The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1482 Preparations

Xue Xinhua is the sports officer of the Red Star Steel Rolling Co., Ltd. He is tall and strong. He often participates in various sports activities on behalf of the factory and is recognized as a good athlete.

In the eyes of others, Xue Xinhua is straightforward and bold, the kind of hero-like figure.

But in fact, he is very timid. He is the kind of person who dare not go to the toilet alone after dark.

A few days ago, at the instigation of Li Chengli, he "chivalrously" stood up for the latter and confronted Su Yi, first by imposing a curse, and then by using force to intimidate him.

But he never dreamed that Su Yi would crumple an enamel jar into a ball like paper...

Xue Xinhua almost peed in fear that day, and he kept avoiding Su Yi for fear that Su Yi would rub his head like this.

He originally thought that the matter would be over in a hurry, but he didn't expect that Su Yi would come out and say what he had said to Su Yi before about "bad appearance, bloody disaster" and so on. He wrote it in the newspaper and criticized it, calling on all workers in the factory to condemn and boycott this behavior that promoted feudal superstition.

The first time he saw this manuscript, Xue Xinhua was scared to death!

If this caused a big fuss, Xue Xinhua would say that he could not get away with a punishment at a small level, or he would be expelled if he failed to do so at a big level.

He often runs out, but knows that many things are becoming more and more sensitive now.

So he immediately came to Shen Hongyan for help.

"Director, you have to help me no matter what. Su Yuanchao's move is too cruel. He is trying to kill me!" Xue Xinhua was so worried that he was sweating profusely.

After reading the entire manuscript, Shen Hongyan was very speechless. He pointed at Xue Xinhua and cursed: "You idiot, what can I say about you? I told you earlier that I should stop doing this. Meihua Yishu Mai." You just don’t listen to God’s calculations and focus on your work. You wish you could tell everyone else’s predictions. Now, is something wrong?”

"Director - no, cousin, you are my cousin! I have stopped telling people's fortunes for a long time. Su Yuanchao and I have some personal conflicts. He is seeking revenge for his own sake!" Xue Xinhua said with a bitter face. road.

"They are being reasonable, what can you do?" Shen Hongyan said, "You, you, even if Su Yuanchao doesn't exist, you will still be in trouble sooner or later!"

"Cousin, I know I was wrong. Stop scolding me. Please help me. This newspaper is now read by all the leaders in the factory. Some of them are lucky enough for me..." Xue Xinhua said in a horrified voice. , "They must have guessed that it's me. If they really want to deal with me...what should I do? Cousin, you also know that our whole family relies on me to go to work to support me. If something happens to me, it will be harmed." We are a family!”

"Why are you panicking? There is no name in this manuscript. Even if I guess it's you, won't it be over if you don't admit it?" Shen Hongyan scolded.

"What if Su Yuanchao tells the leaders that it's me?" Xue Xinhua was still very scared, "I offended him severely, he will definitely not let me go!"

"If you don't mention names, you're leaving room!" Shen Hongyan pondered slightly, "I'm telling you, idiot, the person who untied the bell must also tie the bell. You must apologize to Su Yuanchao in person!"

"As long as it's okay, I can kneel down for him." Xue Xinhua said, "But I'm afraid he won't let me go... Cousin, look... can you... He will definitely give you face , you are the leader..."

"Now you remember that I'm the leader? Now you know that I'm your cousin?" Shen Hongyan sneered, "You're stupid. What did you tell Li Chengli about brotherly loyalty? They put a hat on you and you forgot your last name! Back then I When I was about to leave, I planned to make good arrangements for you, but what about you? You didn't live up to expectations! Before I left, you hurriedly got together with Li Cheng, with your hot face and cold butt. "

"Cousin, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong!" Xue Xinhua begged, "You can scold me all you want, but please, please help me..."

"I am also unlucky to meet such a stupid relative like you!" Shen Hongyan snorted coldly, stood up and said, "Come on, follow me!"

Xue Xinhua was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly followed Shen Hongyan out. The two went straight to Su Yi's office.

Assuming they arrived in time, Su Yi was planning to go out to the auditorium.


Su Yi glanced at the frightened Xue Xinhua behind Shen Hongyan, and immediately realized what was going on. He said with a smile: "It's just such a small thing, why did it alarm you? It doesn't mean that it doesn't..."

