He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

This foreigner is the priest here. Obviously, he is a handsome man.

After realizing the huge gap in strength between Su Yi and him, the foreigner gave in quickly and resolutely.

"Noble foreign god, noble existence, in the name of the Lord, I praise you!" The foreigner put his hand on his chest and started the aria, "On behalf of the Cathedral of Mercy, I welcome you. May your grace last forever, and may the Holy The light is with you! I look up to you with humility. It will be my lifelong honor to serve you!”

The horse was so gorgeously photographed that Su Yi was embarrassed not to respond with a smile.

Although he might as well not have smiled if he smiled.

"I'm here to know something." Su Yi said lightly, "About Willow, everything about Willow."

"Willow?" The foreigner was startled, and then he made a shocking statement without hesitation.

"Mr. Willow is a devout believer and a slave of the Lord. In order to thank him for his dedication to the church, I adopted his son as my godson. He ate and lived with me and stayed with me to learn the knowledge of the Bible."

"His son?" Su Yi was really surprised.

"Yes, he is still alive, his only son, and the only legal heir to all his properties." The foreigner said, "Mr. Willow had made a will before his death, and hired the largest law firm in North Taiwan to prepare the will. To ensure fairness, the will is now kept with me. When certain conditions are met, the terms of the will will be triggered, and I will announce the will to the public together with a local official and the barrister. "

Su Yi quickly digested the news in the foreigner's words.

He has already smelled a strong smell of conspiracy!

Willow also has a son?

This is something that no one knows, not even God Bayan knows!

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Willow is not a believer in Bayan God.

But Willow obviously hid it from everyone. At least his wife and daughter didn't even know that he had a son who was fostered in the home of a Vatican priest.

"Tell me more details." Su Yi glanced at the priest and emphasized his tone slightly.

This ghost guy should know a lot.

As expected, the foreigner knew a lot, and he had no intention of keeping Willow's secret secret.

"Mr. Willow's family is subject to a very vicious curse. This curse has plagued his family and made it difficult for the blood of their family to die normally for generations."

"Mr. Willow had been married once before, but his new wife died suddenly at home while pregnant. This filled him with fear until he found me."

"I have been to the place where their family was cursed, but it has become the lair of demons and the exit of hell. I have no intention of provoking those demons. It will bring great disaster to this place. My Lord is always compassionate and will not want to see it. Until his people suffer this calamity..."

"But although I can't do anything about Mr. Willow's family curse, I can protect him personally. I told him that if it were just him, the Lord would protect his son from the devil."

"Mr. Willow did not reply to me at that time, but left. Later I heard that he had married an apostate woman, who soon became pregnant. Just when I thought he would not fall into the arms of our Lord , he brought a baby boy who was almost two years old and told me that this was his son.”

"He told me that he knew that he was sinful, so he did not need the Lord to protect him, but he hoped that our Lord could protect his son. He hoped that I could be the child's godfather, teach and protect the child until he grows up. Coming of age...I promised him."

"The exchange is for this church?" Su Yi suddenly interrupted and asked.

The foreigner was a little embarrassed and said: "There is also a one million donation. He hopes that I can protect the absolute safety of his son, and this requires me to devote a lot of energy and emotion, and even bear risks."

"Are you the only one who knows about the existence of this son?" Su Yi asked.

"There is also a high-status local official and the barrister." The foreigner said, "But we have all signed a confidentiality agreement for this. Mr. Willow's illegitimate child is an absolute secret. Maybe this secret will be kept forever. unless the disclosure condition of the will is triggered."

"What conditions?" Su Yi asked.

"First, he himself dies; second, all his public children also die; third, the darkness of the Asantia Textile Factory is completely dissipated." The foreigner said, "Now only one of these three conditions is met, and that is He himself is indeed dead."

"How did he die?" Su Yi asked.

"I personally checked his body. He died of a curse and at the hands of evil spirits." The foreigner said.

"What's his property?" Su Yi asked again.

"A large amount of real estate." The foreigner said, "It's hard to imagine that nearly one-tenth of the land in this county actually belongs to his family. Most of the inheritance he left behind is the certification documents for these lands, and there is also a large money.”

"What if the conditions that trigger the disclosure of the will are never met?" Su Yi frowned.

"Thirty years later, if the disclosure clause cannot be triggered, these properties will be donated to official charitable organizations in the name of the Asantea family to improve local people's livelihood and promote the church." The foreigner said, "At the same time, his son His identity will never be revealed."

"So, his son still doesn't know his true life experience?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes." The foreigner replied.

"This Willow really played a big game of chess..." Su Yi said with profound meaning.

The entire Renai Township felt that Willow was a poor man, but his ancestors were rich.

But no one thought that Willow was now an invisible rich man.

He has hidden this key secret from most people, including his wife and daughter who have lived with him for more than 20 years.

What does this Willow want to do?

What do the three conditions he left that triggered the disclosure of his will mean?

According to the original plot, darkness defeats light. The first two of the three conditions have been achieved, but the third condition is obviously impossible to achieve.

So Willow's plot failed?

He had been plotting his whole life, but he finally failed?

Why did he marry Noi?

What is he planning?

Su Yi suddenly discovered that the truth of this story was not what he knew now.

This dead Willow has become a key figure in the story.

Does the current development of the story have anything to do with Willow's calculation?

"Where did Willow's soul go?" Su Yi asked.

"It was taken away by those evil spirits," the foreigner said. "I tried to rescue his soul, but I couldn't. His soul has been assimilated by the devils and became a part of evil."

Su Yi thought for a moment and looked at the foreigner: "Did Willow's will mention anything about his wife Noi and his daughter Aning?"

