"Is this what you said? Do it immediately!" Li Xinmin shouted.

"Yes!" Liang Yanqiu turned around and ran towards the back door without saying a word.

Yang Baorui on the side watched this scene with a dark face and said nothing.

Yang Shutan was the person he promoted, and he was the one who took the initiative to remedy this matter just now. Now that everything and everyone is going wrong, it's strange that his face is bright.

"Director, Liang Yanqiu is an old comrade. She must be trustworthy. We will talk about accountability later. We still need ten minutes now, but Minister Hu has finished speaking soon. How can we delay the time?" Li Xinmin asked.

"According to the procedure, the next step is to announce the exam rules to you." Yang Baorui took a deep breath and looked at Su Yi while suppressing his anger, "Can you delay the time?"

"I'll try my best..." Su Yi frowned.

"Don't try your best, but make sure to complete the task!" Li Xinmin pointed at Su Yi and said, "No matter who the problem is, you are the first person responsible. Now is your chance to make up for your mistakes. How can you delay the time without letting Minister Hu notice it?" Come out? It’s time to test you!”

"Okay, I promise to complete the task!" Su Yi said.

At this time, the leader on the stage just finished speaking, and the workers and students burst into thunderous applause.

"Go quickly!" Yang Baorui urged with a frown.

Su Yi turned around and went to the stage.

Li Xinmin came close to Yang Baorui and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this kid has a good mind and there should be no problems. This time something went wrong. It was obvious that the people below were dissatisfied with him and deliberately made things difficult for him. Think about it, he was the one who After entering the factory for a long time, some old comrades will definitely be dissatisfied and feel that we are unfair. "

Yang Baorui snorted coldly and said: "Great men have long said that meritocracy is the only way to succeed. Our team does not engage in seniority ranking! They are not satisfied, but they have produced decent results? They are not very active in their work and engage in struggle. It’s a good hand.”

"Healthy struggle is conducive to improving the combat effectiveness of our team, but it is a very serious ideological problem to hinder comrades at critical moments and use these unseemly things to frame comrades." Li Xinmin said, "Director, this matter I think we need to take this kind of behavior seriously, otherwise the factory will be filled with unhealthy trends and no one will be willing to work seriously."

"I agree with you." Yang Baorui said solemnly, "This time it almost caused a serious accident. This matter must be dealt with seriously to put an end to this unhealthy trend! This matter... I have to take responsibility!"

"What does it have to do with you?" Li Xinmin said, "This problem obviously comes from Yang Shutan! He regards the Propaganda War Department as his personal mountain! He has a big problem in employing people! Liu Ying herself He is a regular cadre and was originally in charge of the United Front Work Department. After the merger of the United Front Work Department and the Party Building Office of the Propaganda Department, Liu Ying was supposed to be in charge of the department. But what happened? He transferred Liu Ying to the General Office!"

"Letting comrades who engage in united front work run the office, is this not playing the piano randomly? Li Dengfeng has no experience in united front work at all, and he was forced to straighten him up. Liang Yanqiu's old comrade has done a good job, and has worked hard for most of his life. He has to press Living in other people’s heads prevents them from progressing, which made this old comrade very dissatisfied, and Liu Ying was also very dissatisfied. I’m not sure if he is protesting this matter by not going to work during this period..."

"Look at the factory director, because of Li Dengfeng, the department is full of complaints. Is this doing work or sabotaging? The key is if Li Dengfeng has the ability and quality. You have also seen what he did this time. Dog meat doesn’t make it to the banquet!”

Li Xinmin's words made Yang Baorui's face turn darker than the bottom of the pot, but he couldn't refute a word, and he hated Li Dengfeng to death.

"What is he going to do?" Yang Baorui suddenly pointed at Su Yi, who was lying next to Minister Hu on the stage and was whispering, and asked with a frown.

Li Xinmin was startled and looked over.

"I don't know..." He was a little nervous and speechless, wondering what the hell was Su Yuanchao doing? Can't you just be honest for a while?

But seeing Minister Hu's brows relaxed and joking with Su Yi with great interest, he felt a little at ease.

"The minister is in a good mood. It should be a good thing." Li Xinmin comforted Yang Baorui.

The two stopped talking and focused their attention on the stage.

