liu Chuanzhi on the side also smiled and said: "Li Dong, just give us a few words. Let's get started, let us see the new ideas after the 1980s."

Others also cheered, Li Dong was helpless and said: "The key is that I don't know that there is such a stubble, and I haven't made any preparations ..."

"Why do you want to prepare, and it's not a meeting? Everyone just chat. Whatever you want to say, Lao Yang and Ya Jun, sit and stand.

When you enter the door, you are all yourself. No one entertains you. Find a place to sit.

Everyone listens to what Li Dong said. In the past few years, all of us are old guys, and our thinking has become rigid.

Now let the young people talk and see what inspires us. "

After Feng Lun finished his speech, Wu Yajun was not polite, and each found a place to sit down, and then he followed and coaxed Li Dong to talk.

Li Dong rolled his eyes. Everyone was downstairs before. Was it mutiny?

Since everyone was so enthusiastic, Li Dong did not continue to be hypocritical.

Just talk about it, Li Dongkai's meetings in recent years don't know how much, and I'm afraid of this.

With a slight cough, Li Dong said with a smile: "Then I will show my ugliness in front of your predecessors today, saying that casual chatting can't really be so casual.

Because I started as a retail supermarket, I will focus on this today. "

When this word came out, many people showed an interested look, and Wang Zhongnan laughed even more: "Li Dong, talk about it and listen to your high opinions. To be honest, if I hadn't left Bailian, I wouldn't do it today. Will definitely come over.

But now that I am gone, I am now a bystander.

From the perspective of bystanders, I would like to hear how you view the domestic retail industry. After all, the retail industry is very related, and the bright side is inseparable from retail. "

"Brother Wang smiled, but Gao Jian was not much. I will briefly talk about my views on domestic retail companies.

Speaking of retail, it has been there since ancient times.

In the ancient times, picking goods, barely counted as our retail, selling some necessities ......

I say this, but I do n’t want to prove anything. I just want to say that the retail in our country started very early, no later than any other country.

But now in the international arena, why are our retail companies in China in an extremely awkward position?

Can't go abroad, and can't do much in China, instead, they are seized by a lot of outsiders, and later come to seize a large number of markets? "

Wang Zhongnan couldn't help saying: "Why?"

Li Dong laughed: "First of all, I want to say the first point, too much emphasis on national brands!"

Wang Zhongnan froze for a moment, and everyone else froze.

what is this?

It's okay for others to say this. The point is that Li Dong said this, it's just a self-talk.

Among domestic retail companies, whoever plays the national brand, which one do you prefer?

Li Dong didn't care what other people thought, and continued: "Don't listen to it, I'm talking about overemphasizing national brands, with the emphasis on the words too much.

Since China's entry into the WTO, the China market has been in line with the international market.

In the era of global economic integration, all visionary entrepreneurs should understand that this time it is a global strategy.

National brands actually appear a bit narrow at this time.

I do n’t deny that national brands are bad, but ask yourself, are you really defending national brands?

This is not uncommon, and it is precisely because of this atmosphere that national brands have not only become our advantage, but have become a limitation.

Everyone is playing the banner of the national brand, and in order to prove their determination and uniqueness, various promotions, various price wars, various internal frictions ...

What caused the result, leading to our products become more and more rough.

Because the price is too low, we will lose money without controlling the cost.

At the end ~ ~ Well, everyone lost confidence in the national brand, which produced a kind of mentality that foreign goods are good.

Are foreigners better than us?

What a fart!

We ruined this good card ourselves. I'm not just talking about retail, including all walks of life.

... "

"Second, everyone has been confusing a concept that Huaxia manufacturing is not equal to Huaxia creation.

This is a problem with our positioning. It's not that Hua Xia made it. The things are ours, and the money is earned by us.

'Creation' involves one thing, and that is the concept of 'complete product'.

From Huaxia manufacturing to Huaxia creation, it can not be simply understood as technical problems, scientific research problems, or financial problems, talent problems.

This is actually a corporate management concept, business model, and corporate culture construction issues.

Why can't we compete for those foreign retail companies?

Because they are creating, turning Huaxia Manufacturing into their creation, the result is that we can only drink soup in the back, they eat meat in the front ... "

"Third, our retail enterprises are small in scale, low in concentration, and extremely dispersed in resources ..."


Li Dong talked and talked about it for almost half an hour.

Of course, there are more retreats.

After all, for the first time to meet you, there is no preparation, just talk about the general direction.

As for how to implement it and how to change it, this involves the company's next strategy. Not to mention that Li Dong doesn't have a clear plan yet, even if he does, he won't say it.

However, it is only these general directions that many people listen to with relish.

Li Dong said that retail, in fact, these theories apply in any industry.

When his words fell, applause rang again in the meeting room.

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