The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 142: Brother O’s Questions (please vote, please subscribe)

What's wrong with Luo Ji?

Luo Ji has a big problem!

This guy was still a qualified police undercover before he killed Ni Kun, but now, Lu Qichang couldn't define whether Luo Ji was still a police officer.

That's considered a partner of the police?

The reason why Lu Qichang was so troubled was because Xu Sir, as the first brother of O Ji, was the only other person in the police force who had the authority to view Luo Ji's files.

There is another one, of course the number one brother in the entire police force.

Therefore, as long as Sir Xu is interested in Luo Ji, it is impossible to hide Luo Ji's true identity from Sir Xu. As long as Sir Xu uses his own account to check, everything will be clear.

Lu Qichang sighed in his heart and said, "Sir Xu, I want to report this matter to you personally."

Sir Xu looked thoughtfully, looked at his watch and said, "Okay, Tsuen Wan Police Station, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Sir Xu logged in directly on the computer to investigate Luo Ji's identity.

When a photo of Luo Ji wearing a police uniform appeared in front of Sir Xu, he was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out.

" is this possible..." Sir Xu murmured in disbelief.

Half an hour later, Lu Qichang arrived, and Sir Xu was sitting behind his desk, deep in thought.

"Boss?" Lu Qichang called out cautiously.

Sir Xu said without raising his head: "Achang, do you know when there were societies in Hong Kong?"

Lu Qichang was a little confused, but still replied: "I don't know the specific time, but it should be more than a hundred years ago."

"Yes, it's almost a hundred years ago." Sir Xu sighed with emotion, "It's actually much earlier. The current prefixes for He, Yi, Fu, and Xing were all from the same family hundreds of years ago. It's just that It’s just a different church.”

"At the beginning, the association was just a union of fishermen and dock coolies. They stayed together to keep warm and resisted foreigners. But later, the nature changed. They began to bully the market and do all kinds of evil!"

"In 1941, Zhe Peng invaded Kowloon. At that time, a society called Victory Friends followed the Zhe Peng people to burn, kill and loot, letting the people of Hong Kong know the dangers of the society."

"What really made the Hong Kong government wary of associations and completely defined them as criminal organizations was the May 6th Uprising. The Number Gang came to the limelight that year. It was also at that time that the Kowloon Walled City began to become a state within a state on Hong Kong Island. ."

"Hong Kong Island was really chaotic at that time. The societies were open. They committed murder, arson, and other crimes. They demanded protection fees, were involved in pornography, gambling, and drugs. The British people did nothing but were greedy for money. The police below also colluded with the societies. Hong Kong Island has become a world where black and white are indistinguishable. He Liansheng chooses the person to talk to, and he will hold a banquet with dragon and lion dances, and even the four detectives will be present to give gifts."

Having said this, Sir Xu paused and looked at Lu Qichang: "It was at that time that the Committee to Combat Violent Crime was established, which was the predecessor of our O Ji. At that time, our police force began to send undercover agents to the society. Counting It’s been thirty years now.”

"I just checked the information. In the past thirty years, our police have dispatched a total of 13,461 undercover people to societies, with an average of more than 400 dispatched every year. Of course, the number has been declining year by year. Last year, our police dispatched undercover agents to There are 89 people on the mission, and 67 are undercover in the society."

"Do you know, Achang? What will be the fate of these more than 13,000 undercover agents?"

Lu Qichang shook his head with a heavy expression.

He had never seen any information on this, but he knew that this data must be very ugly.

Sir Xu took out a piece of paper torn from his notebook and read: "There are more than 13,000 undercover agents, 3843 of them are missing or have lost contact, 2251 of them have been confirmed to have died of revenge or murder, and 2251 of them were seriously injured. Or those who had to terminate their undercover mission due to physical disabilities and retired midway, 735 of them, 3172 of whom were dismissed from the police force after defecting, and 1617 of whom are still on duty."

After a pause, Sir Xu raised his head and looked at Lu Qichang: "In the past thirty years, there have been only 1,843 undercover agents who have actually completed their undercover missions and returned to the team. That is almost every twenty undercover agents, and only three will complete their mission and return to the team."

"And among the more than a thousand people who completed their missions, 357 committed suicide after returning to the force, 1,292 resigned or were fired, and 194 remained in the police force. Moreover, all the undercover agents who returned to the force were basically alcoholics. , violent tendencies, even smoking, and a bunch of other bad things.”

Having said this, Sir Xu sighed and said: "Actually, in recent years, we, Mr. O, have sent less and less undercover agents to clubs because the success rate is too low and the efficiency is too slow. Furthermore, in the undercover business, It really is one of the most inhumane professions in the world.”

"It's because we sent too many undercover agents in the past few decades, and later on, it was often necessary to submit a certificate to join the society. Many of our undercover agents were forced to rob, rape, kill people, intoxicate, and even become independent as soon as they joined the society. It's murder. Achang, can you imagine what they were thinking at the moment they did something bad?"

Xu Sir stared at the heavy-faced Lu Qichang and pointed to his heart: "I don't dare to think about it! I only know that those guys who have done bad things and still remember that they are policemen, I admire them from the bottom of my heart! As their commander, I , the only thing I can do is swear to give them a good result!"

"But I don't blame those undercover agents who have forgotten that they are police officers, or who say they are no longer willing to be police officers." Sir Xu said, "I know it was us who forced them to take this path, but we have an obligation. Stop them from continuing to make mistakes.”

"So, I would rather catch them and go to jail than watch them slide into the abyss!"

"Just like my own children who have made mistakes, I will be stricter with them!"

"Achang, tell me now, is Luo Ji still a policeman?"

"Did he kill Xinji's Guohua and Nigga?"

"Did he kill himself? Or was he forced to kill?"

"Does everything he does now mean you? Or is he suspected of betrayal and doesn't want to return to the team?"

Xu Sir stared at Lu Qichang with bright eyes.

At this moment, Lu Qichang's heart started beating involuntarily.

He felt a little out of breath and felt like his heart was under heavy pressure.

He knew very well that what kind of fate Luo Ji would face depended on what he would tell Sir Xu next.

If he answers that he doesn't know, or that Luo Ji is highly suspicious, then what awaits Luo Ji is an endless investigation by the Police Internal Disciplinary Investigation Committee.

Luo Ji may be fired from public office and charged with murder.

Although the police will try to keep this process secret, there is still the possibility of leaking the secret. Once the secret is leaked, Luo Ji will be cut off from the underworld.

The young and Dangerous boys hate the 25th boy the most, and the wait for Luo Ji's revenge and bullying must be endless.

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