Su Yi successfully contacted Liu Qingfang using the dream method. It was impossible for the quasi-immortal to detect it in such a subtle way.

Although Liu Qingfang was a mortal, he was not a fool. Su Yi was moved by emotion in his dream and understood by reason, which finally made her believe everything Su Yi said.

But how to make good use of Liu Qingfang's move is crucial.

If used well, this move can turn things around; if used incorrectly, this card becomes useless.

It is definitely unrealistic to ask Liu Qingfang, a mortal, to deal with an enemy that even Su Yi cannot face, so let her do things that are as simple as possible and as low-risk as possible.

In the end, Uncle Feng, who was experienced and knowledgeable, came up with a strategy: "Her real body has not grown up. If she really wants to fight with us, she will need to leave her body. Her physical body must lack protection at that time, and we can take advantage of this." "

"How to ensure Qingfang's safety?" This is what Su Yi is worried about. "Since she dares to kill her father, she must have no moral pressure on her mother."

"It has always been your wife who has taken care of her." Uncle Feng had a different view. "She has grown so big that her soul cannot remain in her body forever. Her body must be cared for by someone she trusts, and that person is you. Wife. In this world, mother is the best protector of children. She must regard your wife as her protector, so she must be very relieved about your wife. I think even if your wife plots against her this time, she will do it to your wife. It’s not likely to be dangerous.”

Su Yi still couldn't rest assured. The possibility was low, but that didn't mean there was no probability.

But Liu Qingfang, who is so good at dark chess, cannot use it, otherwise it would be too stupid.

"We can't let Qingfang do something that is too harmful or even fatal to her, lest she get too angry, and Qingfang can't agree." Su Yi finally made the decision, "It's best for us to solve the problem here, Qingfang It only plays a supporting role. In this way, Qingfang’s pressure will be less, the success rate will be safer, and we can better control risks.”

This method is not a compromise, it can even be said to be the best of both worlds.

Next, Uncle Feng and Su Yi deduced various possibilities. After Uncle Feng arrived in Beitai, he hid the steel needle stained with the black cat's blood outside the door of Huang Huo Tu's house according to the address given by Su Yi and made preparations.

On the rooftop, when Su Yi and Uncle Feng went downstairs, Su Yi used the dream method to inform Liu Qingfang that if Huang Xiaomei "falls asleep" later and her body is cold for more than two minutes, she should go outside the door to retrieve the needle and use it. The needle pricked Huang Xiaomei's temple where it was scratched by the bullet.

Why do you have to wait until your body is cold?

Because the body is cold, it means that Huang Xiaomei is not just distracted or using the Five Hells elixir to sense. Usually, the body will be cold only when the soul leaves the body. Huang Xiaomei's body was cold, which meant that her soul left her body and left her body.

This means that the quasi-immortal spirit has come in person to deal with Su Yi and Uncle Feng with all his strength.

Why the temple?

Because the temple is the most yang position, stimulating this acupoint will have the best effect.

The reason why Su Yi set the time for two minutes was because he felt that the spirit of the quasi-immortal was present in person. It was extremely dangerous for him and Uncle Feng to last for two minutes.

Originally, Uncle Feng had a different opinion, thinking that the time should be set at the fifth minute. He also thought that they could extend this plan and use Liu Qingfang's card to make a game.

But Su Yi disagreed. He believed that the beginning of the battle was the most dangerous time, and the longer it was delayed, the more beneficial it would be to one's own side. Therefore, what one should be most wary of was the quasi-immortal's thunder strike at the beginning.

Uncle Feng was used to listening to Su Yi's judgment and decided to listen to Su Yi.

This saved two lives!

Two minutes!

In just two minutes, Su Yi and Uncle Feng were in a desperate situation!

Liu Qingfang followed the agreement with Su Yi and inserted the needle into Huang Xiaomei's temple after Huang Xiaomei's body was cold for two minutes.

Although Huang Xiaomei is a quasi-immortal, she still has to fight with all her strength against Su Yi. Being "recalled" at a critical moment, the concentrated soul was pulled back to the physical body without any precautions.

At this moment, Huang Xiaomei tilted her head and looked at her mother, her expression neither sad nor happy.

She really didn't expect that the only mother she trusted would give her a blow at the most critical moment.

Over the years, she has frequently experienced out-of-body experiences, and every time she has been protected by her mother. It can be said that her mother is the only person she trusts.

But now she's paying the price for that trust.

With her intelligence, she could naturally guess what was going on.

So she didn't ask the trembling woman in front of her with fear on her face why.

