While the female reporter Cissy was "trying to save herself", Yuan Xiaomin took her new good sister Yu Huiqi to the company where she signed a contract.

Like Cissy, Yuan Xiaomin's boyfriend Liu Weisheng is also her boss, and Yuan Xiaomin is a contracted female artist under her boyfriend's company.

The reason why she brought Yu Huiqi to the company was because the latter was worried about where to find a job during the work-study program. Yuan Xiaomin loved Yu Huiqi so much that he naturally enthusiastically recommended her to work as a model in her boyfriend's company.

The two sides hit it off immediately.

Like Cissy, the company employees here are very enthusiastic towards Yuan Xiaomin, and Aiwu and Wu also have a good attitude towards Yu Huiqi.

But when everyone sees Yuan Xiaomin and Yu Huiqi, they have to say: "Sister Xiaomin, Xiaoqi looks similar to you."

Someone even asked if Yu Huiqi was Yuan Xiaomin's sister.

Because of Yuan Xiaomin's relationship, Yu Huiqi successfully found a job here. However, when signing the contract, Yu Huiqi used the excuse that she was underage and asked Yuan Xiaomin to sign on her behalf.

Later, at Yu Huiqi's suggestion, Yuan Xiaomin took her back to her parents' home.

This family is a very kind-hearted ordinary family, and they are also very enthusiastic about Yu Huiqi.

"Oh, if I hadn't been sure that I had only given birth to one child, even I would have doubted whether you and Xiaomin were biological sisters." Mother Yuan kindly took Yu Huiqi's hand and smiled, "Xiao Qi, from now on, treat this place as your own. Come to your own home often.”

"I will." Yu Huiqi smiled shyly and lowered her head. No one noticed the strangeness that flashed in her eyes.

"Are Xiaoqi and I really so similar?" Yuan Xiaomin looked at Yu Huiqi and asked in confusion, "We are completely different, okay? I have short hair, she has long hair, I am mature, she is cute, from appearance to style, there is no similarity. "

"It looks like it, why doesn't it look like it?" Father Yuan said with a smile, "Just now, your grandma mistakenly thought Xiao Qi was a bastard. Xiaomin, I will often take Xiao Qi home in the future. I don't know why, but I also feel the same when I see this child. I feel very friendly, as if I’m seeing another you.”

"Oh, I'm going to get jealous if you keep doing this!" Yuan Xiaomin smiled and stamped her feet, pretending to be angry.

I don’t know what Yu Huiqi said in Yuan Xiaomin’s ear. The latter burst out laughing and started playing with Yu Huiqi affectionately.

After the two had dinner at Yuan's house, they didn't return until dark. On this day, they fully demonstrated what it means to be "inseparable".

By coincidence, while they were chatting and laughing while waiting for the elevator, Su Yi, who had been running around all day, also walked in from the door carrying a box.

Su Yi was obviously stunned when he saw the two of them.

It's not that he's surprised, it's that he recognized the wrong person.

When he saw Yu Huiqi for the first time just now, he mistook her for Yuan Xiaomin.

It is normal for ordinary people to admit someone by mistake, but for Su Yi, it is a bit unbelievable.

Whether it is the practice of martial arts or magic, Su Yi has developed the ability to have a sharp eye. For people he has seen, he doesn't even need to look at them with his eyes. He can usually tell who is approaching him by just listening to footsteps or direct induction.

So how could he admit the wrong person?

He looked deeply at Yu Huiqi, then turned around and walked out of the unit, as if he was keeping a distance from the two of them.

Yuan Xiaomin was stunned for a moment and suddenly became angry. She pointed in the direction of the unit door and said, "I really don't understand. How did I offend him? He hates me so much? He avoids me when he sees me?"

"He ignores you, so you ignore him too." Yu Huiqi said with a smile, "We are just neighbors anyway. It is not certain whether he will live here forever."

"Yes, why should I be angry for an insignificant stranger?" Yuan Xiaomin sneered to comfort herself, "Huh, such a graceless and rude man really deserves to be renting a house in his thirties!"

Yu Huiqi held her arm and comforted her with gentle words. It was not until the two of them entered the elevator and disappeared on the first floor that Su Yi walked in again and looked thoughtfully in the direction of the elevator.

He felt a little chilly in his heart, because he had already seen this female ghost's method of finding a substitute.

When I saw them yesterday, people were still people and ghosts were ghosts.

Goodbye this morning, people have ghost energy, and ghosts have popularity.

By tonight, it was already indistinguishable between humans and ghosts.

What about tomorrow?

What about the day after tomorrow?

