After Nan Xi walked out, the study remained as quiet as the air condensing.

Qi Lin's eyes fell on Rong Yu who was behind the case. He was silent for a moment and smiled faintly: "In the past two days, I heard that Miss Nan's temperament suddenly changed drastically. It seemed that she finally saw how good the prince was to her and became gentle and considerate. She would never return the favor. I couldn’t believe it, but it turned out to be true when I saw it today.”

Rong Yu glanced at him emotionlessly, his expression always cold and indifferent, making it easy for people to miss the emotions on his face.

But Qi Lin could actually guess that his prince's behavior just now was not really out of proportion, but a deliberate move to tell him and Ling Fan the importance and absolute weight of Nan Xi in his heart. This kind of behavior The weight is not something anyone can question or offend.

The indifferent and taciturn Prince Regent treats emotions with the same cold methods as he does during military training, preferring to show it with actions rather than warning with words.

Many times, words are far less threatening than actions.

Although Ling Fan has an upright temper, he has been following the prince for more than a day or two. Why doesn't he understand what Rong Yu means?

While silent, his attitude was already submissive.

The study was quiet for a while.

Mr. Fuchen said: "Do you have any thoughts on the marriage proposal proposed by the Kingdom of Shu?"

The Shu army has always been strong and brutal. Two years ago, the northern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty was harassed by cavalry several times. Troops were sent out every now and then to test the situation, which finally angered the northern army. The commander of the northern border reported to the regent that in the autumn of the previous year, the late emperor He is critically ill and the new emperor has not yet ascended the throne. All major and minor matters in the court are decided by the regent alone.

When he received the report from the border gate, the competition between the princes in the court was at an intense stage. Rong Yu did not want the war to disturb the morale of his ministers, nor did he want the chaos in the court to affect the morale of the border troops.

Make a decisive decision and send troops in anger.

After Rong Yu arranged the court affairs, he personally led 50,000 Xuanjia troops to the border. After arriving at the border, it only took two months to defeat the Shu army and retreat.

The general of Shu was beheaded by the regent and suffered a disastrous defeat in the first battle. After that battle, no one dared to send troops to provoke him again until now.

However, half a month ago, the spies sent by the regent got the information that Shu was going to marry the Great Zhou Dynasty. When this information was sent back to the regent's palace in the imperial capital, the royal family of Shu was already selecting a princess for marriage.

Mr. Fuchen also received such information.

However, his intelligence channels are different from those of the regent. He brought this news up for discussion at this time just to discuss and exchange opinions. However, neither Qi Lin nor Ling Fan knew his true identity. They only knew that he was The pillars of the Qingyin Tower, listening to his words at this time, thought he was a spy secretly trained by the Regent and placed in the theater.

"The situation of Shu at this time is exactly what it was two years ago in the Great Zhou Dynasty." Rong Yu sat in a chair and looked through the information on the case, "The old emperor is critically ill, the prince has seized the throne, the ministers in the court are divided into factions, and the civil strife is serious. "

Hearing this, Qi Lin frowned slightly: "In this way, the Shu Kingdom may be worried that Zhou will take the opportunity to retaliate, so at this time, he can't wait to show his goodwill through marriage to appease the Zhou army."

Two years ago, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was critically ill, and the struggle between the princes and his sons was fierce. The Shu Kingdom on the border took the opportunity to send troops, hoping to take advantage of the turmoil of the Great Zhou Dynasty to attack with cavalry. However, they did not expect that the regent of the Great Zhou Dynasty was so powerful that he was able to suppress the imperial court. Tang, he was able to lead his troops to fight back, and the country of Shu was severely beaten.

That one incident was unforgettable for the Shu Kingdom. The army could not withstand the might of the Xuanjia Army. The border cities were lost one after another, and the soldiers suffered heavy casualties. They had to offer twelve beauties and countless gold and silver silks to sue for peace, but the regent was not close. A womanizer would not be stupid enough to bring beauties from enemy countries to the Great Zhou Dynasty. In the end, she only accepted the gold, silver, jade, silk and satin, and the unique moonlight gauze from Shu.

Of course, it is impossible to return the city that has been captured. The Great Zhou Dynasty captured three thousand miles of territory in that battle.

It has only been two years since the battle, and the lessons it taught the Shu Kingdom are still unforgettable and unforgettable. Therefore, when the Shu Kingdom also fell into civil strife, they were afraid that the Zhou Dynasty would imitate their actions of taking advantage of others, so they rushed to get married. Show goodwill.

"Now the emperor has established a queen and four concubines. Even if the princess of Shu is really sent here, she can only be regarded as a concubine." Mr. Fuchen said indifferently, "But in my opinion, it doesn't matter whether you want to marry with Shu or not. , the marriage can give the Shu royal family temporary peace of mind, but it is not important to us, and why should we agree to this marriage for their peace of mind? "

"Young Master Fuchen is right." Qi Lin nodded slowly, with a calm and gentle tone, "We don't need to agree to the marriage for the peace of mind of the Shu Kingdom. The more uneasy they are, the more cautious they will be in their future actions. Other countries have seen this. Only Zhou’s toughness will make him afraid.”

Ling Fan listened to the two people talking in silence, and suddenly said: "The emperor's harem cannot accommodate the princess of Shu. Isn't the prince not married yet?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the study.

Ling Fan pondered for a moment: "I think we can simply marry this princess back and then annex Shu directly. We will gain both the beauty and the country. What a great thing."

After saying this, he realized something was wrong in the atmosphere. He turned his eyes slightly, but saw three pairs of eyes falling on his face, looking at him as if he was an idiot.

Ling Fan felt uncomfortable being looked at, "What? What I said is wrong?"

"Ling Fan, in your mind..." Qi Lin pointed at his head, "Accidentally got rained on?"

Ling Fan frowned.

"It doesn't seem to have rained much these two days." Young Master Fuchen threw open his folding fan and shook it twice slowly. "Even if it rained, it would only wet my forehead. The rain shouldn't get into my brain."

Ling Fan heard that the two of them were mocking him.

Although he wanted to refute, he accidentally caught a glimpse of his prince's cold eyes. Ling Fan silently swallowed all his words of rebuttal and muttered in a low voice: "The position of the regent princess is reserved for Miss Nan. Those coquettish and slutty women in Shu are not worthy of the noble regent. I am really stupid."

Qi Lin raised his lips and smiled lightly: "He who knows the times is a hero."

Don't offend the prince's reverse scale, and you will still be a good subordinate of the prince.

Ling Fan couldn't help but feel depressed. What is this? His noble and powerful regent actually fell for a little girl, and this girl's father is Nan Xiang, who is loyal to the emperor. What if one day he has to take a stand, will Nan Xi betray his prince?

"Don't worry about the affairs of Shu for now." Rong Yu finally spoke, his voice cold and indifferent, "Did the Prince of Qi's Mansion submit a petition a few days ago, requesting that his eldest son be canonized as the Crown Prince?"

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