"This is wrong!"

Maybe Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo didn't understand what Su Yi said was wrong, but Zhang Sanfeng heard it right away.

There is a Buddhist Scripture Pavilion in Shaolin, and of course there is one in Wudang.

But no matter which sect it is, the purpose of setting up the Sutra Pavilion is to "collect books", which demonstrates the heritage of a sect.

In such a place, even if the scriptures and secret books collected are not unique, they must be very precious. How could it be possible to solemnly and seriously collect the scriptures that were published in the secular world?

This is the same as the wealthy landlord in the countryside who would not hide corn sticks under his fire bed.

"The scriptures collected in the Shaolin Scripture Pavilion are all unique. At the very least, they are all handwritten copies of famous monks. Ordinary things are not qualified to enter the Scripture Pavilion." Zhang Sanfeng said, "These scriptures... are all published by secular bookstores. Issued items should not be stored in the Sutra Pavilion."

Xiao Zhao and others suddenly realized it. They looked around and found that all the scriptures were printed and the quality was not very good.

These books are all ordinary Buddhist scriptures, martial arts secrets and the like, but there are none.

"Could it be that the current situation is difficult and Shaolin did this deliberately to prevent accidents?" Xiao Zhao guessed.

"Accident? What accident? Are you afraid that the rebels will steal their scriptures?" Su Sanqi sneered.

"It's the Tatars!" Xiao Zhao wondered, "Shaolin was under the rule of the Tatars. They must have been afraid that the Tatars would covet the Shaolin martial arts scriptures, so they deliberately made these worthless things to hide the real scriptures. This is normal."

As soon as these words came out, both Zhang Sanfeng and Zhou Zhiruo looked embarrassed, but Su Sanqi sneered again and again.

"Miss Xiaozhao, the possibility you mentioned is probably not possible." Zhang Sanfeng said with a bitter smile, "To take a step back, even if it is really afraid that the Tatars will covet Shaolin's inheritance, Shaolin can just empty the Sutra Pavilion. It is not necessary. Then they fill the Scripture Pavilion with these worthless printed books. This is not like defending against the outside, but more like defending against the inside..."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Zhao became even more confused. This time, even Su Sanqi and Zhou Zhiruo couldn't understand.

Su Yi had suspicions at first, but after hearing this, he felt that his suspicions were confirmed.

According to what he learned from Master Miejie, life in Shaolin has not been easy in recent years, and the internal situation is not harmonious, and it is far less glorious and majestic than it was in the previous decades.

After the Yuan Dynasty destroyed the Song Dynasty, Shaolin was quickly highly praised by the Yuan Dynasty, making it a Buddhist temple with the highest status.

This is a treatment that other martial arts sects and other Buddhist temples do not have. At that time, all martial arts sects were suppressed by Yuan Ting. Some sects appeased and compromised and were willing to be lackeys. Some would rather die than surrender to the annihilation of the Taoist order, and some had to stay away. On the frontier and overseas, in order to survive.

In that era of martial arts in the Central Plains, only the Shaolin Temple, the Quanzhen Sect, and other sects that were willing to become the lackeys of the Yuan Dynasty could develop and survive.

As for Zhang Sanfeng's Wudang and Guo Xiang's Emei sect, they only began to occupy famous mountains and establish sects after the Yuan Dynasty gradually relaxed its control over the martial arts after the initial dark period.

It was also thanks to the Yuan Dynasty's suppression of martial arts sects that the major sects in the Central Plains perished and fled. Otherwise, famous mountains and rivers such as Wudang Mountain and Emei Mountain had long been occupied. How could Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang have their turn? ?

When Wudang and Emei established sects, did they grovel to Yuan Ting?

This is the reason why Zhang Sanfeng and Zhou Zhiruo smiled awkwardly.

People have to bow their heads under the roof, fearing that some humiliation and unfairness cannot be avoided. Otherwise, how can the Tatar world tolerate the "illegal organizations" of the Han people?

But Wudang and Emei are not treated as well as Shaolin Temple. I'm afraid it has something to do with the fact that they still retain some Han people's dignity and bottom line.

In the martial arts world, the argument that "Shaolin gained the support and admiration of the Yuan Dynasty through the donation of scriptures and seventy-two unique skills" has never subsided.

Whether this matter is true or not has never been determined, and Shaolin has always kept it secret and never explained. However, such rumors are so rampant that they may be groundless and may not be without reason.

Because of this, although Shaolin is still the leader in martial arts, its prestige has been greatly reduced in the martial arts.

Thanks to the hard work of the previous generation of eminent monks, the Caodong sect passed down by the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng was brought back to Shaolin Temple, which made Shaolin's name of "Zen Orthodoxy" and "Dharma Lineage" more legitimate, and its prestige in Buddhism has greatly increased, and it can be regarded as the East. It was not bright but bright in the west, which restored its declining reputation for a time.

