"That's pretty much it." Seeing her sister humbly apologizing to herself, Huaihua smiled proudly, "Mom, do you think I should go?"

Qin Huairu chuckled: "It's okay to go, but your sister has to agree to one condition."

"What conditions?" Xiaodang looked at his mother.

She knew that her sister had always obeyed her mother, and now she understood that the reason why Huaihua was at odds with her was because she had quarreled with her mother before. Now she and her mother had united the front, so she did it deliberately.

"It's not a big deal." Qin Huairu stopped what he was doing and looked at Xiaodang, "Ask your godfather, does such a big deal have any impact on our factory? People in the factory have been panicked recently. Someone said Li Xinmin is going to die, and Mom is a little bit panicked... You also know that Mom was promoted by someone else, and now your Uncle Kong's work also depends on him..."

"Wash! Wash!" Mrs. Jia Zhang suddenly shouted, "After washing, I want to see Bangge and my eldest grandson!"

"Okay, okay, wash up, let me wash you up." Qin Huairu had no choice but to continue washing her hair, "Anyway, you can help me ask, isn't he familiar with many big leaders? Even if he comes down, he knows less than We have more.”

"Mom, you want to ask, why don't you ask it yourself?" Xiaodang wondered, "I'm surprised. Is there anything you can't ask about this matter that you have to ask me to ask? Dad and I have never asked If you don’t talk about this topic, it’s not like you don’t know!”

"Haha, Mom has a reason for asking you to ask, so just help Mom ask." Qin Huairu said with a smile.

The day after she became the workshop director, she went to Su Yi to report the good news. At that time, Su Yi clearly told Qin Huairu not to do this as director. This was because Li Xinmin asked him for something and deliberately sold it to Su Yi, but Su Yi did not intend to Take this love.

Qin Huairu was very embarrassed, but how could he spit out the fat in his mouth? So she pushed back and forth, and finally accepted Li Xinmin's kindness. She couldn't resist the temptation, and finally asked Huaihua to act coquettishly for Su Yi and asked her godfather to "forgive mom."

Since then, Qin Huairu has never talked to Su Yi about work matters, and she has also arranged jobs for people under the banner of Su Yi. In order to win people's trust, she took Sophora japonica everywhere and told people, "She is doing this for the child." "Dad, how about..."

In short, she felt guilty about this matter and did not dare to face Su Yi.

On the other hand, Su Yi is "going down" now. According to Li Xinmin's previous statement, Su Yi was fucked to the end this time and will never be able to stand up again. Su Yi has committed a "big taboo" and will lose his skin even if he doesn't die. At that time, Li Xinmin was drinking and celebrating with Xu Damao and others. Qin Huairu was embarrassed to draw a clear line with the "broken" Su Yi, so now she had no choice but to try not to have contact with Su Yi to avoid being affected by Su Yi's leadership position.

But Qin Huairu will not fall out with Su Yi, because she knows that Su Yi is very capable. Su Yi is not a fool. He has not gotten up after falling for so long. He has been ups and downs many times. Who knows what will happen next time? Can't get up? This can’t even be said...

It was precisely because of these entangled mentality that Qin Huairu asked Xiaodang to ask Su Yi. She was not only afraid that Su Yi would affect her, but also wanted to use Su Yi's knowledge.

"I, don't, ask!" Xiaodang said firmly, "If you want to ask, ask yourself!"

"No, what can I do to delay you?" Qin Huairu frowned, "This doesn't affect you at all..."

"My dad told me not to get involved in adults' matters," Xiao Dang said.

"Your father said your father said, why didn't you listen to what your mother said?" Qin Huairu was a little angry, "You are my mother's biological child. Su Yuanchao is just your godfather. He just doesn't like this..."

"Are you annoyed? I've heard this saying eight hundred times if not a thousand times. Why do you keep telling me this!" Xiao Dang said impatiently.

"I mean, you really can't just focus on that. Your mother doesn't care about our family, and neither does your sister!" Qin Huairu said, "Mom has worked hard to drag you down so much. It's better to have nothing to do with you." Your godfather? You cooked for him as soon as he came back. Why didn’t you cook a meal for your mother? Now you don’t ask me anything, for fear of affecting your relationship with your godfather. It’s too big, do you think this is appropriate?”

"You're a wolf with white eyes! You're a loser! You're all a loser!" Jia Zhang suddenly shouted angrily.

Xiaodang sneered: "Did you hear what my grandma said? You have treated me and Sophora japonica as losers since you were young. When you ask me if we are suitable, why don't you ask yourself if we are suitable."

