The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1227 Change of Face

"Young-blooded young people are really scary..." Su Yi looked at Miao Xiaowei who took the initiative to face the wall, shook his head and muttered.

It is particularly scary to remain a child in your twenties. If you see a car exhaust pipe on the street, you will probably have wild thoughts.

Su Yi returned his attention to the body.

There was a gunshot wound on the calf of the right leg of the corpse, but the wound was extremely smooth, which was very abnormal, because a normal gunshot wound would be slightly lacerated and swollen.

But there was no wound at all, it was like a shot into a ball of dough.

No wonder the autopsy report said that the police fired the gun after the death of the deceased.

Apart from this wound, the deceased only had some minor abrasions all over his body, which is completely inconsistent with what Lin Junxian said that he had fought with more than a dozen police officers and was hit by a large truck.

There was also a thumb-sized hole on the deceased's head, which was covered by hair and couldn't be seen without looking carefully.

The autopsy report stated that it was suspected to be stab wounds caused by sharp and hard objects, which were also wounds that occurred after death.

Su Yi, who knew the plot, naturally knew that this wound was the secret that allowed the corpse to move freely, and it was also the method for the other party to control the corpse.

The person behind the scenes is a warlock who uses the method of corpse control to control the movements of corpses and help her trade unique items. This warlock is also the behind-the-scenes boss in "Exorcist Police". He is an absolute master and beat Uncle Feng into danger.

This person uses an ice pick as a talisman to pierce the spirit of the deceased, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling the corpse.

Su Yi originally wanted to use the ice pick to analyze and judge the enemy's strength from this object, or to see if the ice pick had any other effects.

But to Su Yi's disappointment, the ice cone had already completely turned into water as Chen Zhuzhu lost consciousness. Not only did the shape change, but all the mana and yin energy contained in it also dissipated.

It can be said that this corpse is of no value to Su Yi.

He shook his head and covered the body with the white cloth again.

"Let's go!" He said to Miao Xiaowei, who was still facing the wall.

"So fast?" Miao Xiaowei turned around and took a quick look at the body. He hurriedly bent over and covered his lower body with the autopsy report to follow Su Yi, "Sir Huang, did you see anything?"

"Someone used evil methods to manipulate corpses to transport poison." Su Yi said concisely and to the point, "Let's investigate Chen Zhuzhu's social relationships to see who she knew during her lifetime and whether she had anyone close to her."

"Leave it to me, I'll do it when I get back!" Miao Xiaowei took the initiative to take over the matter.

"Uh...Sir Huang, can you not tell Alian what happened in the morgue?" Miao Xiaowei said awkwardly, "Actually, I'm not a pervert, and I don't know why..."

Su Yi looked at him expressionlessly: "What should I tell A-Lian? You said that you are crazy about women, and that you would be stunned when you see a dead body. Do you think it is appropriate for me to say this as her uncle?"

"Inappropriate, absolutely inappropriate!" Miao Xiaowei blushed, "Sir Huang, please don't mention it again."

"From now on, I'll call you Yixie." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Sir Huang!" Miao Xiaowei suddenly wailed, "Please let me go!"

Su Yi smiled and walked forward, refusing to let go even though Miao Xiaowei begged.

But when he met Ah Lian, Su Yi still called him Ah Wei and didn't mention anything about what happened before, which made Miao Xiaowei relieved.

"Go back to the police station to investigate this matter. If anything happens, call me and tell me after I get home." Su Yi said.

"Okay Sir Huang." Miao Xiaowei said, "By the way, I forgot to ask you. I heard the director mutter before that Sir Liu specially called to ask about your situation. Do you know Sir Liu? "

"Which Sir Liu?" Su Yi was startled.

"The head of the Human Services and Employee Relations Section, a senior official, is in charge of everyone in the police force. Do you think he is very powerful?" Miao Xiaowei said, "The entire police force's job transfers have to go through him, Huang Sir, if you know such a big shot, I will have to fawn over you."

Su Yi pondered slightly, smiled and patted Miao Xiaowei on the shoulder: "You can take a taxi back yourself, Alian, get in the car!"

After saying that, he got into the car, and Alian also got in hurriedly.

When the car started, Miao Xiaowei was still shouting from behind: "Sir Huang, you haven't told me yet, do you know Sir Liu?"

Only Su Yi knows him.

However, it didn't seem strange that the personnel manager of the Hong Kong Island Police Force was asking about him. After all, when he came to Hong Kong Island to communicate, he needed the officer's nod.

But Su Yi still paid attention. The situation in Hong Kong Island was strange, and he had made some noise now. Any "careful person" who was particularly concerned about him should arouse his vigilance.

