The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1218: Crossing Ghosts

Most of the formations in Maoshan are based on Bagua, including the Five Elements formation.

This is because in Taoism, Bagua represents all changes in the world and means the evolution of all things.

Bagua seems to be illusory. In fact, the earliest innate Bagua has nothing to do with "Tai Chi produces two yangs, two yangs produce four images, and four images produce Bagua." The following theories are the theories of Xuanmen Jiang Daomen and Bagua, Yin and Yang. The theories are combined and summed up, so Bagua is also known as "Innate Bagua" and "Nurture Bagua".

Nowadays, the Bagua used by Xuanmen to occupy urns and set up formations to ward off evil spirits are all acquired Bagua, which are "exclusive to Xuanmen".

Why not use innate gossip?

Because the invention of Xiantian Bagua was not for some illusory thing at all, but a very practical thing.

It is recorded in ancient books: "In ancient times, Fu Xi, the king of the world, looked up to observe the images in the sky, looked down to observe the laws on the earth, observed the patterns of birds and beasts, and the suitability of the earth. Make the Eight Diagrams. Use the virtues of the gods to imitate the emotions of all things. Make a knotted rope to catch fish."

This passage makes it very clear. Why did the human ancestor Fuxi create Bagua?

It is to "make knotted ropes and make nets."

Human beings in ancient times did not have writing, so they could only "knot and rule".

But knotting ropes cannot be tied randomly. There are two basic conditions for it to be used to record events and convey information, that is, the way to tie the rope, and the meaning of different ways.

What do you mean by tying a knot? What does this knot at the top mean?

This requires explanation.

In order to explain these meanings, Fuxi summarized a set of "translation rules". This translation rule diagram is the earliest innate Bagua.

With the cooperation of the innate Bagua, anyone can understand the meaning of Fuxi's knotted rope, understand what he recorded, understand his instructions, and thus help him better manage the tribe.

This is actually a very magical thing. An innate gossip can explain everything in the world through combination and arrangement. It is not easy to do this.

Therefore, the earliest Xiantian Bagua was actually a "note-taking system software", a very practical tool with no special meaning.

Nowadays, in fact, no one can understand the meaning of the innate gossip. What later generations have summarized is basically conjecture and inference based on the acquired gossip, which is not accurate. It may even mean that the meaning is completely different. Related.

So something innate is not necessarily a better thing. Maybe like Bagua, nature and nurture are completely different things.

The Seven-Star Nailed Soul Formation also uses the Bagua as the base of the formation, on which the directions of the seven stars are compared to derive the directions of the seven levels.

There is a book in Maoshan called "General Principles of Tianyan Bureau", which specifically talks about the knowledge of Feng Shui and Kanyu. Su Yi has read this book completely and is very familiar with the contents.

So when Uncle Feng said that he had not yet had time to find the seven levels to set up the formation, Su Yi immediately took the initiative to ask Ying to complete the process.

"Okay, you go to Qiquan, and I'll set up the formation flag." Uncle Feng also knew that it was not too late, so he said simply.

Just like there is no donkey in a donkey's roll, there is no lion in a lion's head, and there are formation flags without flags.

Formation flag is just a general term, and all materials used on the formation base in all directions are collectively referred to as formation flags.

The flag of the Seven Star Nailed Soul Formation is the seven crowing bones, but it is not just a matter of placing the crowing bones in a specific position. This requires some more complicated steps and procedures.

Uncle Feng took the soul-binding talisman from Su Yi's hand, put a layer of yellow paper underneath, took out a wine bowl, threw the shaking talisman paper in, and then took out a jar of smelly viscous liquid and sealed it At the gap between the mouth of the bowl and the yellow paper, he finally bit the tip of his tongue and dripped three drops of blood on the bottom of the bowl. Then he reached out and called Xiao Ming over: "Hold it, don't let go no matter what!"

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The wine bowl vibrated together with the yellow paper, constantly jumping up and down.

Although Xiao Ming was frightened, he hurriedly stepped forward and held down the wine bowl with both hands. Although the wine bowl was still shaking violently, it could no longer jump up.

"What is this thing that smells so bad?" Xiao Ming retched, frowned and turned around and shouted.

What stinks is thick liquid. Su Yi knows this and looks at Xiao Ming sympathetically.

This is a mixture of child urine and wax water, refined through a special method, and its final form is like a shapeless jelly.

The longer this thing is left, the more it smells.

Withdrawing his gaze, Su Yi immediately began to search for the seventh pass.

Maoshan also has the art of stargazing, but it is not as mysterious as "watching the sky at night and counting with fingers." Maoshan's stargazing is also to determine things on the earth.

For example, Su Yi is stargazing now, and what he is looking at is the Big Dipper.