"This is your mother's idea, not my mother's." Qin Huairu said, "Didn't my aunt protect you and Sophora japonica growing up? If it weren't for your mother, you would have starved to death!"

"Yes, I am grateful to you, and I will be filial to you in the future, but mom, that is between you and me and has nothing to do with my dad." Xiaodang said.

"Sister, Mom is really right about you. You really turned your elbows outward." Huaihua frowned and said, "If you don't ask Mom, I won't go."

"Whether you want to go or not, do you really think you can threaten me?" Xiaodang suddenly became angry, "If you don't go, I will go by myself. Do you think anyone who wants to see the godmother can see her? I tell you Sophora japonica, if not Dad, you’ll never see your godmother again in your life!”

"If you don't see me, you'll see me. I don't want to see you!" Huaihua said angrily, "Don't ask me if you can!"

"If you don't beg, don't beg! Jia Huaihua, do you think I'll pay attention to you in the future?" Xiao Dang stormed out of the house.

Huaihua's mouth tightened and tears fell.

Qin Huairu said angrily: "It's true for your sister. Every fart over there smells good, but our family is not good at anything. I have never met her godmother. She is just fine everywhere. I am my biological mother." Nothing is right! What you said is absolutely right, she is just a little white-eyed wolf!"

"That's right, my sister is unfilial!" Huaihua said angrily.

"Our Sophora japonica is better. Sophora japonica is Mom's sweet little cotton-padded jacket. She does everything for Mom." Qin Huairu said with a smile, "Your Uncle Kong will bring you some noodles later. I told him to bring you candied haws." eat."

"Yeah!" Huaihua nodded vigorously, "Mom, you said Yuan Chao's father married a daughter-in-law, is it really bad for us?"

"Look at that play, which stepmother is a good person?" Qin Huairu said, "They beat the child to death, not to mention that she is not a stepmother, but a godmother. Silly child, only your biological mother is the one who truly cares for you. Okay, I don’t want to do anything for you. After all, it’s an outsider who did it. If your sister doesn’t understand this, she will regret it sooner or later.”

"That's right." Huaihua said angrily, "She also said that the godmother is gentle. It was said in the newspapers that the godmother is an iron lady. Many uncles and uncles are obedient to her. She must be fierce. When the time comes, I’ll definitely hit her! There will be times when she regrets it!”

Qin Huairu was stunned and asked hurriedly: "What Iron Lady? Are you talking about Iron Lady Wenhui?"

"Yes." Huaihua said.

"Is she your godmother?" Qin Huairu's expression changed, she stood up and took her hands out of the basin.

"Yes, didn't sister tell you?" Huaihua asked strangely.

"Your sister is so heartless and didn't say anything to me!" Qin Huairu shouted angrily.

Her expression was gloomy and she was inexplicably shocked: "I felt familiar when I was reading the newspaper, but I was in Sichuan, and the woman I met six years ago was a reporter... This is impossible, how can this really be the same? Where is one person?"

"My godmother used to be a reporter. My sister told me that my father took her to visit the workplace where she used to work." Huaihua said.


Qin Huairu was so angry that she slapped her thigh and gritted her teeth and shouted: "This little bastard is really bad! Why didn't she tell me earlier! If she told me this earlier, wouldn't I know?"

"What do you know?" Huaihua asked curiously.

"Who in the country doesn't know the Iron Lady now? She is a model in the country, and she will definitely have a bright future in the future, and she will be a high official!" Qin Huairu said hurriedly while wiping her hands, "If she is really your godmother, even if you do Dad is really in trouble, and she is still here, so his family will definitely not fail! If I had known about this earlier, could I have deliberately avoided your godfather for so long? "

Sophora japonica looked at her mother blankly, not understanding.

"Why are you still standing there? Come on, come on, come on, put on the new skirt I bought for you!" Qin Huairu said, "Why do you behave better when I see you later? Call people openly and talk sweetly. …”

"Mom, I'm not going, I don't want to see my godmother!" Huaihua yelled, "I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? She won't eat you! Besides, is mom still here?" Qin Huairu rummaged around in the closet and found a new dress, "Quickly, put it on quickly, if your godmother likes it You, you won’t have to worry about anything in your life, and your mother will also benefit from it.”

"I won't go, I don't want to go!" Huaihua said angrily, "I told my sister I won't go..."

"Be obedient, just now, now is now!" Qin Huairu glared, "If you go, mom will give you two cents."

"No, I won't go!" Huaihua shook her head.

"Three cents...five cents, no more! Sophora japonica, don't go too far!" Qin Huairu warned.

"Wash, wash!" Jia Zhang shouted.

