Success is never simple. Su Yi's success seems effortless, as if he got lucky, but it is just "appearing in the right place at the right time and doing the right thing". Many people have this throughout their lives. If you can't learn it, let alone other things.

But there is no shortage of people in the world who only see thieves eat meat but never get beaten. The brave little steel cannon happens to be this kind of person.

If jealousy can poison a person to death, then Su Yi must have been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

"If you say that the director didn't open the back door for him, I won't believe it to death!" Buck Yazhen's face turned livid, "Damn nepotism! He actually picked such a good card as a mute girl..."

Like others, she also thought that the identity Su Yi drew was a mute girl. Unless she was close to the water, how could she kill 34% of Ah Xing's favored value quietly and quietly?

She worked hard all day long, but she didn't even change the value at all. Comparing the two, it was really a huge irony for her!

"Do you want to expose her?" Buck Yazhen's eyes flashed as she suddenly came up with this idea.

"If the couple can turn against each other, or even if A Xing kills the mute girl with his own hands, it will definitely be detrimental to luck, and it will definitely be reflected in the Heaven's Favorite Value... But if you want to do this, you must be careful to hide yourself, and you can't act recklessly... …”

Naturally, Su Yi didn't know that someone among the actors was already planning to tear him down, but even if he knew, he wouldn't be surprised at all. Human nature has always been like this. Practitioners cultivate magic power and supernatural powers, but they don't pursue noble and indifferent qualities.

Some monks were dirty before they started to practice, and no matter how they practice, they will never be able to turn into little white rabbits. On the contrary, the stronger such people are in cultivation and the higher their realm, the more polluting they will be. This is why Su Yi must hide himself.

In any case, Buck Yazhen's actions yesterday played the role of "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger". Although Ah Xing's too indifferent and peaceful personality caused the development of things to deviate, the five actors had to take action, because Ah Xing really It's time to leave.

He took the mute girl who was pregnant with Liujia and walked out of the city, empty-handed and not taking a single cloud with him. At this moment, his free and easy attitude finally took on the charm of a fairy.

Fortunately, he still remembered the agreement he made with Huoyun Evil God at the Wild Grass Beach yesterday, so he would not let the latter wait in vain.

It was precisely because of the agreement made by Fire Cloud Evil God that the other actors except Su Yi thought that Ah Xing was just going out of town for an appointment. They did not realize that Ah Xing was about to leave and never come back.

"Are you injured?" Fire Cloud Evil God was still secretly happy about Ah Xing's arrival, feeling that he could finally get a glimpse of Tathagata's Palm. But when he noticed Ah Xing's slightly pale face and unstable breath, he immediately frowned.

"It's okay, it's just a small problem." Axing smiled and looked at the bald uncle in front of him with some emotion.

He always felt that the person in front of him was his greatest achievement. After all, not everyone could make a big demon who was known as the ultimate murderer put down his butcher knife.

"Someone attacked you?" Fire Cloud Evil God frowned and asked in a deep voice. His eyes passed over the face of the mute girl A Fang, and he could not see any flaws.

Shit brother, is that you?

"No." A Xing shook his head and smiled, "Abo, in fact, the Tathagata Palm you want to learn does not exist at all. This is also a truth I have only recently realized. In that battle a year ago, the one who defeated you could be The palm of the Tathagata can also be the foot of the Tathagata. The problem is not the form, but the root.”

"I didn't understand." Fire Cloud Evil God said honestly.

Axing smiled and shook his head. He stretched out his hand, and suddenly, a crystal clear filament was slowly forced out of his body and suspended in his palm.

Ah Xing controlled it to float slowly in front of the Fire Cloud Evil God. In the latter's shocked and incomprehensible eyes, he slowly said: "What really made me hit that palm was its power. Uncle, when it comes to martial arts, you are the one." The real number one in the world, always!”

Fire Cloud Evil God stretched out his hand, and the thin thread immediately sank into his body.

"Heaven's blessing value: 60%!"

The information in his mind made him freeze. He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, his eyes were full of complex colors.

"You look like you are injured. Is it because you gave this thing to someone else before?" Fire Cloud Evil God asked.

"You guessed it right." Axing smiled.

"Do you know how precious this thing is?" Fire Cloud Evil God had a complicated expression. "Do you know what you lost?"

