Ever since Xie Yali started killing mandrills, Su Yi had never seen her again.

It was not until the third day after Liao Zhenfu's death that Xie Yali once again pulled Su Yi into the virtual world she created using the Five Hells Elixir.

"I will fulfill my promise." She looked at Su Yi and said calmly, with alienation and indifference in her eyes and a cold tone.

Su Yi stared into her eyes for a while and nodded slowly.

Xie Yali suddenly blinked his eyes and blew on Su Yi.

This was a smelly breath, and the fungus entered Su Yi's nasal cavity with her breath. The next second, everything changed!

In a daze, Su Yi found himself sitting in a luxurious office, his body becoming bloated and weak.

He wanted to control his body, but couldn't. He just felt chills.

At first it was like the cold of a high fever, but gradually the chill seemed to burst out from the inside out, from the bone marrow. Su Yi couldn't stand the cold even with his will.

Su Yi "saw" himself trembling and picked up the phone, speaking into the receiver: "Xiao Sun, why is it so cold... Turn off all the air conditioners immediately! Hiss... I'm talking about everything, you Don’t you understand? Also, bring me a blanket, quickly!”

There is no doubt that he has become Liao Zhenfu, the mandrill who was thrown into the Ice Prison.

This is a very strange feeling for Su Yi, which is completely different from the feeling of possessing others in the form of a ghost.

Although a person possessed by a ghost can control other people's bodies, they cannot feel pain, or in other words, they cannot feel any sensation in that body.

So many times we see people possessed by ghosts harming themselves or even committing suicide, without any change in their facial expressions.

It's not because the possessed ghost is perverted and not afraid of pain, but because it can't feel anything.

But now he has clearly become Liao Zhenfu.

He could even feel every breath and heartbeat of Liao Zhenfu.

This feeling is so clear, so real, and there is no difference at all from what Su Yi felt in his body when he was still normal.

This is the magic of the Five Hells Immortal Technique.

Of course, it's just feeling, not control.

Because this is not a technique to possess others and control them, and there is no need to control them.

The reason why Liao Zhenfu feels cold now is because his soul is on the verge of suspended animation due to the Five Hells Elixir. This process is equivalent to a prelude. After his soul is completely thrown into the Ice Prison, that will be the "main meal" .

Su Yi quickly felt the power of the meal.

Under the influence of the Five Hells Elixir, he completely replaced all of Liao Zhenfu's senses. He felt as if he was tied naked to an iceberg.


It was him who was sealed naked in an iceberg.

Every inch of his body was stinging with cold, as if ice needles as thin as cow hair were piercing his own flesh and blood along every pore, piercing his bones, penetrating into his marrow, and even piercing himself. of the internal organs.

This is definitely the most painful torture in the world.

Even Su Yi couldn't bear the pain, his face twisted and he screamed.

This is not the extreme cold that humans can bear!

Normally, when a person feels extreme cold, the brain will respond to block this extreme pain. You will feel numb, confused, and even feel warm and hot.

Therefore, when the bodies of many people who were frozen to death were found, the bodies even kept undressing as they did before death.

But in the ice prison, after this extremely cold pain is amplified a thousand or even ten thousand times, it cannot be blocked by the brain at all, and you can feel this extreme pain without any discount!

Like a needle pricking, like a hacksaw pulling, like a stone mill grinding...

This extreme pain not only affects the body, but also affects the soul.

The purpose of the Ice Prison was to punish and transform the mandrill's soul, so physical pain was secondary, and soul pain was the real "main meal."

When Su Yi left his body before, he had experienced the feeling of being blown by the bone-shattering wind.

If the sinister wind blows for a long time, Su Yi will be shaken out of his wits, which makes Su Yi very jealous, and can even be said to be fearful.

But the extreme coldness of this ice prison is, without exaggeration, absolutely ten thousand times better than the bone-shattering sinister wind!

This is the cold wind from the inside out, coming from the bone marrow!

This is a storm that sweeps through the entire body, affecting all organs and flesh.

The severe pain even gave Su Yi the extreme idea of ​​"giving himself a good time", which was simply unbelievable.

