The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1016 Chen You discusses ghosts

First, there are ghosts in this world.

Second, ghosts are everywhere. You may have several in your home, but you usually can't see them.

Third, if you see it, it will "play" with you.

If all the above are true, would you choose to pretend to be asleep forever, or find out?

There are four ghosts in total in Chen You's home, as well as an elderly couple and a middle-aged woman.

The common characteristics of these ghosts are that their faces are blue and black, and there are black blood vessels that appear to be bulging under the skin. Their eyes only have white eyes without black pupils, and their faces are dull and numb.

They walked around the room lightly on their heels, seemingly aimlessly and following a certain pattern.

Su Yi felt that his courage was definitely not that small, but when he saw these ghosts, he couldn't help but feel his scalp numb and his heart felt cold.

This is a physical discomfort, as if it is a fear engraved in genes, which cannot be overcome or controlled.

As long as he saw them, Su Yi couldn't help but feel cold all over and his heart beat faster.

"Not bad, it seems you are really courageous." Chen You said with a smile, "People are born with fear of ghosts, just like water overcoming fire, there is no way to solve it. You are not scared to the point of peeing, you are already It’s rare.”

"Are you also afraid, Brother You?" Su Yi asked.

"I am a Taoist priest, so they should be afraid of me." Chen You said with a smile.

"Do you see them every day?" Su Yi tried his best to calm down and asked.

"They stay here all the time. I think it's hard not to see them." Chen Youdao, "Sometimes when I wake up, they fall asleep next to me."

Su Yi got goosebumps all over just thinking about this scene.

"Aren't you afraid that they will harm you?" Su Yi couldn't help but ask, "After all, they are ghosts, and you will always be weak..."

Chen You said calmly: "They don't dare."

There was absolute confidence in his tone.

"They are just the most ordinary discouraged ghosts. They have no resentment and do no harm to people at all." Chen You said, "As long as you don't take the initiative to harm them, they will never harm you."

"You mentioned white-shirted ghosts and red-clad ghosts before, and now you talk about discouraged ghosts..." Su Yi couldn't help but ask, "Is this a type of ghost or a level?"

"It's both a type and a level." Chen You thought for a while and said, "Do you know why there are ghosts in this world? After death, heaven reincarnates. Logically speaking, after death, the soul returns to the underworld, so why are there ghosts left behind? In the world?"

"I don't know." Su Yi shook his head, "I also want to ask Brother You this question, why are there so many ghosts in the world? Is there something wrong with the underworld?"

"How is that possible?" Chen You laughed, "If something goes wrong in the underworld, it will be a disaster."

"It's not that there is a problem in the underworld, but that some ghosts can't go to the underworld, or don't want to go to the underworld. Speaking of these, it would be a long story..." Chen You frowned.

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Su Yi smiled and said, "Brother You, I'm very curious about these. If it's convenient, you can tell me about it."

"That's fine."

Chen You thought for a while and simply sat down. He motioned for Su Yi to sit down as well and poured a glass of water for both of them.

Then he began to tell.

"Do you know that when a person dies, the body decays and the seven souls dissipate, where does the soul go?" He said, "Actually, people do not directly become ghosts after death, and most people do not leave the world soon after death. "

"The so-called front Yin has faded, the back Yin has not yet arrived, and the bardo appears. After death, the soul leaves the body, but at this time, the good and evil in the underworld have not been judged, and the karma has not been formed. Where should this dead soul go? Which Yin should it go to? There is no definite number of people sent to lead you. Therefore, the soul of the dead will stay in the world, usually for seven or forty-nine days at most."

"The soul of the dead at this stage is not called a ghost, but is called the bardo. This is how we, Taoists and Buddhists, call it."

"When a person dies and becomes a bardo, he is confused at first and does not know that he is dead. He still thinks that he is alive. It is not until three or four days later that he realizes that he has become a world apart from his relatives and friends."

"When the bardo body realizes that it is dead, the karma from the previous life also begins to be entangled. The karma is very painful. At the beginning, the pain is not severe. It is like being burned all the time in a sea of ​​fire. In the end, that Every minute and every second it felt like thunder was striking from the sky, and the pain was so painful..."

"Do you know why there are the first seven souls? It's because the bardo body needs to relive the death situation every seven days. At this time, the pain of the deceased's karma has reached its peak. Only relatives and friends of future generations can pay tribute, burn incense and worship. Relieve pain."

"There are also descendants who, in order to save their ancestors, recruit monks and Taoists to do things and eliminate the karma of their ancestors. The best way is to do it once every seven days when the soul of the deceased is experiencing death again, which has the best effect. Generally speaking, the ultimate goal of doing things is This is so that the ancestors can return to the underworld early, and after their karma is eliminated, they will be less likely to suffer in hell, and they can queue up for reincarnation earlier.”