Later, the Quanzhen Sect, which was willing to be the lackey of the Yuan Dynasty, was completely abandoned by the imperial court and declined. The reason why Shaolin was not abandoned was because the Yuan Dynasty originally advocated Buddhism, and the second was because Shaolin had always been "well-behaved". And keeping Shaolin is also good for maintaining Han rule.

It's just that Tibetan Buddhism was prevalent in the Central Plains at that time, and they were very dissatisfied with "heresies" like Shaolin, and life in Shaolin was not easy. Coupled with the fate of the Quanzhen Sect, Shaolin is in danger of dying.

Shaolin has also experienced a history of being suppressed and humiliated by local rulers and Lamaism. However, Shaolin cleverly took the upper-level route. Several former emperors of the Yuan Dynasty directly issued decrees, ordering the local military and government to protect the Shaolin Temple and had to respect or even harass it.

In return, Shaolin Temple tried its best to safeguard the rule of the Yuan Dynasty and became its loyal defender. It's just that at that time, the Yuan Dynasty was stable, and the various factions in the Central Plains were the eldest brother, don't laugh at the second brother. Therefore, Shaolin's "dog-licking" behavior was not looked down upon and despised by others.

This situation lasted until the Zhizheng period, when people were at war everywhere and the Yuan Dynasty was in turmoil.

Xu Shi saw that Yuan Ting was declining, Shaolin's attitude towards Yuan Ting gradually became ambiguous, and the relationship between the two parties became distant.

However, the relationship between Shaolin and various rebels is also at odds, especially after the incident where the monk Kong Jian was beaten to death by the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun.

Originally, Shaolin had always maintained this state of "non-contact". It was alienated from Yuan Ting and hostile to the rebels, and wanted to protect itself wisely.

But for both the rebels and Yuan Ting, Shaolin is a tiger on the side of the bed, and no one can tolerate the continued existence of this tiger with an obscure attitude.

The incident happened seven years ago, when Ji Xiaofu was beaten to death by Miejie Shitai and Zhang Wuji escorted Yang Buhui to the Kunlun Mountains in the Western Regions.

At that time, there was a severe drought in the world, rebel armies were rising everywhere, and even the hinterland of the Central Plains was not at peace.

King Ruyang heard that Shaolin was secretly harboring a certain rebel and escaped from the imperial encirclement and suppression, so he used some tricks to instigate Mingjiao Liu Futong, Monk Dubu and Zhu Yuanzhang, whose name was unknown at the time, to besiege Shaolin Temple, but Shaolin successfully repulsed it.

Then King Ruyang began to spread the word that the rebels disrespected the Buddha, besieged the Zen ancestral court, killed, wounded, and looted, and committed all kinds of evil.

At the critical moment, a warrior monk from Shaolin Temple who was doing fire-burning chores rushed out of the mountain gate with a fire stick in his hand. His body suddenly grew dozens of feet taller, stood on the mountain peak, and shouted, "I am King Kinnara!"

The rebels were so frightened when they saw this situation that they fled everywhere. As a result, the Shaolin Temple was saved from disaster, but the monk also passed away later. Afterwards, the Shaolin Temple monks realized that this warrior monk was actually the incarnation of King Kinnara, one of the eight heavenly dragons!

Not only that, King Ruyang also went out of his way to organize Buddhist monks to build a statue of this non-existent warrior monk in the Shaolin Temple, build a Kinnara Hall, enshrine him as the so-called "Chasing Envoy", and hold a large ceremony to commemorate it.

King Ruyang also encouraged temples across the country to respond to such grand events. Major temples commemorated the so-called miracle of "King Kinnara's manifestation", and the story of "King Kinnara's red scarf rebelling against the traitors" also spread throughout the world.

This thing seems absurd, but it has a great impact. Most people believed this and were in awe of it, so this was very beneficial to Yuan Ting and Buddhism.

The incense of Buddhism became more prosperous, and Yuan Ting's "God's protection" also made more people who could not survive put out the idea of ​​​​resistance and did not dare to follow the rebels. Even many "insightful people" concluded that " Yuan Ting's energy is not exhausted yet."

It can be said that the situation in Yuan Ting has not deteriorated too much in the past seven years, which has a lot to do with this matter.

But this incident was very disgusting for the Shaolin Temple. It felt like yellow mud fell off the crotch, and it was embarrassing that it was either feces or feces.

As a result, Shaolin Temple was hated by rebels from all over the world. Su Sanqi mocked Shaolin and had a bad attitude because of this incident.

During this period, "resisting the Yuan Dynasty" has become the consensus of the Han people. Regardless of whether they dare to stand up or not, "expelling the Tartars" is already politically correct. Therefore, what happened in the Shaolin Temple not only caused the rebels, but also the Han people to have mixed emotions and criticize it.

But fortunately, the Shaolin Temple did not collapse because of this, allowing King Ruyang to further succeed in his conspiracy. Instead, he actively carried out crisis public relations, transformed the conflict between Shaolin and the rebels into a conflict between Shaolin and the Mingjiao, and smeared the Mingjiao in the arena and among the people. Promote the evil deeds of Mingjiao and denounce Mingjiao as a demonic religion.