"I know." Axing smiled, "But I believe I got more."

"What did you get?" Fire Cloud Evil God asked.

"Friendship." Axing said, "Abo, although you are much older than me, I have always regarded you as my friend."

Fire Cloud Evil God was a little moved.

He knew that the more a person lacked something, the more he regarded it as a treasure. If a person attaches great importance to feelings, it means that he must have gone through a very lonely and painful period.

Ah Xing's answer also made him realize that the mute girl A Fang is not a shit brother. Who Shi Ge is is already obvious to him.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Axing asked.

"you say."

"Afang will give birth in three months." A Xing said with a smile, "I have seen that there is a girl in her belly. You know that I am illiterate, can you help me think of a name?"

"That's it?"


Fire Cloud Evil God rubbed his face vigorously, exhaled a long breath, and suddenly his expression became relaxed.

He smiled and said to Ah Xing: "The sparse shadows are slanting across the clear and shallow water, and the faint fragrance is floating on the moon at dusk. These are my two favorite poems. Sparse shadows, clear and shallow water, and floating moon. You can choose any one of these three names." ”

Axing was very happy: "Fortunately, I found you Abo, otherwise my daughter would have been named Afen. Compared with Afen, these three names sound better."

"The most important thing is to be healthy and happy." Fire Cloud Evil God smiled.

"Abo, you are right." Axing nodded, "Abo, I'm leaving. After this goodbye, maybe we won't see each other again in the future."

Huoyun Evil God was stunned and didn't react for a while.

"You... want to leave?" he asked uncertainly.

"Yes." A Xing nodded, "The city is too noisy. I want to go to the countryside with A Fang to live a peaceful life."

"That's fine." Huoyun Evil God looked at him thoughtfully, "Actually, people like you should live their lives normally. Just wait..."

He reached into his arms, took out a dragon-shaped jade pendant, and handed it to Axing.

"Wear this for A Fang to keep her and the child safe." Huo Yun Xie Shen said.

"This jade" Axing was a little moved. He could feel the energy contained in this jade pendant. He looked at Fire Cloud Evil God in surprise, as if he had met this person for the first time.

Fire Cloud Evil God smiled at him: "Let's go, go far away, it's best to stay anonymous and never come back."

Ah Xing looked at Huoyun Evil God thoughtfully.

Although he is simple, he is not a fool.

If the Fire Cloud Evil God had such a jade pendant a year ago, he would not have the strength he has today at that time, and the victory or defeat would be unpredictable.

"Afang, go and wait for me over there." Ah Xing put the jade on Afang's neck and said to her.

After Ah Fang walked away, he looked at Huoyun Evil God: "Abo, are they coming to kill me?"

"Them?" Fire Cloud Evil God's heart skipped a beat, "Who are they?"

"I don't know either." Axing shook his head, "After I reached the realm of unity between man and nature, someone came to me and told me that with great power comes great responsibility, and asked me if I was willing to fight for all living beings."

"You don't want to?" Fire Cloud Evil God asked.

"I just want to live my life well." Axing shook his head, "I swore after our battle that I would never kill anything in my life, not even a bug. How precious is life? Each of us I have no right to take away other people’s lives at will, so I rejected him.”

Fire Cloud Evil God sighed, not knowing what to say.

He looked at Ah Xing and said, "If you really think so, give me everything you just gave me. Only in this way can you avoid trouble."

"No." Axing shook his head, "It is connected with my life. Without it, I would be dead."

Huoyun Evil God was stunned and speechless for a while.

"Is there really no way?" he asked unwillingly.

Axing shook his head, "I don't care about these things. If I really could, I wouldn't be reluctant to part with them. But in fact, after giving you these today, I can no longer lose this thing. If there are any less, there will be problems."

After a pause, he looked at Huoyun Evil God and said, "Abo, did they really ask you to kill me?"

"Why do you think so?" Fire Cloud Evil God asked.

"That person told me before he left that if I didn't change my mind, I would be dead." Ah Xing said calmly.

"Are you really not going to compromise?" Fire Cloud Evil God asked.

Axing shook his head and said firmly: "I will never kill!"

"What if I want to kill you today?" Fire Cloud Evil God suddenly showed murderous intent, "What if either you die or I die today?"

