early morning.

Employees walked into the steel rolling mill one after another, gathering together in twos and threes to whisper, and looking around cautiously from time to time.

Compared with six years ago, the workers' clothes have become much cleaner and tidier, but they have lost the optimistic spirit of that time.

In recent years, the factory has frequently reduced production and stopped work. Instead of going to the workshop, the workers go to the square or auditorium every day with pens and notebooks, shouting loudly, and sitting there for a whole day.

Because the production work has almost come to a standstill, the factory naturally has no efficiency to pay everyone wages and benefits. Except for the leading cadres, all grassroots employees have been owed wages for at least half a year. The workers have no motivation to go to work, and their work and life are boring, especially recently. The situation has changed and everyone is confused.

"Urgent notice, urgent notice, please all comrades gather in the South Square on time at 8:10 to attend the all-staff meeting. Leading cadres of each department and workshop are responsible for the attendance status of their departments. Any absentee employees who have concerns will be severely punished."

"Emergency notice, emergency notice..."

On the radio, Yu Haitang announced the meeting notice over and over again. Employees were still coming to work and entering the factory one after another, and they had already announced an emergency general meeting.

"What kind of devil are you doing so early in the morning? Who is going to be unlucky again?"

"Every day at this and that time, Che Zhuglun kept saying things over and over again, but he didn't do anything serious..."

"Oh, these days are becoming more and more boring as time goes by..."

Everyone complained, but the meeting had to be held.

"Good morning, Director Qin!"

"Hello, Director Qin!"

"Director Qin is here?"

Qin Huairu walked into the factory wearing a neat Lenin suit. Everyone she passed by smiled and greeted her.

Qin Huairu has a kind smile and elegant manners - this is what she deliberately imitated after meeting Li Xinmin's wife.

The effect is very good. Many people say that Director Qin is becoming more and more leadership-like. Under her "majesty", everyone respects her more and more.

It would have been impossible for the small worker who couldn't even transfer to a regular job to receive such treatment. When meeting those male workers, quite a few had to exchange a few words with her, and some even went straight to Xiasan Road without any scruples.

What now? Who dares?

Therefore, Qin Huairu cherishes her current "status" very much. After she went back last night, she thought about it all night and decided to keep everything she had at all costs.

Li Xinmin was afraid that she was unreliable. Yesterday, she went back to see Xu Damao. Xu Damao was busy moving things out. He only told her "wish for good luck" and left in a hurry. This made Qin Huairu even more panicked.

Qin Huairu thought about it, the key to the matter still lies with Xiaodang. As long as Xiaodang is willing to plead for herself and Su Yuanchao softens his heart for Xiaodang's sake and lets him go, then everything will be fine, right?

She, Qin Huairu, is just a nobody. She just wants to live a good life guarding her own piece of land. She hoped that both Su Yi and Li Xinmin would forget about her.

It's a pity that she knows very well that this is an extravagant hope. She actually regretted it. She was afraid that both of her daughters would be seduced by Su Yi, so she deliberately dragged Sophora japonica to prevent her from getting closer to Su Yi.

She knew that Huaihua was envious of her sister, but Huaihua was soft-hearted and listened to her words, so the two sisters obviously recognized their godfather together, but the relationship between Huaihua and Su Yi just couldn't get better.

Thinking about it now, she shouldn't have stopped Huaihua, nor should she have provoked it.

Anyway, Sophora japonica is so obedient. If Sophora japonica is allowed to have a good relationship with Su Yuanchao, wouldn't she be more confident if she asks Sophora japonica to also plead with Su Yuanchao?

There is no regret medicine in the world, and it is useless to think about it now. Qin Huairu decided to go to Xiaodang again at noon. She had already thought about how to persuade Xiaodang to help her last night. She believed that Xiaodang would be convinced by her based on her understanding of her daughter.

The rapid whistles and shouts brought Qin Huairu's thoughts back to reality. Not far ahead, he saw everyone in the security department gathering to report their numbers. Then, with an order, everyone lined up and ran out of the factory gate. .

"Hey, Section Chief Qian, didn't the loudspeaker announce a meeting?" Qin Huairu stopped Qian Jin out of curiosity and asked.

"The security department has a routine training." Qian Jin explained with a smile and ran over with the team.