Su Yi quickly ended his conversation with Minister Hu, walked up to the podium, coughed twice, and went straight to the topic.

"Comrades, fellow workers, the entrance examination for the first worker study class at the Workers' Theory Learning Experimental Base is about to begin. I have already called your name just now. If you have not called your name, please raise your hand and let me see it. look."

There were rows of workers sitting under the stage, and a few people raised their hands. Su Yi checked and found that there were thirteen people.

"We recruited a total of 300 students for the first entrance examination. After excluding one who did not meet the qualifications, the number should have been 299, but now the number is 287." Su Yi looked around and said, "I Now it is announced that the twelve people who have not arrived will be directly disqualified for not complying with the minimum study disciplines. I think you should learn the rules and regulations of the factory first before considering further study of worker theory."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

No one expected that Su Yi would be so "selfless" and directly eliminate the twelve absent people. The students present were also awestruck and secretly rejoiced that they were still abiding by the rules.

Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin in the audience did not comment on this, and even appreciated Su Yi's approach.

Rules must be established from the beginning, and discipline must be respected by everyone from the beginning. Otherwise, if the rules are gradually established later, greater energy and cost will be incurred.

Some of the department leaders present looked very unhappy. It was obvious that the people eliminated were related to them.

If the big leaders weren't present, they might have started questioning Su Yi's decision, but now...

No one dares to speak nonsense on such an occasion.

Su Yi coughed slightly, causing the whole place to become quiet again, and continued: "But we had originally set a quota of 300, but now there are thirteen missing. I decided to let the workers who were watching on the scene make up this number. Examination room Workers from outside the country, if you want to participate in this study class, please raise your hands! Except for the key members of each workshop!”

This decision immediately caused an uproar again. The workers who were watching were originally there to watch the excitement, but they did not expect an unexpected surprise. All of them suddenly raised their hands high.

If Qin Huairu was still among them at this time, Su Yi would take advantage of the situation and select her.

Unfortunately, the little widow ran away early.

Then don’t blame Su Yi.

Su Yi randomly selected thirteen people and watched them enter the venue happily.

One of the female workers seemed to be from Qin Huairu's workshop.

"That's a good move, but it took another seven minutes." Li Xinmin leaned into Yang Baorui's ear and said with a smile, "This kid has a lot of tricks."

He thought that Su Yi came up with this trick temporarily to delay.

Yang Baorui also looked slightly calmer and nodded, obviously he thought so too.

After Su Yi and all the candidates took their seats, he began to announce the exam rules.

"This entrance exam is mainly to ensure that the students have certain cultural foundation and learning ability." Su Yi said, "The test questions are very simple, that is - each person writes down ten quotations from great people!"

As Su Yi announced the test questions, the workers buzzed loudly again. Some showed excited expressions, while others frowned.

Minister Hu and the two factory directors on the other side nodded with satisfaction. They felt that the assessment content was very meaningful and absolutely correct.

Su Yi shouted "Quiet" and then announced: "Please strictly abide by the order of the examination room. You are not allowed to whisper to each other to remind each other. You are not allowed to plagiarize other people's answers, and you are not allowed to deliberately facilitate others' plagiarism! Our comrades in the Security Department will Always pay attention to everyone's movements. If anyone is found to be in violation of the order, he will be disqualified on the spot and will never be hired in the future. Workers, please abide by the rules and do not try to break the law! "

The students all had stern looks on their faces. They had all seen Su Yi's selfless nature by expelling more than a dozen students. Naturally, no one dared not take Su Yi's words seriously at this time.

Su Yi continued: "You will be considered qualified if you write at least six quotations silently in this exam. Only workers who write less than six quotations silently will be considered qualified. I'm sorry, you don't meet the enrollment standards of our study class, so I can only eliminate you! But if you can't do it this time, there will be another one." This time, the training class is not just held for this period, so workers who are not qualified should not be too discouraged. "

"The exam time is twenty minutes, starting from when I announce the start of the exam." Su Yi said, "In addition, in order to select the squad leader, deputy squad leader, group leader and other class cadres for our first study class, there will be a third class leader in this exam. There are two questions. But the second question is not compulsory. Anyone who wants to run for class cadre can answer it. If you don’t have this intention, you don’t have to answer it!”

As soon as these words came out, some workers immediately showed eagerness to try.

