"Assist Korea, there is a situation now. We have verbally announced to Comrade Yi Zhonghai our decision to dismiss him as the compound manager, and he has accepted the result. Just now you made a sudden request but refused to let him resign. Yi Zhonghai felt that our community was very resistant to the changes in regulations, so he felt that it was okay not to resign, but he was unwilling to review and apologize in public..."

After Liu Haizhong left, Su Yi greeted Liu Guifen.

Liu Guifen didn't beat around the bush and started talking about Yi Zhonghai.

But as soon as she said it, Su Yi interrupted her with a smile: "Director Liu, isn't it? Just now, the second uncle of our courtyard, Liu Haizhong, told me that the first uncle took the initiative to resign. Why did he come to your place? Is he the one you dismissed?"

Liu Guifen was stunned.

"Maliciousness from Liu Guifen +77..."

"This...may be a bit of a misunderstanding." Liu Guifen said.

"It's a misunderstanding. We need to make it clear. How about I call the second uncle back and we can ask him again?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Maliciousness from Liu Guifen +88..."

"No need." Liu Guifen sighed and said, "Aid to aid Korea, I will know as soon as I look at you that you are actually a smart person. The reason why our director said this is to reduce the resentment. In fact, in the final analysis, you The mistake made by the two uncles in the courtyard was just to trust others. It may be because you were not there at the time, or it may be because you just moved here and they didn't know you well. Whatever the reason, this matter actually didn't happen in the first place. It’s like this. You have your fault, and they are not the ones who harmed you, they are just the ones who caused the trouble. Do you agree with what I say?”

Su Yi didn't answer, and said with a smile: "Aunt Liu, if this matter had a different outcome, and I didn't go to the leader of the Ministry of Military Affairs, or I wasn't a martyr, and no one spoke for me, guess what? The result? If I were really caught by them, wouldn’t it be an exaggeration to say that the two uncles were their accomplices?”

Liu Guifen wanted to defend herself, but Su Yi changed the subject and said, "I can understand everyone's desire to keep things quiet. I actually don't want to cause trouble to everyone, but the premise is that everyone must be sincere. I am a victim, and I don't mean to cause trouble to you." Troublemakers who are looking for trouble. Your purpose here should be to serve the people, not to fool and solve their problems, right?"

"Maliciousness from Liu Guifen +93, fear from Liu Guifen +46..."

"I dare not say that!" Liu Guifen's expression changed and she waved her hands hastily, "Yuan Chao, what you said is too serious..."

"Then let me put it another way." Su Yi said, "Aunt Liu, from the time you came to me, I have been polite to you from beginning to end. If I have any requests, I will say it directly. The leaders are in trouble, and I myself Come up with solutions and try not to cause any trouble to you. I am not unreasonable or trying to cause trouble. So why are you trying to fool me and treat me like a troublemaker?"

Liu Guifen's expression was solemn. She had been confident in convincing Su Yi, but she didn't expect that Su Yi would say such sharp words. These words were basically meant to tear her face apart, although Su Yi said it with a smile from beginning to end.

"You have never had the mentality to serve the people from the beginning to the end," Su Yi said lightly. "Your attitude is to solve problems, so you regard us ordinary people as the troubles you encounter in your work. You and Director Qu regard me as a trouble Look, this is the biggest reason why we can’t talk well.”

He paused, looked at Liu Guifen and said, "If you have such an attitude, it would be better not to come."

"Maliciousness from Liu Guifen +99, fear from Liu Guifen +78..."

Her expression was gloomy, and she was silent for a moment before saying: "Yuan Chao, your idea is actually a bit extreme. We don't treat you as a trouble. Director Qu and I are indeed sincere to resolve the issue between you and your courtyard children." The conflict between the two uncles comes from this. Things between neighbors cannot just be about who is right, the important thing is to be humble and tolerant..."

"Then let the two gentlemen be humble and patient." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Yuanchao, if you say that, how can we talk?" Liu Guifen smiled bitterly.

"Then let me explain it more clearly," Su Yi said, "Aunt Liu, your attitude in solving the problem should not be to persuade me to be generous, but to directly give me a result."

"But you can't give in even one step..." Liu Guifen said.

