In the end, Su Yi accepted Chen Yongren's "surrender".

This means that the last strength of Xinji has completely disappeared.

The most glorious moment in the history of Helian Sheng has officially arrived.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface.

Although Chen Yongren really wanted to stay with Su Yi, Su Yi didn't want to have a police "recorder" by his side at all times.

Su Yi accepted all the land and young people brought by Chen Yongren. He sent Chen Yongren to help the aircraft sell unique products. He planned to gradually withdraw the aircraft from the exclusive product sale in the next three months and work as a security guard in Liu Jianming's security company. The director, Liu Jianming, began to take over a series of legitimate businesses such as taxis, restaurants, hotels, bathhouses and nightclubs that Liansheng originally owned.

As for Jimmy, he is responsible for the logistics and real estate business.

As He Lian Sheng's Zhengdao business grows more and more, the young and Dangerous boys under Su Yi have unknowingly changed their roles, from useless street gangsters to professional blue-collar workers.

This subtle change is so subtle that no one has noticed it until now.

Ohura Hei was arrested on the third day after Su Yi and Huang Zhicheng met. The police directly issued an arrest warrant and a search warrant. Ohura Hei and several of his cronies were arrested.

On the third day after Ohura Kuro was arrested, the police announced in a high-profile manner that this major police operation had achieved remarkable results. The days of arrogant and rampant associations in the past were gone forever. The police force was confident and capable of creating prosperity on Hong Kong Island. A stable situation.

When the newly appointed police officer Gui Lao No. 1 faced reporters, he once again mentioned the words "political neutrality". He said that Hong Kong Island is a society with a sound legal system, and the police should take actions completely in accordance with the law when enforcing the law. The other party's social background, professional beliefs, and political stance should not be considered.

This seems like nonsense, like a politically correct empty slogan.

But Su Yi seemed to have something unusual about the product.

In addition, Brother Gui Lao also announced the restructuring of the police force. First, the Political Department, which was established at the beginning of the police force, was disbanded and reorganized into the Security Department, which was originally led by the Deputy Commissioner of the Police Department. The first-level department was downgraded to a fourth-level department under the responsibility of the Assistant Commissioner of Police.

The second is to formally abolish Paper E, the third standard professional examination for the Royal Police to become a police inspector. (Note 1)

The reason given by Brother Gui Lao is that this test paper can no longer meet the needs of the promotion mechanism for middle-level managers in the police force, and it will be abolished with immediate effect.

But Brother Yi did not give an alternative promotion plan.

Both of these matters are matters within the police force, and few outsiders are actually interested.

If Su Yi had not asked his younger brother to deliver current affairs news to his desk on time every day from a few days ago, he would not have noticed the news.

In fact, except for the four words "political neutrality" that made Su Yi a little sensitive, Su Yi didn't take the following two pieces of information seriously until the next morning when he saw a scholar named Guo in Wenhui Po. He seemed to be grasping something in his mind about the article commenting on the internal reform of the police force.

Regarding the dissolution of the Political Department and its reorganization into the Ministry of Security, the scholar surnamed Guo commented: For a long time, the Political Department has been responsible for collecting sensitive internal and external intelligence. Over the years, it has been very effective for the colonial government in monitoring key officials, intimidating social powerful people, and suppressing dissidents. As you can see, it is the eyes and ears that the Hong Kong Governor relies on to control key internal affairs of the police force.

The original Political Department was headed by a Deputy Commissioner of Police. It was a powerful department that could bypass the police chief and report directly to the Governor. The Governor had no other independent channel other than listening to the single-line report of the Director of Political Affairs. Gain insight into key information within the police force such as the morale of grassroots police officers, the command level of police officers at all levels, whether police policies are consistent with the government's major policies, and whether the values ​​of top police officers are consistent with their responsibilities.

But now, the Political Department has reorganized the Security Department, and the leader has been lowered by two levels from the original Deputy Commissioner of Police to an Assistant Commissioner of Police. So of course, the low-level supervisors are not qualified to report directly to the Governor of Hong Kong. According to reports, the Political Department’s original right to serve as the Hong Kong governor’s eyes and ears was completely deprived of it.

Scholars surnamed Kwok questioned that this restructuring would result in the police force lacking upper-level supervision and checks and balances, causing the Hong Kong Governor to lose control and understanding of the police force.

As for the reform to cancel the Paper E exam, a scholar surnamed Guo commented: The Paper E exam is the police force’s long-standing objective and scientific talent selection mechanism. Hundreds of inspectors participate in the Paper E exam every year, and those who obtain the qualified level But there are only a few people. This strict selection system ensures that only candidates with extremely high command and management abilities can assume the position of senior commander of the police force.

But now that the Police Force has abolished the Paper E examination system, it means that the promotion mechanism of the Police Force will no longer be transparent, and it is likely to become a phenomenon of nepotism and seniority. In the long run, the capabilities of the Police Force management will become increasingly weaken.

Political neutrality...abolition of the Political Department...cancellation of the Paper E exam...

These news made Su Yi keenly aware of the coming storm.

He still couldn't completely see through the surface of these messages to detect the true meaning hidden behind them, but his sensitivity told him that these messages were definitely important.

He called the younger brother outside the door, pointed to the name of the scholar surnamed Guo in Wenhui Po, and said: "Find me all the articles this person has written in recent months, and all the reports about him."

This boy is one of the few young and Dangerous college students who was left by Su Yi's side. He is very good at doing these things.

"Stepbrother," said the younger brother, "wasn't Aweiwei caught by a police officer yesterday? The association lawyer went to bail him out, but he couldn't be bailed out. His younger brother came to see you just now. I saw that you were busy, so let him go back first. ”

Su Yi knew about this. Ah Wei met O Ji Sweeper while playing at a nightclub, so he was swept in together. This kind of thing is common for people in mixed societies. Logically speaking, as long as you have a lawyer to guarantee you and pay the bail, you can come out.

But what happened if it wasn't bailed out?

"I'll make a call." Su Yi dialed the association lawyer directly.

As a result, the lawyer told Su Yi that he had just bailed A Wei out. The reason why the police did not release him yesterday was probably to deliberately make things difficult.

So Su Yi didn't take this matter to heart anymore.

The next day, the entire Hong Kong Island was once again flooded with two messages.

First, the Hong Kong Island Government Council passed the Hong Kong Island Bill of Rights Ordinance (Note 2).

Second, Gui Lao Yi Ge once again announced the big news that the police will establish an all-round, all-weather patrol mechanism to strive for a 100% crime detection rate and build Hong Kong Island into the safest city in Asia.

Note 1, Note 2: In fact, one of these two events happened in 1984 and the other in 1991. For the sake of the plot, both are changed to 1994. Don’t get entangled.

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