Su Yi went out feeling refreshed.

Riding a bicycle, walking through the alleys, humming a tune.

"The red clouds are flying over the western mountains at sunset, and the soldiers are returning to camp from target shooting. The red flowers on their chests reflect the colorful clouds. Happy songs are flying all over the sky. Misola, Miso, Lasomi are coming..."

He feels that he has become more and more integrated into this world and this era.

Maybe after marrying a wife and having children here, the alienation in his heart will further dissolve.

The upcoming meeting will definitely not be Su Yi's first date, but it will be Su Yi's first date with a blind date.

Frankly speaking, Su Yi was looking forward to this. He had a good first impression of You Juanjuan. He felt that the girl was smart and capable. If her temperament was simple, they could further develop into a couple.

The reason for being simple is because he needs his future wife to be of the same mind as him. A woman who thinks too much may not be able to do this.

In this world, Su Yi does not actually look forward to love, but only longs for family, simple firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

This is why the more he thinks Wen Hui is good, the more determined he is that this woman is definitely not suitable to marry him.

Many beautiful things are not inferior when they are close. Wen Hui is very beautiful now because the two of them still maintain a distance.

Su Yi could fully imagine that after getting married, the two would quarrel over a series of issues such as the dirty dishes on the stove, Su Yi's lack of motivation, Wen Hui's focus on work, and whether the children's education should be utilitarian or happy.

Will Wenhui still be so beautiful by then?

The biggest difference between love and marriage is that love can transcend all reality, but marriage rudely pulls everything back to reality, telling you to either face it or get out.

Of course, the two are not incompatible, but compatibility requires sacrifice. Both sides have to sacrifice something and compromise on something, which requires constant adjustment.

This kind of running-in can sometimes be very torturous and even exhausting.

Compared with this result, Su Yi's needs are more firm and clear - he just wants to find a wife with clear boundaries and who will support him and take care of him wholeheartedly.

Could You Juanjuan be this person?

When Su Yi arrived at the agreed place, You Juanjuan was already waiting here.

She was carefully dressed, wearing a floral bragi, and the cloth shoes on her feet were white and faded after washing, but they were very clean.

She wore a ponytail and stood quietly under the tree. She really had a feeling of peace and quiet in the years.

Su Yi parked the car under the tree and walked up to her.

"Hello, You Juanjuan." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Hello, comrade Yuan Korea." You Juanjuan smiled shyly, "Where...are we going? How about walking nearby? It's getting dark soon."

"Okay." Su Yi followed suit. He glanced in the direction of Youjuanjuan's house, and saw a figure retracting into the wall with a "whoosh".

He didn't care, smiled with You Juanjuan, and walked side by side to the alley on the other side.

I, I don’t know what to say,” You Juanjuan lowered her head, not daring to look at Su Yi, “This is the first time I’ve been like this to a gay man... Comrade Aid Korea, if you ask, I’ll tell you. If you want to know something just ask me and I will tell you. "

Su Yi glanced at her and wondered, does this count as taking the initiative?

"How about we talk about our respective family situations first?" Su Yi suggested, "This way we can get to know each other better."

"Okay, my family's situation is actually very simple. My grandparents..." You Fengxia readily agreed and began to tell.

Su Yi felt more clearly this time that You Juanjuan was trying to take the initiative, or that she was more eager to promote a relationship with Su Yi.

Normally, the man should take the initiative to initiate the topic of dating between men and women, and he should take on the role of breaking the ice and setting the mood.

But now this job is obviously done by You Juanjuan.

This is okay, Su Yi also knows that her conditions are attractive to ordinary girls of this era. It is normal for You Juanjuan to want to catch herself.

In fact, Liu Guifen introduced her family conditions yesterday, but today You Juanjuan went into more detail and added a lot of details.

But it was these details that caused problems.

Su Yi obviously heard that there were many inaccuracies in it. You Juanjuan had concealed and lied in some aspects.

Of course Su Yi wouldn't expose it, and he could understand it.

It is human nature to beautify yourself appropriately and lie a little when meeting someone for the first time.

He himself also lied. No one can be 100% honest with others.

To abandon her family wealth when we first meet her is not sincerity, but a foolish elder sister.