When people turn into ghosts and ghosts turn into people, everyone in the world will think that the female ghost is Yuan Xiaomin, but the real Yuan Xiaomin will become a lonely ghost.

The worst thing is that even the female ghost's karma will be transferred to Yuan Xiaomin, because she is a substitute, and she will replace everything of the female ghost completely.

This kind of "I'm still me, but everyone in the world thinks I'm not me anymore" thing is actually very scary if you think about it carefully.

This ghost cultivator's substitute spell is really sinister and sinister.

Su Yi took the second elevator upstairs. After returning home, he opened the box and took out all the results he had gained today.

Cinnabar, yellow paper, wolf hair...

Although the tools and materials used to draw these symbols are relatively common, it took Su Yi a lot of effort, running around and looking in many places to find the best ones.

Compasses with precise markings and Yinshan peach wood are really hard to find. Su Yi found the former in a pawn shop. This compass is quite old and is in good condition. It is made of pure copper. Su Yi was sure that this thing was made by a Taoist priest who was good at Feng Shui, but it was not a magic weapon, just an ordinary utensil. It's okay to use it to separate gold points and hunt for evil ghosts, but if you want to use it to set up an array to catch ghosts, that's sheer luxury.

As for the Yinshan peach tree, it was Su Yi who discovered a century-old peach tree next to an ancient well in a mountain village in Tai O.

This mountain village is located in the north of the mountain, and the north of the mountain is yin, so this peach tree is undoubtedly a Shanin peach tree.

And ancient wells also belong to yin, and Shanyin ancient wells are yin plus yin.

The old peach tree that has grown in such a shady place for hundreds of years has actually brought some spirituality. Even if it is not blessed with any charms, it will have a great restraint effect on sneakiness. This is a very rare spiritual tree.

Therefore, Su Yi deliberately broke off a few more branches and prepared to make a few more peach wood swords to be prepared.

However, this is not a real magic weapon after all. It can be used to deal with ordinary sneaks, but it is still slightly lacking in dealing with fierce ghosts or other very powerful ghosts.

So Su Yi spent a lot of energy today on finding a real magic weapon.

Of course, it is difficult to find, and it is almost impossible to obtain it by conventional means. Therefore, Su Yi inevitably becomes a gentleman, visiting various Taoist temples and the homes of rich people with exquisite layouts.

It is very rare to take the shape of a magic weapon. There is a special method of refining a magic weapon in Maoshan method, but the quickest magic weapon takes ninety-nine and eighty-one days to take shape. Su Yi has no time to refine a magic weapon of his own. device.

The most commonly used and widely used method of sacrificing magical instruments is to use blood as a guide and incense to worship. The more blood the magic weapon absorbs and the more incense it enjoys, the more powerful it becomes.

Therefore, when Su Yi looked for magical artifacts, he mainly went to Taoist temples where various gods were enshrined. Such places received a lot of incense and it was easy to refine magical artifacts.

In fact, there must be magical artifacts in the temple, but it is too out of place for Su Yi, a Taoist monk, to hold Buddhist magical artifacts. Moreover, his intention to worship Buddha is not sincere, and he cannot exert the power of Buddhist magical artifacts.

As for why we look for mansions with good Feng Shui layout, the reason is very simple.

A wealthy family who believes in Feng Shui is likely to spend a lot of money to hire magic tools to control the house. Although most of them will be deceived and take home useless things, there are also some who actually find treasures.

The magic weapon Su Yi found was actually found in a mansion in Taipingshan.

This is a golden bell. The bell is engraved with runes to suppress evil spirits and exorcise evil spirits. It looks like something from the lineage of Longhu Mountain Celestial Masters.

As for how Su Yi found this thing, it has its own details.

Of course, Su Yi would not be stupid enough to go in and search a Taoist temple or a mansion with a Feng Shui bureau. Let alone a day, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to finish the search in ten days.

Su Yi's method was very simple. He caught a shadow ghost, sealed it in a talisman, and then took it to and from various temples and mansions.

As long as it was possible to get in and out easily and the ghost had no reaction, or at least not much reaction, Su Yi would turn around and leave without hesitation.

What good things can be found in a place where even black shadow ghosts can't be guarded against?

In other words, in a place where even black shadow ghosts are not very afraid, even if there is a magic weapon, it is probably not a good thing.

Relying on this method, Su Yi was actually very efficient, and he really quickly locked the target.

When he approached the mansion with the golden bell, the shadow ghost immediately showed a very frightening mood swing.

And Su Yi clearly heard the sound of a bell coming from somewhere in the mansion.

This bell has its own mana fluctuations, and when it is ringed, it can frighten and damage evil things.

