The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1062 The breeze and the bright moon come to accompany you

It's night, the moon is bright, the stars are sparse, and the trees are dense.

After Su Yi saw Su Sanqi, he clicked on the sleeping points of the two rescued middle-aged men to ensure that they slept until dawn. Then he set up an incense table in the courtyard and drew a magic circle.

He does not want to save the evil spirits here, because there are too many of them, and it is impossible for him to save them.

Moreover, setting up an altar for salvation in a place where there are ghosts of wronged souls everywhere will make all the ghosts hostile, and they will be besieged if they do not do well. With Su Yi's current level of skill, if he encounters such a scene, he will definitely die.

Not to mention that he doesn't know what the underworld is like in this world right now. He would be stupid to rush into action without knowing anything clearly. He would not be so unwise to seek death.

What Su Yi wants to do is not to save, but to seduce the soul.

When he opened his eyes to look at the mulberry forest before, he discovered two special beings among the ghostly shadows - a pair of boys and girls.

This pair of boys and girls looked to be only seven or eight years old. Although they were ghostly, their faces and bodies were almost the same as before in life, and their cute appearance in life was still clearly visible.

They were floating among a bunch of horrible-looking ghosts, standing out from the crowd and particularly eye-catching.

On the other hand, other ghosts are all bloody and look very scary.

There are three reasons why this pair of boys and girls are so special -

First, they have not passed their first seven days of death, which means they have been dead for less than seven days. They are still in the bardo stage and are ignorant, so they have no experience of being a ghost. When Su Yi looked over there before, other The ghosts all showed expressions of greed, hatred, fear, etc., but the boy and girl had only curiosity on their faces.

Second, they have no resentment. Not all ghosts who are killed are resentful. There are a very small number of ghosts who are killed by others and are not resentful. For example, some mothers are harmed by their sons, but do not blame the sons, so they have no resentment and cannot turn into evil spirits. The reason why this pair of boys and girls had no resentment was because they died in ignorance, and they probably knew nothing about the ogres waiting for them to eat their bodies after death.

Thirdly, this pair of boys and girls have not yet passed their seventh birthday, and their souls have not yet completely solidified. Once the first seven days have passed and they have experienced a seven-day cycle of death, their soul bodies will take shape. By then, they will be among a bunch of wronged souls and ghosts. There is only one fate waiting for them, and that is to become food in the mouths of other ghosts!

In other words, if Su Yi arrived a few days late, he would definitely not be able to see the boy and girl.

Think about it, they are also pitiful. They were born as humans, but they were killed at an ignorant young age. Their bodies were eaten, and their ghosts were reduced to food for other evil spirits. From then on, they disappeared completely from this world. .

How can it be such a bad word?

The first time Su Yi saw the pair of little ghosts, he had an idea and decided to adopt them.

Firstly, it can save the pair of little ghosts from the miserable end of losing their souls; secondly, having two little ghosts by his side for him to drive will also be of great benefit to him in the future.

Speaking of raising little ghosts, it is not necessarily an evil thing, but if you use them righteously, you will be righteous, and if you use them evilly, you will be evil.

Children who die young will inevitably become lonely ghosts wandering in the world of the sun. They are very pitiful. If someone saves them, it will naturally be their blessing. However, if no one saves them, they will have to endure the pain of seven days of reincarnation in the world of the sun while waiting for their original life span. Only when it is exhausted can you enter the underworld and be reincarnated.

Many little ghosts do not survive the time to go to the underworld, and most of the fate that awaits them is to be devoured by evil ghosts.

Therefore, Su Yi only drives them to do things by adopting imps, but it also gives them a little more safety and security, and allows them to be fed and strengthened by Su Yi. Before Su Yi leaves this world, he will also save them and let them go to the underworld to be reincarnated. .

The most important thing is that if Su Yi doesn't adopt them, they will be gone. Therefore, Su Yi's move is not only not to enslave them, but to save them and help them, and to accumulate evil virtue.

But Ah Jiu in the previous world was different. Almost all the imps he raised were killed by him. His purpose of raising imps was also to save food for himself. He was very vicious and cruel.

When it comes to raising little ghosts, both Buddhism and Taoism have similar techniques, especially those of demons and heretics. Such techniques are even more varied and have different uses.

Orthodox Taoist practitioners generally raise little ghosts to drive them to serve and do things for themselves, and there is no evil or cruel purpose.