But this kind of pain continues, as if it has lasted forever, and the pain is constantly doubling and intensifying!

In a daze of consciousness, Su Yi felt the changes in the surrounding environment.

He came to an illusory boundary, where the entire world was a huge piece of ice. He was sealed in the ice, unable to move, and suffering the extreme pain every minute.

How big is this world?

You can't even see the border!

Su Yi has never seen such huge ice!

Everything in the world is ice!

This is the Ice Prison!

This is the ice prison that the mandrill, whose soul has been twisted by greed, will go through!

Do you think that just enduring such extreme cold pain is the mandrill's punishment?

Then you are wrong!

The biggest punishment for Mandrill in the Ice Prison is not the pain, but how to break out of the prison!

If no one rescues you, do you know what is the only way for you to break out of the Ice Prison?

Just use your body and your soul to melt the ice of the entire world!

When the entire world, the ice that cannot be seen from the border, is melted by the temperature of your soul, you will be freed from the ice prison.

This is the greatest punishment of the Ice Prison to Mandrill!


Complete despair!

Even Su Yi couldn't see even the slightest hope of breaking out of prison!

This is simply an impossible task!

He seemed to have been frozen for a century. He was suffering and suffering. Every second he felt that his body and soul would be completely frozen, so frozen that they would assimilate with the ice, and then collapse and shatter!

He endured unprecedented pain, but did it melt even a tiny bit of the ice?


Not at all!

In Taoist legend, the ten thousand years of the five hells represent one minute in reality.

For every ten thousand years of pain, the ice will melt one drop of water.

And when all the ice in this world melts, there will be a sea.

Is this something a human can do?

This is the reason why most people will be stunned.

Because there is no way you can hold on.





Su Yi in the Ice Prison is full of ugliness.

But all reactions are useless.

No matter what you say, no one can hear you, no matter what you do, no one can see you.

It's useless to beg for mercy, it's useless to yell, it's useless to do anything.

The only thing that accompanies you is the never-ending inhuman pain and the icebergs that never see the border.

At a certain moment——

Everything shattered!


In reality, Su Yi suddenly sat upright!

He gasped for breath, and his whole body was still shaking violently!

He curled up into a ball and fell to the ground, convulsing.

Logically speaking, this is impossible to happen, because Su Yi's body is no different from a corpse, and it is impossible for a corpse to have any feelings or reactions.

But the inhuman pain in the ice prison affected Su Yi's soul. Su Yi's current symptoms are actually caused by excessive pain in the soul.

Although Su Yi did not really experience Liao Zhenfu's experience in the Ice Prison, don't forget that Xie Yali's "Five Hell Pill Virtual Realm" has the function of turning reality into reality. This is not an illusion, the pain is real pain, and the reaction is also Authentic reaction.

If Su Yi's soul causes irreversible damage in the virtual world, in reality, Su Yi's damage is real.

Just like Liao Zhenfu, the forensic doctor has now dissected his body. In addition to finding ice crystals in his nasal cavity, oral cavity and other outer skin tissues, ice has frozen below the dermal tissue and in the blood vessels. Even the five internal organs have traces of being frozen.

Everything he experienced in the Ice Prison was also true in reality.

It stands to reason that his body should be completely frozen into powder, like a corpse frozen by liquefied nitrogen at minus 196 degrees Celsius. It is no longer a soft flesh and blood body, but like hard tempered glass that will shatter when touched. powder.

But in fact, as soon as Liao Zhenfu entered the Ice Prison with his physical body, he had already ascended to heaven in extreme comfort.

This process takes less than a tenth of a second in the outside world.

The pain Su Yi experienced in the Ice Prison was no longer Liao Zhenfu's feelings, but Xie Yali's feelings.

The one who behaved so uglyly in the ice prison was also Xie Yali who was in extreme pain.

Why did all the pain come to an abrupt end?

This is because Liao Zhenfu's soul couldn't hold on, completely collapsed, and his soul was gone.

In the ice prison, Liao Zhenfu didn't even melt a drop of water, and he was completely finished.

The scene before his eyes changed, and Xie Yali appeared in front of Su Yi again.

