The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 901: Back to Jiangbei (Thank you for your favorite dragon meat allies)

Regardless of whether Du Anmin is burning or not, Li Dong is not going to stay and watch the show.

Bear children are in trouble, it is best not to wander in front of adults.

This truth, Li Dong has understood since childhood.

When he was a child, he made mistakes, usually as far away as possible from his parents, so that his parents would not beat him.

Seeing that he is not bothered, Li Dong knows that if he continues to stay in Beijing, he will not be allowed to slap him.

Smart people all know to seek benefits and avoid harm, and Li Dong consciously thinks that he is also a smart person.

Without anyone's reminding, on February 22nd, Li Dong led the way.


Just as he boarded and flashed, the video of his apology spread on the Internet yesterday.

Li Dong's apology is a little bit confusing, and people who don't know what's inside don't read it too well.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, there will always be "bricks" who will tell you the answer this year.

Why should Li Dong apologize?



Forefoot Li Donggang won the gold parcel of the Beijing CBD at a high price of 6 billion yuan. Li Dong, who turned his head, said in tears that he was wrong.

Especially in the opening remarks, the few words that Li Dong said were suppressed by the peers, and the anger of the melon-eaters was ignited at once!

Do you need a face?

What a shame!

Is it easy for young people to get here?

If you have the ability to defeat him in business with real skills, engage in conspiracy and trickery!

Since 2004, Li Dong has made a step by step, from penniless to tens of billions of dollars, from a penny to a top wealthy man in the country.

Jealous people have it, envious people have it, but more admire it.

I admire not only Li Dong's speed of making money, but also the charity he has done over the years.

From the beginning of Li Dong ’s career in 2004, to the current four-year period, Li Dong ’s various donations have not been cut off, and the calculations have exceeded 600 million.

The people who eat melons can't do this. There are some people who secretly scold Li Dong for being stupid, and others who scold him for acting, but this does not prevent everyone from standing at the moral high ground to scold those who suppress Li Dong.

It doesn't matter if they can't do it, Li Dong does, they can scold, but you business people can't treat Li Dong like this.

Several real estate companies have been scolded by dog ​​blood sprinklers, pointing directly at Vanke companies.

Wang Shi, who saw the news from the Internet, all wanted to cry. Why did this matter get pushed to our heads?

But it is not easy to explain. They all know what Li Dong said yesterday.

But can this be said?

Even the bold media has not dared to make more articles on this, and it can be seen that some things are unspeakable.

In addition, several of them did target Li Dong. What else can they say at this juncture? They swallowed their teeth and swallowed their stomachs.

Fortunately, the blood of netizens is often instantaneous.

After scolding several companies in the forefoot, the hindfoot has evolved into a regional war.

First, the people of other provinces scolded the capitalists for exclusion, then the people of the capital city scolded the people of other provinces for nothing ...

Scolding and scolding, everyone is not concerned about Li Dong's affairs, and the netizens' scolding war has gradually evolved into a North-South war.

"Nanmanzi" and "Beijingzi" have emerged endlessly. In the end, there are even online battles.


The scolding battle on the Internet, Li Dong did not know until Pingchuan.

But after reading some comments, Li Dong smiled.

The power of netizens sometimes seems powerful, but sometimes it is not worth mentioning.

Everyone is having fun together, and it has no effect on the progress of things.

Li Dong didn't actually want this to be too hot, but now he still prefers to keep a low profile.

Originally, Li Dong's Weibo screen was swiped by someone, and there were some comforters and others who scolded others.

But now he has no such thoughts, it is better to let this matter pass as soon as possible.

Farewell to Xu Shengzhe, Li Dong did not return to the company that day, but went to the Qin family.

Qin Yuhan was originally prepared to return to Beijing after the Lantern Festival, and could still meet with Li Dong for a few days.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident in the middle, Li Dong had to return to Pingchuan in advance.

Qin Yuhan knew that he came back today and stayed for another day.

After having dinner together, the next morning, Qin Yuhan embarked on a flight to Beijing.


February 23.

Qin Yuhan was sent off in the morning, and Li Dong held a high-level meeting of the group in the morning.

At the beginning of the meeting, Li Dong said surprisingly: "Shen Qian, President Shen, will no longer serve as chairman of Yuanfang Technology Company from today!"


The meeting room became noisy at once, some people actually guessed this, but some people were ignorant.

People like Yuan Chengdao did not speak, but the look in Shen Qian's eyes was a little complicated.

They knew why Shen Qian had to resign at this time.

Li Dong's remarks in the capital also know that there are too many people staring at the distance at this time, and it is really inappropriate for Shen Qian to stay in the distance.

For Li Dong and Du Anmin, Shen Qian's continued stay in the distance has no advantage.

If it's normal, it doesn't matter if everyone doesn't care. It happened a lot this time. It's good for everyone to leave Shen Qian at this time.

However, I understand that Shen Qian really stepped down as chairman of Yuanfang Technology, but it still makes everyone feel a little bit disgusted.

Distant Technology was almost brought up by Shen Qian.

You do n’t want to calculate how much credit there is.

No matter what the outside world thinks, no matter how conciliating Shen Qian is, no matter how clever Li Dong's decision, Shen Qian's credit is indelible.

From nothing, to the valuation of Faraway Technology over ten billion yuan, Shen Qian is definitely meritorious.

Not only that, Shen Qian also contributed a lot to the rise of the Far Group.