Seeing Ah Lian sitting in the passenger seat looking a little unhappy, Su Yi couldn't help but smile and said, "Are you unhappy because you can't go to the mall, or are you unhappy because Ah Wei is gone?"

"Whether he leaves or not has nothing to do with me!" Alian said angrily, "Uncle Huo Tu, I'm nineteen years old, why are you and my uncle still taking care of me like a child? That's not allowed for me either. If you do, I’m not allowed to go, I feel like I don’t have any freedom at all!”

Su Yi nodded and said, "Your uncle is indeed wrong. He shouldn't have tied you up like this. He should have let you out early and see more of the world."

"Uncle Huotu, do you really think so?" Alian's eyes suddenly lit up, "Then why do you control me and don't let me go to the mall?"

"Because I promised your uncle to watch over you, and I have to fulfill my promise." Su Yi smiled, "So in the final analysis, the reason lies with your uncle."

"Oh, my uncle is good at everything, but he is too stubborn." Alian said with a frown.

"I'll talk to him when I get the chance and let him give you a break," Su Yi said.

"Really?" Alian's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Of course." Su Yi smiled.

"Yeah! Uncle Huo Tu, you are the best!" Alian suddenly became happy.

Along the way, there was an innocent young girl chirping in my ear, but I didn't feel lonely at all.

Arriving at the airport soon, Su Yi saw that it was still early, so he simply took Alian to a Western fast food restaurant outside the airport for a meal, and then walked to the airport pick-up gate.

When Liu Qingfang appeared at the exit holding her daughter Huang Xiaomei, a long time passed.

Liu Qingfang looked around, until her eyes met Su Yi's, she immediately burst into a bright smile and walked towards her faster.

I don't know why, but Su Yi also feels very cordial.

"Husband!" Liu Qingfang walked up and shouted in surprise. Su Yi smiled and was about to speak when she threw herself into Su Yi's arms and hugged him tightly.

Su Yi gently stroked her back and said, "Did anything happen on the way?"

"No, everything went smoothly, and my sister is also very good." Liu Qingfang said happily.

"Have you eaten?" Su Yi asked.

"We ate before going to the airport." Liu Qingfang smiled.

Su Yi knelt down and looked at his daughter, who also had a cheerful look in her eyes but didn't speak. He smiled and rubbed her head, then picked her up and said, "Let's go to where we live with dad."

After a pause, he introduced to Liu Qingfang: "She is Alian, the niece of a friend of mine. He has something to do, so I will help him take care of Alian."

"Hello Alian." Liu Qingfang smiled and waved.

"Ah... I, what should I be called, Uncle Huo Tu?" Alian blushed and was at a loss. "My sister is so young and beautiful, so I can't call her aunt or aunt..."

"You call him Uncle Huotu?" Liu Qingfang held back her laughter, "But he is more than ten years older than you, so it's no problem. Just call me Sister Qing. My colleagues all call me that, and I won't follow him forever. , otherwise you would call me old.”

"Sister Qing!" Alian shouted happily, "Sister Qing, you are so beautiful. Uncle Huo Tu is really lucky."

"You are also very beautiful, Alian, and your mouth is so sweet." Liu Qingfang took her hand and said very affectionately.

The two women soon started laughing and chatting together. Su Yi smiled at Huang Xiaomei who looked at him with wide eyes: "They are of the same generation, and we are also of the same generation, okay?"

Huang Xiaomei chuckled.

Over there, Liu Qingfang suddenly calmed down and looked over here. She was startled, and smiled happily: "My sister will only laugh out loud when she sees you."

Su Yi smiled and said, "Let's talk while walking."

The four of them walked outside the airport talking and laughing.

After walking for a while, Su Yi suddenly stopped and turned around with a frown.

"What's wrong, husband?" Liu Qingfang asked strangely.

Su Yi raised his chin: "Those two women have been following us."

Liu Qingfang followed Su Yi's gaze and saw two women walking towards them.

One of the women looked to be in her forties, and the other woman was tall and young, looking to be in her early twenties. Her expression was somewhat reluctant, but she was pulled over by the middle-aged woman.

The tall woman has fair skin and delicate eyebrows. She is a rare beauty.

It is actually very rare for Su Yi to evaluate her as a beauty.

This woman's long legs are very eye-catching, and she has a cool temperament, a bit like a female version of a domineering president.

But this tall woman gave Su Yi a very uncomfortable feeling.

Before Su Yi could take a closer look, the two men had already walked in front of Su Yi.

The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "I'm so presumptuous to bother you all. I, you and I came on the same flight. Madam, do you remember?"

She said it to Liu Qingfang. Liu Qingfang thought for a moment and said suddenly: "I remember, you and I are across the corridor."

