Xu Damao is the type of person who is clearly bad. He bullies the weak and fears the strong, flatters the weak and despises the weak. He does it all clearly. Moreover, this person dances extremely joyfully and has a very high repetition rate.

When Su Yi was not being fucked, he hated Su Yi until his teeth itched, and when they met, he would nod, bow, and laugh with her, and his attitude was extremely good.

But as soon as Su Yi lost power, he jumped out immediately, like a husky whose owner had just left home.

He originally wanted to destroy Su Yi's house while Su Yi was away in the capital, but Siheyuan God of War Silly Zhu stood in front of Su Yi's house and refused to let anyone open, so he had to retreat to the next best thing to deal with Su Yi. People with good connections.

Who has a good relationship with Su Yi?

Liu Guangtian, Yan Jiecheng and Kong Ermin!

These three people all got into the factory because of Su Yi. Xu Damao wanted everyone to know that anyone who has a good relationship with Su Yi will have bad luck!

He first set his sights on Liu Guangtian, Su Yi's number one loser. But when he led people to find Liu Guangtian, they found that he and Shazhu had formed a "strategic alliance". The two advanced and retreated together. Xu Damao considered it for a long time, and finally gave up this goal and chose the next one - Yan Jiecheng.

Yan Jiecheng gave up and accepted the situation very simply. He first said that he had nothing to do with Su Yi, but later he had no choice but to spend money to ward off the disaster.

Xu Damao opened his mouth and asked for one thousand. In the end, the whole family of the three uncles came together and called the first uncle Yi Zhonghai. He also found Yu Haitang through Yu Li's relationship. Through these two people, he negotiated a peace. In the end, Yan Jie became the three hundred The money bought Ping An and settled the matter.

One of them didn't dare to fix it, and the other recharged his value. Xu Damao finally decided to use Kong Ermin to scare the monkeys.

He led people to beat Kong Ermin violently, and then stopped Kong Ermin's work.

There is a small episode in this matter. At this time, Qin Huairu was still an ordinary female worker, but she used Su Yi's name to get around in the factory. Because of this, she was also targeted by Xu Damao, and she was taken advantage of. Qin Huairu called over and planned to clean up with Kong Ermin.

How good is Qin Huairu? He immediately used Li Xinmin's name to scare Xu Damao into confusion. In the end, Qin Huairu not only escaped temporarily, but also saved Kong Ermin from the fate of being beaten up again.

Qin Huairu took Kong Ermin, who was covered in blood, to bandage and clean the wound. This introverted and honest young man became attached to Qin Huairu and was fascinated by her, and he fell into a trap from then on.

But Kong Ermin's job was still gone.

He went back and told Kong Damin about it. When Kong Damin heard this, he thought to himself that this was not possible. At that time, he had spent a lot of money for this job, but now that it was gone, he would still be implicated by Su Yi. That would not work. !

He went to find Liu Guifen at that time.

But Liu Guifen was from the street office, not from the steel rolling mill. Even if she wanted to take care of this matter, she was powerless and out of her reach. So Kong Damin was made to admit that he was unlucky, but it was impossible to refund the money.

Kong Damin couldn't swallow this tone, but he couldn't afford to offend Xu Damao nor Liu Guifen, so he chose a soft persimmon Su Yi to express this tone.

That night, Su Yigang returned home after a long day of work and was playing with Xiao Dang when Kong Damin came.

To embolden him, he also brought along two workers who had worked with him before.

The three of them were shouting at the door of Su Yi's house, trying to vent their anger through "making trouble".

Kong Damin thought that Su Yi was in trouble, so he spoke harshly and even threatened Su Yi with the water pipe incident. Su Yi couldn't beat the old man, so he asked Xiao Dang to call Shen Yanzi, and Kong Damin was arrested for picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

The matter was supposed to end here, but Kong Ermin came again late at night. Because his father was detained, this man was blind and smashed the windows of Su Yi's house.

Su Yi, who rarely lost his temper, came out and kicked Kong Ermin down and scolded him. After Kong Ermin's brain changed, he realized that he was in the wrong and apologized to Su Yi.

The next day, Su Yi miraculously made a comeback. Xu Damao immediately gave up. At Li Xinmin's suggestion, he apologized to Kong Ermin and invited Kong Ermin back to work.

The Kong family father and son were a little different inside and out, especially Kong Damin. After being detained for seven days and coming out, he regretted so much that he slapped himself in the mouth.

Not only did he offend Su Yi, but he also offended Liu Guifen. He also ordered a seven-day tour package with a silver bracelet, which was like a toad crossing the threshold, hurting his butt and hurting his face.

