"Commander Zhang, I asked Director Wang to do this." Takeda did not let Wang Tianxiang sit on the wall, and took the initiative to take over Zhang Yiting's questioning. He smiled and said in half-baked Chinese, "Actually, this matter is not only related to the whereabouts of the special envoy of the underground party leader. , but also related to the intelligence security within your headquarters.”

Zhang Yiting looked surprised: "Chief Takeda, what on earth is going on?"

Wang Tianxiang smiled humbly and said: "Commander, it's not that I jumped over the top and reported it, but that this matter itself was led by Chief Takeda, and I was just assisting."

"It's like this," Takeda continued, "because three months ago, the Chiang Kai-shek bandits and the underground party fought fiercely in southern Anhui, and a large number of underground parties secretly fled north. Of course, our great philosopher, the Yellow Army of the Peng Empire, will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. opportunity, so we arrested many underground party members who had lost contact with the organization.”

"There is an underground party member among them. I captured him a week ago when I returned from the Magic City. Because I had other important matters at that time, I entrusted Director Wang to help me detain this person in your headquarters... "

Having said this, Takeda looked at Wang Tianxiang with a smile.

Wang Tianxiang continued to tell the story interestingly, completing the antecedents of this incident: "This underground party member was lurking in the Magic City before. Under the influence of Chief Takeda, he resolutely abandoned the secret and turned to the light. Originally, Wugong City was just a transit point for him. After a temporary stay here, he was about to go to Manchukuo to take up a post. But it was a coincidence that when he was driving to the headquarters, he recognized someone through the car window."

Having said this, Wang Tianxiang paused deliberately and whetted his appetite.

"Who did you recognize?" Zhang Yiting couldn't help but asked.

"The cleaner who just came to our headquarters last month." Wang Tianxiang said with a smile.

"Oh?" Zhang Yiting was moved, "Is this cleaner also an underground party?"


Wang Tianxiang clapped his hands: "Commander, how can I hide everything from you? He recognized that this cleaner was a member of the underground party in Shanghai City, codenamed Lao Turtle, because he participated in an assassination attempt on Huang two months ago. His identity was revealed due to Huang Jun's actions and he suddenly disappeared. Who would have expected that such a murderer who assassinated Huang Jun would actually become a cleaner at our headquarters? How terrible is this? "

"Incredible, simply unbelievable!" Zhang Yiting's face was full of anger, "Who recruited this person? Didn't he even conduct a basic identity investigation? Who is it? I want to kill him!"

"Commander Zhang, now is not the time to pursue your people for malfeasance in their duties." Takeda interrupted, "What is more important now is, what is this old turtle going to do when he lurks in your headquarters?"

Zhang Yiting looked at Wang Tianxiang with a gloomy face and said, "I hope Director Wang can give me an answer?"

Wang Tianxiang couldn't hear Zhang Yiting's yin and yang aura, and he hurriedly smiled and begged for mercy: "Commander, you really embarrassed me! You really don't blame me this time, the incident happened suddenly..."

"Okay!" Zhang Yiting waved his hand impatiently, "Let's get to the point!"

"Hey, hey!" Wang Tianxiang calmed down his expression and said seriously: "This old turtle can only be regarded as a temporary cleaner when he comes to the headquarters. At most, he can do the work of cleaning the yard, picking up the garbage, and cleaning the kitchen slop. He has no job at all. You are not qualified to enter the office area, and you are not qualified to have access to any secrets."

"But he is an underground party. He can't really come here to be a temporary cleaner, so he must have a purpose. So I boldly speculate that he shoulders the responsibility of a correspondent..."

"Correspondent..." Zhang Yiting was moved.

"Yes." Wang Tianxiang carefully observed Zhang Yiting's expression, "In other words, I suspect that there are spies from the underground party in our headquarters!"

"So, who is this spy?" Zhang Yiting asked expressionlessly.

Wang Tianxiang sighed, shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I never found out."

"I sent people to closely monitor Lao Turtle's every move. During this period, the people below never found out who Lao Turtle was interacting with in the yard, nor did they have any abnormal activities. He just cleaned the yard normally every day. Hygiene, at around 7 o'clock in the evening, after collecting the garbage, he left the headquarters compound on a tricycle and went to the garbage dump to take out the garbage. No one came into contact with him along the way."

Zhang Yiting looked at Wang Tianxiang, waiting for him to continue.

"I was about to lose my patience until last night..." Wang Tianxiang said with a smile, "This old turtle came out of the garbage dump. Surprisingly, he did not return to his residence. Instead, he went to Qintai Park. I smoked a cigarette under the tree at the three-way intersection and then went back."

Zhang Yiting's eyes lit up and he said, "Is there something wrong with this cigarette?"

"That's right." Wang Tianxiang nodded, "The commander is indeed very discerning. The people who were following him also thought of this and did not show up rashly. As a result, a while later, a drunk woman passed by the tree and pretended to fall. , picked up the cigarette conveniently..."

Having said this, Wang Tianxiang rubbed his fingers with some annoyance and sighed: "My men were reckless and eager to make meritorious deeds, so they rushed forward and captured this woman."

"Caught?" Zhang Yiting said in surprise, "How could you just arrest her? You should follow her quietly, maybe she will lead you to kill all the underground gangs in Wugong City!"

"Yes!" Takeda also looked sad and said regretfully, "When I found out about this last night, I was also very angry! What a good opportunity?"

"It's all because of the poor teaching in the humble position and the stupidity of the subordinates..." Wang Tianxiang was afraid to make a self-examination.

Takeda waved his hand and said: "The matter has come to an end. It is useless to talk more. Director Wang, please continue to tell Commander Zhang."


Wang Tianxiang collected his thoughts and continued: "Immediately after my men arrested the person, they sent someone to contact me. I was also very angry at the time, but the anger was useless. I immediately found a way to make up for it."

“Someone under my command recognized that the female underground gangster was a local who was wanted on suspicion of murder and absconded. I immediately used this as an excuse to send the police to the scene and asked my men to hand over the female underground gangster to the police. It looks like Zuo arrested this woman for murder."

Zhang Yiting clapped his hands and applauded: "Director Wang handled it well. In this way, we can confuse the underground party and buy us time."

"That's not all." Wang Tianxiang said with a smile, "I also asked the family of the victim who was killed that year to bribe the police to put her in special custody and guard her 24 hours a day. Then I found a substitute to stay in the cell of the police station. We just brought this female underground gangster to our headquarters and interrogated her overnight."

"It's very thorough." Takeda praised, "This way, the underground party will be more convinced that her arrest was just an accident."

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