"But there are also those who are greedy and want to completely eliminate all the karma of the dead soul, and then reincarnate directly without going through the underworld after 7749 days. This is actually very cruel and involves too much. Because reincarnation is a major event in the underworld, and every soul has When the blood is harmonious, a ghost will be reincarnated in the underworld. The bardo body whose karma has been completely cleared by the monks in the underworld is actually a 'rebirth' arranged by the ghost in the underworld."

"Think about it, the ghost who was supposed to be reincarnated had no idea how much he had to suffer in the underworld and how long he had to wait in line before he got the chance to be reincarnated. But when reincarnation is just around the corner, someone snatches him away, how can he give up? Therefore, it will ruin your life and offend the underworld. Most people would not dare to do this..."

"Ahem, that's a long way off, let's continue talking about the bardo."

Chen You got excited about it and actually believed Ma Youjuan. Fortunately, he realized the problem and took the initiative to bring the topic back.

"People die every minute in this world, so the most dead souls in this world are in the bardo!"

"The bardo body is busy eliminating its own karma. Generally speaking, it has no time to harm others, and it has no ability to harm others."

"And the bardo body will only exist in this world for seven or seventy-nine days. When the time comes, it will be seduced by the underworld and seduced into the underworld."

“Therefore, the bardo body is the most harmless to humans. Not only is it harmless to humans, but it also relies on living people to transcend it. It needs help from living people, and the living people can burn paper and incense for it to eliminate its karma. Save it and enter the underworld early.”

"This incarnation is the most harmless soul of the dead."

"But some bardos are afraid of the punishment in hell, but after the forty-nine days, they deliberately hide from the ghosts and use various methods to stay in the human world. The ghosts usually only hook them once. If they fail to hook them, they will be classified as orphans. Wild ghosts, so the bardo body that misses the Yin difference will stay in the human world and become a ghost in the human world."

Having said this, Chen You paused, pointed at the four ghosts floating around in the room, and sighed: "Well, the four here are all in the same situation. In fact, why bother? Guhunye Ghosts cannot go to the underworld, nor can they be reincarnated. They have to experience death again every seven days and are burned by karma. It was okay at the beginning, at least there were descendants who burned paper to pay homage to them, but the further they went on, the worse they became..."

"Later on, if they are lucky, they can enjoy some incense and eliminate some karma every year during the Qingming Festival. Those who are unlucky will be forgotten by their descendants early on. No one will pay tribute to them, and their karma will not be eliminated. Every so often I will experience death in seven days, and it will be excruciating. As time goes by, I will become more and more confused, and I will even forget who I am, and I will just die again and again. Do you think it is miserable?"

Su Yi couldn't help but said: "Since they are so miserable and you took action to save them, they should be grateful to you, right?"

"These lonely wild ghosts who deceived the ghosts were saved and sent to the underworld. What do you think will happen to them?" Chen You said angrily, "It's a light thing to never be reincarnated! I'm afraid they will be beaten as soon as they go there. Their souls are scattered and completely dissipated in the world! If you save them, it is equivalent to letting them die. It would be strange if they don't fight with you! Unless you dare to take the risk of sending them to reincarnation, of course they are willing."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully: "So these ghosts who have escaped the evil deeds are the discouraged ghosts?"

"This is usually the case." Chen You nodded, "These kind of ghosts have no grievances. They are just afraid of the punishment of the underworld and stay in the world. They live the worst life and basically have no ability to harm people. At most, they take advantage of people's weakness and intimidate them. I’ll trick you into burning paper and incense for him to eliminate his karma, but if you ignore him, there’s nothing he can do about it.”

"In addition to these ghosts left behind to evade ghosts, there are several kinds of ghosts who stay in the world. For example, people who commit suicide are disgusted by heaven and earth, detested by gods and ghosts, and have the deepest karma. The underworld will not accept such ghosts, they are just Can stay in the world."

"There are also ghosts who died unexpectedly. In fact, they died unexpectedly before their yang life span was over. They can only stay in the human world until their yang life span is over, and then they will be taken to the underworld by Yin. There are even ghosts who are unwilling to go to the underworld to be reincarnated at all. I have deep resentment and would rather stay in the world as a ghost and suffer the seven-day reincarnation."

"Furthermore, there are ghosts whose souls are captured by cultivators and enslaved by others, such as the little ghost you met."

