Su Yi certainly has no prejudice against Western priests.

The West has been adhering to the holy water cross for hundreds of years, and it must have its own unique features. And as an old-fashioned religion, at least in terms of being well-informed, it definitely has a profound foundation.

Therefore, Su Yi was not surprised that the Western priest could see the qualities in Aning.

What surprised him was that since he could see it, why didn't he care?

The answer to this question is also what Sang Xin wants to know.

"Since your priest sees the problem, why doesn't he take action to solve it?" Sang Xin asked in surprise.

"The priest said that this involves local religious issues and he can't take action." Noi said sadly, "After a hundred years of development, Bayan God is no longer a god with one of our surnames, but an entire village, with nearly a hundred families sharing the same name. The god of faith.”

"As the next generation spiritual medium chosen by Bayan God, everyone hopes that Aning can succeed her aunt. After the priest knew about this situation, he was even more unwilling to risk angering hundreds of villagers to help. Aning."

"Everyone wants Aning to become the spiritual medium of Bayan God, but I don't want to. I am her mother. I don't want to see my daughter suffer, let alone die alone!" Noi became excited, " Every generation of psychics has to remain unmarried and serve the gods. How cruel is this for a woman? My Aning should not have died for those ghosts who should have been buried long ago! Study in a good school, work hard to make money, and let her see the colorful world, just to make her live a happy and wonderful life!”

"Because of the relationship with the Bayan God, I had to take Aning to a far away place to exorcise her evil spirits. I hope that Aning can completely cut off her contact with the Bayan God. I hope that Aning can be healthy and happy soon. Live this life happily. Master Sang Xin, Mr. Huang, please help An Ning, she is really too innocent, she should not bear these things..."

As he spoke, Noi covered his face and started crying again.

A great mother figure always makes people empathize.

Uncle Li showed compassion, and even Sang Xin's expression softened.

"Is this Bayan God... related to dogs?" Sang Xin thought for a while and asked.

"I, I don't know..." Noi shook his head in confusion, "I only know that God Bayan is an ancestor of our family. He was also a human when he was alive. He was very kind... He, he used to be very kind..."

"That's not right." Sang Xin shook his head, "The Dog God is not a human, but a dog."

The birth of an Inugami is a very cruel thing.

You want to raise a puppy born on the same month and day as you, take good care of it from the time it is born, and raise it like your own son.

You need to make it very dependent on you and hostile to others, unable to accept food or caress from any stranger.

From a young age, it will only trust you and be loyal to you without reservation.

Just like this, on the day of its fourth birthday, you will chop off its head from behind with a knife!

Remember, it must be cut with one knife to separate the dog's head.

Then chop off its limbs, but this process must not let it see that you killed it.

Then you smear the dog's blood all over your body, and after a very strange ritual, the dog's soul will remain, and it will still be loyal to you and obey you as before.

And you must worship it every day and eat a piece of its body alive every day until you have finished eating.

In this way, the Inugami becomes your guardian spirit. You can get its protection and beg for its help. All you have to do is worship it, give it incense, and meet some of its requests.

What would a dog ask for?

No one is sure, maybe it just wants a bone to taste, but maybe it wants to eat a child...

It is moody, its needs are strange and unpredictable. If you cannot satisfy it, it will lose its temper.

The reason why Inugami can be used as a family sacrificial spirit is because it will be passed down along the bloodline.

Its first owner is, by default, Inugami's first medium.

When it comes to the second term, the Inugami will choose one of this person's descendants as its second sacrificial spirit, thus passing it on from generation to generation.

The reason why the dog god is regarded as an evil spirit is because it is moody, acts in extreme and treacherous ways, and is always aggressive and willful.

"If it were a human... what would it be?" Sang Xin frowned, "How could it have the characteristics of an dog god?"

"Master Sang Xin, have you ever been pulled into the barrier by it?" Su Yi asked.

"What?" Sang Xin looked at Su Yi.

"What I saw in the barrier was a fat black man." Su Yi said, "It was the image of a human, not a dog."