At this moment, Shen Qian left the distant decision-making level, and everyone had some meaning in his mind.

Qin Hai, who was sitting diagonally across from Shen Qian, looked up and saw that Shen Qian was smiling, as if not talking about her.

Qin Hai did not know whether he was happy or lost.

Li Dong did not give them time to respond and continued: "Liu Hong will act as the chairman of Yuanfang Technology from today, Sun Mingguang will be the president of the e-commerce business group and Tan Haiying will be the vice president of the e-commerce business group.

"In addition, I no longer hold the post of chairman of the Yuan Charity Foundation, and Shen Qian becomes the full-time chairman.

Vice President Wang Yue will be transferred back to the headquarters from next month to take charge of external affairs, and will no longer serve as the president of the Southwest Region.

President of Southwest District, Hu Yongliang takes over ... "

Li Dong announced several personnel appointments in a row, but everyone did not respond.

The president of the Southwest Region has been replaced, the chairman of Yuanfang Technology has been replaced, and the president of the e-commerce business group has been replaced ...

These are all group executives, which seem to have not changed much. In fact, many things are involved.

And Wang Yue, who has been working hard for nearly two years, is also full of glory to return to the group headquarters.

The sole group vice president is responsible for external affairs. What is the external affairs is almost all the powers except personnel and finance.

No one expected that Wang Yue, who had almost defeated Pingchuan, would return in this form.

As for the appointment of personnel at a lower level, everyone also forgot to talk about it at the moment. Only a few people looked at Chen Ke, who was making minutes.

This assistant to the chairman actually went out this time.

The deputy general manager of the Gan Province branch is not considered too high in the eyes of everyone, but Chen Ke is only a big step.

Looking at the expressionless face of Li Dong, at the moment no one knew what he was thinking.

Their boss, they have become more and more calm in the past few years. In the past few years, he can still judge his mood from the expression. Now when I look at it, I can see nothing.

After announcing the appointment, Li Dong briefly talked about the annual meeting again.

The annual meeting is scheduled for February 25. This year's annual meeting will be more lively and grand than before.

After the meeting, Li Dong and Shen Qian entered the office with their feet.

Chen Ke did not forget his duties just because he was about to go out. After making tea for the two and coming in, he quietly retreated.

As soon as she left, Li Dong sighed: "Although I have thought about this day for a long time, but suddenly you are going to leave, I am afraid I will not get used to it."

Since Shen Qian entered the distance in 2005, the two hardly separated.

For three years, even the office was together.

I usually left the office and turned my head to see people. Now Shen Qian went to the foundation and the office locations were not together.

Although Li Dong thought about relocating the headquarters of the Foundation to this side, he was finally rejected by Shen Qian.

Hearing Li Dong sigh, Shen Qian said with a smile: "Don't be hypocritical, just like life and death.

Do n’t forget to leave again. My new home is next to you. It ’s almost renovated over there. I ’ll move back in time. I ’m afraid you ’re still annoying me. "

Li Dongdui laughed: "How come, am I that kind of person?"

With a smile on her face, Shen Qian did not continue to say this, but said: "I will lead a team to Sichuan and Sichuan to investigate the education and poverty alleviation project next month. Are you sure you want to go together?"

"Well, I don't worry if I don't go."

Chuanshu schools are almost all built, but they have to get people in.

In addition, Wang Yue was transferred back from the southwest, and the mountain side suddenly changed coaches.

The last time Li Dong wanted to acquire Yonghui, the result was that Yonghui did n’t take the distance. Now that the other party is still expanding in Shancheng, Li Dong has to look at the situation and decide whether to expand the fresh department of Yuanfang Supermarket.

After hearing Li Dong insist on going, Shen Qian didn't say anything.

The two chatted for a while, UU read books www. Shen Qian had to go back to hand over the work and did not stay long.

When Shen Qian left, Bai Su entered the office several times.

Li Dong looked in his eyes, but said nothing.

Chen Ke is going down. Many people are concerned about who is his secretary.

According to Li Dong's character, in fact, anyone can come.

Bai Su followed Chen Ke for a short period of time. In fact, she just took over.

However, Li Dong still has some concerns. Sometimes the relationship between students is really embarrassing.

Let his classmates serve as his secretary, Li Dong is still not very used to it.

But looking at Bai Su's appearance, he was quite happy.

When Bai Su came in to make tea for the third time, Li Dong thought and suddenly said, "Do you really think about it?"

Bai Su froze for a moment, and then said with a straight face: "Mr. Li, you don't need to think about that much.

In the company, I am an employee and you are the boss.

Being a secretary to you, I think I can learn a lot, and it will be of great help to my future. I hope to win this position.

As for classmates, I actually forgot from the moment I left school. "

Li Dong looked at her and smiled for a long time: "Since you insist, then try it, there may be some criticism, I hope you can persist."

Bai Su relaxed as a whole, and said righteously: "I will do my best. If I am not suitable, President Li can also change people at any time."

Li Dong waved his hand and did not speak again.

The secretary's business is really just a trivial matter. If Bai Su was his classmate, he would be much lazy.

Since Bai Su felt he could accept and do well, Li Dong didn't mind giving her a chance.

PS: Thank you for the favorite leader of dragon meat, thank you. Today some cards are too late to update. Sorry everyone, but this time I feel a little uneasy. The Eagle adjusts as soon as possible and continues to update.

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