The biggest tragedy of being an undercover agent is that your job is essentially selling and deceiving.

Therefore, the better you do as an undercover agent, the more others will think you are a deceiver and have a very low moral bottom line.

Su Yi met a good boss. Although Lu Qichang betrayed him and used him to keep his official position, in fact, Lu Qichang had always given him unreserved trust and support.

This is also the biggest reason why Lu Qichang can still become someone Su Yi trusts even if he has done something sorry for Su Yi.

However, Huang Zhicheng is different, Xu Yifan is different, and Gui Lao Yige is also different.

They didn't know Su Yi well, so they were wary and suspicious of him from beginning to end. The more excited they were about Su Yi's achievements in his work, the more they felt in their hearts about the danger and loyalty of Su Yi. Big doubts and denials.

They never believed in Su Yi, they just used Su Yi.

Therefore, when something happened to Xu Yifan, although Huang Zhicheng could not figure out Su Yi's motive for the murder, he still listed Su Yi as the first suspect.

After separating from Chen Yongren and returning to the office to listen to the recording, Huang Zhicheng strengthened his determination to capture Su Yi.

He knew very well that making this decision was not easy, and it meant that from now on, his life would be in danger.

Su Yi even dared to kill Xu Yifan, let alone a little O-record inspector?

Speaking of which, although he was promoted to senior inspector, he has not yet formally assumed his duties, so his current level is the same as Su Yi.

What an irony.

In addition to the danger to his life, Huang Zhicheng is also very aware of the resistance he is about to face from his superiors.

Although he stays away from politics, it does not mean that he is a political novice. He wants to be a pure policeman, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what the ghost guy wants to do.

Although he is just a small inspector, he has ideals, beliefs, and his own career ambitions!

Huang Zhicheng has always been dissatisfied with the "appeasement" policy of the superiors. He has never recognized the superiors' attitude of acquiescing to the existence of violent crimes in the black community for the sake of stability. He believes that this is dereliction of duty and a crime.

He also believed in using violence to fight violence and blood for blood.

It's a pity that he has a humble position and has no say in such big law enforcement policies.

This time there was turmoil at the top of the police station, so he seized the opportunity and became the leader of the action team. In fact, he knew very well that in the eyes of others, he was classified as a gangster. His inclusion in the "white list" also explains why this matter.

But he didn't care at all. He never cared who held the superior position. Just as he told Su Yi, no matter who came, Hong Kong Island was Hong Kong Island and the police's duty was still to catch thieves. This had not changed.

Now there is a renegade undercover agent, a society talker with unprecedented power, a devil with the title of Justice of the Peace. He killed the deputy commissioner of the police. His arrogance is outrageous!

He would never let such a person get away with it!

No obstacle can stop his determination!

He wants to do what a police officer should do.

Huang Zhicheng had already taken the bullets and bloody soil for testing.

He believed that there should be no surprises in the test results.

Coupled with a recording that cannot be used as evidence, but can influence the judge's judgment, these things cannot bring Su Yi down at all.

He knew that he couldn't just rely on Chen Yongren to get Su Yi's murder gun, he had to think of other ways.

He had no intention of reporting it to his superiors, because he knew the morality of the people above him, and even if the evidence was solid, the superiors might suppress the case, so he decided to kill it first and report it later!

He thought of a person who he thought might be able to help him.

If he could convince this man.

He was very confident in this because he knew that this man had always regarded him as his best brother.

"Achang, do you have time to have a cup of coffee together?"

He called and made an appointment to meet with this person.

Night, the night is as cool as water.

Huang Zhicheng and Lu Qichang stood in the dim night, blowing the cold wind and looking at the mottled water.

"Didn't you say you'd like to invite me to drink coffee?" Lu Qichang said dissatisfied, "But you brought me to the pier to enjoy the breeze?"

"Actually, I have something to talk to you about." Huang Zhicheng chewed gum, "About Luo Ji."

"Aji?" Lu Qichang frowned, "Hey, I've tried my best to avoid contact with him, what else do you want?"

"That's not the case." Huang Zhicheng turned his head, looked deeply at Lu Qichang, and said slowly: "Do you know that Luo Ji killed Sir Xu?"

Lu Qichang was stunned, then showed a look of disbelief and blurted out: "This is impossible!"

No flaws...

Huang Zhicheng made a quick judgment in his mind.

He still had some doubts about Lu Qichang, because Xu Yifan terminated Lu Qichang's career and transferred him to the Ministry of General Affairs for retirement. Lu Qichang was very familiar with Su Yi, so he might be the mastermind behind Xu Yifan's murder.

Although based on his understanding of Lu Qichang, this possibility is very small, but it is not non-existent, so appropriate testing is necessary.

"How could Aji kill Sir Xu?" Lu Qichang looked like he couldn't accept it, and his tone was very excited, "He had no motive at all! What good would killing Sir Xu do to him? It doesn't make sense! You must have made a mistake! "

"He admitted it himself." Huang Zhicheng said calmly.

Lu Qichang was stunned for a longer time this time, but shook his head more firmly, and sneered: "This is even more impossible! If Aji really did it, he would never tell anyone about it! Even if you haven't seen how cautious he is, You should have thought of it! If he was the kind of person who has a big mouth and can’t hide secrets, he wouldn’t have gotten to where he is today step by step!”

"I have a recording," Huang Zhicheng said. "I heard it with my own ears. He did admit that he killed Sir Xu."

"Did you hear what he said personally?" Lu Qichang asked, "Are you sure someone didn't use an edited tape to frame him?"

"It was Aren who recorded the scene and gave it to me!" Huang Zhicheng said, "And based on Luo Ji's confession, Aren found the crime scene and found key evidence!"

"Achang, accept the reality! Luo Ji has betrayed!" He stared at Lu Qichang and said every word.

Lu Qichang felt as if he was struck by lightning and remained silent for a long time.

After a moment of silence, it was Huang Zhicheng who broke the silence: "I still can't guess his motive for killing him. I know that you have always had a good relationship with him. I wonder if you can guess it?"

Lu Qichang remained silent for a while, and finally let out a long sigh.

"If he really killed Sir Xu, I can probably think of why." Lu Qichang's tone was full of frustration and decadence.

Huang Zhicheng perked up and subconsciously clenched his fists, but on the surface he remained calm, just staring at Lu Qichang with bright eyes.

"He once called me to complain..."

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