What is the difference between humans and ghosts?

Or ask the question another way -

What is the difference in IQ between the living Chen Fulai and the dead Chen Fulai?

The answer is - there is no difference!

At least there is no difference now.

It had been bounced away by the anti-ghost talisman before, and now Li Guoqiang took out the demon-sealing talisman to test whether others had been possessed by him. How could Chen Fulai sit still and wait for death?

It directly caused chaos and took the opportunity to escape!

Before Li Guoqiang could react, the group of female students suddenly screamed and ran towards him.

Li Guoqiang looked fierce and was about to shoot the one at the front, but the moment he put his hand on the trigger, he hesitated.

What if I kill the wrong person?

Because of this hesitation, the best opportunity has been missed.

Dozens of people swarmed over him and pushed him to the ground.

Li Guoqiang's last move was just enough time to turn around and protect May tightly under him.

Then he felt a hot feeling coming from his chest.

It was so hot that he couldn't help but scream.

When he came to his senses again, apart from him and May, the only one left in the classroom was the female student who had been fucked before, but now only a body was left.

May was shaking violently underneath her body.

Li Guoqiang asked nervously: "Are you okay? May? May!"

When he saw his girlfriend's expression of pain and bloodless expression, he suddenly became extremely nervous.

At this moment, a figure flashed at the door of the classroom, and Su Yi appeared.

Su Yi was holding a dead head that looked like a broken electric baking pan in his hand. He glanced around and frowned when he saw May's appearance. He stepped over and squatted next to May. The pointer was like electricity, tapping several acupuncture points on May's body.

Li Guoqiang suddenly felt that there was someone around him and was startled, so he was about to raise his gun, but when he saw that it was Su Yi, he immediately relaxed.

Su Yi placed his palm on May's lower abdomen and slowly channeled his internal energy.

Li Guoqiang didn't know what Su Yi was doing, but thinking about Su Yi's magic, he could guess a little bit, so he didn't stop him and looked at his girlfriend nervously.

May's face quickly turned rosy. She wanted to say something, but her eyelids kept trembling and she fell into a deep sleep.

The change in his girlfriend's complexion made Li Guoqiang extremely happy. Before he could ask questions, Su Yi said: "She was too frightened and showed signs of a tire slip. Fortunately, I came in time and saved your child. Hey, you owe me a meal!"

"I owe you a hundred meals!" Li Guoqiang said excitedly, "How is she now?"

"Just take a nap and you'll be fine." Su Yi stood up, "Where's that guy?"

Only then did Li Guoqiang notice the twisted human head with teeth still opening and closing in Su Yi's hand, and was startled.

He swallowed and said, "I just ran away... I'm sorry, I couldn't control it."

Su Yi waved his hand: "It's normal... I didn't see it when I came up from downstairs. I just went upstairs to get it! I'll look for it!"

After that, he turned around and walked out.

Li Guoqiang glanced at his sleeping girlfriend May, gritted his teeth and said, "Wait for me!"

He carried his girlfriend to the corner, took off his coat and covered her, and then hurriedly chased her out of the classroom without forgetting to close the classroom door.

He chased all the way up the stairs, but Su Yi was nowhere to be seen. He began to wonder if he was chasing the wrong way.


Until a loud bang came from the top of the building.

The sound was like a cannonball falling on it, deafening. Li Guoqiang really couldn't figure out what caused the sound.

But this also confirms that Su Yi must be on top.

He ran up madly and soon reached the top of the building.

Only the twisted frame of the large iron door leading to the rooftop was left, and the original door was lying twisted about ten meters away.

Li Guoqiang's heart was pounding. Was he hit by a truck?

He ran out, drew his gun and took aim. This is not actually the roof, but a platform in the middle of more than ten floors. There are four or five floors online, but the area is much smaller.

At a glance, he saw a figure leaping up like a big bird and jumping to a small rooftop more than ten meters high.

And there, five or six female students were holding hands with their hair tied up, standing side by side on the edge of the rooftop.

A gust of cold air went straight up to the Tianling Cap along the tailbone. Li Guoqiang's whole body was cold and his eyes widened in horror.

"No! Don't!" He shouted tremblingly and ran madly to the edge of the building to broaden his view.

Among the six female students, the one on the far left turned around and glanced at Li Guoqiang with a look of contempt.

As if to say: "Want to kill me? Can you catch up with me?"

Soon her eyes fell on Su Yi's face behind her, with a look of deep curiosity mixed with a little fear.