In the Maoshan technique Su Yi learned, there are four ways to raise little ghosts.

The first method is called the method of seducing the soul. To raise a little ghost, you need to burn incense in front of the grave of a boy or girl who unfortunately died young, draw a charm to attract the soul, and then plant a prepared plant on the grave to let it grow naturally. .

When the plants grow luxuriantly, they chant incantations and burn talismans, carve the plant roots into three-inch puppets, outline the facial features of the puppets with cinnabar and the blood of practitioners, and finally cast a spell to seal the child's soul in the puppet. That’s it.

In this way, the little ghosts will establish a master-servant relationship with the caster. The master will feed him with his own blood, and they will also admire and rely on the master more.

During the day, they will hide in the puppets to sleep, but at night, their owners can let them out, and they can protect their owners or do errands for them. Most imps are simple-minded. As long as their master orders them, they will obey orders and will never bargain.

If they can complete the task and receive rewards from their master, they will be happy; if they cannot complete the task, they will be depressed and sad.

The second method is called the head-lowering technique. Just from the name, you can tell that this is an imported technique that Senior Maoshan absorbed from outside.

To use the head-lowering technique to raise a little ghost, you need to carve a small coffin the size of a palm first, then find the corpse of a newly deceased boy or girl, make it sit up, and then use a candle made of corpse oil to roast the chin of the corpse until it The corpse's chin was burned to pieces by the fire, exposing the fat layer. When the fat layer was heated and dissolved into corpse oil, it was placed in a small coffin prepared in advance.

After that, he immediately added a seal and recited the mantra, chanting it back and forth for forty-nine days, and the little devil could obey orders and do what he was asked to do.

The third method is similar to the head-lowering technique and is called soul-chasing bone.

This kind of magic is to pry out the coffin of a child who died in infancy, then disembowel the child and take out the ribs.

If it is a girl, take the fourth rib from the right; if it is a boy, take the third rib from the left.

After obtaining the bones, the mage can recite incantations and perform rituals to collect the ghost's soul for his own use.

Generally speaking, the first three methods of raising imps are the gentlest, while the latter two require destroying the corpse of the deceased, which is more cruel.

But compared to the fourth method, the first three methods can all be called "kind".

When Su Yi first saw the fourth method of raising a kid, he frowned, thinking to himself, isn't this an evil method?

How could the orthodox Maoshan Taoist sect record such evil and sinister techniques?

This fourth method is called stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix. It is done when the pregnant woman is three months pregnant. Take a breath of the baby in her belly, fuse her own blood with a vegetable seed, and then plant the vegetable seed in the extreme. In the yin place, water it with talisman water to make it take root, sprout and grow. This vegetable is called yuancai.

When the pregnant woman gives birth in ten months, the Yuancai will give birth to abnormal shapes. At this time, the caster will burn a talisman and cut off the Yuancai with a knife, and the soul of the born baby will be transferred to the seed of the Yuancai. From then on, this flowerpot of Yuancai became its habitat.

And the pregnant woman over there will give birth to a dead baby because his soul has been harvested.

This method of stealing a dragon and turning it into a phoenix can be said to be extremely inhumane. Su Yi later asked Chen You and learned that there is a reason why this technique has been passed down from ancient times to this day.

Contraception was not popular in ancient times, so the family population increased every year, and the living burden on poor families was extremely heavy. In view of this, people who are proficient in this technique will target their own children. In addition to reducing their burden, they can also send little ghosts as helpers, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Although this is still very cruel, there is still a certain market among poor people.

Of course, this fourth method is definitely considered a sin, and the caster will definitely be burdened with karma and retribution after death.

It's just that in this world of suffering, most people in the world only care about the road ahead of them, so who care about what's behind them?

Of the four methods, the last three are not suitable for Su Yi to use because there are no conditions at all.

The corpses of the boy and girl had long been eaten by the ogre, and the bones were thrown away.

On the contrary, the first method is simply tailor-made for Su Yi.

The reason why the mulberry forest in front of him is lush is because it is watered with the blood and internal organs of the victim. This directly saves the most time-consuming step of the first method. Su Yi only needs to take the trees where the two imps live. Take a branch from each tree, carve it into a puppet, point out the facial features, and then you can proceed directly to the final step of seducing the soul and conquering the ghost.

