The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1658 Leaving the city

Almost at the same time that Tang Kun died, in a room in a small mountain village not far from Woniu Temple, a jade slip placed on the table exploded into two pieces with a "snap"!

Next to the table, a large blood-filled formation was running. In the formation were a family of three farmers with distorted faces and pain, about to be drained of flesh and blood but still not dead. The body of their daughter Hongguo, who was in her prime of life, and her lower body was in a mess. Apparently, she had been raped before. violated.

This is the blood sacrifice formation required to practice the Evil Demon Technique. It is very vicious and cruel. It will make the person being sacrificed drain all the energy and blood in extreme pain before taking his last breath!

Akame was sitting in the formation, absorbing the energy and blood of the three members of the family who had been sacrificed by blood, as well as the thick evil spirit in their energy and blood.

When the life of the person being sacrificed by blood is extracted with strong resentment and fear, the evil spirit will be born. By extracting the power of the blood and energy that contains the strong evil spirit, the spiritual energy can be refined and the realm of evil evil art can be improved.

In order to make the "blood food" generate more evil energy, usually those who set up the blood sacrifice array will find ways to first make the blood food despair, angry, resentful, fearful...

Akame is not an impatient person, but in order to make the family of three resentful and angry, he not only violated the girl, but also abused her mother inhumanely.

In fact, when he reached Akame's level, the effect of blood sacrifice on mortals to improve his level was minimal. The people he needed blood sacrifice were cultivators.

However, the blood food resources for cultivators are very scarce, and Akame often has to lower his standards and focus on these poor mortals. After all, mosquitoes are still flesh no matter how small they are, and a small amount can make a lot.

The moment the jade slip exploded, Chimu, who was practicing in the formation, suddenly opened his eyes, and his expression changed drastically when he saw clearly what happened.

With their minds shaken, the three members of the family who were sacrificed by blood in the formation were suddenly shocked to death by the temporarily out-of-control formation. The blood color in the formation quickly faded, and the sound of the wailing souls dissipated in the air.

Once the blood sacrifice circle is activated, it cannot be interrupted, otherwise the effect of the blood sacrifice will be lost. Akame's blood sacrifice this time can be said to have failed!

Because of this, Akame, who was already shocked by the broken jade slip, became even more angry.

He stood up suddenly with a flick of his sleeves.


A powerful flow of spiritual energy surged like a wave against the shore, and the small wooden house built by the farmer instantly fell apart and collapsed.

Red eyes shot up to the sky, holding the broken jade slip and shouting loudly: "Dead? How could he be dead?"

This broken jade slip contains a ray of Tang Kun's soul. This object is not only a switch that can control Tang Kun's life and death, but also a detector that can monitor his whereabouts.

Su Yi's guess was correct. The Black Evil Sect was aware of Tang Kun's alien intentions and never relaxed its monitoring of Tang Kun!

Akame's face was as heavy as iron. He suppressed his anger and took out a transmission note. He sent spiritual energy to make it light up and then said to it quickly: "Songwen, take people to control the eight-armed ape quickly to ensure that there is no danger. Later, Tang Kun will find me at his residence." !”

After saying that, he cast a few magic spells on the talisman and let it fly. Then his bones suddenly banged, and red wings sprouted from his back. The wingspan was about one foot long, and it was very huge.

He suddenly flapped his wings and soared into the sky, flying towards Wo Niu Temple at top speed!

A few miles away in an instant, Akame broke the window without any scruples, and saw Tang Kun with his chest exploded, his heart blown to pieces, and he was so dead that he couldn't die any more!

Chimu's eyelids were twitching. He stretched out his hand and his body immediately flew over. He put his hand on Tang Kun's body and carefully inspected the situation.

There were no traces of spells cast by outsiders, and there were no wounds on Tang Kun's body except for his heart that exploded in his chest.

There was no poisoning, and no suspicious traces were left in the room.

Akame soon determined that the cause of Tang Kun's death was death from a burst heart.

He pinched a piece of heart crumbs and threw it into his mouth, tasted it, and frowned even more.

"The evil spirit attacks the heart... Could it be that he got carried away while practicing the martial arts, lost his mind and committed suicide?"

This was the only possibility he could think of. He was unwilling to check again, but still came to the same conclusion.

This result made him so depressed that he almost went crazy!

Soon, Taoist Songwen, whom Han Li had met before, arrived. When he saw Tang Kun's body, his pupils shrank, and then he hurriedly saluted Akame.

"Songwen met Elder Akame. After receiving the message from the elder, I immediately led the team into the city. After finding the eight-armed ape at the Tianbamen headquarters and controlling it, I immediately came to join the elder."