"Yes, yes!" the middle-aged woman said hurriedly, "I am from Nantou County and a member of the Atayal tribe. This is my daughter..."

She pointed to the tall girl next to her and introduced.

"Hello, I'm Aning." The tall daughter nodded slightly and greeted everyone in an elegant manner, and her voice was unsurprisingly pleasant.

"My name is Noi." The middle-aged woman said.

Liu Qingfang also introduced herself and Su Yi, and finally asked: "Sister Noi, do you have any business with us?"

"That's right, I was on the plane before and saw you putting a yellow talisman in your daughter's arms..." Noi said carefully.

At this point, he hurriedly added an explanation: "I didn't mean to peek at you, I just saw it accidentally."

Liu Qingfang shook her head to indicate that there was no problem, and then she continued: "If it is convenient, I would like to ask, what is the function of that talisman? Does it work? Which master did you ask for it from?"

Liu Qingfang was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi said: "That's a Taoist talisman. Madam, I think you believe in the Western God. Your daughter seems to have other beliefs as well. This talisman is of no use to you, right?"

There was a silver cross hanging around Noy's neck. It seemed to be old. It was a symbol of Catholicism.

Her daughter Aning hung a pendant with a structure similar to a dream catcher on her waist. There were some densely packed runes on it. Although Su Yi didn't recognize those characters, she was sure that they also represented a religious belief.

Noi just introduced that they are from Nantou County. As far as Su Yi knows, there are many ethnic minorities in this place, and their beliefs are very mixed. There are many local religions, and even the same ethnic group may have dozens of beliefs.

Some faiths even regard families as ethnic groups, and each family has its own dedicated "sacrificial spirit" patron saint.

No matter what you believe in, no matter how tolerant a religion is, it will never be so generous as to allow believers to believe in other religions at the same time.

Catholics, in particular, often regard other faiths as heresies.

That's why Su Yi pointed out that this was a Taoist talisman to remind the other party of the issue of faith.

Noi smiled awkwardly and said: "Mr. Huang, actually I...well, I'm not very particular about these things. To be honest, my daughter has a little problem. I brought her to Hong Kong Island this time because I heard about this place. There is a Lingdu Temple, and there is a master Sang Xin who is very spiritual, so I brought her to see..."

"Mom!" Aning frowned, "Mom, please stop talking! There is nothing wrong with me at all, it's you who always think there is something wrong with me. Let's not trouble others."

"I also know that it's not good to trouble people, but you said before that the talisman gave you a very special feeling..." Noi defended.

"I just said it casually." An Ning showed a hint of helplessness. She looked at Su Yi and said apologetically: "Mr. Huang, I'm sorry, my mother just cares about me. I'm sorry to bother you. We're leaving now."

"No, Aning, wait for me for one minute, just one minute!" Noi hurriedly grabbed his daughter, looked at Su Yi and begged urgently: "Mr. Huang, please tell me who is the master who drew this talisman. ? Thank you in advance!”

Su Yi smiled and shook his head.

A man who believes in God and his daughter who believes in a minor ethnic religion goes to see a Buddhist monk for medical treatment. If he meets a believer on the way, he will stop him and ask.

This mother's strength explains what it means to seek medical treatment in a hurry.

But what’s wrong with this daughter Aning?

She can actually tell that her talisman is "special"?

Are these mother and daughter...also characters in the plot?

Su Yi secretly made a secret gesture and looked at Aning intently.

There was a moment of trance in front of Su Yi's eyes, and he suddenly saw the big fat man covered in black looking at him coldly, his eyes indifferent and emotionless.

The next second, Su Yi felt his eyes stinging, as if there were needles pricking in his brain!

He closed his eyes suddenly, and the stinging feeling disappeared.

Su Yi was shocked and filled with horror!

That dark fat man...

What on earth exists!

And this Aning...

Su Yi opened his eyes and looked at Aning in shock, only to see that the girl's expression turned extremely cold almost at the same time!

Her pretty face was now full of gloom and coldness, and her eyes were evil and fierce.

Su Yi's heart trembled, and he subconsciously stood in front of Liu Qingfang and others.

Almost at the same time, Aning also moved!

She suddenly put her hand into her crotch, pulled out a bloody aunt's towel, and threw it towards Su Yi!

How could Su Yi be dumped by her?

Almost immediately, Su Yi pulled Liu Qingfang and others to dodge!

"What are you hiding from?" Aning suddenly laughed, his flowers trembling with laughter, his laughter full of lust, and his originally cold eyes were now full of provocation, "There is my smell on it, don't you want to taste it? If you lick it, I'll let you live in the grass."

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