Although it was the first time for Su Yi to use this method of seducing souls and summoning ghosts, this technique was not difficult, so there was no possibility of failure for him.

But when I went to cut down the mulberry trees and recruit the little ghost bodies, I still encountered setbacks.

For the fierce ghosts in the forest, they had long regarded the boy and girl as their treasures. How could they be willing to take advantage of Su Yi at this moment?

But firstly, most of them are restricted in their movements in the forest and cannot get out at all; secondly, Su Yi has already arranged the magic circle, and there are not many powerful characters who can come out. Not only can they not hurt Su Yi, but they are also killed by Su Yi. B's magic circle hurt him and he fled back in a hurry.

If they kept going back and forth, they no longer dared to provoke Su Yi. They could only watch as Su Yi cast a spell and put the two little ghosts into the carved puppets.

The moment the technique was successful, Su Yi clearly felt that he had established a very mysterious connection with the two puppets on the incense table in front of him.

It's not as magical as being able to make them understand the meaning with just a thought. This connection is more like a contract, allowing Su Yi to understand that he is the master of these two little ghosts. Su Yi can see them at any time without using any magic. to them.

The two little ghosts also understand that they have a master. As long as they obey the master's words, they will be rewarded; if they go against the master's wishes, they will be punished.

Looking at the two puppets in front of him, Su Yi clearly felt the two consciousnesses hidden inside, and the emotions they conveyed could also be clearly captured by Su Yi.

Fear, curiosity, expectation, apprehension...

Very complex.

Su Yi smiled slightly, pricked his finger with a silver needle, and dropped a drop of blood on each of the two puppets.

As soon as the blood fell on the puppet, the two little ghosts inside immediately emitted strong emotional fluctuations of joy and joy. The blood quickly dissolved into the puppet and disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

This is not "recognizing the master by shedding blood", but feeding.

Ghosts actually hate the blood of strangers, especially the blood of practitioners, which is definitely the nemesis of ghosts.

But as the master, Su Yi's blood is a great help to these two little devils.

Because they have established a blood connection, the little devil will be close to and admire his master.

However, although imps are loyal to their owners, don’t think that they are harmless.

The establishment of a master-servant relationship is not absolute. If you just force them to do things without giving them rewards, they will also become emotional and passive. In serious cases, they may even backfire on their masters, causing misfortune to their masters, or even causing their masters to die miserably.

The rewards for them are simple, just give them some candies and toys, and they will be very happy. Giving them a drop of blood every now and then will satisfy them even more.

But you must not give too much blood, because people are greedy, let alone ghosts? They must be made aware of how precious and hard-won blood is.

Furthermore, little ghosts are jealous and childlike, and most of them are naughty and playful. When getting along with little ghosts on weekdays, you must take care of their emotions and pay attention to the way you get along with them.

For example, some little ghosts pay special attention to whether their master values ​​them, so when the master is eating, they cannot forget to put more bowls and chopsticks on the table so that they can sit and eat together. When drinking tea and water, they cannot forget them. They must first Pour the tea into the cup and then pour it on the ground beside you.

Although the little ghosts cannot speak human language, they can understand what their masters say. Some little ghosts especially like to hear their masters talking to them. From time to time, they will pester you to talk to them, and they will say whatever they want.

Some little ghosts like candies and toys, so they should put the candies and toys in dark corners of the home so that they can eat and play with them at any time.

In short, raising imps is just like getting along with people. You must pay attention to propriety and degree. Don't be too spoiled, but don't be too harsh either.

Through the habits of these little ghosts, you can sometimes tell whether someone has a little ghost.

If someone puts out empty bowls when eating, has no children at home, buys toys and puts them in the corner, and sometimes talks to himself, he must have raised a kid.

Raising little ghosts is not necessarily the exclusive domain of cultivators. Some ordinary people also raise little ghosts to achieve certain purposes.

For example, gamblers or celebrities need imps to help them make fortunes; those who fish for side jobs need imps to warn them or harm others; some old and lustful concubines will ask imps to perform the trick of covering their eyes with ghosts to fascinate drifters. Make the other party willingly empty their pockets.

After Su Yi was fed with blood, the two little ghosts finally stopped recognizing life and boldly floated out of the puppets. They circled around Su Yi and looked at their new master curiously.

Su Yi looked at them and smiled slightly, and said: "From now on, let's call them Qingfeng and Mingyue."

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