After a pause, Taoist Songwen said in surprise: "Tang Kun... why did he die?"

"I also want to ask this question!" Akame looked gloomy and said in a depressed tone, "It should be that he got carried away while practicing martial arts, and the evil energy attacked his heart and died!"

Taoist Songwen was stunned for a while and then said: "Isn't this unlucky? But at this time..."

"This Tang Kun was planning something secretly this time. He had ulterior motives and was eager for quick success and quick success, so he suffered this misfortune. It is reasonable..." Akame snorted coldly, "It's a pity, I originally wanted to see him. What tricks are you trying to pull off? I didn't expect him to die!"

Song Wen Taoist sighed: "I have already told the whole team after receiving the elder's order. If Tang Kun comes to us with the elder's token, we will pretend to cooperate with him first, and then secretly inform the elder. I didn't expect that. Nothing was done and this happened.”

"When those rats escaped and Xue Dayou died in the battle, only Tang Kun and Bajia Yuan were present. These two sneaky people must have known something but didn't say anything! At that time, I considered that these two people's evil-refining skills had not yet been revealed. It is too mature and perfect to be harvested too early, so I didn’t directly take them for interrogation,” Akame said in frustration, “I originally wanted to take a long shot, but I didn’t expect such a thing to happen!”

"This is Tang Kun's short-lived life. Elder Chimu has thought deeply and has a long-term view. It is Tang Kun who failed to live up to expectations." Taoist Songwen hurriedly excused him, "Fortunately, the Eight-armed Ape is still safe and sound. As of now, as long as we win After interrogating this person, I guess he wouldn’t dare not tell the truth!”

"This is the only way!" Akame sighed, "It's just a pity that two excellent blood foods that have been worked hard for a year are ruined, and the other can only eat raw rice! The octopus can still use the waste. He refined it into a corpse evil and gave it to the brothers in the sect, but Tang Kun was completely useless and worthless! If the elder of Heishan knew that all the four blood foods he cultivated this time were consumed, he would probably do it again next time. If I want him to help me cultivate blood food, he will definitely laugh at me!"

Song Wen smiled awkwardly, not daring to answer the question, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Elder Akame, why don't I send an order for them to bring the eight-armed monkey over?"

"No need, I'll go there in person to avoid causing further trouble!" Akame said, "By the way, you and your people guard the major gates of Jiayuan City, and you even took the spirit-detecting rat specially rewarded by the leader. Have you ever discovered A practitioner disguised as a mortal?"

"No!" Song Wen said without hesitation, "Yesterday during the day, I ordered my men to carry the spirit-detection book to all corners of Jiayuan City, but there was no special reaction. I plan to detect it again tomorrow morning."

"Don't hold out too much hope. The people of the Wuyin Sect are extremely good at hiding their auras. Bai Hu discovered them in Guanggui City before, and it was only because one of their sect lost caution after drinking and exposed his feet, so Bai Hu seized the opportunity to instigate rebellion. Akame snorted and said, "Now another Hehetu has been added. I don't know what happened to this group of people. They all appear and disappear..."

"The leader is determined to win over the Immortal Girl. He has already ordered the four blood warriors to move out and blockade the entire Lanzhou. The national master has also set out from Yuejing. He should arrive tomorrow morning. He will start from Jiayuan City one city at a time. Searching everywhere, his life-threatening Sanskrit sounds can make the spiritual energy of practitioners surge and turbulent. When the time comes and cooperate with the spirit-detecting rats, these people will have nowhere to escape! "

Having said this, Akame looked at Song Wen with a somewhat unhappy expression: "But after all, the leader sent this elder to this matter first. If we make no progress at all before the national master and the others arrive, this elder will not be able to live with it. So, I won't be able to save my face. So, This eight-armed ape had better know something, otherwise... Huh!"

Both Tang Kun and Bajia knew what would happen if they were sacrificed by blood, so if they knew their results, they would commit suicide immediately. At least they would not die in such pain, and they would still have a chance to be reincarnated.

Therefore, the eight-armed monkey understood his fate as soon as he was restrained. After repeatedly confirming that he could not even commit suicide, he was completely desperate.

"Ectomon, you know what I want, tell me obediently, maybe I will be lenient..." Akame spoke slowly after seeing the eight-armed ape.

