The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 896: Strength is fundamental

When eating at noon, Shen Qian casually said about Shen Jianmin's invitation.

Shen Hang on the side quickly hurriedly said: "Brother Dong, just have a meal, it means nothing else.

Everyone knows, after all, you and my sister ... "

Shen Hang paused and continued: "Right, we have to get to know our family, hurry up and stay up late, while you are still in Beijing, everyone will gather together.

Li Dong glanced at Shen Qian, wondering what Shen Qian meant.

Shen Qian didn't speak, and apparently it was the default.

The Shen family is her mother ’s family, and her uncle and aunt are all over there.

Shen Qian and the Shen family may not be too close, but do n’t forget that her surname is Shen.

The people of the Shen family are so bad, but they are actually quite interesting to her.

When Grandpa left, she gave her a 5% stake in Shen.

Whether it is Du Anmin's face, or really love, at least the last generation of the Shen family is not sorry for Shen Qian.

For the next generation, even if the relationship is not close, it is not the enemy.

There is an old saying that the uncle is the big one.

In ancient times, uncle's status was very high. Shen Jianmin was her mother-in-law. Although this concept has gradually faded, you can always have a small face with a meal.

Li Dong nodded and said: "OK, you see what time is right, I will not stay in Beijing for too long."

"What do you think of tomorrow night?" Shen Hang said hurriedly.

"Okay, then tomorrow night, I will be there by then."

Li Dong agreed directly, and Shen Hang suddenly smiled like a flower.

Li Dong glanced at him, this guy looked really convinced this time.

The screaming of "Brother Li" in the past was reluctant.

Now "East Brother" is long and "East Brother" is short, there is no need for it. Sure enough, people still have to rely on strength to speak.

Without strength, the Shen family will actively invite Li Dong to come to dinner?

Without strength, Shen Hang would be so polite to him?

Without strength, Li Dong may not even be able to enter the Shen family gate.

The weak have no human rights, and the truth in these words has not changed since ancient times.

At this moment, Li Dong has a deeper understanding and is very powerful. Sure enough, many problems are not problems.

At the beginning, Wu Yajun said this to him. When you are strong enough to reach a certain level, some things don't need to be considered.

Now that Li Dong is stronger than Shen Jia, Shen Jia lowered his proud head.

If one day ...

Li Dong didn't think about it any more, but he was firm in his belief of continuing expansion.

This year is a rare opportunity. Whether it is possible to lay the foundation of commercial aircraft carriers at a distance depends on this year.

If it succeeds, Yuanfang Group will never be weaker than any enterprise in the future.


After eating, Shen Hang left first.

His purpose today is to invite Li Dong to come to dinner, Li Dong agreed, and his task was completed.

And he didn't dare to continue to work as a light bulb. Didn't look at them to see if his eyes were wrong.

When Shen Hang left, both Li Dong and Shen Qian relaxed a lot.

Holding Shen Qian's hand, strolling on the street in the afternoon, the body shone warm in the sunshine.

The temperature of the capital in the first month is not high, but it is not as cold as it might be.

After walking for a while, Li Dong said: "Tomorrow I will visit your uncle and aunt?"

With a smile on her face, Shen Qian nodded gently: "Okay, I will pick you up tomorrow."

Li Dong did not refuse to continue shopping with her.

Walking and walking, an acquaintance came face to face.

In Beijing, Li Dong found that the probability of meeting an acquaintance seemed to be very high.

Zhou Yuezheng was shopping with a 27-year-old young man. When he saw Li Dong, he glanced subconsciously at the hand held by Li Dong and Shen Qian.

Li Donggang wanted to withdraw his hand, and suddenly realized that he didn't need to be guilty in front of Zhou Yue.

The holding hand was not released, Zhou Yue did not continue to stare there, nodded gently to Li Dong and Shen Qian: "Li Dong, Miss Shen, do you want to be together?"

Zhou Yue's words haven't been much, and Li Dong was not surprised. He smiled and shook his head: "I won't disturb you anymore. I have the opportunity to have a meal next time."

Shen Qian also made a polite sentence, glanced at the two people across from him, and a strange look appeared in her eyes.

Zhou Yue didn't answer the call, and since he wasn't together, there was no need to politely.

To the two smiled politely, Zhou Yue did not introduce the men around him, took the man's hand and left.

The young man smiled gently at the two before leaving with Zhou Yue.

After they left, Shen Qian was curious and said, "Do you know her?"

"You said Zhou Yue?"



