The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1287 Formation Flag

As the saying goes, a person cannot stand without a head, and a snake cannot stand without a head. With more than twenty practitioners, it is natural that there needs to be someone to lead and preside over the situation in order to achieve success, otherwise it will be a mess.

Among these people, Master Zhang, who belongs to the Way of Longhu Mountain, has the highest status, so everyone chose him to be the team leader, and Master Zhang did his part.

Uncle Feng also has a status second only to Zhenren Zhang in the death squads.

This is not because of his official status, but because he has a wide range of friends, including Sang Xin, Uncle Li, Andre, Hu Yidong, Monk Shengyi, etc., there are about seven or eight local Dharma practitioners, mainly Uncle Feng, plus Uncle Shang Feng has a good reputation and is recognized by everyone. Therefore, any decision that Master Zhang makes needs Uncle Feng’s support and approval.

Because of Uncle Feng's relationship, Su Yi's knowledge of martial arts was not a secret among the death squads. Therefore, some practitioners who encountered difficulties in digging the formation flags asked Master Zhang for help. Master Zhang directly called Su Yi. Tell Su Yi the location and ask Su Yi to help solve it.

As the saying goes, those who are able work hard, and Su Yi has no complaints about this and is happy to run around.

Basically, those who seek help are those whose ground has been hardened and who have no handy tools.

When Su Yi arrived, he stepped on it, and whether it was asphalt, cement or floor tiles, everything fell apart like foam boards.

His operation made everyone who saw this scene stunned and raised their thumbs sincerely.

Su Yi went around putting out fires like a firefighter until he made sure that one-third of the sarcophagus at the formation flag position was dug out at all points.

Next, the formation flags at the dragon's feet, the red bird's mouth, the white tiger's forehead, and the Xuanwu head are to be raised first. This is called venting the yin.

This step is extremely dangerous. The four-point formation flags must be raised in sync. If it is faster or slower, it will cause danger.

Therefore, before proceeding to the second step, the practitioners responsible for these four points first checked their watches over the phone, and the time was accurate to the second, and agreed on the time for lifting the coffin.

When the time came, the four of them started casting spells at the same time.

Lifting the coffin does not require any effort. You only need to draw runes with the Taoist priest's blood and use incantations to stimulate its yang energy, so that the sarcophagus will automatically rise and be slowly pulled out of the ground.

The people responsible for these four points are all veteran monks who are very reliable and recognized for their strength - Zhang Zhenren himself, Uncle Feng, the female Taoist priest Mazu and the monk Shengyi.

Although this step was dangerous, the four of them did not make any mistakes and successfully raised the four-point formation flag.

The rest of the people must stay in place and be careful that the formation flags they are guarding will not be affected or any accidents occur.

As soon as these four points were deflated, black mist suddenly rose into the sky in the four directions where they were located, and filled the air instantly.

This is a very strong evil spirit, which is mixed with various bad things such as corpse qi, yin qi, and filthy qi. Ordinary people will get sick if they smell even a trace of it.

If you were wrapped in such a thick black mist, not to mention ordinary people, even cultivators would die!

Fortunately, Master Zhang and others were already prepared to use magic weapons to protect themselves as soon as they raised the formation flag.

The black mist gradually dissipated and dissolved into the thick night, and the world became obviously colder.

After the evil spirit dissipates, they will open the sarcophagus and pick out the evil-suppressing flowers inside. This is the end.

The four of them are all very experienced practitioners. They made no mistakes in this step and successfully completed it.

Soon, the second batch of eight cultivators received a call to start untying the Zhengbafang formation flag within the predetermined time, including Su Yi.

The method is still the same as before. Master Zhang repeatedly warned that the formation flag must be raised on time and in the correct way. After Master Zhang’s instructions, Uncle Feng also called to give instructions, which shows that this matter is indeed very dangerous.

This is a big project, and Su Yi is only responsible for one part of it, and it needs to be completed with the cooperation of everyone.

Su Yi squeezed his fingers and drew runes on the sarcophagus. When the appointed time was approaching, Su Yi counted down the seconds and then made a secret to stimulate the yang energy in the blood.

Something magical happened, as if there was some kind of mechanism, the sarcophagus "rumbling" rose up, as if being pushed by a machine.

Su Yi kept chanting incantations and the seals in his hands kept changing.

When he was about to succeed, there was suddenly a loud "boom" from the southwest, followed by a shrill scream, and thick smoke filled the air instantly!