He looked at the broken head in Su Yi's hand that was still opening and closing its mouth, and at Su Yi's smiling face, and subconsciously decided to stay away from this guy.

He knew that as long as he jumped down gently, no one would be able to catch up with him.


Just when she was about to jump, the man behind her stopped her.

She saw the man tying the hair of the broken human head to a lightning rod nearby, and the human head suddenly screamed miserably, and black smoke billowed from its head.

This strange scene made her even more frightened.

Su Yi tied the head, then clapped his hands and turned around to look at the little yellow father.

"You can eat so much at once and you're not afraid of stuffing yourself to death?" Su Yi said with a half-smile.

"Do you want to take care of it?" Chen Fulai gritted his teeth and replied before jumping down.

But his eyes suddenly blurred, and the next moment, he saw Su Yi's face very close at hand!

Without waiting for any reaction from him, Su Yi squeezed his fingertips and quickly drew a rune on her forehead, and slapped it down with a light shout!


With a sound like defeat, Chen Fulai felt a strong force that made him fall out of this body!

Su Yi suppressed Chen Fulai with one palm, and with a flick of his sleeve, all six female students were swept back and fell down.

On the platform downstairs, Li Guoqiang was relieved when he saw this scene, and hurriedly ran to the door of the building without saying a word, wanting to go upstairs to meet Su Yi.

Chen Fulai's soul was different from ordinary souls. His soul was extremely bloated and twisted. After being swept to the ground by Su Yi, he immediately burrowed into the female student's body in panic.

Although the soul body is bloated, its movements are not clumsy at all, but very fast!

It's just that no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than Su Yi.

Bang, bang, bang!

Su Yi suddenly had a bell in his hand.

The golden bell of Danghun made a crisp sound, and Chen Fulai was suddenly covered in black smoke and howled heartbreakingly.

Su Yi looked indifferent, making seals with one hand, ringing the bell quickly with the other hand, and chanting the ghost-killing curse quickly in his mouth: "Tai Shang Laojun, with my divine side, call the jade girl up to collect the ominous photos, the rock is cracked on the mountain, wear the seal, head Wearing a Huagai, guarding Kuigang on tiptoe, supporting Liujia on the left, guarding Liuding on the right, with the Yellow God in front and Yue Zhang behind. The divine master kills and does not avoid the powerful. He kills the evil ghost first, and then kills the night light. Why can't the gods subdue them? How dare you be..."

The sound is as urgent as big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate, and like a yellow bell and a big Lu.

The Ghost Killing Curse is the most lethal one among all the major spells in Maoshan, but Su Yi recited it resolutely and ruthlessly, and supplemented it with the Soul-Dancing Golden Bell. It was obvious that he did not want to have any chance with Chen Fu, and was determined to let him It's out of its mind!

Not even a chance to beg for mercy!

Sure enough, Chen Fulai could only wail and wail on the ground, unable to do anything else.

After a while, its entire soul was filled with black smoke, and it could no longer look at its original appearance!

At a certain moment——

Just hearing a loud "boom", Chen Fulai's entire ghost body exploded completely!

Su Yi immediately stopped ringing the bell and the incantation in his mouth stopped abruptly!

When the black smoke cleared, five panicked figures appeared in front of Su Yi's eyes.

These are the four or five female students Chen Fulai hasn’t had time to digest!

It swallowed up the souls of six female students wholeheartedly, but it couldn't digest them all so quickly.

The reason why Su Yi was so eager to kill Chen Fulai was because he knew that the sooner he killed this little Huang father, the sooner he could save the innocent souls that he swallowed whole.

Among these five souls, there is the delivery girl.

At this time, the five living souls were trembling and looked like they were about to disappear into thin air.

This is caused by the dark wind. Su Yi, a cultivator, couldn't bear the coldness of his soul leaving his body, let alone ordinary people like them?

Su Yi quickly made the magic formula with his hands and muttered words. The five living souls immediately floated towards Su Yi involuntarily.

Su Yi bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed it all around!


The blood mist quickly submerged into the souls of these five female students.

Su Yi quickly took out a soul-suppressing talisman, then squeezed his fingertips and dripped blood on it.

The five living souls seemed to be drawn and quickly gathered towards the drop of blood. Su Yi flipped the Soul Suppressing Talisman and suppressed the five living souls immediately.

He quickly took out the Soul-Dangling Golden Bell and pressed it on the Soul-Calming Talisman.

At this moment, Li Guoqiang ran up, looking out of breath.