Qin Huairu looked back strangely and thought to herself, how could lira training be more important than holding a general meeting? Aren't you going to get scolded?

However, Qian Jin is definitely a special person in the current steel rolling mill. He is the only serious leader who is not of the same mind as Li Xinmin.

It is said that when he was promoted from the deputy department, Li Xinmin was very reluctant and lifted him up by pinching his nose for the sake of Su Yuanchao.

Qian Jin was not popular with Li Xinmin. He was always scolded and Li Xinmin often threw a pair of shoes for him to wear. But this man is definitely capable. Even in such a bad situation, the security department is actually managed by him like a piece of iron. Those under him are very obedient to him.

There is another special person in the factory who is also related to Su Yuanchao, and that is Yu Haitang who is broadcasting.

Yu Haitang is not married yet, and there are a lot of rumors about her in the factory.

One of the most widely circulated rumors is that Yu Haitang and Su Yuanchao have always been unclear about each other. Only Qin Huairu knows this is false, because she knows very well how this rumor spread.

After Li Xinmin took power, Yu Haitang never got married, so he moved Huahua's heart and began to harass Yu Haitang. Yu Haitang is a smart girl who has been dealing with him for a long time.

Finally, Li Xinmin lost patience and began to use threats and inducements.

Yu Haitang had no choice but to go directly to the courtyard to find Su Yi. At that time, Su Yi no longer worked in the factory, but his career was getting bigger and bigger.

Xiaodang was present when Yu Haitang went to find Su Yi. Later, Xiaodang and Qin Huairu learned what Yu Haitang said when he asked Su Yi for help——

"Anyway, I pursued you. Now I am being harassed by people like Li Xinmin. I feel that he is not only insulting me, but also insulting you. Yuan Korea, will you help me?"


Xiaodang told her that Su Yi took Yu Haitang to find Li Xinmin. Later, Li Xinmin never had any thoughts about Yu Haitang. But Yu Haitang has been ignored by the factory since then. She has been working as a small announcer until now, and her level and salary have not been increased once.

"Director Qin, Director Li asked you to go to his office." When Qin Huairu was about to reach her office, Li Xinmin's secretary stopped her.

When she arrived at Li Xinmin's office, Xu Damao was also there.

However, it seems that both Xu Damao and Li Xinmin have ugly faces. The former has a look of disdain and rebelliousness; the latter has a look of anger on his face.

"Director." Qin Huairu greeted.

"How do you say it?" Li Xinmin asked directly with a dark face.

Qin Huairu knew what Li Xinmin was asking and said, "Director, I told Xiaodang about it, but she hasn't responded to me yet. I plan to go and ask her again at noon..."

"Noon?" Li Xinmin interrupted Qin Huairu and sneered, "Noon is too late! Su Yuanchao's investigation team arrived this morning! By the time he arrives, it will be too late!"

"Ah?" Qin Huairu was surprised, "Why so fast? Isn't this... too sudden?"

"Suddenly? I told you that things have to be done as soon as possible! I have been waiting for your call yesterday, but what happened? I didn't even wait!" Li Xinmin said angrily, "Qin Huairu, let me ask you, are you Like Xu Damao, are you going to break the jar? "

Qin Huairu couldn't help but glance at Xu Damao, who sneered and said: "Director, don't blame me for all your mistakes. I made it clear to you just now. Are the things you asked me to do useful? Counting this time, Su Yuanchao has been beaten down three times! He has gotten up from such a serious problem. What do the little things you asked me to do mean to him? I can’t even see hope. If I don’t break the jar, what else can I do?”

Qin Huairu's heart sank slightly when she heard that. Xu Damao's words reminded her that what Kong Ermin said might not threaten Su Yuanchao...

"Do you know what a little adds up to? Do you know what the last straw that breaks the camel's back is?" Li Xinmin angrily yelled, "Of course I have my reasons for asking you to do these things! These things just increase our weight. , but it’s not my only weapon against him! Why are you so smart here? Can I put all my hopes on you?”

Xu Damao was stunned for a moment.

"Xu Damao, use your pig brain and think about it! Does your breaking of the jar affect me? What's the use of you and me fighting here? We are in the same boat! We have brought Su down. Is aiding Korea bad for you or will it harm you?" Li Xinmin continued to scold, "You have the guts to break things, but you don't have the guts to fight with me. What do you think?"