Su Yi spread his hands and said, "Okay, then I'll give in. Let's just forget about it and stop here. I won't pursue anything further. There's no need to hold a hospital-wide meeting. Let's just pretend that nothing happened."

Liu Guifen was stunned.

"We can't just let it go. You've made such a big fuss, and the community has to come up with a resolution before it can explain it to the leaders above..." Liu Guifen said awkwardly.

"Look, you're not happy when I give in." Su Yi said with a smile, "Deputy Director Liu, this won't work and that won't work either. You're not such a bully, right?"

"Maliciousness from Liu Guifen +99..."

Liu Guifen pinched her forehead hard and let out a long breath: "Yuan Korea, I can't help you, so what do you mean now? Let Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong apologize to you in public?"

"Aunt Liu, what I mean is very simple, can you please stop fooling me?" Su Yi said leisurely.

"I... apologize to you on behalf of Director Qu and our community." Liu Guifen said.

Su Yi nodded: "Okay, let's do this."

Liu Guifen was startled and couldn't believe it: "You mean..."

"Aunt Liu, what I mean is that if you have something to say, say it carefully, with more sincerity and less tricks." Su Yi said, "Don't lie to me, it's better than anything else."

Liu Guifen said humbly: "This matter... it is true that we cannot do enough to aid Korea. If you have any other demands in life, you can put them forward and it will be regarded as compensation from the community."

Su Yi said with a smile: "Aunt Liu, there is something really important. We had a very thorough chat today, so let me just say this, can you give me some advice?"

"You say it, you say it." Liu Guifen breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why she offered to compensate Su Yi was because although the matter was resolved now, she found that Su Yi's resentment had been transferred to the community.

If Su Yi says something bad about the community to his superiors, it will be self-defeating.

Liu Guifen was now eager for Su Yi to make some request so that this man could happily forget everything and everyone would be happy.

"Aunt Liu, I want to provide running water and sewerage in my house. But if the light is connected to my family, it will be too conspicuous. Do you think there is any solution?" Su Yi put it bluntly, "If this can be done, , let me spend money to provide water to the whole hospital."

When Liu Guifen heard this, she twisted her eyebrows into the character "Sichuan".

After contributing several waves of malice to Su Yi, she actually came up with a solution.

"If the whole hospital wants to have water connection, are you really willing to spend money?" Liu Guifen asked in confirmation, "It will not be a small sum of money at that time. It will cost more than a hundred yuan, maybe more than two hundred yuan."

"Money is not an issue." Su Yi nodded, "Aunt Liu, is there anything you can do?"

"That's a bad idea." Liu Guifen said, "Don't you want the house next to you? If this house really belongs to you, you will basically have to demolish it and rebuild it. When the construction comes, you just say you want to dig it up. Cellar. Just choose a place with underground water pipes and let workers dig out the water pipes..."

Seeing Su Yi raise his eyebrows, Liu Guifen explained: "This is indeed not a good idea, but if you really want to change the water, you can't just change it just for no reason. You have to find an excuse. If the water pipe is dug out, you Wouldn’t it be logical to let the waterworks come in and re-lay the pipes?”

"Isn't this logical?" Su Yi said, "If the water pipe is broken, just repair it. There is no need to re-lay it, right?"

Liu Guifen smiled: "You don't know this. The water pipes in our area were all laid before liberation. They are twenty or thirty years old at least. They are so rusty that you can't even see them. Once they are broken, they will not be damaged at all." The only way to repair it is to replace the entire pipe. In fact, if you can wait, it will only take a year or two to replace the entire water pipe network. I heard that Xicheng plans to start construction this summer, and the entire city's water pipe network will be replaced. To be reinvented.”

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully: "If that's the case...because I damaged the pipe network artificially, I will definitely have to bear the cost of construction and renovation. In this case, I can logically offer to provide tap water to every household, and I will compensate the neighbors. their loss.”

"Yes, that's the truth." Liu Guifen said, "Actually, there is no need to provide access to every household. There are precedents of digging broken water pipes in other courtyards. The whole hospital pooled money to provide access to the front, middle and back yards. If you want to connect a water pipe to your own home, you can pay for the labor and materials at home. You can connect tap water to the front, middle and back yard, and then connect another pipe to your own home. It's a good thing for you. You do what you have to do, no one can say anything, and you can save some money.”

