With all the uncles present, a one-on-one challenge was impossible. Su Yi's idea of ​​beating Long Gen into a cerebral thrombosis had to be shelved.

"Luo Ji, let me ask you, if you were asked to break up with Big D, would you be able to do it?" Deng Wei asked.

"Big D and I have always had a cooperative relationship, and it's not an ongoing relationship. Now that I've joined him, he wants to kill me, and we are destined to part ways in the future." Su Yi shrugged.

The uncles communicated with each other with their eyes.

"Although the faucet stick was lost again, at least you were the one who brought it back." Deng Wei said, "You have made meritorious service to us and Liansheng, and you will be rewarded for your meritorious service. Luo Ji, I will give you two choices." , first, I will give you a sum of money; second, join the club, and I will give you the status of a host."

"I choose second." Su Yi said without hesitation.

"Think about it before we talk," Deng Wei said.

"I've thought about it." Su Yi said seriously, "I want to join Heliansheng!"

Da Jiaoqiang couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you join Xinji and instead want to join us and Lian Sheng?"

Su Yi glanced at Deng Wei, who had no expression on his face.

He smiled and said, "I don't want to call Brother Kun's son Brother Xiao. It will mess up the seniority, so I have to leave."

The uncles looked a little strange, but they all nodded.

This reason may seem like child's play, but it reveals Luo Ji's embarrassment in continuing to stay in Xinji, so it is understandable.

"Okay, Luo Ji, you go out and wait. When we call you, come in again," Deng Wei said.

"Yes, Uncle Deng." Su Yi bowed his head respectfully and retreated.

As soon as Su Yi left the house, Long Gen was the first to jump out and object: "I don't agree with Gui Touluo joining the association! This person is not familiar with the Ni family. Maybe he was sent by the Ni family to cause trouble! We can't lead the wolf into the house!"

"You've watched too many movies, haven't you, Long Gen?" Kuan Bao sneered disdainfully, "Is a person like Guitou Luo the kind of person who can selflessly dedicate himself to the Ni family without worrying about the future? We will give him a seat in the hotel now. He rose to the top as soon as he entered the club, and even if he was not clear with the Ni family before, he won't be able to do so in the future!"

"Anyway, I object!" Long Gen said impatiently, "Even if he is allowed to join the association, he will not be able to rise to the top in one step! Besides, he snatched the leading stick from Huo Niu's men. If he hadn't snatched it, the leading stick would have arrived long ago. The Fire Bull is in the hands, where will it be his turn? He is seeking credit and bullying his fellow disciples. According to me, not only is there no merit, but there is a mistake! We should punish him and deal with him!"

"Your brain has been squeezed by the door. How about you deal with him?" Old Gui Xi couldn't stand listening anymore, "I'm going to break it this time. Long Gen and Guitou Luo have a personal grudge, and their buttocks are getting crooked."

"That's right, Guitou Luo has been so popular recently. No matter which club he joins, a lot of boys will defect to him. We have been in clubs all our lives. Don't you understand that having more people and being famous means a lot of benefits? Ah everyone! Now it’s not us and Liansheng who chose him, but he chose us and Liansheng!”

"I heard that the Ni family offered him a big price to stay in Xinji, but Guitou Luo himself refused."

"This shows that this guy is really cunning. Although Xinji has lost two seats, but the newcomers of the Ni family have taken over, there will still be a fight between them. Guitouluo is right not to wade into troubled waters. But the number gang They are indeed wooing him, and I heard that they have also made conditions for Yuen Long to be the leader..."

"For both reasons and emotions, we should all allow Guitouluo to join the association. I think it's a good thing that everyone agrees with me!"

The uncles said something to each other, and most of them agreed to Su Yi joining the association. Only Long Gen and his step-brother, who were close uncles to him, expressed their opposition.

Deng Wei coughed twice and silenced the scene.

He looked around and said, "Luo Ji joining the association is good for us."

"First, he is well-known, and what happened this time shows that he is also very capable. He is definitely qualified, and he is worthy of us paying a seat in the hall to get him into the association."

"Second, now that everyone on the road knows that Luo Ji helped us retrieve the dragon head stick, no reward will be given for meritorious service. How will the outside world see us? How can we convince the public in the future? How can everyone do things for the society?"

"Third, Big D's condition was that Luo Ji join the club. He thought Luo Ji would help him, but now it is obvious that he made a wrong calculation. But this has nothing to do with us. I agreed to his conditions and let Luo Ji join the club. I can do it. If he still moves, it means he doesn't abide by the agreement. This mute has to eat even if he doesn't want to eat."

"Fourth, once Luo Ji joins the club, the club will be more balanced, which is a good thing in the long run."