So Su Yi was quite relieved.

The two of them were walking through the alley. This is the time when every household has finished their meal, and most of them stay at home or gather together in the courtyard to chat.

The people walking on the street right now are either those who come home late from work, or they are stubborn gangsters.

The two met several people along the way. Some were talking and joking to themselves, some were whistling at You Juanjuan, and some seemed to know something. Their expressions changed and they pulled their companions away.

"This is the situation in my family." You Juanjuan said a lot, and finally sighed, "My biggest headache right now is my brother Xiaoyong. He has an unstable job and is impulsive. I have always wanted to find something for him. I want a stable job so that he can have a steady mind. I’m so worried about his current situation that I can’t sleep all night long..."

Su Yi smiled and said: "A man has to rely on himself in the end. It's useless if you worry too much. He will definitely think about his own future."

"Maliciousness from You Juanjuan +55..."

"That's what I say, but if he has a stable job, many problems will disappear." You Juanjuan said, "In the end, I am useless as a sister. I can't help him with anything, and I always drag him down." 's hind legs."

"Don't think like that, as long as you live up to your expectations, you can do anything." Su Yi said.

"Maliciousness from You Juanjuan +66..."

Su Yi smiled.

You Juanjuan glanced at Su Yi and asked: "Tell me about you. Yesterday Aunt Liu said that your family was in good condition, and she also said that you had bought all thirty-six legs. Comrade Aid Korea, you just arrived alone. Not long after I arrived in Beijing, my job was stable and my family was settled. I really envy you and admire you. How did you do it? "

"I had a little savings before," Su Yi said, "plus I borrowed some money from others, it's actually nothing."

You Juanjuan asked again: "With such good conditions as yours, there must be girls who are better than me and looking for you, right? For example, those who have good jobs and are beautiful people."

Su Yi glanced at her and said, "Yes, yes, but I want to find someone who can live a down-to-earth life with me."

"I feed myself alone and the whole family is not hungry. I have no father, no mother, and no brothers or sisters." He said, "A family like mine actually has good and bad qualities. The good thing is that there are not so many things going on at home. We are in charge of our own affairs, and there is no burden. But the bad thing is that in the future, we will have to rely on ourselves for everything, and we will have to worry about every stitch, and if we have children in the future, we will have to rely on ourselves."

"So what I'm looking for is someone who can take care of my life and take care of people at home and outside the home. In this way, I actually prefer a woman who doesn't have a job. Otherwise, if both of us are busy working in the future, who will take care of the family?"

"Maliciousness from You Juanjuan +66..."

"Actually, we can take care of both," You Juanjuan said. "In many families, both parents work. If you have children, you can send them to daycare if that's not possible..."

Su Yi smiled and said: "This is what I can't accept. In fact, being a housewife is also a kind of job. What I need is a woman who can accept this job."

"Maliciousness from You Juanjuan +73..."

You Juanjuan smiled and said in a joking tone: "If we really get married, you really won't let me work in the future? How hard will it be for you to raise a family by yourself? And being bored at home with your children every day will also make you depressed. of."

Su Yi shook his head and said: "So this is a question of two-way choice. There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing, only whether you want it or not, and whether it is suitable or not."

Some people want to work, some don't want to work; some find it too boring to stay at home, but some are happy with it.

The key is not to compromise reluctantly, but to really fit in and do it happily.

You Juanjuan smiled and said: "I think your idea is quite good. The male leads the outside and the female leads the inside. It has always been like this. If your work is more promising and important, you really need someone to support you silently and take care of you. Good logistics for your life. But it will be very hard for you. By the way, Comrade Yuan Korea, how is your job? I heard from Aunt Liu that you are highly regarded by the leaders in your unit. Is that true? "

"It's not that they are valued, it's just that there happen to be things within my capabilities that are suitable for me to do, so they gave the job to me." Su Yi shook his head, "I just joined the factory, and I'm still far behind in terms of seniority. This person doesn’t have any big pursuits. He has a wife and children, and I value family more than career.”

"Maliciousness from You Juanjuan +88..."

"I think it's rare to find a man who can take care of his family." You Juanjuan smiled, "Actually, your salary is already very high now. The combined monthly income of my brother and I is half of yours. If you could Earning so much from you makes us laugh out of our dreams.”