She just looked at her mother and blew lightly.

Countless stars fell on Liu Qingfang, and she swayed and fell on the bed.

Huang Xiaomei closed her eyes and was out of body again.

From the time she was pulled back to the time she returned to the True Immortal Temple, the process didn't even take ten seconds.

But ten seconds was enough for Su Yi to do many things.

What a fairyland!

The moment Huang Xiaomei was forcibly recalled, Su Yi's seal was broken.

The power that sealed Su Yi collapsed instantly.

If the sealing process is terminated before it is completed, this is a spell interruption.

Su Yi, who broke out of the seal, immediately arrived in front of the surrounded Uncle Feng, and drew a circle around with the soul-drawing scythe.

A group of fierce-looking disciples all fell to the ground in an instant.

Su Yi threw out more than a dozen wailing souls, and in a flash, he was already in the small space where Xie Yali was retreating.

At this moment, Xie Yali had his eyes closed, and his whole body was filled with red mist.

This is her receiving the power of the blood sacrifice.

Without saying a word, Su Yi reached into his chest and pinched Xie Yali's heart. The latter suddenly opened his eyes.

Time flies!

Su Yi was pulled into the virtual world by Xie Yali!

"You want to kill me?" Xie Yali's eyes were filled with disbelief and hurt pain, "Are your feelings for me all fake?"

Su Yi didn't answer, so he broke away from the virtual world, and at the same time sent a signal to Uncle Li through the divine seal of faith.

But the moment Su Yi returned to reality, he was pulled into the virtual world by Xie Yali.

"I'm very disappointed, Huotu." Xie Yali's face was full of sadness, with tears in his eyes. "I believe in you so much that I even disobeyed my sister and refuted her, saying that you would not harm me."

Su Yi looked expressionless and attacked Xie Yali with the soul-catching sickle.

But as soon as the virtual world was in a trance, Xie Yali stood in front of him again, and his attack failed!

The virtual world is equivalent to Xie Yali's territory, and this is the first time that Su Yi's soul-catching sickle has failed!

"Huo Tu, I hate you." Xie Yali pointed at Su Yi's eyebrows!

Su Yi wanted to hide, but was locked tightly.

But he could shake off the blow.

Xie Yali previously felt that she might not be able to beat Su Yi, but her feeling was not wrong. If Su Yi fought with her, the outcome would probably be a 50-50 split.

It's a pity that Su Yi is not alone.

At this moment, Xie Yali's expression suddenly changed, and the virtual world suddenly collapsed!

The two were brought back to reality.

Xie Yali lowered his head in disbelief and looked at his chest.

There was a dark, sunken palm print on her left chest, and her heart had been shattered.

Xie Yali's vitality disappeared rapidly. She looked up at Su Yi in disbelief, fear and despair in her eyes.

She was killed!

She also quickly understood that she had actually been plotted by Su Yi long ago!

Su Yi held her left breast rudely and rudely before. It was not accidental or impulsive, but Su Yi's spell!

At that time, Su Yi placed a curse on her, but one of the most vicious curses of the Yinshan Sect - the "Heart-Breaking Curse" was so obscure that she didn't notice it at all.

Not only she, but also the quasi-immortal didn't notice it, because when the spell was triggered but not cast, there was actually only the smell of Su Yi's palm left on her chest, which was nothing unusual.

It was Su Yi who cast the spell, but it was Uncle Li who activated the spell!

Before Xie Yali died, he saw clearly who killed him.

The moment Uncle Li on the rooftop received Su Yi's signal, he activated the spell and instantly killed Xie Yali.

Uncle Li and Su Yi completed a tacit cooperation and plotted against Xie Yali.


This was the first thing Su Yi said to her.

While saying this, Su Yi pulled Xie Yali's ghost out of his dying body with a soul-catching sickle!

Without his soul, Xie Yali's weak physical body quickly collapsed and died completely!

At this moment, Su Yi's eyes flashed, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

It’s Huang Xiaomei!

Huang Xiaomei appears in the true form of the soul!

She no longer hid her true identity and appeared in front of Su Yi and Xie Yali.

Su Yi pulled Xie Yali's soul and flew away.

The latter is gradually waking up from the daze of death.

Although she died, she still could not free herself from the cage made by her sister. She was still ignorant and did not understand that what she was pursuing was just a dream. Her life was destined to be a tragedy. She still did not understand. Su Yi killed her, but he was helping her avoid the fate of being in disarray and liberating her.