"Oh, I'll wash you up later. Just lie down and don't move. I'll be back soon!" Qin Huairu said angrily, "Come and get dressed, don't force me to slap you, Jia Huaihua!"

While Huaihua put on her clothes, she whispered the conditions: "Then you have to buy me the candy man from Dongfeng Market."

"Tell your Uncle Kong later and ask him to buy it for you." Qin Huairu said.

"I've told him several times," Huaihua said, "Last time, the food I ate was bought for me by Yuan Chao's father."

"Then you ask your father to buy it for you again. If you act like a spoiled child, he will buy it for you. He will eat this set - where are the shoes? Didn't he buy a pair of leather shoes for you and your sister last time? I It’s in the cupboard. Did you wear it again? Where did you put it?”

"...pressed under the quilt in the closet."

"You damn girl, what will you do if it gets crushed? Quick, button the remaining buttons yourself and I'll get them for you."


"Drink water, Huairu, I want to drink water!" Mrs. Jia Zhang shouted again.

"Hey, Auntie, what time has it been? Don't cause any trouble. I'll come back later and I'll give you a drink. Just calm down for a while!" Qin Huairu said angrily.

She took out her leather shoes, ran over and put them on Sophora japonica, and taught her: "When you meet your godmother later, just say hello, godmother, I admire you, and I can give you a big flower." A red flower... By the way, I'll find a red flower for you, and you can put it on your godmother later..."


Sophora japonica suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Qin Huairu was confused.

Huaihua smiled and pointed at Mrs. Jia Zhang: "Mom, look at grandma, she looks like a dog..."

When Qin Huairu turned around, she saw Mrs. Jia Zhang turning over, putting her face into the washbasin, licking the dirty water used to wash her hair and drinking it.

"Mom, you can't drink that water!" Qin Huairu panicked and hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the washbasin.

"Drink water, drink water..." Jia Zhang shouted.

"Oh my god, can't I give it to you? You really can't wait for a minute. I really owed you in my previous life!" Qin Huairu was so angry that she complained, and first wrapped Jia Zhang's wet body with a towel Hair, went to add some hot water to the cup and brought it to Jia Zhang.

Seeing Mrs. Jia Zhang drinking it slowly, she sighed and ordered: "After drinking the water, just sit here and wait for me. I will take you to see your eldest grandson later. No running around, no running around." Eat and drink nonsense.”

"Look at BangGeng, you can see BangGeng!" Ms. Jia Zhang became happy.

"Yes, you can see BangGeng." Qin Huairu buttoned up her collar, "Don't run away, otherwise you won't be able to see BangGeng."

"Don't run, don't run, I won't run!" Jia Zhang was so frightened that she waved her hands hurriedly.

On the other side, before Xiaodang entered the door, Su Yi simultaneously interpreted the "battle situation" here to Wen Hui.

Talking about why Qin Huairu didn't dare to see him, Su Yi mentioned the conflict between himself and Li Xinmin a few years ago.

After Xu Damao was released from prison, he hooked up with Li Xinmin. Li Xinmin felt that Xu Damao was very suitable to do dirty things for him, so he recruited this person under his command. He knew that Su Yi had a grudge against Xu Damao, but at the time he felt that he and Su Yi were not on the same page, and neither could do anything to the other, nor could Su Yi care about him, so he didn't take it seriously.

Later, Su Yi was investigated for forcibly bailing out a person, and was suspended from work. He was also sent back to the steel rolling mill's study class for re-education.

Xu Damao thought that Su Yi was completely dead, so he decided to take revenge and punish Su Yi.

At that time, Minister Hu also felt that Su Yi was not on the same page as him and wanted to beat Su Yi, so he conveyed his intention to Li Xinmin, and Li Xinmin supported Xu Damao's actions.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi turned his head and turned around so brilliantly that Minister Hu had to hold his nose and revoke his decision to deal with Su Yi. Xu Damao was almost slapped to death by Su Yi as soon as he made a move. Li Xinmin didn't want to offend Su Yi, so he hurriedly He dismissed Xu Damao and wanted to ease the relationship with Su Yi through Qin Huairu.

But Su Yi was doing big things at that time, so how could he have the time to care about a few piles of excrement in this smelly latrine?

After he was reinstated, after contacting several people, he immediately went to a place in Ganxi. This was a very critical step. Li Xinmin and others were not in his eyes at all.

As a result, Li Xinmin thought that Su Yi was avoiding him on purpose. To show his sincerity, he promoted Qin Huairu to the position of workshop director.

Xu Damao was later reinstated by the official, and that was the second time Su Yi was "lost".

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