The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 296 Start taking action

"Besides drinking in front of the grave, what else did he do?" Su Yi asked.

"Besides... when I first arrived, I noticed there was a fire, it must be burning paper." Li Ningyu thought for a while.

Takeda is related to a tomb in the backyard of Qiuzhuang, where he went to drink and burn paper in the middle of the night.

There was a close relationship between Wutian and the Magic City. He even went directly to the Magic City in the past two days, so he had to see no trace of him.

This is the news Li Ningyu told Bai Xiaonian.

Do you want to check it out?

It’s hard not to touch this kind of doubt that is delivered to your door and put on your table.

Especially since he could investigate under the guise of helping Li Ningyu, just so he could hide himself.

But Su Yi looked at Li Ningyu and finally suppressed his curiosity.

Who knows if there is a pair of eyes secretly staring at Su Yi?

Moreover, Li Ningyu's reason for checking Takeda was questionable. Why should he rush into this muddy water?

Hold still.

It is better to be still than to move.

Of course, you can't do nothing, you just can't rush forward on your own, and you can't be too direct...

Gotta come up with a clever idea.

In addition, we have to find a tool man...

Su Yi was thoughtful.

When he went to work in the afternoon, Su Yi called Zhang Yiting and blew the "pillow breeze" in a cooing voice.

"You are not in the headquarters, okay? How many people are herding sheep? They are doing everything during working hours. I heard that some go to the casino, some go play with women, and some are just in the office. We played mahjong..."

When saying these words, Su Yi pinched his throat, thinking that he was the kind of talkative woman that everyone hated.

Zhang Yiting was really angry: "Is there such a thing? What does Wu Zhiguo do for food?"

"I'm busy talking about love every day, so how can I have time to take care of the work?" Su Yi said in a strange tone.

"With whom?" Zhang Yiting asked curiously.

"Who else could it be?" Su Yi snorted, "The most slutty one in our headquarters!"

"Gu Xiaomeng?" Zhang Yiting was surprised, "Don't you have the best relationship with her? Why are you saying bad things about her?"

"It's just a joke." Su Yi pinched her nails and said in a nonchalant tone, "Besides, who does she have a bad relationship with?"

"You're not stupid." Zhang Yiting said.

"I hate it, I'm so smart!" Su Yi was angry and stomped her feet in disbelief.

"Okay, I'll ask about the situation and call you back." Zhang Yiting smiled and hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Su Yi raised his palm and made several gestures to his face, but did not slap it down.

Ma De, every time I call Zhang Yiting, I feel sick to death.

What he said about Gu Xiaomeng was not false.

Gu Xiaomeng did have a good relationship with everyone. If Bai Xiaonian and Gu Xiaomeng were close to each other before, now Su Yi noticed the green tea smell on Gu Xiaomeng.

From his perspective, Gu Xiaomeng is definitely a master of tea art.

And Su Yi became more and more suspicious. The person who tested his handwriting on his first day at work was probably Gu Xiaomeng.

So Su Yi definitely felt no guilt for stabbing Gu Xiaomeng in the back.

Ten minutes later, someone knocked on Su Yi's office door.

It was actually Wang Tianxiang.

Su Yi was a little surprised: "Hey, it's Director Wang Da, you are a rare visitor."

Su Yi felt that his tone sounded a bit like a brothel madam.

Wang Tianxiang laughed and said: "Secretary Bai, how am I a guest? I'm just an errand boy! No, the commander asked me to do your bidding?"

Su Yi was puzzled. Just as he was about to ask, Zhang Yiting's call came.

"Xiao Bai, I have decided to let you represent me with full authority to set up a surprise inspection team to conduct a surprise inspection at the headquarters to clean up the atmosphere and enforce strict discipline!" Zhang Yiting said, "You will be the leader of the inspection team. I specially invited the people from the Secret Service to Director Wang is here to assist you and let him be the deputy team leader. You can expand your stall and make it more impressive, but deal with a few of them severely to scare the monkeys!"

Carrying out rectification actions is exactly what Su Yi wants to achieve!

He knew that Zhang Yiting had a strong desire to control and could not stand his subordinates deviating from his expectations and arrangements. As soon as he files a complaint, Zhang Yiting will definitely react.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhang Yiting actually asked him to lead the surprise rectification operation!

How does this work?

He wants to grow up obscenely!

"Oh, don't you want me to offend someone? Commander!" Su Yi suddenly shouted, "No, no, I can't. Commander, let Director Wang take the lead on this matter. I can just follow the drum, but let me Leader... I don’t even know how to do it... I’ve never done this kind of thing before... No, no, no! Commander, please ask someone else."

Su Yi thought for a while, all kinds of things were wrong.

"Okay!" Zhang Yiting was upset when he heard this, "I gave you a chance and you failed! You are useless! Let Wang Tianxiang handle the matter. You are still the team leader. You have the final say on who should be dealt with and who should not be dealt with. You can't Leave it to him, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Su Yi automatically filtered out the unpleasant words and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the best result, and it is unrealistic to blame everything on Wang Tianxiang, because Wang Tianxiang is nominally from the headquarters, but in fact the Secret Service is directly led by the Secret Service Section of the Zhepeng Military Police Brigade, and he is from Takeda.

For Wang Yiting, it is okay to use Wang Tianxiang, but it is impossible to trust him.

"I will go back the day after tomorrow. Don't disclose this matter to anyone yet." Zhang Yiting said suddenly.

Su Yi was stunned.


He cursed in his heart and hurriedly said in surprise: "That's really great!"

You're on the road to death, Da Sabi!

Not to mention the man coming back, when he thought of this guy's name, Su Yi wanted to scratch his face - no, tear his mouth - or even knock out all his teeth!

What's the wrong name? Let's call it Yiting...

How obscene.

Su Yi handed the phone to Wang Tianxiang. After Wang Tianxiang heard clearly what Zhang Yiting meant, he had no objection and responded with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Tianxiang said with a smile: "Team Leader Bai, let me handle the specific matters. When I finish the matter, when it comes time to handle people, you can decide who should be handled or not, and I will How about never interfering?"

"You are experienced and I will listen to you." A professional smile appeared on Su Yi's face, "Then I will rely on you a lot, Director Wang?"

"Ouch, I don't dare, I don't dare..." Wang Tianxiang hurriedly smiled and waved his hands, with a humble look on his face, "They are all soldiers under the command of the commander. You can call me Tian Xiang or Lao Wang. It's okay to call me. It’s broken, I’m flustered.”

Look, how can you talk?

Su Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay, Director Wang, when should we start?"

"Then let's do it now." Wang Tianxiang's smile continued, "For surprise inspections, the more sudden the better, what do you think?"

"It makes sense...Okay." Su Yi nodded matter-of-factly.

"Then can I borrow the phone?" Wang Tianxiang pointed to the phone on the table and said with a smile.

Su Yi felt admiration in his heart. This man really interpreted the three words "Smiling Tiger" to the extreme.

Could he be an actor?

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