Practitioners are also human beings. They may vomit after drinking too much, ride a motorcycle up a tree, or even die if their heart is twisted to pieces.

Su Yi used reality to teach the remaining two cultivators a hard lesson. Mortals can also defeat immortal cultivators, and martial arts may not be inferior to magical powers!

It is not necessary to smash all the magic shields. As long as there are cracks, even if they are cracked for just a moment, it will be enough to kill you.

After killing the man in black, Su Yi drew his sword and turned around with a smile. At this time, the battle between the man in yellow and Monk Kusang had just begun, but it ended abruptly due to the sudden change here.

Seeing Su Yi turning around and smiling, with blood still dripping from the tip of the sword, the man in yellow turned pale in an instant!

He suddenly slapped his waist, and a talisman spontaneously ignited at his fingertips without any wind, turning into a pair of huge yellow wings. With a slight flap of the wings, he rose into the air and flew out the window.

Kusang woke up like a dream, and of course she refused to let the enemy go. Without saying a word, she grabbed the red wooden staff with both hands and pulled it out, revealing a short blade about three inches long inside.

This short blade was engraved with runes, and the spiritual energy fluctuations were extremely strong. Su Yi was a little frightened when he looked at it from a distance, giving him a feeling of extreme danger.

There is such a thing hidden in the middle of the wooden staff. Who would have thought of this?

At this time, the man in yellow had flown out of the window. Su Yi wanted to see what the monk was going to do, so he did not stop him from escaping. Kusang held the short blade and muttered something, then suddenly threw it into the air.

The short blade suddenly seemed to come to life, circling around the monk, and the next second it turned into a meteor and flew out of the window into the night.

"Fu Bao!" A man in yellow yelled in terror from outside, as if he had seen a ghost, followed by a scream, and then the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.


A flash of light flew back from the window and entered Kumulberry's red wooden staff.

Kusang let out a long breath and seemed to relax.

He turned his head and looked at Su Yi from a distance, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Su Yi saw the hidden desire in his eyes. Although it was a little baffling, he was not afraid. He pretended not to know and smiled and said: "Master, good tricks."

"Your Majesty is the one with the best tactics." Kusang looked deeply at Su Yi and suddenly changed the subject, "You and I will each kill one of these two people, and we will each take our share of their relics. How about that?"

This is about dividing the spoils, and Su Yi has no choice.

When Ku Sang saw Su Yi nodded in agreement and muttered words, a cloth bag with runes on the waist of the man in black and a green and black gourd that rolled to the corner suddenly rose into the air and flew towards Su Yi lightly, floating on Su Yi's side. before.

Su Yi pondered slightly and reached out to take these two objects in his hands.

The green and black gourd is cold to the touch. It is neither gold nor wood. It is made of a special material and has traces of being burned by fire. It weighs about seven or eight kilograms.

The rune bag was not light, and seemed to weigh several kilograms. It was so bulging that I didn’t know what was inside.

Both of these things are surrounded by spiritual energy, and they are obviously extraordinary things that can only be used by practitioners.

Su Yi didn't have time to study them at the moment, so he put them away with a wave of his sleeves.

At the same time, the black soft whip that had entangled Su Yi before and another rune bag of the same style that Su Yi got flew out of the window and landed in the monk's hands.

The monk stretched out his hand and the black soft whip disappeared from his hand. Then he hung the rune bag on his waist. After doing this, he looked up at Su Yi and asked, "How did you find me hiding under the window before?" Side?"

"You guessed it." Su Yi said with a smile, "Master, you are hiding in the dark and watching me fight with these two people, how can you feel at ease?"

"A kind heart." Kusang said.

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"The young monk Kusang is a casual cultivator. I haven't asked you how to address me yet?" Kusang asked.

"Su Yi."

"Young Master Su, you're polite!" Kusang waved his hand in greeting.

Su Yi also returned the gift.

"Since ancient times, there have always been people who used ordinary people to rebel against immortals." Kusang suddenly sighed, "There are many examples of mortals killing cultivators through conspiracy and stratagems, supplemented by sneak attacks, sieges and other means. It's just that there are many examples. It is unheard of for a young monk to fight alone and kill an eighth-level Qi practitioner like you."

"Thank you for the compliment, Master." Su Yi smiled, looked back at the group of mortals huddled together, and then at Ning Caichen who peeked out from behind the low wall to look over, and said, "Master, this is inexplicable. Being involved in disputes, Su has many doubts in his mind. I wonder if Master can answer them?"