"These ghosts who stay in the world for various reasons are divided into white shirt ghosts, yellow page ghosts, black shadow ghosts and red ghosts because of their different grievances."

"The little ghost you saw is the white-shirted ghost. They don't have much grievances. They are more capable than the discouraged ghosts in covering their eyes with ghosts and pressing the bed with ghosts. But if they can't kill people, they can just scare them. It's nothing. . If you encounter someone with a strong yang energy, the white-shirted ghost won't be able to do anything to you unless you are enslaved."

"Yellow page ghosts are more resentful. These ghosts will dream and create illusions. Moreover, they are greedy for the human world and like to have human bodies. This kind of ghost loves to cause trouble. If you encounter it, it will still be very troublesome."

"When it reaches the level of the shadow ghost, this ghost becomes difficult to deal with. The shadow ghost is usually a ghost with a lot of resentment due to unjust deaths. They have a strong hatred for the world and living creatures. As long as they have the opportunity, they will definitely harm people. Yes. They will induce living people to repeat their death methods. Once they succeed, the newly dead ghosts will take over their grievances and karma and become their substitutes."

Having said this, Chen You's expression became more solemn: "Black shadow ghosts are actually not common. Do you know why?"

Su Yi guessed a bit, but didn't express an opinion, just shook his head.

"Because the black shadow ghost usually finds a substitute, and the resentment and karma of the substitute it finds will be doubled, and it will be directly promoted to a red ghost!" Chen You said, "Once the wronged soul becomes a ghost, ordinary practitioners have nothing to do with them. They find substitutes. , one is not enough, at least seven are needed, or even dozens are needed!”

"The ghosts have great grievances and deep karma. They stay in the world because of their wasted deaths. The souls of those killed by the ghosts will be swallowed by them, and the end will be very miserable."

Having said this, Chen You hesitated, looked at Su Yi and said, "Those two ghosts in your room are fierce ghosts. Are you afraid of them?"

"No matter how powerful I am, wouldn't I be trapped by Brother You with a talisman?" Su Yi said, "And didn't you say that I have a strong yang energy, so even ghosts can't do anything to me?"

"That's right!" Chen You said, "People with strong yang energy are not invaded by gods and ghosts. What's more, fierce ghosts are more principled than shadow ghosts. They only harm people with evil intentions. Those with dark hearts and karma-ridden people are the most vulnerable to them. If you like, eating the souls of such people will eliminate their own karma and enhance their strength. Haha, for them, eating a good person is like taking poison. Do you think they will pay attention to you?"

"I... shouldn't be considered a good person, right?" Su Yi smiled brightly.

"It's not up to you to decide whether you are a good person or not." Chen Youdao, "Some people do good deeds and accumulate virtue throughout their lives, and they are also considered bad people to Li Gui. Some people kill people and set fire, but Li Gui doesn't even dare to touch them. People are kind. The good and evil of evil and ghosts are different.”

"Don't ask me how ghosts distinguish good from evil. You have to wait until I become a ghost to know. But even if I become a ghost, I can't tell you that humans and ghosts have different paths."

"Actually, even powerful ghosts can only harm a limited number of people. Compared with how many people can be harmed by humans, how many people can a ghost harm?" Chen You shook his head, "The two ghosts in 2442 were harmed by humans during their lifetime. Their good life came to an abrupt end, and they will not be able to survive even after death. Ansheng can only experience death over and over again. Isn't it pitiful? "

"If such evil ghosts could transcend them, wouldn't it be considered a relief for them?" Su Yi asked.

"They are very resentful and will not appreciate it." Chen You said helplessly, "And do you think it is easy to deal with evil ghosts? Do you think it is easy to transcend them?"

"What's more, for you to act rashly without the entrustment of the suffering owner is to be nosy and to stir up trouble. Why do you have to do such a thankless thing?"

"In short, people are humane and ghosts have their own ways. It's best if everyone doesn't interfere with each other. As long as you don't seek death yourself, just pretend they don't exist!"

Su Yi nodded and asked, "Are there any ghosts more powerful than Li Gui?"

"Yes, why not?" Chen You said, "There are judges, ghost kings, and ghost emperors in the underworld. These are already ghosts and immortals. Even ordinary ghosts and Yin soldiers are a hundred times more powerful than ghosts! But these have nothing to do with living people. , In the Yang world, the most you can see are ghosts and Yin soldiers, no matter how powerful they are, you won’t see them.”

"Of course, there is another kind of ghost, called the Green Ghost. Once this kind of ghost appears, it will be a disaster for the world. When you encounter such a ghost... there is no solution! But there won't be one Green Ghost for hundreds of years. It's very difficult. formed.”

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