Deng Wei said one, two, three, four, and all the uncles nodded.

Although Long Gen was not angry, he said nothing with a dark face.

Deng Wei looked around: "They are still waiting outside. We'd better unify our opinions quickly and give them an answer. Let's vote by a show of hands now. Those who agree to Luo Ji's membership will raise their hands."

After speaking, Deng Wei was the first to raise his hand.

Chuan Bao, Lao Gui Xi, Leng Lao, Shuang Fan Dong, Shai Gou, Fei Hua, Da Jiao Qiang, these seven uncles were almost in no particular order and raised their hands without hesitation.

In their opinion, Su Yi is powerful and famous. His arrival will definitely bring benefits to everyone, and they have no reason to object.

Tank, Orochi, and Uncle Jian had the best relationship with Long Gen. The three of them looked at each other. Finally, Uncle Jian and Tank sighed and raised their hands.

The big snake was holding its neck, and the black-faced Long Gen still refused to raise its hands.

"Ten to two, passed." Deng Wei put down his hand, "We unanimously agreed to let Luo Ji join the meeting. Now there is only one question left, which piece of land should be given to him?"

On this point, all the uncles had a tacit understanding. Chuan Bao and several uncles almost said in unison: "Of course it's Tai Kok Tsui!"

Before Ni Kun's death, Tai Kok Tsui was raped by Tai Kok Tsui, and Huo Niu betrayed him and took refuge with Jordan's Ah Lok.

Nowadays, most of the venues in Tai Kok Tsui are under the control of Wen Zheng and Gandhi. Only two small bars are still surviving. However, it is only a matter of time before the venues are smashed and taken away by Xin Kee every three days.

Luo Ji had previously worked with Ni Kun and asked him to go to Tai Kok Tsui to fight for territory with the Ni family. He would definitely defeat Ni Yongxiao's army.

Your benefactor comes to compete with you for territory, do you choose to be ungrateful? Or give up benefits?

Even if they give up their interests, what they have to give up are the interests of Wen Zheng and Gandhi. Will these two big guys agree?

Therefore, letting Luo Ji be the regional leader of Tai Kok Tsui was definitely a clever move. A few old foxes had become wiser. After a second thought, they came up with this good way to kill two birds with one stone.

No, it's not just killing two birds with one stone, it's killing three birds with one stone.

So Yi went to Tai Kok Tsui, which is right in the middle of Jordan and Tsuen Wan.

Jordan is Ah Lok's territory, and Tsuen Wan is Big D's territory. Big D is strong and Ah Lok is weak. Su Yi happens to be the buffer zone between the two of them. He also has a grudge against Big D, winning space and peace for Ah Le to take power. Time is simply wonderful.

Even Long Gen's expression softened a lot this time, especially when he thought about the difficult situation that Su Yi would have to deal with in the future, he unconsciously showed a smile of gloating.

The uncles voted again with a show of hands. This time, the vote was unanimous and Tai Kok Tsui was handed over to Su Yi.

Deng Wei called Su Yi in again and said to him: "We and Liansheng were founded in 1884. At that time, it was not called this name, it was still called Hehe Tu. The society was established in the name of the Workers' Self-Help Association. When it was first established, , more than 10,000 fellow workers joined the association.”

"In 1930, Hehetu was merged into Hongmen and divided into several halls prefixed with He, such as Shenghe, Lihe, Yihe, etc. We and Liansheng were established after the merger of Lihe and Shenghe. Today, there are nearly 100,000 members of He Lian Sheng, and our churches are everywhere in Hong Kong Island, Western Europe, Lighthouse, and Southeast Asia. On Hong Kong Island, we, Xinji and the Number Gang stand on equal footing."

Deng Wei briefly talked about the history of Heliansheng, and then said sternly: "We and Liansheng recruit new members and have a complete initiation ceremony. If the ceremony is not held, you can't officially join the club, you can only be considered a peripheral member. "

"If you are just on the periphery, you cannot hold important positions in the society."

"Originally, the ceremony should have been presided over by the previous speakers, but now the situation is special, so we have to do it for us old guys."

"Luo Ji, let me confirm one last time, do you want to join the association and become a member of Heliansheng?"

"Yes!" Su Yi said solemnly.

"Okay, call all your younger brothers in." Deng Wei said, "I will personally host it today, and you and your younger brothers will join the meeting together."

"I have another question." Su Yi said.

"Say it." Denwe looked at him.

"I want Jimmy, Big Head and Airplane." Su Yi said, "I am short of manpower. I am very optimistic about these three and want them to come directly to help me."