"The question now is, are people in the water plant willing to do this work?" Su Yi looked at Liu Guifen.

"Don't worry, my brother-in-law works at the waterworks, and he's in charge of engineering projects." Liu Guifen said with a smile, "If you really want to help Korea, if you really want to do this, as long as you are willing to spend money, this busy aunt will give it to you Helped.”

Su Yi said: "Thank you so much, Aunt Liu, you have helped me a lot."

"Congratulations from Liu Guifen +59..."

"It's good if I can help." Liu Guifen waved her hands and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that everyone was finally happy now.

"You have to find a reliable engineering team for this matter. You don't dare to let irrelevant people know about deliberately digging and breaking water pipes." Liu Guifen warned again, "If someone reports it, you are deliberately damaging public property. The nature is very serious.”

Su Yi said: "Don't worry, Aunt Liu, I won't let others get involved in this matter."

"You are a smart man, so I won't warn you much. In short, you must be cautious and cautious." Liu Guifen said.

"Okay, Aunt Liu, I've finished my busy work these two days. I'll treat you to dinner as a thank you." Su Yi said.

"Hey, I'm just talking, thank you for what?" Liu Guifen smiled and waved her hand.

"Thank you. Without you, this matter would be a dead end for me." Su Yi said.

"Haha, don't be too polite. When my aunt introduces you to someone, don't be too picky, causing her to run errands back and forth." Liu Guifen said with a smile, "Don't imitate your family. He Yuzhu is very picky and... well, forget it, I don't even bother to talk to him now. "

Su Yi smiled and guessed what Liu Guifen was about to say but hesitated.

It's not clear that Silly Zhu is hooking up with a widow. This can be found out by the woman as soon as she inquires about it, or she can tell after being in contact with him for a while. Over time, this Silly Zhu's reputation will become bad in the blind date market. This It is also an important reason why he is single now.

"To aid Korea, we have agreed that you can't undermine Auntie during the whole hospital meeting later." Liu Guifen said, "It would be best if you could take the initiative to speak for Yi Zhonghai."

Su Yi said: "Forget it, Mr. 1. If you want to be more serious, I won't express my opinion. In this way, I will be exempted from the review and apology of Mr. 2. When the time comes, you will ask him to apologize first, and I will take the initiative to stop it. I heard This morning, the second uncle did more than the first uncle. When everyone sees that I have forgiven the second uncle so generously, what does the first uncle need to say? "

"Congratulations from Liu Guifen +88..."

"Oh, Yuan Chao, that feeling is so good!" Liu Guifen said happily, "You have a big heart, and you will definitely have a great future! If it works, then I will do as you say! These bangs were really cultivated in my previous life. Good luck, he will be very touched when he meets such a generous child like you."

Su Yi chuckled. If the second uncle knew that his promotion to the first uncle was ruined, he would probably be moved to tears.

A lot of things were finalized or accomplished today. Su Yi felt happy just thinking about it.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the whole hospital's children's meeting was held on time. People from every household came to participate, and some even sent out their whole families.

The front yard was packed with people, including the deaf old lady in the back yard.

This was the first time Su Yi saw this old lady, the oldest in the whole hospital. She looked very thin, stooped and swaying as if she could be blown over by a gust of wind.

She was brought here by Si Zhu. I heard that the old lady ran to empty the spittoon early in the morning a few days ago. She fell down in the toilet and sprained her ankle. She had not been out for the past few days, so Su Yi moved in for two days. Damn it, I haven’t even seen this guy yet.

She is the oldest person in the courtyard. Chinese people have always had a tradition of respecting the elderly, so she is also the most prestigious in the entire courtyard. Sometimes the old lady's words are more effective than three uncles combined.

In the whole courtyard, she was the best to Sha Zhu and treated Sha Zhu as her own grandson. Every time Sha Zhu got into trouble, the old lady would jump out to help Sha Zhu. As soon as she came forward, everyone would not follow Sha Zhu. What are you worrying about?

But this is what Silly Zhu deserves, because the old lady's preference for her was originally earned by his kindness.

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