Su Yi was still too young. He had never thought through why "Xia" appeared before.

If He Qing and Hai Yan are prosperous and prosperous, why should there be a "Xia"? Why do we need "Xia"?

A chivalrous person who uses force to break the law and kill to stop killing is actually a person who disrupts order.

Ordinary people obey the rules the most and love order the most, because it allows them to live in peace, and peace is a blessing.

People have always disliked and rejected people who do not obey the rules and order, and even hope that order and rules can punish such people.

But "Xia", a disruptor of order, is not only not rejected, but is welcomed and praised by the people. Why is this?

Because there are loopholes in the order of this world, but those in power do not repair the loopholes, but instead use these loopholes to harm all parties.

They both established order and destroyed order, becoming bugs that the people could not endure but were unable to resist.

At this time, the people will look forward to a hero who can save them from the fire and water. This hero can be an illusory god and Buddha, allowing them to escape from reality and paralyze themselves; naturally, it can also be a hero who walks the world with a sword, punishing evil and promoting good for them. , the fight is unfair.

However, "Xia"'s response to violence with violence is actually to fight poison with poison. It treats the symptoms but not the root cause and cannot solve the fundamental problem.

"Xia" can cure the diseases of the body and mind, but it cannot cure the dangers of the bone marrow.

"Xia" can repay a moment of injustice, but it can't relieve the people and reverse the destiny of the world.

A chivalrous man "yells when he sees an injustice on the road", but what if the world is uneven everywhere?

It's no use just shouting to break your throat.

Serious illnesses require strong medicine, so there is a saying that "the great chivalrous man serves the country and the people."

Therefore, it is never easy to be a hero. You must be compassionate and compassionate, and you must be concerned about the country and the people.

If you want to be relaxed, you can only make small fuss, be a little hero, fight small bosses to enclose your own territory, selectively ignore this cannibalistic world, only save the destined people who are useful to you, but enjoy countless millions of things. The surname is worshiped and respected.

But even this kind of little hero is rare.

In these troubled times, do you know who the people call "Xia"?

They are those strong men who are still willing to admit good morals and refrain from doing evil.

You have skills, but as long as you don't harm others, you are already a "hero".

Therefore, martial arts is by no means an adult fairy tale about a beautiful woman who loves a hero, nor is it about traveling to the ends of the earth with a sword, nor is it about drinking and singing, nor is it a romance about men who enjoy grudges and grudges.

Whether the martial arts man exposes the bloody and ugly wounds in this land to you, whether he covers the stinky wounds with gorgeous robes, or whether he endures nausea and digs out the abscesses, all the choices are in your heart.

Su Yi held the bloody Mongolian scimitar in his hand and waited for the arrival of the Mongolian cavalry on both sides.

At this moment, there was no fear in his heart. Instead, he was thinking about what kind of "xia" he wanted to be.

"I'm just here for vacation...I'm here to learn how to be a scumbag..." Su Yi muttered and glanced at Su Sanqi behind him, who was also holding a knife and looking attentively.

This man looked calm at the moment, as if nothing could be on his mind anymore.

Great sorrow is silent, great suffering is silent.

Su Yi didn't say anything to him. In this situation, what could he say?

Encourage him to be brave? Or advise him to save his life?


A person who has decided to die is the bravest.

Su Yi didn't want to persuade a person who had killed so many relatives with his own hands to continue living in the world and suffer.

If the world is hell, why not save him and stay away?

The path of humanity is vague, the path of immortality is vast, and the path of ghosts is joyful. It is the gate of life.

It is better for ghosts to be evil than for humans to be poor. If you don't like humanity, what should I do?

Blessings are immeasurable!




Su Yi soared into the sky, and the next moment, waves of blood splashed, and people stood up and their horses neighed!

In this battle, Su Yi learned everything he could and didn't hold anything back.

He killed with excitement, with great joy, with heads rolling and blood flowing like rivers.

Even after killing the cavalry, he would not leave, but would turn back and continue killing.

He killed the enemy until he was too scared to run away, but he still chased and killed him.

Don't run away when reinforcements come. Kill the reinforcements after killing the pursuers.

The streets were filled with corpses and no one was left alive.

Even though Su Yi had strong internal energy, after this hearty killing, he was still panting and sweating from exhaustion.

His white clothes had long since turned red. He was holding a knife and looking around blankly. His evil aura was still awe-inspiring, like a Shura from hell.

In this battle, Su Yi killed more than two hundred dead souls!