"Oh, I don't want to come either. Who told this idiot to be my cousin's second son?" Shen Hongyan sighed and pointed at Xue Xinhua, "Yuanchao, you are a sensible person. I won't talk in circles with you. I will lead you." Wait for him to come and apologize to you, and you can be beaten and scolded at will. His brother has no job, and it is not easy for him to support his parents and sister by himself..."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Look at what you said, I didn't care much? I just wrote a manuscript based on my feelings."

Shen Hongyan said: "I know you young people are happy with grudges. The fault of this matter is his, not yours. I just scolded him and I told him clearly. If I can't ask for your forgiveness for this matter, he will say anything." It’s no use!”

"Director, if you had told us that we had this relationship, would what happened today be possible?" Su Yi said, "You took good care of me when I came to the factory. I have this conflict with Xinhua. If you just say a word, then wouldn't that happen?" Is everything okay?"

Shen Hongyan was very helpful and said with a smile: "Basically no one in the factory knows about my relationship with him. His personality is not a material for advancement. It is good if he can work steadily and get paid. I have told him before that he should avoid adultery." and miscellaneous things in the factory, but he is so stupid that he jumped out to work as a river pawn after being teased for a few words. Alas, it’s so hard for my cousin to have such a stupid son. "

After a pause, he turned back and scolded Xue Xinhua: "Why are you still standing there? Apologize! Didn't I just say in my office that you can kneel down to aid Korea? Why now..."

Before he finished speaking, Xue Xinhua hurriedly bowed to Su Yi: "I'm sorry, comrade aiding Korea, I was wrong. I apologize to you, I'm sorry..."

Su Yi stepped forward to support him, patted him on the shoulder and said: "We don't know each other anymore. Let's just get over this little conflict. But in front of Director Shen, I still have to say what I should say. I'll write This article is not an avenge. I really think you shouldn’t say those things, so I just talk about things and don’t mention people. My purpose is to warn, not to retaliate, otherwise I will name names, right? ?”

"Yes, yes, comrade aiding Korea, thank you for your magnanimity. I am so grateful to you. I can't help you. I will unite closely around you in the future..." Xue Xinhua was already so excited that he was incoherent.

Su Yi interrupted him with a smile: "We all have to unite around the director."

Immediately afterwards, he said to Shen Hongyan: "Director, there will be an entrance exam at 10 o'clock for the study class. Do you want to go on-site to provide guidance and check it for me?"

Shen Hongyan's face turned solemn and he said hurriedly: "Hey, didn't I waste your time? You go quickly, you go quickly, you are in charge of enrollment, you have to be busy."

"Then I will..." Su Yi smiled and pointed in the direction of the door.

"Go, go!" Shen Hongyan said, "By the way, last night I heard Xiao Zhang mention that the person in charge of materials in the General Office has been replaced. The materials you applied for are not ready yet? I'll ask Xinhua to help you. Go and take a look."

Su Yi, who was about to leave, immediately stopped when he heard this, thought for a moment, smiled at Shen Hongyan and said, "Director, just pretend you don't know about this."

Shen Hongyan's expression changed, and she nodded thoughtfully: "Okay."

"Then I'm leaving." Su Yi said hello with a smile and walked out.

After Su Yi left, Xue Xinhua couldn't wait to ask: "Cousin, he didn't tell me what he was going to do about my matter..."

Shen Hongyan glanced at him and said: "People say that's it, that's it. If anyone asks him, he won't say your name. As for you... As long as you don't admit it, no one can take advantage of it. You can't help it."

"That's good, that's good..." Xue Xinhua let out a long breath, wiped off the cold sweat, and finally had a smile on his face.

"Cousin, I heard that this study class is now very good, and the top leaders are paying special attention to it." Why don’t you go?”

Shen Hongyan looked at him speechlessly: "Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Can't you listen to someone's kind words?"

In the Publicity Department, Shen Hongyan is Su Yi's leader, but in the study class, Su Yi's words are a hundred times more effective than Shen Hongyan.

And give others guidance on their work? It's fine if people don't tell you to do your work.

"He's polite to him. If you don't be polite to him, won't it be over?" Xue Xinhua said matter-of-factly.

It makes so much sense...