Li Dong did not say that this was Qin Yuhan's roommate, and Shen Qian did not know Zhou Yue's existence before.

However, Shen Qian quickly guessed it. Zhou Yue read Beijing University, and she heard someone say it.

Not mind this, Shen Qian looked slightly solemn and said: "The Zhou family is no better than the Shen family and the Sun family. The Zhou family is a real famous family.

Zhou Yue's grandfather is still in place, and her father has now gone to the post of governor.

An uncle of Zhou Yue also served as the deputy governor in the South, with more than ten ministerial officials at Zhou's Department.

Compared with the Zhou family, it is not an exaggeration to say that my dad is a grassroots. "

Li Dong knew something before, but Shen Qian didn't understand it clearly, Wen Yanning said, "So strong? How does it compare with Shijia and Jiajia?"

The Shi family is Shi Guanglin's family, and the Jia family is Jia Wenhao's family.

These two are very strong.

Sometimes, it can be seen from the younger generation.

The strength is not strong, can not train that kind of successor.

Whether it is Jia Wenhao or Shi Guanglin, among today's young and middle-aged generation, they are all outstanding.

Especially Jia Wenhao, do n’t look at the mountains without water, and Shi Guanglin is not as good as him.

After thinking for a while, Shen Qian said: "If the third generation is not included, the Zhou family is stronger. On the present, the Zhou family is the first, the Shi family is the second, the Jia family is the third ..."

Shen Qian said again: "But don't just look at it now, Jia Wenhao is not an ordinary person, really, don't look at his low profile in Jiangbei, his ability is among the best among all the young and middle-aged generation.

Shi Guanglin and their people have more resources than Jia Wenhao.

In fact, you can see that Jia Wenhao's wife knows that Han Yu's family is very weak. If Shi Guanglin and others, the marriage target family would not be so weak.

The Jia family is actually valued by everyone in Jia Wenhao's hands.

And Jia Wenhao cannot just be regarded as the successor of the Jia family. He has been recognized by many factions, including my father.

Otherwise, when Jia Wenhao was in Jiangbei, my dad would not let him take charge of Su An alone.

From the perspective of Jia Wenhao's generation, I think the Jia family is the strongest. "

This is the first time Li Dong has heard Shen Qian analyze this so clearly, and it is also the first time he has a deep impression on Jia Wenhao.

In the past, he always felt that Jia Wenhao was powerful, but most of it relied on family strength.

Up to this point, Li Dong understood that Jia Wenhao relied on family support for some reasons, but the main thing was that he was powerful enough.

Many big men, including Du Anmin, are optimistic about Jia Wenhao.

Not even even today!

After all, Jia Wenhao is developing in Jiangbei, how important it is to lead the development of a new city.

Not many people are optimistic and supportive. He is a deputy governor who has not been so common, how can he have such great power.

Knowing this, Li Dong murmured: "It seems that in the future it will be more time to deal with Jia Wenhao."

Shen Qian shook her head: "That's not necessary, Jia Wenhao is very shrewd. Flattery is not very useful to him.

He thinks you are useful, he will make good friends, even if you have a bad attitude towards him, he will not give you a stumbling block.

If he thinks you are useless, he will just ignore you, even if you are pleased again, he has the same attitude.

Besides, you are a businessman, and some things should not be mixed too deeply. "

"Understood, listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books!" Li Dong's appearance as a teacher, but sincere attitude is somewhat funny.


Shen Qian lost her smile and didn't have a good air: "Don't slur your tongue, I haven't finished talking yet.

Let's not talk about Jia Wenhao, I mainly talk about the Zhou family.

I just knew the man next to Zhou Yue, do you know who it is? "

Li Dong almost forgot this, and Wen Yan curiously said: "Who?"

"XX's grandson."

Shen Qian said a person's name, Li Dongru Lei Guaner, one of the nine gangsters.

Hearing this, Li Dong exhaled: "I really don't see it. It's a very low-key person. You don't say I really didn't feel it. Low-key and restrained. I used to look down on these second and third generations."

The young man just now showed no arrogance. Although Li Dong felt that the other party had some identities, he did not guess that the other party's identity was so high.

Shen Qian nodded: "This is actually the real elite circle, these people include Jia Wenhao, Shi Guanglin, Wu Qingping ...

Zhou Yue is also counted as one, and I am actually not one of them.

Like Chen Rui, Chang Qiqi, Sun Manman, and Yu Le, whom you met before, are not members of their circle. Their level is still low.

The people of the Sun family actually have this qualification to enter, but the subsequent generations of the Sun family are all abolished and will not be accepted by everyone.