Su Yi's heart trembled slightly, but he was not affected. He continued to chant the incantation until the entire sarcophagus lifted out of the ground, then lost his balance and fell to the ground.

A stream of black mist spurted out from the hole exposed under the sarcophagus.

clang clang clang...

Su Yi shook the Soul-shaking Golden Bell and recited the Golden Light Spell, but saw streaks of light emanating from his body, blocking the diffuse black mist three feet away from his body, preventing him from entering even an inch.

It lasted for about more than a minute, and the black mist gradually dissipated and dissolved into the night.

Only then did Su Yi stop.

He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took out his phone and called Uncle Feng.

After a while, Uncle Feng picked up the phone. Su Yi heard noises and faint crying coming from there.

"What's going on?" Su Yi asked.

"It's Xiao Guo from the Henan teaching," Uncle Feng said in a deep voice, "His watch was misaligned, more than twenty seconds too late, and he got up early. Alas, the sarcophagus exploded, and half of his body collapsed... But even if the sarcophagus hadn't collapsed, he wouldn't have survived. The evil energy was so powerful that he couldn't react in time."

Su Yi was speechless.

This is really an extremely low-level mistake.

It was because of such a ridiculous mistake that a life was lost.

He died before leaving the army, which made people sigh with regret.

"Be careful. You have to be responsible for two things. There must be no accidents. Raise the formation flag. It doesn't matter if it's too early or too late. You must be on time! Don't omit any step in the process!" Uncle Feng warned again.

If the formation flag is raised too early, the evil spirit will erupt, and even the sarcophagus will be blown out, and people will definitely not be able to bear it.

But if the formation flag is raised too late, the sarcophagus will be sucked in and it will be difficult to raise it again.

"I understand, Brother Feng." Su Yi sighed.

"Okay, we have to deal with this first. Next point, you wait for the call." Uncle Feng said and hung up the phone.

After putting away his cell phone, Su Yi started to open the coffin.

The method of opening the coffin is similar to the method of setting up the formation flag before. Runes are written on the coffin lid with blood, and then a mantra is recited to stimulate Yang Qi. The principle of mutual repulsion between yin and yang is used to make the coffin lid open on its own without any effort.

Su Yi operated in accordance with the law and slowly opened the coffin lid.

A puff of black smoke burst out from the coffin, filled the air and then disappeared.

This was also evil energy, but it was very small. Su Yi just stood far away and was not affected by it.

When the coffin lid was fully opened and the black smoke cleared, Su Yi stepped forward to check.

With just one glance, Su Yi held his breath.

But I saw a girl in kimono bending her hands, as if she was still pushing and scratching the coffin lid, and her feet were also making stepping movements.

The frightened expression on her face was still vivid, and the despair in her eyes had not dissipated. Although his face was dark blue, even his skin seemed to maintain its elasticity.

She didn't look like someone who had been dead for many years, but rather like she had just died.

On the top of the girl's head, there is a strange plant growing.

It has red leaves, and the gray veins on them are particularly clear, like a skeleton or blood vessels.

On the top of the branches and leaves, there is a crystal clear blue flower, which looks like it is carved from emerald.

The petals of the flower are irregular, intertwined, different sizes, and extremely irregular, but they present an extremely coquettish beauty.

Just looking at it makes people feel depressed and nauseous.

What a weird flower!

Su Yi felt awe-inspiring.

This evil-suppressing flower is grown by absorbing the girl's soul, flesh and blood. It represents the essence of the girl's entire life.

This thing can be used as a formation eye, and it is also an excellent nourishing thing for Yin souls.

This thing looks a bit like a human elixir refined by some evil sect. It is extremely cruel and inhumane.

Su Yi looked at the still lifelike corpse of the girl in front of him, feeling something indescribable in his heart.

Although this girl is wearing a kimono, she is definitely not from Zhepeng, but a local girl from Hong Kong Island.

The people who set up the formation did not know what means they used to capture her, put her into a kimono, then drilled open her skull, planted the seeds into her brain, and then used special methods to keep her alive and put her in a In a sarcophagus, buried underground.

The seeds will soon sprout and sprout, feeding on the girl's flesh and soul. Because of this evil-suppressing flower, even if the girl is buried in a coffin, she will still not die and will remain alive.

She will not die until this plant drains her brain, and then her soul will be drained by this weird evil-suppressing flower, and she will die completely.

No one knows how long she was buried in the dark sarcophagus.

No one knows how frightened and helpless she felt in her final days.