"What are the questions for the second question?" Su Yi looked around with a smile, "After the warm invitation of the two factory directors, the respected Minister Hu has agreed to personally give the second question on the spot. Comrades, please use your warm words A round of applause for Minister Hu’s question for everyone!”

The scene immediately burst into warm applause. Minister Hu stood up with a cheerful face, smiled and waved to everyone. When he saw Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin, he nodded to them with satisfaction, which meant that your arrangement was very good.

Li Xinmin was surprised and happy and said to Yang Baorui: "It turns out that this is what he was talking about to Minister Hu just now! Director, this Su Yuanchao is really smart. If you do this, Minister Hu's inspection this time will be more meaningful. . Once he is satisfied, the district will pay more attention to this matter, and our work will be easier to carry out!”

Yang Baorui's face was a little complicated, and he admired Su Yi's quick wit.

This arrangement not only delayed the time, but also gave the leader a surprise to participate. The most important thing is that he used his name as the factory director, did not take any credit, and knew how to measure.

How come such a good talent was given the first priority by Li Xinmin?

On the stage, the leader delivered a passionate speech, and his interest was obviously very high. He said that he was honored to set the questions for everyone and found them very meaningful. He also said that he would personally mark the papers and give comments to students who did well in the exams.

The workers were also very surprised and kept responding with warm applause. The atmosphere at the scene was very harmonious.

The camera shutter kept flashing, and Wen Hui recorded the scene on film from all angles.

During this process, Liang Yanqiu and Xiao Qiu moved in the examination materials and ran to the two factory directors to report.

"Look, let me tell you, old comrades are still reliable at critical times! This is the anchor of our revolutionary work!" Li Xinmin happily pointed at Liang Yanqiu and said.

Yang Baorui sighed and said: "Comrade Liang Yanqiu, thank you for your hard work."

"This is my job." Liang Yanqiu said.

Yang Baorui nodded silently with mixed feelings in his heart.

In fact, Liang Yanqiu was closer to Yang Baorui before, but he knew that from this moment on, this steady old lady would fall to Li Xinmin's side.

For Li Xinmin, except for Su Yi in the Propaganda War Department, he successfully wedged in another nail.

Su Yi had already arranged the distribution of materials. As the leader on the stage announced the second test question and ended his speech, he waved his hand, and several security guards from the security department lined up one by one and began to distribute the test materials in an orderly manner. .

At this time, Minister Hu was about to leave. Su Yi did not see him off because he had to invigilate the exam. The two factory directors walked out surrounded by him.

Before leaving, Wen Hui looked at Su Yi and winked at him.

Throughout this morning, neither of them said a word.

Before the exam was over here, Minister Hu had already left by car.

However, before leaving, he specifically told him to show him the papers of the students with the best scores, and he would fulfill his promise and personally grade and mark the papers.

The two factory directors naturally agreed.

Wen Hui took the leader's car and left together. As soon as the leaders left, Yang Baorui's face immediately darkened and he ordered the secretary beside him: "Go and call Yang Shutan and Li Dengfeng over here!"

It’s time for accountability!

Su Yi has a lot of things to do. After the exam, he is responsible for collecting all the papers, marking them, and finally reporting them to the two factory directors.

But before he could get busy, he was called to the factory director's office.

Director Yang invites you.

Also invited were Zhang Chunmei, Liang Yanqiu and Xiao Qiu.

Obviously, this matter should be settled.

After arriving at the office, everyone else had already arrived. Su Yi saw at a glance that Li Dengfeng and Li Chenglu were standing by the wall with pale faces and dejected faces. Yang Shutan was wiping sweat while explaining something to the dark-faced Yang Baorui.

Except for Li Xinmin who was sitting, everyone else stood aside with solemn expressions.

Seeing Su Yi come in, Yang Shutan immediately fell silent, forced a smile with Su Yi, and showed a wave of malice.

Behind Su Yi, Li Dengfeng and Li Chengli also contributed a wave of anger and malice to Su Yi. The two men looked at Su Yi with eyes that were like spitting fire, and their expressions were gritted with teeth.

Su Yi turned a blind eye and went to greet the two factory directors.

"You came just in time." Yang Baorui looked at Su Yi expressionlessly, "Li Dengfeng said that the whole thing was caused by poor communication between your two departments. Do you agree or not?"

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