"If Su Shaoxia doesn't say anything, the young monk has to explain something." Kusang said, "But young man, please wait a moment and let the young monk finish the chores first."

"Please." Su Yi made a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you." Kusang nodded slightly, turned around to face everyone in the Han family, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Han, I was entrusted by your younger brother and younger sister to protect you. Most of the enemy's hands are tied up with them. This wave Enemy attack should be the enemy's only resort, ordinary Jianghu people are not a concern, the monk will escort you all the way to Hanjiabao."

Miss Han was about to say thanks, but Kusang stretched out her hand to stop her and continued: "There is no need to say more polite words. Now that the rain has stopped, you can move all the corpses in the temple outside, gather them together, and wait outside the temple. Me for a moment.”

Miss Han hesitated and looked at Su Yi: "Master, the little girl is escorting..."

"My brothers and sisters are all people of faith, and Miss Laihan is no exception, right?" Kusang said calmly.

A trace of gloom flashed in Miss Han's eyes, and she forced a smile and said, "Of course."

She bowed to Su Yi and Kusang Yingying: "My little lady, I would like to thank these two benefactors for their life-saving grace. Su Shaoxia, if you have time in the future, I will invite you to Hanjiabao. I, the Han family, would like to express our solemn thanks."

She simply gave up when she saw that even Kusang wouldn't let her make the decision.

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

"Su Shaoxia, why don't we go over there and talk slowly." Kusang suggested.

"Okay." Su Yi said with a smile.

Before leaving, he glanced at the leader of the guards with a half-smile but not a smile. The man's face was solemn, with some fear and panic hidden in his eyes.

There is something wrong with this person, but what does this have to do with me?

When the two of them arrived at the other side of the ruined temple, Kusang sighed and said, "This woman is very scheming, which makes people really unhappy. If not entrusted by others, the young monk would definitely not want to deal with such a person."

"Young people, after learning a little bit of resourcefulness, they always feel that they can strategize and imitate cats and tigers, and the results are neither fish nor fowl." Su Yi laughed.

Kusang nodded: "Young Master Su has seen clearly."

After a pause, Kusang began to explain what happened.

"Young hero is a martial arts person in the mortal world. You should know that various martial arts gangs in the Yue Kingdom received mysterious treasure maps at the same time and went to the Black Mountain Secret Realm of Black Wind Mountain to hunt for treasure?" Kusang said, "This Black Mountain Secret Realm is actually just an abandoned mineral vein. , although the mineral veins are exhausted, this kind of place can easily attract some evil things, and some places inside are also very dangerous for mortals. "

"The original owner of this mine surrounded the place with a black wind array in order to prevent mortals from accidentally intruding and killing themselves. Over time, it was actually called the Black Mountain Secret Realm by mortals, thinking that there was some treasure inside..."

Speaking of this, Kusang couldn't help but shake his head with a ridiculous expression.

Su Yi was stunned for a while.

Where is the old demon from Montenegro?

What about the city of vain death?

Or is it that these are actually two different things, and that I was mistaken before?

Su Yi did not interrupt and listened to Kusang continue talking.

Kusang continued: "This time, there is a lot of rumors in your world's martial arts world. It is said that the secret realm of Heishan contains some martial arts treasures of the old man Heishan, a martial arts expert from hundreds of years ago. As long as you learn the martial arts in it, you can dominate the martial arts. That's why It attracts all the warriors in the world to go in and find out."

"Actually, this matter has nothing to do with us. However, the family of a friend of mine is also a major force in the world of martial arts. He accepted the family's request and was curious about this matter, so he went to investigate. After all. Before he left, a group of our Taoist friends had a small gathering, including two Taoist friends from the Han family."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully.

The implication of Kusang's words is that cultivators and ordinary people are actually two different worlds, and they usually do not interfere with each other or disturb each other. According to what Su Yi has learned in the past six months, ordinary mortals do not even know the existence of the spiritual world. They only guess the existence of immortals from some unverifiable stories and then blindly revere and worship them.

But the two are by no means distinct, and are still inextricably linked.

Some of the great forces in the world have connections with practitioners in one way or another, and are protected by practitioners.

Kusang continued: "After hearing what that fellow Taoist said, we thought we had nothing to do, so we went together to see the excitement, and by the way, we took a look at the changes in the Heishan mine veins that had been abandoned for decades. If there was any evil, Things, you might as well remove or take them away..."