Axing was stunned and said: "You are no match for me, Uncle!"

"What if I threaten you with A Fang and the child in her belly?" Fire Cloud Evil God said viciously, "What if I catch them and force you to commit suicide?"

"You will not……"

"But that doesn't mean others won't!"

"Others? Besides you, they also sent others to kill me?" Axing heard the implication of Huoyun Evil God's words.

The ferocious expression on Fire Cloud Evil God's face gradually dissipated, and he sighed: "Axing, if you can only save the lives of Fang and the child by agreeing to them, are you willing to break your oath and fight for all living beings?"

Ah Xing looked at Huoyun Evil God with a serious face, but still shook his head firmly: "I will protect Ah Fang and the child. I believe that evil prevails over good! Uncle, will you help me?"

Looking at Ah Xing's expectant eyes, Huoyun Evil God smiled bitterly and said, "You really make me feel so guilty..."

He shook his head and turned towards the city.

"Abo, you haven't answered my question yet!"

"Wait until I ask someone first!" Fire Cloud Evil God waved his hand without looking back.

Ah Xing has been watching the Fire Cloud Evil God disappear, still standing there, looking worried.

The person Huoyun Evil God wanted to ask was currently blocked in the yard by two people. He looked at the two people in front of him with surprise on his face: "Charterer, charterer? How do you know my home is here?"

"As long as we want to know, nothing in this world can be hidden from us." The charterer said with a smile.

"Really? I don't believe it!" Fatty Cong shook his head seriously, "Unless you tell me what I dreamed about last night."

The charterer's expression suddenly froze, and he immediately changed his words: "I mean what really happened in this world."

"What did I eat in the morning?" Fatty Cong asked again.

"This is simple." A ferocious look appeared on the charterer's face, "I just need to cut open your stomach, and it will be clear, right?"

Fatty Cong covered his stomach in fear: "No, then I will die!"

"Are you afraid of death?" The charterer who had been silent until now suddenly said.

"Of course I'm scared." Fat Zaicong looked at her strangely, "If you die, you won't be able to eat delicious food!"

"Then what do you want to eat most?" the charterer asked with a smile.

"I want to endure hardship the most right now." Fatty Cong sighed, "Because only by enduring hardship can one become a master!"

"Wrong!" The corner of the charterer's mouth curled up, "Haven't you ever heard the saying that you are what you eat?"

She leaned forward slightly and stared into Fatty Cong's eyes, and said word by word: "Eating hardship will only make up for more hardship. If you want to become a master, you can only eat people! Fatty Cong, do you dare to eat people?" ?”

"Afraid!" Fat Zaicong suddenly sighed and hugged the charterer on the side, "Afraid!"

The charterer's face darkened, and he pushed away the fat meat sticking to his body, with a look of disgust on his face: "I'm warning you, stay away from me!"

"You two are not normal, I won't play with you anymore!" Fatty Cong muttered, then walked around the two of them and walked out.

But the charterer stretched out her arm to stop her.

"Fat Zai Cong, if you don't want to eat people, but also want to become a master, there is only one way." The charterer looked at him with a smile, "Then let us help you."

"Are you so kind?" Fatty Cong looked suspicious, "Why are you helping me?"

"Before answering this question, I have to ask why you want to become a master?" The charterer changed the topic and firmly grasped the initiative of the topic.

"Because of Ah Xing." Fatty Cong said, "A Xing is gone. From now on, I can only rely on myself..."

"What!" The charterer interrupted him before he finished speaking, "You said Ah Xing left? Where did he go?"

"I don't know." Fat Zaicong shook his head, "But he will never come back."

The charterer and the charterer looked at each other, and both saw the surprise and solemnity in their eyes.

If the real owner has escaped, how can we still play?

"You really don't know where Ah Xing went?" The charterer looked at Fatty Cong suspiciously.

"I don't know." Fat Zaicong shook his head, "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

"Why? You don't believe us?" The charterer frowned.

"No." Fat Zaicong looked at him, "You just said it yourself, as long as you want to know, nothing in this world can be hidden from you. You don't need me to tell you, you know it yourself!"

"You..." the charterer said happily, "You can stop me with my words, Fatty Cong. Have you ever seen a fist as big as a sandbag?"

He shook his fist with an evil look on his face.

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