"It's not surprising," Sanxin explained, "Inugami usually take their first master as their image."

Su Yi suddenly understood and nodded.

"Lao Li, what do you think?" Sang Xin looked at Uncle Li.

Uncle Li shook his head slowly: "According to your and Huo Tu's description, it should be an dog god without a doubt."

"This female Tan Yue!" Sang Xin looked at Noi with a serious face, "If this is the case, then there are only two possibilities! First, you are wrong about your daughter's condition! Second, you are lying to us !”

Noi hurriedly said: "Master, I will never lie, I swear in the name of the Virgin Mary!"

Anyone who has faith will never swear by his faith casually. When Noi said this, Sang Xin and Uncle Li believed her immediately.

But Su Yi suddenly said coldly: "You said you didn't lie...then did you hide something important?"

"I, I didn't." Noi was startled and said subconsciously.

"You also swear in the name of the Virgin Mary?" Su Yi said lightly.

"I, I..." Noi muttered, avoiding his eyes and speechless.

Seeing this scene, Sang Xin and Uncle Li suddenly changed their colors!

By this time, they didn't know that this woman was not honest at all!

Exorcism is not a treat, it is a dangerous business of dancing on the tip of a knife!

Many times, exorcism mages die not from lack of strength, but from lack of preparation.

The reason for the lack of preparation is the lack of information and even fallacies.

To deal with the evil and treacherous things, you must "prescribe the right medicine" to "cure the disease". Otherwise, the slightest difference may lead to a huge mistake. Not only will the methods you prepare not be effective, but it will make you passive and become you. My own reminder.

For example, that time Su Yi and Chen You went to fight water ghosts, but they didn't expect there to be two water ghosts. This is a serious information fallacy.

If Su Yi hadn't been there to turn the tide, Chen You would have been there that time.

Therefore, the most taboo thing for practitioners is that the victim conceals evil things or even deceives.

Concealing illness and avoiding medical treatment will only make you wrong, but when it comes to exorcising evil spirits, you will definitely harm others and yourself!

"Female Tan Yue, if you want us to help you, you'd better tell the truth! Don't hide anything!" Sang Xin said coldly, "But if you deliberately conceal something, then go back to where you came from!"

"I, I just feel that some things have nothing to do with my daughter's problem..." Noi explained weakly.

"It's up to us to judge whether there is a relationship, not you!" Sang Xin said, "Since you come to beg me, it means that you also know that we are the professionals. Now, I want to know what happened to your daughter and what happened to her. Everything about this!”

"I-I said...I said..." Noi said dejectedly.

"Actually, I don't want to hide it, but I feel that these are not important..." She explained weakly, and then continued, "Actually, I run a dog meat restaurant at home, and I kill several dogs every day..."


No matter how good-tempered Sang Xin was, he couldn't help but start a crime.

"Do you think such important information has nothing to do with your daughter?" Sang Xin shouted angrily, "We have been talking about Inugami, Inugami, and things related to dogs, but you have concealed that you are a dog killer! You yourself Do you think this makes sense?”

"Master..." Noi suddenly knelt down and said with tears: "I just think that the person who took possession of my daughter must be Bayan God... Maybe it was Bayan God disguised as the Dog God to harm my daughter... It It hates my daughter, it hates my daughter for refusing to be His medium, that’s it, that’s what it must be!”

Sang Xin shook his head, looking like he was angry.

"What else do you have to hide?" he asked.

"No more, really no more!" Noi said hurriedly, "I swear in the name of the Virgin Mary that I really have nothing to hide about my daughter."

Sang Xin sighed, looked at Su Yi and Uncle Li, and seeing that neither of them had any intention to speak, he waved his hands and said, "You go down first. The disciple at the door will take you to the Zen room to rest."

"Master, my daughter..." Noi asked eagerly.

"I will help her." Sang Xin said.

"Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!" Noi was overjoyed and kowtowed to Sang Xin repeatedly.

Sang Xin made a gesture of support and clasped his hands together in return.

After Noi left, Su Yi said calmly: "This woman still didn't tell the truth completely."