But when she sees Huang Xiaomei in front of her, she will understand everything.

Huang Xiaomei no longer hides herself because everything is over!

Su Yi's rebirth from nirvana only made Huang Xiaomei regretful that the fifth mandrill was missing.

But Xie Yali was the mandrill she had trained for eighteen years, and now he was destroyed by Su Yi!

This was a fatal blow to Huang Xiaomei.

Her Five Hells Immortal Technique was interrupted like this. There was no way she would spend another eighteen years looking for a perfect mandrill like Xie Yali.

She has no time!

The Five Hells Immortal Technique is a clever move against nature. It is impossible for the reincarnated body to live long and can only live to the age of eighteen.

She still has ten years. If she doesn't become an immortal, she will completely lose her immortality.

Ten years is a long time, but for her, it is not enough.

Su Yi ruined her fairyland and everything about her!

This is the hatred of blocking the road!

Huang Xiaomei looked at Su Yi, the murderous intent in her eyes getting stronger and stronger.

"Stop it!" Su Yi also looked at Huang Xiaomei with a sincere expression, "If we fight again, we will die together!"

"Just you?" Huang Xiaomei obviously looked like a little girl, but she sounded like an adult woman, cold and murderous.

"Of course I'm not your opponent." Su Yi shook his head.


The door was kicked open, and Uncle Feng rushed in holding the Bagua Mirror. He stood beside Su Yi and stared at Huang Xiaomei with a solemn expression.

"Even if we go together, we are no match for you." Su Yi did not look at Uncle Feng, but still looked at Huang Xiaomei.

Originally, he had the same luck as Uncle Feng, thinking that as long as Huang Xiaomei didn't become an immortal, he and Uncle Feng could have a fight and maybe win.

But he had been suppressed by Huang Xiaomei less than two minutes before, which made him aware of the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

In those two minutes, Su Yi had done all kinds of calculations, and the unintentional calculation of the intentional was the greatest limit.

But even though he tried his best, he was still almost suppressed.

If Liu Qingfang hadn't laid out Liu Qingfang's secret move in advance, Su Yi wouldn't even have a chance to make a comeback, and Uncle Feng would be dead.

"But we are not without backup plans." Su Yi looked at Huang Xiaomei, "Since we can plan against you in advance, we can also prepare for the aftermath in advance. As long as we die here today, I can guarantee that you will never live in peace!"

"Once we die, all the major sects will know that you are cultivating the Five Hell Immortals!" Uncle Feng stared at Huang Xiaomei warily and loudly said, "No matter how powerful you are, you are still a mortal, and your body is your biggest weakness! I just need to destroy you then. In the physical body, you can only be a lonely ghost!"

"She will become the Ghost King." Su Yi smiled, "You used me to take away Guixi, so you probably meant to leave a way out for yourself, right?"

"Let the past be bygones, everything must be moved forward!" Uncle Feng followed closely, "We ruined your immortal path, but it was you who planned the fire and earth first, and even tried to harm you in the ghost world. Kill us all! This situation is just one move for us to win. You are a senior, so you can’t afford it, right? We both have great karma. If you don’t become an immortal, you will have great karma by killing us. Can you afford it?”

"Sister, have you really been lying to me?" At this time, Xie Yali had completely sobered up.

She practiced immortality during her lifetime. Although she did not become an immortal, her ghost soul was extremely solidified. Now she has directly become a ghost cultivator, not a bardo body.

It's just that she has a lot of karma. Sooner or later, she will have to go to the prison of having her heart ripped out within seven days at the latest.

Although Xie Yali was still in the cage, both her own situation and the situation in front of her made her understand everything.

Huang Xiaomei didn't answer, but the murderous intent in her eyes gradually faded away.

Her eyes swept over the two souls in front of her one by one, and finally locked her eyes on Su Yi.

She looked deeply at Su Yi and said coldly: "Cause and cause are clear. If I see you again, I will destroy you!"

Before she finished speaking, her figure had disappeared, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time.

"Sister! Why!" Xie Yali shouted angrily!

After two lifetimes of cultivating immortality, it was just a dream. The road to immortality was cut off. Where should we go?

"Don't leave! Why! Why!" She whined resentfully and chased after him!

Uncle Feng let out a long breath, and then realized that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

The rest of the life!

"You don't want to pursue me?" He asked Su Yi, hiding his fear.

"Why bother?" Su Yi shook his head and said solemnly to Uncle Feng: "Brother Feng, I have to trouble you to save her and break her prison."