Long Gen stood up and shouted angrily: "Wishful thinking! Impossible! Guitouluo, who are you? It's your honor to be accepted by the society, and it's not your turn to set conditions for the society!"

"Really?" Su Yi sneered, "I dare to ask you uncles, which territory did you give me?"

As soon as these words came out, all the uncles immediately fell silent.

"Needless to say, I guessed it, is it Tai Kok Tsui?" Su Yi said calmly, "I didn't want my uncles to think that I was threatening the club, so I never said anything."

"In order for me to stay in Sun Kee, Ni Yongxiao gave me sites in Tai Kok Tsui and Wan Chai. He even gave me the richest people."

These words immediately caused an uproar among the uncles. No one thought that Ni Yongxiao was so courageous and generous.

"The dinosaur from the Number Gang opened his mouth to let me wade into deep water for one area!" Su Yi looked around and raised his voice slightly, "And he promised to fully support my attack on Tai Kok Tsui. By then, I will be a two-area hotel and even have shares in the Lisboa Casino. , Count me in too!”

The Lisboa Casino of the three major clubs in Hong Kong is being attacked by the Bengyaju, and it may fall at any time. The dinosaur's last condition is actually just an extra, not worth mentioning, but it has to be said that their conditions are quite generous.

"I'm coming to Hutchison. If you give me Tai Kok Tsui, I'll admit it." Su Yi said calmly, "This is my own choice, because I think Hutchison is suitable for me. But uncles, don't treat me as a fool. Tai Kok Tsui is now I want to take over the new ones, so I have to fight them one by one!"

"Is this considered opening up territory for the society?" he asked, "or is it regaining lost territory?"

None of the uncles spoke.

Su Yi sneered: "It doesn't matter if we all take advantage of each other. After all, we are not that familiar with each other. In the future, we can only have friendship if you come and go. I understand, and I admit it. But if you want the horse to run away, don't let the horse run." Doesn’t it make sense to eat grass?”

"Firstly, I don't want money, and secondly, I don't ask for help. I just want three younger brothers. These are considered conditions. Long Gen, how about I give you the location in Tai Kok Tsui and see what tricks you can do?"

"Humph, it's none of my business!" Long Gen turned his head away coldly.

"Let me be fair." Chuan Bao said, "Luo Ji's request is not too much. He just wants a few younger brothers. Give it to him. Even if it doesn't satisfy him, what use does the club have to him? ?”

Chuan Bao looked at Su Yi: "Guitou Luo, you can do it with confidence and boldness. If you need anything, just tell me Chuan Bao. I will be the first to support you!"

When all the uncles heard this, they couldn't help but secretly cursed the old fox.

Everyone can see that Su Yi has great hope of regaining Tai Kok Tsui. It is definitely a good deal to make a profit without losing money.

This old guy has always been unfavorable.

The bosses wanted to speak, but Deng Wei waved his hands and said: "Long Gen, you are old. You have been talking nonsense again and again today, so I will treat you as an old fool. But if you keep talking nonsense, don't blame me for taking it back." members."

As soon as these words came out, all the uncles immediately stood in awe.

Long Gen said with a dark face: "Brother Wei, I am also thinking about the club..."

The tone was much weaker.

"For the club, or for myself under the banner of the club, I can tell the difference, and so can everyone." Deng Wei said lightly.

He looked at Su Yi: "The club does value your conditions, so it lets you go to Tai Kok Tsui, but don't think of the club as impersonal. If you do great things, you will have to carry as big a bowl as you want. If you really take back Tai Kok Tsui , the society will cut you off by one percent and save you millions a year, is that enough benefit?"

Su Yi said nothing.

Deng Wei continued: "It's just three little brothers, here you go!"

He paused and looked around: "Whose names do you just mentioned belong to? You should call now to find out. Let them come now and recognize their new boss."

"There's no need for Jimmy." Su Yi looked at Long Gen with a smile, "He's right outside. How about I ask him to come in, Uncle Long Gen?"

"Humph, I have nothing to say to a young man!" Long Gen snorted coldly.

"The plane is the subordinate of Yu Toubiao in Lei Yue Mun. Yu Toubiao is my younger brother. I'll call him!" Kuan Bao was the first to express his stance.

"The boss belongs to Gao Lao," said the old ghost. "Gao Lao's boss is dead, but I can still speak in front of him. I told him to let him go!"

Su Yi looked at this scene with a smile, humble and low-key.

In fact, there are two people, Dongguan Zai and Shiye Su.

However, in the former case, Su Yi felt that this person was cold-natured and ambitious, and difficult to control, so he didn't want it.

The latter is nothing, it's just that Su Yi beat the shit out of others, so it's strange that Master Su is still willing to follow him for such a big hatred.

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