In his eyes, Su Yi had a solemn expression and was holding a strange spell, muttering something unknown in his mouth. Beside Su Yi, a piece of talisman paper floated out of thin air, with a copper bell on it.

This magical scene made Li Guoqiang even forget to breathe, and his eyes widened in shock.

Su Yi quickly took out a pack of cinnabar and a writing brush from his pocket, as if by magic.

He always carries these things with him, just to deal with emergencies like this.

Although he did not look in the direction of Li Guoqiang, he knew that Li Guoqiang was coming.

"Except for the one on the far right, move all the others' bodies over here!" Su Yiyu said quickly, and then pointed to the place where the Danghun Golden Bell was suspended, "Let their heads be inside and their feet outside, forming a circle around it. ,quick!"

Li Guoqiang's heart was pounding. He guessed that Su Yi wanted to save people, but could these female students be saved?

He didn't dare to ask, and he didn't dare to waste time. Without saying a word, he ran over here. He couldn't care so much anymore, and roughly took a female student's arm with one hand and dragged them this way.

The rough ground scratched the skin of these students, but no matter how injured they were, it was better than death.

Li Guoqiang moved very quickly and completed the task assigned by Su Yi in a short time.

And Su Yi was also quick and quickly drew the Bagua formation on the ground.

"What should I do if there is another one?" Li Guoqiang asked concisely.

"That's hopeless!" Su Yi didn't have time to say more.

These living souls have just left the body, and it is still too late to save them, but the longer the delay is, the greater the damage will be to them, and they may even be unable to be saved.

So Su Yi is also racing against time.

After quickly drawing the Bagua array, Su Yi took out a mahogany dagger from his waist, pinched the magic formula with his hand, stared, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the tip of the sword!

He made a secret with his left hand, pointed the sword between the eyebrows of one of the female students with his right hand, and said in his mouth: "Where can the wandering soul survive? Return to your place quickly, and the possession will be stable. I follow the order of the ancestors, gather together!"

Bang, bang, bang!

The soul-dwelling golden bell suddenly sounded violently, and a living soul restrained by the soul-suppressing talisman was slowly "pulled out" like a cork being squeezed out, and sank into the body of the female student pointed by Su Yi with the peach wood sword.

The female student suddenly opened her eyes, blank, and gradually regained focus.

"Don't move!" Su Yi ordered, with a solemn look on his face and walked towards the next girl holding the peach wood sword.

"Where can the living soul survive..." He repeated the steps just now and let the second girl's living soul return to its place.

This kind of soul-calling method is generally used for people who have been frightened out of their souls or lost their souls due to various reasons.

Now these female students had their souls swallowed by Xiao Huang's father, but before they had time to digest it, Su Yi killed Xiao Huang's father again, which allowed them to escape death.

But their souls have also left their bodies. If Su Yi doesn't send their living souls back to their bodies through spiritualism, they will still die.

But even if they go back, it is inevitable that they will get seriously ill, and it will definitely affect their longevity, leaving cold limbs, headaches, numbness and other root causes that vary from person to person.

There is nothing we can do about it. Ordinary people will always pay a price when they leave their souls.

Su Yi did this five times in a row, causing the souls of the five girls to return to his body.

They all knew what happened, because of the process of losing their souls, their consciousness was clear.

At this moment, the five people were trembling and crying in fear.

Su Yi did not remove the magic circle, but continued to recite the requiem spell, which quickly calmed down their emotions.

"Thank you! Thank you, uncle!" The girls wiped their tears and thanked Su Yi.

They all knew that if it weren't for Su Yi, they would be dead.

Su Yi's image in their eyes is like a god.

Su Yi smiled: "Have a good rest after you go back, adjust your emotions well, and forget about today's things as soon as possible."

"Uncle, are you a god?" the delivery girl asked curiously.

"Where are the gods in this world?" Su Yi shook his head. He looked at Li Guoqiang aside, only to find that his eyes were red and tears were flowing out.

Seeing Su Yi looking at him, Li Guoqiang quickly wiped away his tears.

I was a little embarrassed, but I couldn't help my emotions. I forced out a smile and said with a choked voice: "Sauri, I, I'm just happy. It's great that they can survive."

"Yes, that's great." Su Yi sighed slightly and turned to look at the head hanging on the lightning rod.

The head had completely stopped moving.

Su Yi pointed at it and said, "It's best not to touch it for seven days and seven nights. I'll leave the rest to you."

There was a piercing siren downstairs and it was very noisy. Apparently many police officers had arrived.

Li Guoqiang nodded seriously: "How are you going? Do you want to hide first?"

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