The Big Dipper moves around the North Star once a year, and its position changes slightly every day, but the amplitude is very small.

How small?

It would take nine days before the minimum amount of displacement could be seen with the naked eye.

This change rule applies not only to the Big Dipper, but also to most of the stars in the sky. Therefore, in Maoshan Technique, every nine days is a stargazing cycle, and this cycle becomes the "number of nines" in Maoshan Technique.

The displacement of the seven Big Dipper stars is actually caused by the revolution of the earth. When the position of the earth changes, the illusion of the position of the Big Dipper stars changes. As it orbits to different positions, the local magnetic field will also change.

Magnetic field is the scientific name, and in Feng Shui it is called aura.

The aura is not static. The direction of the aura is always changing. Generally, one year is a cycle. The amplitude is not large. From the perspective of Feng Shui, it can be ignored. But if If you are setting up an altar, you must be very careful. Because when setting up an array, we must not only pay attention to the direction of the stars, but also take into account its changes in light and darkness.

Every nine days, the brightness of the stars will be different even if you observe them from the same direction. Therefore, if you want to set up a battle and set up a good formation, follow the technique of rushing nine to observe the stars.

Su Yi first turned his back to the south, stood at the eye of the Bagua formation, and pointed his right fingers and thumb at right angles in the direction of the Big Dipper. He began to observe the stars and measure distances, and calculated the orientation of the seven passes.

The prerequisite for setting up the Seven-Star Nailing Soul Array is that the stars must be visible, so in the Kyoto of later generations, this array cannot be set up.

In hazy days, you can't see the stars all year round, and even the hair can't be clothed.

In Maoshan Shu, the so-called seven passes are Yunken Pass, Shangxuan Pass, Zichen Pass, Shangyang Pass, Tianyang Pass, Yusu Pass and Taiyou Pass, which are respectively related to Tanlang, Jumen, Lucun and Wen. The Big Dipper stars Qu, Lianzhen, Wuqu and Pojun correspond to each other.

"The greedy wolf and giant gates will be bright and dark at first, the Yunken Pass will be in the off position, and the Shangxuan Pass will be in the Xun position." Su Yi calculated while marking the base of the Bagua formation.

On the other side, Uncle Feng immediately placed the arranged formation flag where Su Yi said.

"Lucun, Wenqu, and Lianzhen begin to be dark and bright, Zichenguan is in the position of exchange, Shangyangguan is in the position of kan, and Tianyangguan is in the position of shock!"

"Wu Qu begins and ends, and Yusuguan is placed in the Qian position!"

"The broken army begins in darkness and ends in darkness. Taiyou Pass is placed in the position of Kun!"

Su Yi and Uncle Feng calculated the position and set up the formation, and they cooperated very well.

On the other side, Xiao Ming pressed the wine bowl hard with both hands. The vibration of the wine bowl became more and more severe, and his whole body was constantly rising and falling due to the huge force.

"Are you okay? I can't hold on anymore!" Xiao Ming's face flushed red, veins popped up on his forehead, and he screamed.

On the other side, Uncle Feng set up the formations in the remaining six directions, leaving only one position in Taiyou Pass empty.

He is standing in the Gen position, which is the center of this formation.

However, the celestial phenomena are different, and the positions of the formation eyes are also different, so the formation must not be copied mechanically.

Uncle Feng took off the jade pendant he carried with him and muttered something. At a certain moment, his eyes suddenly focused, he bit the tip of his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood on the jade pendant, and stamped his foot down three times.




It was as if the whole earth was shaking as he stamped his feet.

After three clicks, hearing the frightened cry of "Zhi Zhi", a nest of rats rushed out from Taiyou Pass and fled into the darkness.

In addition to mice, there were many insects, including insects that neither ants, martial arts nor Su Yi could recognize.

"Ahhh! Bugs, so many bugs!" Alian happened to be standing nearby, and when she saw this, she immediately screamed and ran away.

Girls are generally afraid of things like mice and insects, but Uncle Feng and Su Yi have no time to care about her feelings at the moment.

The reason why this happened is because the Seven Star Nailing Soul Array is actually a variant of the Seven Levels Locking Technique. Once the Seven Levels are sealed, the area within the Seven Levels will become an absolute realm.

Although this formation only cuts off yin and not yang, once the air flow is blocked, there is only one Taiyou Pass in the formation, which represents the outlet of the air veins, still circulating the air flow. The magnetic field here has changed so much that the little people living here Living things will naturally sense it, just like sensing a natural disaster, and they will be panicked.

Uncle Feng stood in the Gen position, which represents the mountain position. He just stamped his feet three times, which was actually shaking the mountain.