She looked at Su Yi who was lying on the ground and curled up in a panic. A strange color flashed in her eyes and she said, "Do you want to continue with this kind of pain?"

"You have to go through this kind of pain four times?" Su Yi gasped and looked up at her, "Or five times? Are you afraid?"

Xie Yali was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "I'm not afraid."

"I'm really not afraid." She emphasized again, and then changed the subject, "But you don't have to bear this, Huo Tu, you can give up. As long as I become an immortal, I can help you. You have become my immortal." Tong, you can still live forever."

Su Yi felt a little better and struggled to get up.


Tired as never before!

He felt tired even if he moved a finger.

This does not come from the body, but from the soul. The soul is so tired that even controlling the body has become sluggish and difficult.

"Have you sublimated?" Su Yi looked at Xie Yali, "What changes do you think you have?"

Su Yi only "shared" Xie Yali's pain, but did not share Xie Yali's gains.

Has she absorbed all the energy of Liao Zhenfu, the mandrill?

Has she used these energies to erase her own greed?

Xie Yali hesitated slightly and said: "It has some effect, but not much. I think it will take more feedback after going through five prisons."

Su Yi was not surprised, that was what he had guessed.

Although the Ice Prison is terrifying, the experience in the Ice Prison is also painful and hopeless.

But to be honest, such pain is within the bearable range for a quasi-immortal.

Su Yi can do it.

"Is a mandrill like Liao Zhenfu too weak?" Su Yi didn't hide it anymore this time, and directly asked his doubts, "He was so distraught so quickly, is it really helpful to you? "

Xie Yali hesitated and said nothing.

But her eyes were a little more confused and panicked.

Su Yi sighed inwardly and couldn't bear to ask more pointed questions.

"Perhaps you have to go through all five prisons once before you can see the effect." Su Yi comforted her.

Xie Yali nodded and said, "I think so too. At least I feel that my human desire has weakened a lot."

That's weird.

Su Yi looked at her silently and did not expose her self-deception.

Her indifference to herself was deliberately shown from the beginning.

Su Yi saw through it at a glance.

This is not to say that Xie Yali is pretending, but she is hinting to herself from the bottom of her heart that she has "sublimated" and has begun to lose her love and sex, so she deliberately shows her alienation from Su Yi to support her psychological suggestion. , convince yourself that this feeling is real.

She wanted to become a fairy so much that she was even crazy, that's why she hinted at herself so strongly that she even deceived herself.

Later, she blinked and blew on Su Yi. Such a playful performance completely revealed that she had not changed at all.

She is not sublimated.

At present, Xie Yali was not as relaxed as before, nor in the mood to chat with Su Yi. After saying goodbye to Su Yi in a hurry, he went to arrange his second reincarnation in the five prisons.

She even hinted to herself again that this was also a sign that she had become "emotionless".

The second mandrill target was a woman named Qiu Miaofang.

This woman is the mistress of a prostitute in Wanwan, but according to media reports, she entered the most primitive industry when she was still underage and is a senior practitioner.

Later, she relied on her extraordinary intelligence and ruthless acting skills to clear herself step by step, and became the concubine of a big shot.

But because she was born with a strong desire that could not be restrained, she secretly became a leader in multi-person sports and a master of time management. For her, the two-pronged approach, the success of three Yangs, and the success of five sons were all childish.

From a scientific point of view, this woman suffered from a disease called sex addiction.

But in fact it was her soul that was twisted by lust and became a mandrill.

Without much effort, Huang Yifeng and other disciples followed the law and established a connection between Qiu Miaofang and Xie Yali through the Five Hells Elixir. The mandrill was quickly thrown into the Fire Pit Prison by Xie Yali and died that night.

Li Fengbo, the leader of the criminal team who responded to the call, rushed to the scene and found the woman covered in blisters and bruised, lying behind the sofa in her home. Her body was curled up into a ball, but it was not a natural curl, but a special curl caused by dehydration of the muscles.

Without any forensic examination, experienced police officers such as Li Fengbo could tell at a glance that the corpse showed the typical characteristics of being burned alive.

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