He almost slaughtered all the Mongolian troops guarding the city, and the rest were hiding and not daring to come out.

The Mongolian army garrisoning the city and the Mongolian military camp seven miles south of the city are dispatching troops and generals to come here.

However, Su Yi's murderous intention was gone and he didn't want to stay here and wait any longer.

He casually threw away the scimitar in his hand, which was already curled with sharp edges, and planned to leave the city.

Before leaving, he subconsciously wanted to take a look at Su Sanqi's body. Unexpectedly, at a glance, he discovered that this person was still alive.

However, the man had already passed out. If he hadn't twitched twice unconsciously just now, Su Yi would never have noticed that he was still alive.

Su Yi flew away and turned over him to check.

He was covered in blood and stained with blood, and he had been stabbed at least a dozen times everywhere on his body, many of which were serious injuries.

His pulse was already very weak, and the oil was almost exhausted. If Su Yi didn't care, he would die without even using half a cup of tea.

"It's your destiny to meet me. Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck!" Su Yi slowly channeled his internal energy to protect his heart veins, and quickly applied acupuncture points to stop the bleeding.

After doing this, he wrapped a Mongolian flag around Su Sanqi, stepped on snake steps, and left here quickly.

The empty streets were filled with corpses.

It was long after Su Yi left that someone from the surrounding shops opened the door to check.

Seeing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, he was immediately frightened and shrank back.

After about a cup of tea, the defense force from the east of the city arrived belatedly. Seeing this scene, the leading officer's expression suddenly changed, showing an expression of extreme fear, and his whole body trembled.

The soldiers behind him were so unbearable that they tilted their heads to the side and vomited.

Purgatory on earth is nothing more than this, right?

On the other side, Su Yi originally planned to run away directly from the city. He could fully imagine that the small town would be completely sealed off next, and the Mongolian people would surely raid the whole city to hunt for him as a "villain".

The Mongolian people will definitely become hysterical and crazy, because he slaughtered hundreds of soldiers in the street at once. The nature of this incident is so bad, maybe the city lords and army leaders here will lose their heads or lose their heads.

Although Su Yi was confident that he could escape even the most rigorous search, there was no need to stay here and play hide and seek with others.

It's just that the plan has not changed. Now that Su Sanqi is a dragster, Su Yi not only cannot leave the city, but also has to find a place in the city to quickly heal his injuries.

Su Yi carried the unconscious Su Sanqi and jumped on the rows of rooftops.

Although the sun had completely set at this time, the sky still showed no intention of getting dark.

The days in the Western Region are extremely long, which Su Yi has known for a long time, because in the real world, his home is on the northwest border.

But the bright day made Su Yi have to consider the issue of hiding his whereabouts. Now that he was jumping up and down on someone's roof with a big living person in his arms, it was inevitable that someone would notice him.

In order to avoid the trouble of being surrounded by the Mongolian army again, he must find a foothold as soon as possible.

Su Yi searched around, and since he was climbing high to see far away, he found a good place very quickly.

It was a remote manor in the north of the city, and you had to climb a hill to reach it.

The manor is lined with trees and rows of houses, and it looks like a courtyard house in the Central Plains.

Su Yi noticed that there were no houses around the manor, it was all wasteland and woods.

And it seems to be inaccessible, so it should be very quiet.

This is it!

Su Yi kicked off the roof and flew through the alley.

He had already figured out the direction and route just now, so he went very fast without thinking at all.

Even if he bumps into someone, mortals can only see an afterimage flying past and cannot see Su Yi's true face at all.

After a while, Su Yi arrived at his destination and came to the gate of the manor.

The manor looked a little dilapidated, the door was closed, and there was no one outside.

Su Yi'er was sharp-sighted and heard that there were actually two people guarding the gate. They sounded like they were breathing heavily, and they should be strong people.

Su Yi did not disturb the two people, jumped from the wall on one side into the courtyard, and landed in a bush.

There is actually a mulberry tree planted here, with dense branches and a green canopy. When the wind blows, the leaves rustle, as if something is whispering, which makes people's hair stand on end.

What a heavy Yin energy!

Su Yi instantly sensed something unusual here and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Usually this kind of yin energy that he can sense even without reciting the purification spell means that this place must be a very dangerous place!

There must be some evil spirits here, and they are the kind with strong grievances.

Su Yi sniffed, and the air was filled with a rotten smell.

He frowned secretly, guessing that the woods might have been fertilized.

He quickly carried Su Sanqi out of the mulberry forest.