He was afraid that Su Yi would retaliate against his son, so he took Kong Ermin and brought gifts to Su Yi to apologize.

Su Yi didn't let the father and son in, and sent them away with some words. Su Yi never saw Kong Damin after that, but Kong Ermin always came to give Qin Huairu things, and Su Yi often saw him. When you see someone, you just nod and say hello.

Kong Ermin was actually quite honest and honest, but because of this incident, his favorability with Su Yi was completely ruined. He himself felt that he had no face with Su Yi, so he was afraid of seeing Su Yi. Wen Hui's previous feeling was correct.

But here at Xiaodang, his impression was directly negative.

When Kong Damin cursed, Xiaodang was present; when Kong Ermin smashed the glass, Xiaodang was also present. Xiaodang's dislike for the father and son was extremely high.

However, Kong Ermin was always courteous to his mother, giving her gifts here and there, and Qin Huairu always invited Kong Ermin to sit at her house. Naturally, Xiaodang couldn't bear this, so he asked Qin Huairu to cut off contact with Kong Ermin. The result was a failure, and Qin Huairu punished him for making too much noise.

Xiaodang naturally felt that all this was caused by Kong Ermin, and his disgust for this man could not be increased.

Qin Huairu knew the reason very well, so he said it was all Su Yi's fault.

She was also a little worried about this.

In the past few years, Si Zhu got married, and Su Yi had no interest in her at all. All the other men wanted to eat her up, but only Kong Ermin was sincere to her.

After Mrs. Jia Zhang went crazy, Qin Huairu no longer had any restraints in this regard. Her thoughts have actually become more and more lively in the past two years. Regarding her marriage, she and Kong Ermin had already discussed it, and she even went to the hospital to get the ring secretly.

But there are obstacles for both families to get married.

Her obstacle was of course Xiaodang; and of course Kong Ermin's family would not allow a good young man to marry a widow with her ex-mother-in-law, two daughters, and a son in prison.

Kong Damin was furious about this and even hung up Kong Ermin and beat him. However, Kong Ermin was a stubborn person and went on a hunger strike without eating or drinking. Finally, Kong Damin had no choice but to let go.

But they didn't completely let go, saying that Qin Huairu could marry him, but he couldn't take the three prostitutes with him, and the relationship with his son in prison would also have to be severed.

Qin Huairu didn't want to leave her two daughters and Jia Zhang behind, so she was at loggerheads with the Kong family over this matter. Fortunately, Kong Ermin wholeheartedly supports her. Kong Damin is only a son to Kong Ermin. I believe that if his son never gets married, he will not be in a stalemate for long.

Kong Damin was so worried about this that his hair turned all white. He felt that everything in his later years was not going well and he was in decline.

Qin Huairu is determined to take the Kong family's side, but Xiaodang's side is really difficult to deal with.

In fact, Qin Huairu sometimes really regrets letting her two daughters recognize Su Yi as their godfather. Since Xiao Dang recognized Su Yi as her godfather, her temper has become more and more stubborn, and she has become more and more alienated from her. In the first few years, Sophora japonica even had a tendency to change in a "bad" direction. If she hadn't hurriedly dragged Sophora japonica back when she saw something was wrong, the two girls who didn't agree with her would have pissed her off to death.

But even if she regrets it again, if time could go back again, Qin Huairu would still choose this way.

"Huh?" Thinking of this, Qin Huairu had a sudden thought.

"Huaihua, what do you think if you let your godfather persuade your sister?" Qin Huairu asked.

"What are you trying to persuade?" Huaihua didn't respond.

"Persuade her to agree that I and you, Uncle Kong, will agree!" Qin Huairu became excited, because the more she thought about it, the more reliable she felt. "Your sister listens to him the most. He is an adult and should be able to understand my difficulties. I... …”

Qin Huairu was just thinking hard when someone knocked on the door outside: "Qin Huairu, I have your phone number!"

After receiving the caller's message, Qin Huairu told Huaihua to look at the sleeping Jia Zhang and hurried to the factory.

When she arrived, both Li Xinmin and Xu Damao were there, and the former was watching who the latter was talking to. Li Xinmin waved his hand to signal her to stop talking and asked her to close the door. Then he turned back and looked expectantly at Xu Damao on the phone.