But the eight-armed ape interrupted him with a sad smile: "Old red-eyed thief, stop farting! Tang Kun and I are not as easy to deceive as the Immortal King of Hell and Old Liehuo. You appeared in front of us immediately after we mastered your technique. At that moment, we both knew that we had fallen into your trap. If we didn’t resist, our fate would be as miserable as those who were sacrificed by us! "

"The two of us have been waiting for an opportunity to get rid of you. This time Tang Kun is going to take a risk. In fact, I guessed that we will fail 80% of the time! We are the slaves and the fish. We are already lambs waiting to be slaughtered. If I were you, I won’t let the prey in my mouth escape!”

"But I still decided to give him a try! Because I've had enough of this kind of worry and fear of not being able to see tomorrow! Unfortunately, I have done many evil things in my life, and God still refuses to leave a way for people like me to survive... "

"Don't tell me that I still have a way to live. I don't even believe that I can die quickly. How can you talk to me about a way to live?" Babu said through gritted teeth while glaring with red eyes in resentment, "I know very well what will happen to me next. As long as you fall out, there will only be one fate for me! Otherwise, wouldn’t your work be in vain?”

"I think it's quite clear, but it's useless." Akame chuckled, "Since I'm a sensible person, I won't talk nonsense to you. Do you want to say it yourself, or do I resort to tricks to make you say it?"


What answered him was a mouthful of phlegm from the eight-armed monkey.

But the phlegm evaporated before it even got close to Akame.

Akame nodded: "Your family of more than 300 people lives in Bailing City, Xizhou, right? You have three daughters, all of them beautiful, right? Song Wen, why don't we thank my father-in-law together before he is sucked off? How about he gave birth to three beautiful daughters for us to enjoy?"

"Then I really want to thank you." Taoist Songwen said with a smile, "Not only do we want to thank you, but all my brothers also want to thank you."

"Beasts, you bunch of beasts!" The eight-armed ape's defenses were broken, and his eyes were about to burst.

Arms cannot twist thighs, especially those thighs that have no bottom line or humanity. In the end, Akame knew all of Tang Kun's plans.

"Yellow Valley Bird?" Chimu suddenly said, "I know that Tang Kun keeps a yellow bird that has been circling nearby. I think it is the one I saw."

"Elder, to control the Yellow Valley Bird, you must know how to tame the beast. This is Tang Kun's unique secret technique. I'm afraid we won't be able to use this method, right?" Taoist Song Wen said.

"As long as I catch this bird, I will naturally have a way." Akame said confidently, "Songwen, send all your people out to find this yellow valley bird! It has never been far away from Tang Kun, and it must be here now. nearby!"

At the same time, the Mo family.

A yellow bird fell from the sky and landed in Han Li's hand. It pecked out the pill in his hand and chirped excitedly.

"Senior Su, it is not easy to raise this yellow bird, and few people can tame it. If you are right, this one should be the one you want!" Han Li said while stroking the little bird, "Fortunately, I I found this method of taming birds in Ju Ren’s relics, learned it, and refined the feeding elixir that the yellow valley bird loves most, otherwise I might not be able to attract it.”

"Sir, can you find Xiaozhuo and the others by following this bird?" Nie Xiaoqian asked impatiently.

Su Yi said: "As expected, this is what happened. Xiaoqian, pack up, let's get ready to leave the city! Han Li, Feiyu, you also want to leave the city with us first. Once Tang Kun dies, the people of the Black Evil Sect will probably fall into chaos. Now, it’s the best time for us to leave.”

"Master, are you so sure that Tang Kun is did he die?" Seeing that Mo Yuzhu was hesitant to speak, Li Feiyu couldn't help but ask on her behalf.

"You're so stupid." Su Yi didn't bother to answer him, and looked at Qian Huan again, "Take care of the tail here to prevent the Heisha Cult from tracing back and investigating, and implicate innocent people."

Qian Huan nodded slowly: "Don't worry, Senior Su!"

There were three people when we arrived and five people when we left. Li Feiyu spent a long time alone with Mo Yuzhu before leaving. He was entrusted by Su Yi to give Mo Yuzhu some precautions, so as not to be caught by the Black Evil Cult. Then it would be their family that would be unlucky. Li Feiyu didn't know what he said to her, but Mo Yuzhu seemed much more relieved afterwards.

When Su Yi and others left, Taoist Songwen and his men were catching birds collectively, and both sides just avoided it.

After leaving the city, Han Li released the Yellow Valley Bird, handed Su Yi a bottle of Spirit Feeding Pill and said, "Senior, I just sprinkled the fragments of the Spirit Feeding Pill on you, and the Yellow Valley Bird has already memorized your scent. , this bird will come back to you if it gets tired of flying. Then you feed it a feeding pill, and it will continue flying until it leads you to Yingxiang Powder."

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