"Except for the clause that triggers the disclosure of the will, there is no mention of it." The foreigner shook his head.

"Last question, why do the mother and daughter not trust your Holy See?" Su Yi asked.

"You can't blame me, it's Willow's fault." The foreigner smiled bitterly, "I personally heard Willow say to his wife that the church could not protect their family. After Willow's death, his wife became more convinced of this, and he My wife is a very realistic person, and her attitude towards me at Willow’s funeral has become completely different from before..."

Su Yi nodded: "I had a great conversation today. I hope this conversation will become one of the secrets you need to keep."

As soon as the words fell, Su Yiren had disappeared.

The foreigner didn't see clearly how Su Yi left. He was confused and tried to talk to Su Yi. It wasn't until he was sure that Su Yi was really gone that he gasped for air and collapsed to the ground, his forehead covered with sweat.

What the foreigner didn't know was that Su Yi didn't really leave, but found his godson, Willow's secret illegitimate son, in his home.

The boy was still asleep. Su Yi put his hand on his forehead and activated the Buddha Mother's initiation method to enter his dream.

Su Yi quickly raised the corner of his mouth and discovered something very interesting.

This is another wolf in sheep's clothing.

Foreigners think that this boy is an innocent little white sheep who doesn't understand anything, but in fact this boy has been secretly taught by his father. He knows the curse of his family, his own identity, and he knows that he is about to inherit What kind of wealth.

The boy also held a trump card, a higher-priority will that ensured that the Asantea family's wealth would remain in his hands rather than be donated away.

The boy was told by his father that he would solve all problems for him, including curses, and pave all paths for him.

And his responsibility is to restore the glory of the Asantea family.

Another interesting thing is that Willow never let the boy call her Sister Aning, and even severely warned the boy that Noi and her daughter were not from the Asantia family, and he was not allowed to acknowledge them or even get close to them. they.

Beyond that, the boy didn't know much.

He didn't know as much about the family curse, the Asantea Textile Factory, and what his father was going to do as Su Yiduo did now.

It seems that Willow doesn't want his son to know too much, perhaps for protective reasons.

In addition, this boy's physical condition is much better than Aning.

Aning is like a car with a key in it. Anyone can drive her car and get in.

Although this boy also has a yin constitution, he is much better. His body and soul are not completely defenseless, but they are not as tightly protected as ordinary people.

But he wears many Holy See magic weapons to protect him from ordinary evil spirits.

In addition, he has studied the Bible and recited it devoutly every day. He can be regarded as a monk. His own spirit is relatively pure and has a certain effect in exorcising evil spirits.

This is what Aning should have been like.

Su Yi withdrew his hand from exploring the boy's dream and frowned.

He felt more and more now that Aning seemed to have been abandoned intentionally.

Or is Aning a bait?

Or maybe a scapegoat?

Interesting, really interesting.

A mortal plays chess and can use so many evil spirits as his chess pieces. I don't know whether to praise him for being bold or scolding him for being so whimsical.

Su Yi himself was wary of Asantia Textile Factory, but now he was full of curiosity about this place.

His intuition told him that the ultimate secret was hidden there.

His original plan was to fish through Aning, but now, he wanted to know what role Aning played in Willow's plan.

Su Yi didn't do anything to the boy.

But he found the will that could turn everything around through the boy's memory and completely destroyed it.

Aning's life and Su Yi will definitely be saved, so this wealth will most likely be donated in thirty years.

The descendants of this traitorous family should not enjoy so many things. Even if this wealth benefits local officials and the Western Holy See thirty years later, it will still be much better than Yin and his traitorous descendants.

When Su Yi returned to Bayan God, Nim and Aning had already arrived.

Under the leadership of Nimu, Aning prayed devoutly to God Bayan and offered incense.

But she was destined not to be protected by Bayan God.

Su Yi's sudden appearance startled Nimu. She immediately stood in front of An Ning, trying to cover An Ning's evacuation.

From this point of view, she is a person who attaches great importance to family ties and attaches great importance to her niece Aning.

But the god Bayan quickly appeased Nim.

Su Yi's eyes fell on Aning behind Nim.

He spoke slowly: "Aning, what do you know about your father and the curse of the Asantea family?"

Aning knelt on the ground and replied respectfully: "My father is very good to me. No matter what I want, he will satisfy me. He has always loved me since I was a child, but..."

She hesitated slightly: "It's just that I can feel that he doesn't like me very much, and he looks at me very strangely, so I don't like him and don't want to get close to him."

"As for the family curse... my father told me not to worry about it. He never cared about it. It was my mother who was busy with it."

That was all An Ning wanted to say, which made Su Yi confirm his judgment that An Ning was either a scapegoat or a bait.

Su Yi's original idea was to draw out those evil spirits through Aning and then destroy them.

But now, Su Yi feels that maybe there is no rush to destroy those evil spirits. He even wanted to know how this matter would end if Willow was still plotting.

Now that he is an unexpected factor, even if there are 11,000 more calculations, it will be unbearable. Su Yi's existence is enough to influence all results.

So Su Yi decided to take a step back first.

"Aning, do you believe me?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes, I believe you." Aning said without hesitation.

She had seen how powerful Su Yi was, and she didn't know who else in the world could help her except Su Yi.

So she only believed in Su Yi.

"Okay then, I want you to go to the Asantia Textile Factory and walk in alone." Su Yi said calmly, "I will end everything there."

"No, this won't work!" Before An Ning could say anything, Nim's face suddenly changed and he said, "She can't go there, there are many evil spirits there, and An Ning will die there!"

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