"Just like that, we followed those mortal warriors into the Black Mountain, but who knows..."

When Kusang said this, his expression was a little solemn, and he took a deep breath: "Who knew that there was a group of mysterious cultivating forces hidden in the Black Mountain mines. They were the ones responsible for the joint exploration of Black Mountain by all the mortal factions this time! "

"Who are they?" Su Yi asked.

"I don't know." Kusang shook his head, "They are definitely not disciples of a big sect, but they are not the local cultivators we know. They are all very strange. For example, the two people we killed just now, I have never seen them before. "

"This force originally only wanted to lure mortals into Black Mountain, but they did not expect that we people would follow the mortals to join in the fun on a whim. In the end, we broke their conspiracy..."

"Conspiracy?" Su Yi frowned.

"It is indeed a conspiracy." Kusang sighed, "We were also surprised that a group of mortal martial arts people had any good intentions? The gold, silver, wealth, power and status of mortals are completely useless to us cultivators, unless it is our own. People who are willing to degenerate, otherwise even the emperor will have nothing to do. "

"But after we read the martial arts secrets they deliberately left for these martial arts people, we realized that these people have very big plans."

When Kusang said this, he looked at Su Yi seriously and said: "That's the secret book you got from the eldest lady of the Han family. Su Shaoxia, if you believe in the young monk, then you must not practice the martial arts in it. It is not martial arts at all." , but a kind of evil refining technique!"

"The person who created this technique used a very clever way to disguise it as a Five Elements technique that can be mastered by ordinary people. As long as you practice this technique, in a very short period of time, you will absorb the evil spirit and become a master. This technique is not a martial art at all, nor is it a real technique, but an evil technique that absorbs evil spirits!"

"Once you reach the end of practice, the evil energy will accumulate in your body, and even your physical body will become demonized, and eventually you will become a delirious demon corpse!"

Su Yi looked a little moved, frowned deeply and asked: "So, the truth behind this matter is that there are scum in your cultivation world who are using mortal warriors to refine the corpse evil?"

"That's right." Kusang nodded, "Mortal warriors are full of energy and blood, and the corpse evil they refine is more powerful. This group of evil cultivators obviously took a fancy to this and set up this conspiracy. The major sects in the cultivation world have already The rules are different between immortals and mortals. Practitioners must not do evil in the mortal world. What this group of monsters do is obviously against the rules set by each sect. "

"Originally, it would be okay if this matter was limited to the mortal world. After all, practitioners are busy with their own practice. Sometimes they stay in retreat for several years or even more than ten years. Who is interested in caring about what happens in the mortal world? So if it's not If we show up, this group of monsters will most likely succeed."

"It's a pity that their conspiracy was discovered by us. Once we report the truth to the major factions, what awaits them will be catastrophe! So, relying on their strength in numbers, they began to hunt us down."

Kusang's voice was a little low when he said this: "Two fellow Taoists died on the spot, and the rest of us teamed up to break the blockade and evacuate Montenegro."

"When they got outside, they lost the location, and we were able to use our tactics. We fought for a while, but no one could do anything. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and that group actually threatened the lives of my friend and the Han family. We. In desperation, we can only divide our forces into six groups and escort the mortal relatives of the two families to leave separately."

"My journey is the most secretive one, because the eldest lady of the Han family is the eldest sister of two fellow Taoists. I was entrusted with this great responsibility, so of course I had to act cautiously, so I pretended not to know them and protected them secretly along the way. This way, just in case something happens If the monster comes, I can sneak up on him when he is not prepared, and I will have a better chance of winning."

"Miss Han actually doesn't know about this. Those Jianghu people who are attracted here are actually nothing to worry about. What I worry about are the pursuers hidden in the dark, who are the real powerful enemies. In fact, if Su Shaoxia hadn't arrived, once Naturally, I will not stand by and watch when those martial arts people take action, and I also have the means to make them retreat. It is a pity that the eldest lady of the Han family was so sick that she rushed to the hospital. She was so smart that she asked Su Shaoxia to take action, and also used a trick to divert the disaster to the east..."

Speaking of this, Kusang also looked depressed.

"The enemy has not yet appeared. I didn't want to be exposed rashly, so I had to pretend to leave after being expelled by her, and then sneak back and hide in the dark. You know what happened next, Young Master Su, and that's how it happened."

"That's not right." After hearing this, Su Yi suddenly shook his head.

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