This manor looks really strange. There is only one row of houses in the middle of such a large manor, and there are mulberry trees in the front and back yards.

Su Yi had previously guessed that this was probably the home of a silkworm breeder, otherwise most people wouldn't plant mulberry trees in their homes, which are very yin-y trees. However, when he inspected the backyard, he found that he was half right.

There was indeed a sericulture farmer living in this yard before, so that's why so many mulberry trees were planted.

There used to be a row of silkworm houses in the backyard, but now they have all collapsed into ruins. It is not known whether it was man-made or due to disrepair.

Now in the middle row of houses, the kitchen is on the far right. A very strange aroma wafts out of it, and something is obviously being cooked.

There were bursts of laughter and laughter coming from the central hall. It sounded like men, women, old and young, but the chatter was all in Mongolian, and Su Yi couldn't understand a word.

It sounded like there were no fewer than ten people inside.

The room on the left looks like a bedroom, but it is empty and no one is there for the time being.

There is a manger in the front yard, with more than a dozen large horses of various shapes tied inside. A sturdy groom is preparing fodder for these horses.

There were some women in slave clothes busy in the front yard. Su Yi saw a woman carrying a large wooden plate of cooked meat from the kitchen and walking towards the central hall.

The aroma of the meat was so fragrant that Su Yi moved his index finger slightly when he smelled it.

Su Yi found an unoccupied bedroom and sneaked in with Su Sanqi.

There was an unpleasant fishy smell in the house. It seemed to be a house where a man lived. There were horns, a machete, and a worn-out armor hanging on the wall.

Even if Su Yi didn't understand history, he could still see that this armor must be something only officers were qualified to wear.

It seems that the owner of this manor is either a Mongolian noble or a Mongolian general.

Let's see later whether these Tatars cooperate. If they know what they are interested in, that's fine. If they don't...

After Su Yi put Su Sanqi on the bed, he immediately checked his wounds.

Su Sanqi was seriously injured and lost too much blood.

It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, so Su Yi felt that there wasn't much he could do.

Now I can only use my inner strength to hang on to Su Sanqi, then suture his wounds, and then prescribe some warming medicine to see if I can bring him back from the door of hell.

If Su Sanqi develops an infection or other uncontrollable symptoms, Su Yi can only watch him die.

Su Yi is a human being, not a god.


It seems that you can draw a life-extending talisman for him. This will at least ensure that he will not be separated from his body due to excessive injuries, and his seven souls will dissipate and become a vegetative state that cannot wake up.

But if you want to draw talismans, you must have cinnabar, writing brush, ink, incense, and candlesticks...

Su Yi could also use blood as ink to draw the life-extending talisman on Su Sanqi, but that would overdraw his soul power. Even if the person is revived, he will become mentally weak in the future due to his weak soul power. Not good, I feel drowsy for a long time.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, there is no need to take this step...

Su Yi was thinking in his mind, but his hands were busy quickly, using the existing things in the bedroom to help Su Sanqi clean up and treat Su Sanqi's injuries.

Soon, Su Sanqi's condition was temporarily stable, but Su Yi still needed further treatment.

He saw a wooden washbasin and a purified kettle behind the door, so he started washing his hands with purified water.

At this moment, someone pushed open the door and walked in.

A maid wearing slave clothes came in, holding a quilt in her hand.

She came in unsuspectingly, and when she looked up and saw Su Yi, she was shocked and blurted out something.

Although Su Yi didn't understand, he probably guessed that she was asking something like "Who are you?"

Without saying a word, he took a step forward, and in the next second he was in front of the maid. He took the quilt from her hand with one hand and quickly tapped her a few times with the other hand.

The maid suddenly froze, unable to move or speak. Only her eyes were spinning around in fear.

Su Yi grabbed her collar and put her on a chair aside. Then he put the quilt on the table, ignored her and stepped out of the door.

The maids and servants in the courtyard were still busy with their own affairs, and no one noticed that there was an uninvited guest intruding.

Su Yi thought about it for a moment, stepped on snake-like steps, and arrived at the gate of the manor like lightning. Then he reached out and touched the two strong men chatting at the door.

Both of these two men had scimitars at their waists. They were tall and powerful, and they should have roles similar to those of guardians.

After catching these two people, Su Yi quickly locked the door from the inside.

Just as he was about to swagger into the courtyard and have a showdown with the owner, he suddenly hesitated, held a magic spell in his hand, silently recited the purification spell, and looked into the gloomy mulberry forest before.

Seeing this, Su Yi's expression suddenly changed.

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