This is a real soul-dwelling bell, and it is a soul-dwelling bell blessed with the functions of suppressing evil and exorcizing demons.

Therefore, whenever there is an evil thing approaching this mansion, the soul-swaying bell will immediately automatically warn and drive away the evil spirit.

The effect of this thing immediately made Su Yi jealous, and he decided to borrow it first.

Using this black shadow ghost, Su Yi quickly locked the location of the soul-shaking golden bell - this thing was hanging in the tile niche in the middle of the top of his villa.

Perhaps it was because of the lunch break that the golden bell rang just now, but it did not disturb anyone in this mansion.

Su Yi sneaked in quietly to take away the golden bell, and blessed two anti-ghost charms in place as a temporary replacement.

He only borrowed this magic weapon temporarily. Before he leaves this world, he will remember to return it to its original owner.

Of course, no matter what, this is considered stealing and is unjust.

With this soul-stirring golden bell, Su Yi's confidence in himself greatly increased.

That night, Su Yi painted talismans until midnight, and set up an incense table at home to worship the six newly made peach wood swords.

Sharpening a gun in the face of battle will bring displeasure.

Although it was a bit hasty and the effect was limited, it was at least better than doing nothing.

In order to enhance the effect of the peach wood sword, he also carved demon-suppressing charms on each sword, which was regarded as enchanted.

There was no words for the whole night, and Su Yi's second day and night in Hong Kong Island passed just like that.

Early on the third day before dawn, Su Yi received a call from Miao Xiaowei.

"Sir Huang, there is a new case. Are you interested in taking a look?" Miao Xiaowei asked with a slightly tired voice on the phone, "A murder occurred in a community in Jordan last night. I was temporarily assigned to take charge of this case." Case, Sir Ma asked me to ask you, if you are interested, join this case as a consultant. "


Su Yi knew very well that this was a kind of appeasement. He, a policeman from the Bay Area who came for exchange and study, was thrown into the cold palace as soon as he arrived. Even if there was a reason for the incident, Hong Kong Island really couldn't explain it.

Another murder happened, so they simply took them with them, completing the Zheng Zhi mission of "communication".

The reason why Su Yi didn't refuse was because he also needed to show off his skills to let his colleagues in Hong Kong know how much he was worth, so that they could stop looking down on him and being negligent.

Su Yi immediately put on his suit and took a quick shower. Before going out, he hesitated slightly and took the newly acquired Golden Bell with him and put it in his coat pocket.

When he got downstairs, Miao Xiaowei had already parked his car at the door of the building and was waiting for him.

"Good morning, Sir Huang." Miao Xiaowei smiled and waved to Su Yi, raising the cup in his hand, "I brought you coffee."

He yawned as he spoke.

Su Yi took the coffee and thanked him. Seeing that his complexion was very poor and his eyes were bloodshot, he asked, "Didn't you sleep last night?"

Miao Xiaowei shook his head and complained as he got into the car: "Where can I find time to sleep? I stayed up all night again! I've had enough. For this unique case, I haven't had a normal rest for a month."

"Is there no progress yet?" Su Yi asked casually.

"I guess so." Miao Xiaowei replied as he started the car, "Sir Lin got a tip that the buyer and the sole trader will be doing business at a 24-hour Western restaurant in the near future. We..."

Halfway through the words, Miao Xiaowei suddenly became alarmed. He laughed and changed the subject: "Hey, why am I talking about these useless things? Let's go back to our case. This case was reported to the community police station below. I heard that It was a couple of young people who got high and somehow killed themselves. When the police officer arrived at the scene, he found out that the matter was not simple, so he reported it to the police station. Now, isn't it our turn to take action? "

Su Yi nodded, took a sip of coffee and stopped talking. He turned to look out the window, admiring the night view of Hong Kong Island in the early morning.

The car drove into an old community and stopped in front of an old residential building.

From a distance, the two of them could see the cordon in front of the unit door. There were also some reporters standing guard outside with long guns and short cannons, but they were blocked by several police officers.

"Damn, these paparazzi have really bad noses!" Miao Xiaowei cursed and pulled the car over.

The two got out of the car and walked over there.

Su Yi saw an acquaintance from a distance, the female reporter Cissy whom he met just yesterday, and thought to herself that the world is really small.

The two of them arrived at the cordon and were about to ask for their IDs to enter. At this moment, Su Yi suddenly heard the crisp sound of a bell in Su Yi's pocket.

Su Yi was startled, and his expression suddenly changed slightly.

"Hey, Sir Huang, why did you install a bell?" Miao Xiaowei turned back curiously.

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