Xie Yali's blood sacrifice has not been completed, and the power of the fifth mandrill has not been absorbed. With her current strength and mentality, if her karma backfires and she is thrown into the Heart-Evisceration Prison, she will definitely be shattered.

But if Uncle Feng helps her perform a ritual to break the prison, she can escape from prison, no longer suffer from the karma, and directly reincarnate.

Forgetting everything and starting over might not be a good ending for Xie Yali.

"Don't worry, I will." Uncle Feng nodded and agreed.

After a pause, he asked: "She didn't attack us. Do you think we scared her and made her think it was not worthwhile to kill us, or was it because she paid you back?"

"Unfathomable." Su Yi shook his head.

He has always claimed to have insight into people's hearts, but he is not sure why Huang Xiaomei compromised.

This person's mind was so deep that he wasn't even sure whether she had given up on becoming an immortal.

He was not sure whether she had given up plotting against him and taking revenge on him.

Who knows what she thinks?

But no matter what Huang Xiaomei thinks, it has nothing to do with Su Yi.

He blocked Huang Xiaomei's path to immortality, and this is how he and Huang Xiaomei ended.

Not to mention Huang Xiaomei's threat before leaving, Su Yiben couldn't do anything to him.

You can't defeat or kill them, but the other party can kill you.

Fortunately, the task was barely completed, which was a bit of comfort.

Seeing Su Yi's sudden silence, Uncle Feng sighed: "I know you feel uncomfortable, after all, the father-daughter incident... But as she said, you two have cleared up your cause and effect. Huo Tu, you are actually a dead person, you There is no going back, so let’s forget about the past and look forward.”

"How many people died outside?" Su Yi asked.

"Anyway, there are less than ten." Uncle Feng said, "I'll call Officer Li and ask him to finish it off."

"Let's go." Su Yi nodded.

It's time to go.

In fact, there is still one immortal left waiting for Su Yi, but Su Yi no longer wants to see it.

After experiencing so many dangerous battles in this world, he needs time to digest and calm down.

What's more, his physical condition no longer allows him to stay and fight. Yinhun's power of capturing green also made him lose the reason to stay.

In this world, he has already got what he wants, and there is no need to force the rest.

If I stay any longer, I'm afraid it will only be a risk.

The battle at Zhenxian Temple ended with the death of a total of eight people including Xie Yali. Those disciples who were alive were taken to the hospital, where they would slowly recover.

But they will live with the memory of being manipulated until the end of their lives.

Moreover, they are bound to be unable to escape the law if they participate in the murder collectively.

Li Fengbo was originally responsible for such a big tragedy, but because Kevin Wright suddenly suffered from "hysteria", Li Fengbo had to temporarily cancel the operation, which eventually led to the tragedy, so the foreign agent became the one who took the blame.

And because Li Fengbo finally solved the first three mandrill cases, the Wanwan police gained both face and dignity, and also deflated the lighthouse. They were very satisfied with Li Fengbo's performance.

As for Lighthouse, there is no blame for Li Fengbo. After all, it was their people who failed to live up to expectations.

the other side.

Liu Qingfang woke up from her coma and saw her daughter blinking at her with watery eyes.

As soon as she got up, the first thing she did was to hug her daughter and said in a trembling voice: "Sister, are you okay? Are you... your sister?"

Huang Xiaomei didn't speak, just looked at Liu Qingfang.

"I'm sorry, sister, did mom scare you? Did mom hurt you?" Liu Qingfang held her daughter in distress and cried, "Mom just doesn't want you to be speechless for the rest of your life. Mom just wants to help you...Sister, you Don't blame mom, mom doesn't want to hurt you, mom just wants to protect you..."

The coldness in Huang Xiaomei's eyes in her arms completely melted away, and a smile appeared on her lips.

She hugged Liu Qingfang and opened her lips lightly: "Mom..."

Liu Qingfang suddenly felt as if she had been struck by lightning, and looked at Huang Xiaomei in disbelief.

Huang Xiaomei smiled sweetly at her: "Mom, it was dad who helped me...but he left us forever..."

After staying for a long time, Liu Qingfang hugged Huang Xiaomei and cried loudly.

Huang Xiaomei hid in her mother's arms, but looked deeply through the window.

This woman is his mother. She has shown such meticulous care and attention to him over the years that even a stone would be warm to her.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

Only she herself knew that she was ultimately defeated by the word "love".

If she cannot bear the love of the world, she will never become a fairy.

Because of love, sorrow arises, and because of love, fear arises. Only when you are separated from the one you love can you have no worries or fears.

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