When I say these things, I do n’t mean to show off anything, or to be self-deprecating.

Just to remind you, don't see Zhou Yue did not graduate, in fact, she is smarter and more powerful than you think.

Especially now it seems to be marrying with this one, don't fight her idea, it is best to be far away. "

Li Dong smiled bitterly: "Is this kind of person in your eyes? Don't say she knows that she has an object now, even if she doesn't, I haven't thought of hitting her."

Shen Qian chuckled lightly: "Don't be nervous, I didn't say that you will definitely hit her idea, be alert, so you don't even offend people without realizing it."

Li Dong nodded, which is true.

He seems powerful now, and there is still a gap compared to these people.

If you really offended them unintentionally, even if you don't have a small life, you have to peel off the skin to get rid of it, and fight with the old Huang now.

However, Li Dong still told himself: "After all, they still rely on the influence of their parents. After another ten or eight years, my Li Dong is still Li Dong, and they are not easy to say."

Shen Qian's eyes sparkled, this man was really charming at this moment.

Seeing this, Li Dong became more and more proud, and the woman was really fooling. The elder brother's arrogant words came out, and he immediately gained the admiration.

Seeing his proud look, Shen Qian rolled her eyes.

I just worshipped it, and now it's revealed.


It was just when Li Dong and Shen Qian discussed Zhou Yue.

Wu Qingping was also very interested and said: "That was Li Dong just now?"

Zhou Yue nodded, Wu Qingping smiled lightly: "I almost didn't recognize it, I still saw Shen Qian, you called his name again, and I guessed who he was, which was a bit interesting."

Zhou Yue smiled very lightly, but it was not annoying.

At this moment, Zhou Yue said with a smile: "Why do you say that?"

Wu Qingping organized the language before saying: "I have heard many people discuss him, with praise and depreciation.

But in the end, I found something interesting. "


"Li Dong said bad things, hate him, generally weak.

Instead, the real strong man appreciates him more.

Brother Jia and I mentioned Li Dong once and they were very optimistic.

Although Shi Guanglin was joked for a while because of Shen Qian, but when he met last time, someone mentioned Li Dong, he was not angry, and he didn't look like he was pretending.

Wei Hengzhi's kid also said that Li Dong was interesting.

The most important thing is that I heard his name from my grandpa once. "

Zhou Yue was a little surprised: "Really? Grandpa Wu said Li Dong?"

Wu Qingping nodded and said: "Really, I have heard."

Zhou Yue felt some emotions, apparently did not expect to have this scene, said softly: "Don't forget, the last time in Jiangbei, that person also praised him ..."

"Not the same. At that time, I was boasting about the distance, not him." Wu Qingping shook his head, but still said: "In any case, this person is really a bit interesting ~ ~ Next time, I have the opportunity to call Shen Qian together. "

Zhou Yue didn't speak, but she had no opinion.

Wu Qingping allowed Shen Qian to join everyone's circle. On the one hand, she was interested in Li Dong. On the other hand, Shen Qian now has this qualification.

Although Du Anmin is a grassroots, but now he is in charge of Beijing, and his political status in the country has gradually increased.

The other is that Shen Qian is not that incompetent.

Shen Qian can bring Distant Technology to the present from a distance, this is the ability.

Regardless of what is happening, regardless of how much Li Dong has contributed to it, Shen Qian ’s credit cannot be wiped out, there is no real skill, and Li Dong does not need to have a headache after Shen Qian leaves to take over the remote technology.

But Zhou Yue couldn't help but think of Qin Yuhan, and he sighed slightly.

Although Wu Qingping didn't know what she was thinking, she still laughed: "We don't need to intervene in other people's affairs. Now, our purpose is to go shopping."

Zhou Yue smiled tenderly, nodded his head, and stuffed his little hand into Wu Qingping's big hand.

She cannot interfere with the feelings of others, but she can fight for her feelings.

Being in a big family, sometimes you can't help yourself.

However, if the object of the marriage is also your own love, then everything is not a problem.

Zhou Yue is very happy and satisfied.

As for Li Dong, she was too lazy to think about it.

Don't look at Li Dong as a rampage. In fact, some people who offend are small characters.

The really powerful person, Li Dong's intuition is very keen, and he has hardly offended.

Even if Jia Wenhao's side, don't look at the bad relationship between Li Dong and Han Yu, in fact, the relationship with Jia Wenhao is really not hostile.

This guy is not as reckless as others thought, otherwise he will not get mixed in the past few years.

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