"No, Director Li, you really don't blame me." Xu Damao said in a much weaker tone, "Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng's family are all missing. I searched all over the capital but couldn't find them. I really tried my best..."

"Then did you tell me? Is it difficult to call me?" Li Xinmin glared angrily, "You can't find it, and I can't find it either? I can ask people from the police station and people on the road to look for it together. Can you Why don’t you report it to me if you can’t find it?”

"This...I didn't expect it, director, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was really wrong..." Xu Damao's attitude changed instantly, and he smiled flatteringly.

Li Xinmin was too lazy to pay attention to him, and turned to look at Qin Huairu: "What about you? What do you mean you don't report?" Li Xinmin asked with a dark face, "Have your wings become stronger? Still think you can climb up to Su Yuanchao's Gao Zhi? Let me tell you Qin Huairu, do you believe that I will remove you as the director now? Do you believe that I can make you stand up for the rest of your life? "

Qin Huairu was shocked and angry, but she didn't dare to show it. She hurriedly smiled and said: "Director, you really wronged me. I tried to persuade Xiaodang last night to the point where my lips were almost scratched. I think I have to go again today." Let’s talk about this matter. I plan to report to you after the results are obtained. I really didn’t know that Su Yuanchao would come this morning. How did I know that this matter was so urgent? You didn’t tell us so soon!”

"Yes, Director, if you had told me earlier, we would have been able to prioritize clearly." Xu Damao also hurriedly spoke.

Li Xinmin looked at the two of them secretly and said: "I tell you, if you really want to jump off my boat now, you can! You can get out of here now and get out of this door! Look at what Su Yuanchao will do if he wins this The Bureau will be lenient to you!"

"But if you are not willing to lose everything you have now, then you'd better do as I say! I'm not only saving myself, I'm also saving you. If I'm unlucky, you will be unlucky! But as long as I'm fine, you will be too. It must be fine! To put it another way, if you don’t help me, you will die, but if you help me, you may not die. If you can’t even understand this, you’d better die!”

Xu Damao and Qin Huairu were scolded so much that they couldn't hold their heads up. They were blushing and very embarrassed.

"Director, we know we were wrong. Just tell us what we should do next!" Qin Huairu said.

"Yes, Director, if you have any orders, just tell me, Director Qin and I will definitely follow them!" Xu Damao also expressed his position.

Li Xinmin's face brightened slightly and he said: "No matter what, let's delay this morning first. It's best to make Su Yuanchao unable to accomplish anything, and give him a blow at the same time."

"Director, what can you do?" Xu Damao asked hurriedly.

"No! As long as we make things bigger and muddy the water, Su Yuanchao will not dare to act rashly. This will buy us time!" Li Xinmin said, "I have already approached many big leaders above, and they all agreed to do it for me. Talk. When the time comes, we will force him to negotiate with us. Su Yuanchao is a smart man. He should know that as long as he takes a step back, everything will be brighter. "

Xu Damao and Qin Huairu looked at each other, both confused.

"Director, why are we making trouble?" Qin Huairu asked.

"I have called a meeting with the whole factory. We are waiting for Su Yuanchao at the meeting venue this morning!" Li Xinmin's eyes flashed, "I have made arrangements below. As long as the situation is not right, someone will cooperate with me to cause trouble. Come to At that time, you should also find someone you can trust to join in the trouble. It is best to make the situation as chaotic as possible, and as big as possible, so as to kill people. "

"Once a scene of more than 10,000 people becomes chaotic, who can control it? No one can bear the responsibility for accidentally causing a big chaos! At that time, it will all be caused by their investigation team. In order to maintain stability, they must We will suspend the investigation and solve our own problems first. This way, we will have the time and opportunity to have a good talk with Su Yuanchao and the others. As long as he is willing to back down, the factory will not be in chaos... But if he doesn't cooperate... ...Haha, I want him to know who has the final say in this Red Star Steel Rolling Mill!"

Qin Huairu and Xu Damao looked at each other, and both of them felt a little more confident.

Anyway, this is indeed a solution.

"Director, I have no problem here. The pickets all listen to me. If you just say a word, I will lead them to take the lead in making trouble. No one will dare to disobey me!" Xu Damao promised.

"There's no problem with me here!" Qin Huairu followed up.

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