Xu Damao said to the person on the other end of the phone with a smile on his face: "I'm not going to lie to you, Sister Lan, Su Yuanchao really went down! I have no other meaning in calling you. I just want to remind you to stay away from this person." Just so you don't get implicated... I know, I know you met him first, but can he compare to our relationship? You introduced my wife, right? ”

"In this case, I'll treat you to dinner tonight and let's talk about it, okay? If I don't bring my wife, she has to take care of the children at home... Isn't it convenient? Sister Lan, actually, I want to ask you about Su Yuanchao. Haha, didn't he buy things from you before? Su Yuanchao is in trouble now. I think you need to clear yourself up. What if he talks nonsense and implicates you? I'm really not being alarmist. It could really happen..."

"Okay, you are a discerning person. I admit that I want to punish him. This time I will definitely trample him to death! Sister Lan, don't blame me for not telling you in advance. I am also giving you a chance. If you miss it... hello? Hello?"

Xu Damao stared at the receiver for a while, then looked at Li Xinmin blankly: "You bitch, dare you hang up on me?"

Li Xinmin waved his hands in disappointment: "Forget it, let's think of a solution later."

"No, I have to go find her. When she helped me secure a match with my wife and son, I treated her to several meals. I can't let her eat these meals in vain!" Xu Damao said with a dark face. , "Don't worry, Director, I will definitely ask her to stand up and speak for us. As long as she testifies, can Su Yuanchao know where he got so much money from? But you have to bite the bullet, you have never lent him any money. …”

"This matter is too far-fetched. We still have to work on the three people I just mentioned." Li Xinmin said, "Liu Guangtian can't do it. This grandson wears the same pants as Su Yuanchao. He is a die-hard. I think it's better not to waste it on him. It's time. Yan Jiecheng... let me go. This guy is timid and there should be no problem. As for Kong Ermin... isn't Director Qin here? I think it is best to let her take action. "

Qin Huairu had actually heard the general idea, and now hesitantly said: "Director, Damao, do you want to deal with Su Yuanchao?"

"It's not us, it's us!" Li Xinmin looked at Qin Huairu with a serious look on his face, "You don't know yet, right? Su Yi has been activated by the superiors again!"

"Ah? Didn't he just get masturbated not long ago?" Qin Huairu was dumbfounded, "Didn't you say before that he was definitely finished this time?"

"Well, who knows what happened to Su Yuanchao," Li Xinmin sighed, "He is an official, like a spring... I have definite news. An investigation team will come to our factory soon, Su Yuan Chao is the leader of this group. He is here to investigate the problems in the factory over the years, and he wants to abolish the committee and restore the previous organization and system. "

After a pause, Li Xinmin looked at Qin Huairu and said: "Su Yuanchao is actually very rigid and sticks to the rules. How did you bring it up? You know best. Do you think he will look at it if he really investigates? Do you want to let your daughter go?"

Qin Huairu said in shock: "Director...if he touches me, doesn't that mean he's not giving you face?"

"Me? Who do you think he is coming for?" Li Xinmin shook his head and said, "You, you, are not sensitive at all. What direction is the trend now? Once the committee is abolished, whether I can continue to stay in the factory is a question. Now Everyone is shouting for an investigation and liquidation. He, Su Yuanchao, brought the investigation team into the factory just to take action on us. "

Qin Huairu said suspiciously: "Director, at worst it's still the same as before. The director has changed to the factory director. We don't have any grudge against him..."

As she said this, she glanced at Xu Damao and said no more.

Xu Damao had a clear idea of ​​Qin Huairu's thoughts and sneered: "Sister Qin, do you think I am the only one who offends Su Yuanchao the most, so you and the director don't have to worry, right?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you talk to him about this matter." Qin Huairu comforted, "We are all neighbors in the same courtyard. There is no obstacle that we can't overcome."

"You are so naive!" Xu Damao sneered, "Let me tell you this, now everyone is trying to bring order to chaos. What is chaos? I, the captain, and you, the workshop director, are chaos! Guo Damao, you are always having trouble with me. Deputy Director, why did the two of them fall? Sister Qin, you won't forget, even though it was me who did it, but if you hadn't stood up and pushed them, they wouldn't have been so miserable, especially you. Director, I can’t think of jumping into the river..."

"Why are you talking about this!" Qin Huairu looked a little unnatural.

"I'm just reminding you, Sister Qin, that we are grasshoppers on the same rope!" Xu Damao sneered, "Even Director Li is so cautious about this matter, and you still don't take it seriously? Do you really think Su Yuanchao can take care of Xiao Can I show mercy to you? Don't be naive! If Director Li and I are unlucky, we will definitely drag you down and we will die together. No one can think of it!"

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