"Yuanshi Dongxuan, this chapter of Lingbao. A top-grade and wonderful first chapter, which saves people ten times..." Su Yi looked solemn and recited the Sutra of Saving People silently.

In fact, this is completely useless, because the girl's soul is gone, nothing is left, and there is nothing that can be transcended.

But Su Yi still insisted on reciting the Sutra of Savioring People once before stepping forward.

He drew out his mahogany sword, made a seal with his left hand, and chanted the ghost-killing curse in his mouth. He suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood, and swung the sword down!


The Zhensha flower was separated from the rhizome and fell on the sarcophagus. Black bubbles suddenly appeared, making a "sizzling" sound, and began to melt.

At the same time, the girl's body suddenly changed color rapidly, became gray and shriveled.

As a gust of wind blew by, the corpse turned into sand and dissipated into little bits of dust. Finally, only a pile of brown sand remained in the coffin.

As for the evil-suppressing flower, it also turned into a pool of black foam, corroding the stone slabs at the bottom of the coffin to create a pit.

At this point, the formation here is completely destroyed.

Su Yi walked to the place where the coffin was buried and took a look down.

The hole where the coffin was buried was obviously not deep, but there was a whimpering sound coming from inside, as if there was an unknown secret realm underneath.

Su Yi soon received a call from Master Zhang, telling him to go to another flag formation point and prepare for the last wave of formation flags.

The last wave of formation flags was when sixteen formation flags were raised together.

Perhaps stimulated by the sacrifice of someone before, this time Zhenzhen Zhang took the trouble to remind everyone of the precautions and delayed for a long time before starting the unified formation.

But the good thing is that there were no accidents this time and the whole process went smoothly.

The situation in the second coffin was exactly the same as that in the first coffin, it was still the lifelike corpse of a young girl.

After Su Yi chopped off the Suppressing Flower, the body began to weather a little bit.

Maybe a few years ago, she was still laughing happily in school, shyly looking forward to going on a date with a handsome male classmate.

But from this moment on, there is no evidence of her existence in this world, as if she has never been here.

No one knows who she is, and no one will remember her.

When everyone got together again, everyone looked very unhappy.

Not only because of the sacrifice of his companions, but also because of the twenty-eight innocent young lives that disappeared like this.

"Damn beast, so inhumane!" Hu Yidong hated evil the most, gritting his teeth with a look of itching hatred, "Damn little devil, damn She Qing!"

"I don't know how long these girls have been dead." The young female Taoist priest of Mazu Temple said in a low voice, "Why don't I remember at all that there have been a lot of missing young girls in recent years?"

As she said this, she looked at Uncle Feng.

Uncle Feng shook his head and sighed: "Many people disappear in Hong Kong Island every year. Some of these people die violently, some are sold abroad, and some are just hiding... Unless definite evidence is found, the disappearance case will not be solved. If it is treated as a criminal case, it will only be registered as a general missing person report. Over time, no one will care where these missing people have gone or what happened to them, except for the relatives of the parties concerned..."

"This kind of thing can't happen in the mainland!" Hu Yidong snorted coldly, "The capitalists only exploit the people and plunder the wealth of the proletariat. How can they care about the life and death of the people?"

A man with diarrhea couldn't help but said: "Old Hu, we are all remnants of feudalism. Don't you feel uncomfortable saying this?"

Hu Yidong said: "What happened to Yudu? Yudu also has a red heart..."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Master Zhang of Longhushan coughed hard and glanced at the two men warningly, "Where is this place? Stop talking nonsense! Let's get down to business!"

Only then did Hu Yidong shut up.

However, Su Yi gave him a thumbs up, making the latter grin.

The formation flags have been removed, and the next step is to set up the formation eyes.

This is the most critical and dangerous step.

Instead of taking action rashly, everyone gathered together to discuss countermeasures and made various emergency plans before starting to act according to the plan.

From a certain point of view, Su Yi is quite similar to Master Zhang of Longhu Mountain. Both of them are very cautious and would rather do a hundred more useless things than take any more risks.

Everyone first pulled out the tombstone, and a trace of evil energy came out from the bottom of the tombstone, but it completely dissipated a foot above the ground, posing no threat to anyone.

The highlight is the coffin behind the tombstone.

Everyone first carefully arranged a meteorite formation around the coffin, and then separated a layer of Yin-Yang reversal formation outside the running formation. Then, they separated the two major formations and used the position of the formation to start the formation.

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