The main purpose of his three earthquakes was to lock the remaining six levels and shake away the remaining Yin Qi in the levels. But for the little creatures in the formation, it was like an earthquake-like doomsday. They naturally rushed to escape from the only exit. .

"Send it into the battle!" Uncle Feng nodded to Su Yi with a serious face.

Su Yi didn't say anything nonsense. He immediately came to Xiao Ming, took the wine bowl that was pressed to the ground from his hand and said: "Back off, take them all back!"


Xiao Ming also knew how powerful it was now and did not dare to neglect. He hurriedly called to Alian and helped Uncle Li back away.

Su Yi spit out a mouthful of blood from the tip of his tongue on the bowl, and the wine bowl that was shaking suddenly stopped. Su Yi took this opportunity to quickly hold up the wine bowl, quickly walked to Taiyou Pass, and threw the wine bowl directly in.

Uncle Feng had quick eyesight and quick hands. Almost at the same time as Su Yi threw the wine bowl in, he returned the last formation flag to its place. I didn't know it was at Taiyou Pass, but this formation flag was not nailed to the ground like the previous six. , but only half of it was nailed.

Almost at the same time, the wine bowl that was thrown into the formation exploded with a bang, accompanied by a purple light!

This soul-binding talisman also exploded, and Chu Renmei finally escaped from the talisman!

This bunch of soul talismans can trap even a fierce ghost for the time of a stick of incense, but in front of Chu Renmei, it can't even last for half a stick of incense.

This was still the case when Uncle Feng and Su Yi temporarily strengthened the seal again, which shows how fierce it is.

The purple talisman exploded, and Chu Renmei, who had escaped from the trap, roared and was about to rise into the sky.

But Uncle Feng, who was standing in the Gen position, made a secret with one hand and pointed with the other hand like a sword. He pointed forward and swung down suddenly, shouting: "Yunken Pass, lock!"

As he finished speaking, a golden cone appeared out of thin air and fell from the sky, heading directly towards Chu Renmei who was rising into the sky. Chu Renmei wanted to avoid it, but the formation suddenly turned into electric light, turning into "electric whips" Restrain his figure and let the golden cone sink directly into his eyes!

"Ah..." Chu Renmei let out a shrill scream. It stiffened and fell to the ground. It seemed to want to struggle, but it couldn't move at all.

A trace of resentment surged out of Chu Renmei's head, and was pulled out from Taiyou Pass.

Chu Renmei kept screaming, her figure flickering in and out as if she wanted to move to the outside world with her resentment.

But all this is in vain, because this Seven-Star Nailed Soul Formation isolates all atmosphere from the outside world, and it is an absolute realm within the formation!

Now it's just that Taiyouguan has not been crucified, so it can still struggle and survive.

Once Taiyou Pass is also crucified, what awaits it will definitely be that everything will be drained out and its soul will be scattered!

This is the terrifying thing about this Seven-Star Nailed Soul Formation.

"Shangxuan Pass, lock!"

Uncle Feng once again pointed his sword-like fingers towards the formation, only to see a golden cone rising from the ground and sinking directly between Chu Renmei's buttocks.

Chu Renmei's figure suddenly straightened up, and she let out an even more miserable scream.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ming and Su Yi both froze.

But this is not because Uncle Feng is wretched, but because he has something to say.

The seven-star nailing soul array is the ghost body that nailed Chu Renmei to death at the seven levels.

For the seventh pass, Yunken Pass is in the Li position, and Li in Bagua represents the eyes of the body, so the golden cone will be divided into two and nailed to Chu Renmei's eyes.

Shang Yuguan is in the Xun position, and Xun is the stock, so the golden cone will pin the position of Chu Renmei.

And ghosts don’t have any organs. The human form is just a form, so there’s no need to make a fuss about it.

Next, Uncle Feng locked Zichen Pass, Shangyang Pass, Tianyang Pass and Yusu Pass respectively, and the golden awls nailed Chu Renmei's hands, ears, feet and head respectively.

Chu Renmei screamed repeatedly in the formation, looking extremely miserable.

But it couldn't break free, couldn't even struggle, it just whined in pain.

Dead resentment surged out from the position where it was pinned, and then discharged from Taiyou Pass. The resentment on its body was rapidly weakening.

"Auntie Mei!" Uncle Li was suddenly excited and wanted to stumble over and rush into the formation.

At this moment, for some reason he suddenly saw Chu Renmei.

Su Yi was startled, then suddenly realized.

Li Qiang must have Chu Renmei's resentment.

Even if he doesn't have it on his body, it still exists in his memory, so it's not surprising to see Chu Renmei.

But why am I suddenly seeing it now but not before?

I'm afraid this has something to do with Chu Renmei's condition.

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