Sang Xin and Uncle Li both frowned and looked at Su Yi.

"Brother Huang, why do you say that?" Sang Xin asked.

"First, she said that her family's sacrificial spirit is the God Bayan. With this kind of family belief, if the younger generation betrays it, it is equivalent to betraying the family and the sacrificial spirit." Su Yi said, "From this point of view, the Bayan God It is possible to take revenge on her, or take revenge on her daughter, but if God Bayan really does this, the Western religion will definitely not sit back and watch its believers being invaded by evil gods.”

"She indicated both inside and outside her words that she felt that the person who possessed her daughter was the god Bayan, and she also found a sensitive issue of conflict between local beliefs and foreign beliefs as an explanation for why Western religions ignored her daughter. But this reason is actually If you think about it carefully, it is simply untenable.”

Both Sang Xin and Uncle Li looked confused, obviously not understanding the reason.

Su Yi said: "Think about it, since she can take her daughter to Hong Kong Island to ask Master Sang Xin for help, why can't she take her daughter to the church on Hong Kong Island to ask the priest here for help?"

"Noi believes in Western religion. Shouldn't she seek help and pray from the gods she believes in?"

Only then did Sang Xin and Uncle Li suddenly realize.

"I always thought this woman was awkward, but now I understand why," Uncle Li shook his head. "She said her daughter is an atheist... but she is too, and she is a false believer. Pretending to be a believer is actually blasphemy. , I even doubt that the God she worships will not protect her at all.”

"I don't know much about Western religions, but Western religions should also be very taboo about killing dogs, right?" Sang Xin said, "I just heard her say that she opened a dog meat restaurant and I felt strange, but I didn't ask more. After all, There are also many pig-killers and butchers who worship Buddha in their homes.”

"There must be another reason behind her not asking for help from her church." Su Yi said, "This is my first suspicion that she is not telling the truth."

"There is another doubt. She has very complicated emotions towards Bayan God. I read guilt and fear."

Su Yi knew that the two of them didn't understand, so he simply explained directly: "Fear is easy to understand. She changed her faith and betrayed God Bayan, so she is afraid. But the guilt thing is very strange."

"Are you guilty because of betrayal?" Sang Xin asked.

"This is impossible!" Uncle Li retorted, "You don't have children, so you won't understand the emotions of parents towards their children. If she really thinks that Bayan God harmed her children, she will only hate Bayan God and will never Any guilt.”

"Brother Huang, how do you see that she feels guilty?" Sang Xin asked.

"From what she said," Su Yi said, "She said before that Bayan God was very kind, but she quickly changed her story and said that she used to be very kind. I have studied psychology, and she most likely said this out of sympathy. God Bayan’s guilt, I just don’t know why she feels guilty.”

"Have you done anything to disgrace God?" Sang Xin guessed.

Su Yi frowned and shook his head, he couldn't guess this.

But he knows one thing, this story is by no means as simple as the original plot appears.

This Noi must be hiding something.

"Anyway, if you must get involved in this matter, I suggest you bypass this woman and find out the truth first." Su Yi said to Sang Xin, "This woman is a scourge. At the critical moment, you can even consider restraining her to prevent her from doing bad things. ”

Sang Xin nodded thoughtfully.

Just as Su Yi was about to speak, he suddenly frowned and looked out the door.

In his induction, Noi, who had just left, was led back in a hurry by the disciple who took her away.

Sure enough, after a while, a young monk ran back in a panic with Noi.

"Master, this female Tan Yue's daughter is missing!" the young monk said in a panic.

"A Ning! An Ning is missing, Master!" Noi also said in a panic.

"Gone? How come he's gone?" Sang Xin's eyes widened, and Su Yi and Uncle Li were also very surprised.

"Where's the empty gift?" Sang Xin asked hurriedly.

Kong Li is the young monk who took Aning away before.

"Kong Li...I have never seen him..." the monk replied tremblingly.

Sang Xin's face was uncertain, and he laughed angrily: "There are really strange rocks every year, and there are so many this year! How can a sealed evil spirit cause so many tricks in my temple?"

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