The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 245 Arrest people!

Hutchison Building.

Yes, there is a Hutchison Building, which serves as the group headquarters of Liu Jianming's security company and Jimmy's logistics company.

Although this Hutchison is not that Hutchison, this building has been listed for a year and was erected on the most prosperous street in Hong Kong Island. It was once talked about by all the young and Dangerous boys and became one of the many reasons for them to worship Su Yi.

"When will Heliansheng be listed on the market?"

This is the most joked sentence among the young and Dangerous boys after Hutchison Building opened its doors.

Su Yi usually works in this building, and today is no exception.

In the venue on the third floor, reporters from all walks of life have already arrived, and they are densely packed with guns and cannons, ready to go.

When Su Yi and a mature Western girl in professional attire walked onto the podium one after another, the flash lights intertwined and flashed together.

Su Yi pressed his hands, walked on stage with a smile, stood in front of the microphone, and coughed twice.

The hustle and bustle of the entire scene suddenly stopped.

As one of the most popular figures in the world at the moment, he is the darling of all media. He announced a press conference. Although there was only four hours' notice in advance, hundreds of media from all over the world came to the scene.

"It's an honor to invite so many outstanding friends from the press to attend this press conference." Su Yi looked around, and his loud and confident voice spread throughout the audience, "There are three pieces of news in this press conference. Share it with all your friends, but before announcing these three pieces of news, please allow me to introduce to you the world-renowned elite lady standing next to me. She is - from Baker \u0026 McKenzie International, the world's largest international law firm. Ms. Christine Legard, Chair of the Law Firm’s Management Committee! Welcome!”

After saying that, he took the lead in applauding.


There was a mixture of applause and uproar. Some reporters looked confused, but many more looked extremely excited.

"It's actually Ms. Christine from Baker McKenzie! Oh my God! She is the personal lawyer and advisor to the President of Gaul, and the Swedish royal family is her client!"

"The world's top law firm, what is Luo going to do?"

"Big news, there must be big news!"

Soon, all the reporters were excited!

At the same time, eight assault vehicles parked at the entrance of Hutchison Building, and the doors all opened. Detective O Ji got out of the car quickly and gathered at the door under the leadership of Huang Zhicheng while hanging their police ID cards on their chests. . They all looked solemn and walked with great strides.

The four security guards at the door changed their colors in shock, looked at each other, and hurriedly came forward.

"Damn you, what the hell are you doing!" After all, it was Young and Dangerous. Although he was wearing professional security clothes, he cursed every time he opened his mouth.

Of course, this is also related to the natural antagonism between the Young and Dangerous and the police. The more police there are, the less they can be cowardly, otherwise they will lose face.

However, Huang Zhicheng didn't even look at him and walked through the door without squinting.

Four policemen behind him had already come out of the crowd, stopped the four security guards, and shouted sternly: "Secretary O is handling the case, it's none of your business, don't interfere with official duties!"

There were noisy noises and curses coming from behind, but Huang Zhicheng turned a deaf ear.

The girl at the front desk stood up in a panic and looked at the brigade of policemen at a loss.

But the police knew their target a long time ago, and they had a tacit understanding and divided into four teams, occupying two stairwells and two elevators respectively. They thought in parallel and headed to the conference room on the third floor.

"The press conference has already begun, and hundreds of media reporters are here!"

In the elevator, Huang Zhicheng's assistant listened in the headset for a while, then came to his ear with a solemn expression to report the report.

"So lively?" Huang Zhicheng laughed, but his tone was not relaxed at all. "Did he say he was going to do something?"

"I'm introducing a foreign girl, I don't know what she's doing." The assistant said.


The moment the elevator door opened, the assistant seemed to have received the report. His expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly ran two steps to catch up with Huang Zhicheng who was getting off the elevator. He said in a quick voice: "That foreign girl is a very powerful barrister. It is said that she is from Gaul." The President and the Queen's Counsel of the Ruidian Royal Family have great backgrounds! Boss, Luo Ji has created such a big scene. If we rush in and arrest people, the situation will be unstoppable..."

Huang Zhicheng suddenly stopped and turned his head, staring at the assistant.

The assistant had an idea in his mind, and when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say.

He stammered and changed his words: "Yes, how about we wait until the press conference is over and then..."

Huang Zhicheng pointed his finger on his left shoulder and said word by word: "If you can't deal with it, then don't deal with it. I will arrest him in front of all reporters today, live broadcast around the world!"

The assistant remained silent.

Huang Zhicheng stared at him for a while, and then all the other three agents gathered around.

Huang Zhicheng looked around and said in a deep voice: "We are the police, and we represent the laws of Hong Kong Island! Standing behind us are more than six million citizens of Hong Kong Island! Everyone, just arrest one Luo Ji, the sky will not fall! If If there is any problem, I will take full responsibility!”

After a pause, he said two words loudly: "Arrest people!"

"Yes, sir!" The morale of all Agent O's agents was re-invigorated, and they all roared in high spirits.


Su Yi stood on the rostrum, smiling and talking.

“As we all know, Baker McKenzie International Law Firm is composed of more than 3,000 outstanding lawyers from more than 30 countries around the world. Their team is composed of lawyers with different nationalities and different cultural backgrounds, and they are well-versed in the world. He speaks more than fifty languages ​​and knows the laws of various countries. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most powerful team of outstanding lawyers in the world! For more than fifty years, this team has conquered all parts of the world and has been invincible. Nothing can be overcome!"

"And this Ms. Christine next to me is the leader of this powerful army of lawyers! Now, I am honored to announce to you that starting from today, Hutchison Group will work together with Ms. Christine and me." Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and under the joint witness of all friends from the media here, we will carry out all-round, all-weather in-depth cooperation!”


The flashlight became the only theme at this moment, and the scene was in an uproar and could not be calm.

Su Yi smiled and waited for the reporter below to quiet down, and then continued to speak slowly: "Now, I would like to invite Ms. Christine to introduce the detailed cooperation content to everyone."

Su Yi stepped back in a gentlemanly manner and gave up the microphone.

After thanking Kristen with a smile on her face, she stepped forward, faced many reporters, and started her speech with bad words: "Okay, I'll kill you if I'm happy..."


The door to the venue was slammed open, shocking everyone!

Under the spotlight of everyone, Huang Zhicheng took the lead, leading dozens of police officers to file in and walked straight to the podium!

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