This reversed the previous public opinion to a certain extent, especially because of the Ji Xiaofu incident, the Ming Cult and the Emei Sect were at war. Shaolin now spoke out to add fuel to the flames, which not only united the Emei Sect, but also further cemented the evil reputation of the Demon Sect.

However, the Prince of Ruyang could not tolerate the Shaolin Temple's "golden cicada escape" in this way, so it further forced the Shaolin Temple to take sides, and also conferred official positions such as "Ti Dian" and "Du Ti Ju" on some eminent Shaolin monks. .

This approach had a certain effect. Although it forced some knowledgeable people to be more unwilling to forcibly tie up with Yuan Ting, it also made some weak-willed monks begin to hesitate and became half-reluctant to Yuan Ting's recruitment.

For example, a group of monks headed by Kongzhi advocated a temporary peace with the Yuan Dynasty, in vain; while the Shao Zhuang group headed by Kongxing firmly opposed moving closer to the Yuan Dynasty, arguing that the more the Yuan Dynasty forced them, the more they wanted to make peace with the Tatars. Draw clear boundaries.

Shaolin Abbot Kong Wen's attitude was unclear and he looked hesitant.

Although this matter is kept private in the world, it is not a secret to people of the level of Zhang Sanfeng and Master Jue.

Therefore, Master Miejie said that Shaolin has been having a hard time in recent years and is internally unstable.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng judged that the "substandard quality" situation in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was for internal defense rather than external defense.

Zhang Sanfeng speculated that the Shaolin Temple secretly transferred the scriptures from the Sutra Pavilion to Chen Cang in order to prevent radicals in the temple from using the Sutra Pavilion to commit extreme acts, and ostensibly used these worthless prints to cover up the public.

But in fact, this does not explain the strange behavior of the Sutra Pavilion.

Relatively speaking, Su Yi's guess and judgment can better explain this phenomenon.

The reason why Su Yi guessed that the Sutra Pavilion was abnormal was because he made a bold assumption and deduced the cause from the effect.

He first assumed that the senior officials of the Shaolin Temple had guessed Yuan Zhen's identity and knew that Yuan Zhen was colluding with the Ruyang Palace, and then used this as a fact to speculate on what would happen.

Su Yi's assumption is not random, but very possible.

Because there is a big bug in the original plot, that is, Cheng Kun's true identity was exposed by Zhang Wuji on the Bright Summit, and he faked his death to escape. Later, he came back from the dead and incited Shaolin to hold a lion-slaying conference, and the entire Shaolin senior management actually You feel like a fool if you let him control you.

The original plot gave a far-fetched explanation, saying that both Abbot Kong Wen and Kong Zhi were kidnapped and threatened by Cheng Kun, but this didn't make sense at all. Since everyone in Shaolin already knew that Cheng Kun had a problem, why would they be so unreasonable? Be careful, he kidnapped the abbot and left the whole temple at his mercy?

Later, Shaolin easily got rid of Cheng Kun's control, which was also quite inexplicable.

The biggest BUG is that this time the Shaolin Temple was taken over by a group of people. Where did the Shaolin Sandu, who set up the King Kong Demon Circle Formation and was helpless even Zhang Wuji, go?

Even if they are not on Shaoshi Mountain, they are really deaf and blind. They don't even know that Shaolin was destroyed by the Tuan?

But it would make sense if we assume that Shaolin's top brass knew that Yuan Zhen was colluding with the Prince of Ruyang, or even acquiesced in this situation.

On the one hand, Shaolin wanted to get rid of the binding of Yuan Ting, but on the other hand, it was very difficult to face the pressing pressure of King Ruyang. There were even different voices in the temple, signs of division, which made Abbot Kong Wen very embarrassed.

At this time, maybe Yuan Zhen took the initiative to ask Ying to secretly communicate with the Ruyang Palace. Maybe Kong Wen and other senior officials saw something strange about Yuan Zhen through the "siege of Guangmingding" and gained insight into his secret position, or there are other possibilities. .

In short, Yuan Zhen's identity was exposed in the eyes of Shaolin senior officials.

Of course, not everyone knows it, at most only part of it. "Anti-Yuan sects" like Kongxing will never know it.

In this way, it can also explain why Yuan Zhen, as a junior who went to the Western Regions with the Shaolin monks, was able to break away from the large army without authorization and frequently enter and exit the Guangmingding Secret Path.

Because this was tacitly allowed, or something tacitly understood by Kong Zhi.

This can also explain why in the original plot, Fang Zhen faked his death and escaped and returned to Shaolin to still make trouble, but Shaolin's top brass turned a blind eye to Fang Zhen's suspicious aspects.

And why did Emptiness die tragically both in the original plot and in reality?

Because this man was a stubborn anti-Yuan sect, Yuan Zhen took this opportunity to kill him.

Shaolin cannot seek the skin of a tiger without any backlash.

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