Shen Hongyan pointed at him and said: "I'm warning you, from now on, you are not allowed to go anywhere in your office, and you are not allowed to go to Li Dengfeng, let alone Li Chengli! I know you don't want to be a sports director, you I want to go back to the factory and sit in the office, but I tell you clearly today that you are not the material! If you dare to come back, you will lose your job! It’s up to you to believe it or not!”

Xue Xinhua was obviously unconvinced, but he still nodded and said, "I understand, cousin."

Shen Hongyan thought for a while and then said: "You should continue to call me director from now on, and don't call me cousin. You should keep your relationship secret."

He shook his head and left with his hands behind his back, feeling that he was really heartbroken.

Su Yi felt that he was really generous and not a narrow-minded person. Xue Xinhua pointed at his nose and scolded himself. If the protagonist of some novels were changed, wouldn't he destroy the whole family?

Su Yi said let it go, let it go, tsk tsk, you are really broad-minded...

He felt that his moral realm had been improved.

When Su Yi went downstairs, he saw two people.

One is Liang Yanqiu. Su Yi smiled and said hello to her. The latter smiled meaningfully at Su Yi and nodded.

Su Yi understood immediately, smiled back, and the two passed by.

When he arrived at the door of the building, Su Yi saw Qin Huairu waiting anxiously at the door. As soon as he saw Su Yi, his eyes lit up and he came forward.

"Yuan Chao, I've waited for you. I heard that the entrance exam for the study class was this morning. I wonder if I still have a chance?" Qin Huairu asked anxiously.

"Go to the auditorium later to see the excitement." Su Yi smiled at her, turned and left.

"Hey!" Qin Huairu didn't understand and wanted to stop Su Yi to ask questions, but Su Yi got on his bicycle and drove away.

"How can I care about watching the fun!" Qin Huairu stamped her foot depressedly.

Su Yi originally planned to go find Li Xinmin and Yang Baorui, but was told that the two went to meet the leaders at the factory gate.

Is there a leader coming to inspect?

Su Yi just learned the news, and no one informed him...

But this is normal. Don’t you, Su Yuan, have any idea of ​​what level you are at? It would be normal for your boss not to inform you.

Su Yi hurriedly rode his bicycle to the factory gate.

The door is being cleaned in full swing.

Not only Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin are here, but Wen Hui is also here.

When she saw Su Yi, she smiled and waved to Su Yi. She didn't rush over to talk, and went on to do whatever she was supposed to do with the camera.

Su Yi arrived in front of Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin, who were talking together.

"Hey? Why are you here?" Yang Baorui asked in surprise when he saw Su Yi, "Didn't you take some kind of exam? How come you have time to wander around."

"I came here to report this matter to you two." Su Yi said, "The exam starts at ten o'clock. I sincerely invite you two to participate in this assessment to cheer up the worker students."

The two leaders looked at each other, and Li Xinmin smiled and said, "Did you see that? I said he even invited reporters here, why didn't he invite us both?"

"I think he has forgotten about us. I just remembered." Yang Baorui snorted deliberately and said to Su Yi, "I guess you arrived in time. If you don't come, Xinmin and I are going to be uninvited guests and go pick you up." The problem makes you sweat!"

Su Yi said with a smile: "This is the first time to hold such a big event. I really need you two to be the anchor of stability and check for me. Two leaders, then I will arrange for the comrades to rehearse the speeches you two make. ?”

"Add another leader." Li Xinmin said, "The leader of the district organization department is here to inspect our study class. He must go to your place. I have asked Zhai Baoguo to help you. Be sure to do a good job in reception. Assessment of on-site organization , I asked the security department to send people to assist you, Qian Jin also took people there, I told him, you can use it as you like. "

Su Yi hurriedly said: "Thank you so much for the leadership's support! Don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

"Well, this guy is good at things, let's trust him for once." Li Xinmin said to Yang Baorui with a smile.

Yang Baorui nodded: "Go and do your work. The leader will arrive at half past nine. We should go there around nine fifty."

"Understood." Su Yi nodded and glanced at Wen Hui again. Wen Hui pointed the camera at Su Yi, and Su Yi made a "yeah" gesture.


A photo freezes the moment.

Wen Hui put down the camera, smiled like a flower, and waved to Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled knowingly, turned around and rode away on his bicycle.

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