While the two were talking, they realized that they had turned around and ended up under the big locust tree.

You Juanjuan stopped, lowered her head and kicked the stones on the ground and said, "Comrade Aid Korea, we have a deeper understanding of each other. I am very satisfied with you, but what do you think of me?"

Su Yi sighed and said: "It is true that we have a deeper understanding, but I am afraid that there is something inappropriate between the two of us."

Su Yi was a little disappointed because he actually had expectations for this blind date.

But he really couldn't feel that a girl who always contributed malice to him but was very weak on the surface was suitable for him.

"Maliciousness from You Juanjuan +81..."

You Juanjuan was slightly silent and said: "I, can I ask why? Aunt Liu said that you want to find someone who can wash clothes and cook. I am good at all these things. You just said that you hope to find a woman who cares about the family. You can I can take care of you wholeheartedly at home. When you are busy working outside, I can take care of your home and take care of your children. Why do you still think I can’t?”

"Is it because I'm not pretty enough? Or do you think my family's conditions are too poor?"

"If you weren't beautiful, we wouldn't have met this time." Su Yi said, "I don't care if your family's conditions are good or bad. If we get married, we won't live in your house, but go to my place."

"Then why?" You Juanjuan asked.

Su Yi shook his head and said, "I feel like we don't get along. I'm a thoughtful person, so I want to find someone who can live a simple life. If both of us have our own concerns, life won't be enjoyable."

"Maliciousness from You Juanjuan +92..."

You Juanjuan was silent for a moment and then said: "We have just met, so it is normal that we can't get along with each other. Comrades who aid Korea, it takes time to get to know people's hearts. You can't ask a girl who just met you to share her heart with you."

Su Yi waved his hand: "What I'm talking about is not a heart-to-heart matter, but a serious matter. I said, I want to find someone who can live a simple life."

You Juanjuan smiled: "These days, if you really know how to live, how can you be simple? If you really want to find someone who is simple and careless, just see who has the worst life. Most of those who have the worst life have no life. Heartless."

"It makes sense." Su Yi nodded.

"Do you really want to find it?" You Juanjuan looked at him.

"Why not?" Su Yi said with a smile, "The more miserable she is, the more she will think that life with me will be better, and the better she will be to me. As for being heartless... I like being heartless, like this It’s easy to go home.”

You Juanjuan looked at Su Yi blankly and said: "If life is easy, I can do this too..."

"Comrade You Juanjuan, a person's character determines his future." Su Yi said, "You are a very smart girl, why do you pretend to be a heartless fool?"

"But what you want is a heartless fool!" You Juanjuan suddenly became excited.

"That must be a real fool." Su Yi said.

"Maliciousness from You Juanjuan +96..."

You Juanjuan looked at Su Yi for a long time, then laughed to herself and said, "I knew there would be such a thing as pie in the sky? How could such an outstanding man like you like me?"

Su Yi said: "It's not that I don't look down on you. If I were more ambitious, you would be a good wife. We are just not suitable. It's not that anyone is bad. Do you understand?"

"Thank you for comforting me." You Juanjuan exhaled a long breath, "But I want to know, why do you say I am thoughtful?"

"Really want to know?" Su Yi asked.

You Juanjuan nodded.

Su Yi asked: "Did a very beautiful woman come to you today to talk about me?"

You Juanjuan was startled and blurted out: "How do you know?"

Then he suddenly realized: "Did you find this woman to test me?"

"No, no, no, I'm not that boring." Su Yi shook his head.

This is the biggest problem with two serious people being together - mutual suspicion.

"You wouldn't mention to me for no reason that you have a beautiful job so you can take the initiative to find my woman. Based on what I know about her character, it's not difficult to guess that she came to see you today." Su Yi smiled, " But I’m curious what she told you?”

I am out of town during this period, so the updates will be unstable. I would like to apologize to my comrades in advance. I try to update twice, but if I can't, I will only update once. There will definitely be an update tonight, but I can’t tell when, maybe early, maybe in the middle of the night... Actually, I’ve updated quite a lot. I looked at it, and I’m also at the top of the battle list, which is awesome.

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