The content of the third round of the game is actually to draw the topographic map of Baicaotang?

And the person who draws the most details will be rewarded with a penalty exemption?

The person who draws the least details becomes the loser of this round?

What the hell is Takeda doing?

Everyone was speculating on Takeda's intentions. Takeda seemed particularly unpredictable tonight. He seemed to have become a supreme emperor, controlling everyone's life and death.

"Perhaps there are tough guys like Minister Wu here who are not afraid of punishment." Takeda smiled and spoke again, "But I need to give you a piece of advice in advance. The punishment for losing the game is not set in stone. This round The punishment of the game will definitely increase! And it will never be as simple as doubling or doubling!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts suddenly trembled.

"So, work hard, gentlemen!" Takeda said in a bewitching tone, "And if I were you, I would definitely try my best to get this reward. Because as the game progresses, the punishment will become more and more severe. Maybe if you lose in a certain round, the punishment will kill you! And this reward is your only life-saving talisman!"

He looked around and saw that everyone looked solemn and nervous. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, smiled slightly and said, "It's already very late. Please finish writing as soon as possible."

Except for Zhang Yiting, everyone picked up their pens and began to write and draw on the paper.


Definitely a trap!

Su Yi was keenly aware of the loopholes in Takeda's words and judged that the third round of the game actually contained hidden traps and was full of murderous intent!

On the surface, he pretended to have the same reaction as others, but in his mind he was thinking quickly and deducing various possibilities.

Takeda's first flaw was that he said that except Zhang Yiting, everyone came to Baicao Garden for the first time.

How did he know and be so sure?

Unless he has done some research beforehand!

Or this sentence is just a smoke bomb, a confusing nonsense!

If others don’t say it, it’s not Su Yi’s first time here!

He had long known that Baicao Garden would be the only filming location after the plot started, and all the stories would take place in this manor. How could he not come over in advance to check out the location and become familiar with the venue?

As early as one late night more than a month ago, Su Yi sneaked in here quietly, walked around the entire manor under the moonlight, and became familiar with every inch of the land here, even every plant and tree.

With Su Yi's caution, he would naturally not leave any traces.

Takeda's second loophole was that in the third round of the game, there was suddenly a reward for immunity from game punishment, and his last words just now were clearly to encourage everyone to win and compete for the right to be exempt from punishment this time.

On the surface, Takeda seems to have good intentions, but in fact, his purpose is obvious in Su Yi's eyes.

His purpose must be to find someone who is very familiar with this manor!

Why is he looking for this person?

Su Yi has three guesses.

The first guess is that Takeda noticed that Li Ningyu was following him that night. He had been investigating who was following him that night, so he wanted to use this inducement method to make Li Ningyu jump out automatically.

If Li Ningyu drew the most details when drawing the topographic map of the manor, then she would definitely be listed as the top suspect by Takeda.

The second guess is that Takeda wants to find other actors through this method.

Just like Su Yi came over in advance to familiarize himself with the venue, where are the other actors?

Will they have the same thoughts as Su Yi and come to get familiar with the venue?

If someone draws the details of a place he has never been to, then Takeda will definitely suspect that he came to go through the scene in advance, and this person is probably an actor!

The third guess is just Su Yi's divergent thinking, that is, Takeda's behavior may have something to do with the tomb in the backyard.

The night Li Ningyu followed Takeda, she found Takeda drinking and burning paper in front of a grave in the backyard.

Later, Li Ningyu told Su Yi that Takeda's wife was buried in the grave.

Takeda was a Zhepeng man. Why was his wife buried in the backyard of Baicao Hall?

What kind of story is there?

Moreover, Li Ningyu followed Takeda that night. Su Yi, like Li Ningyu, thought at first that Takeda was paying homage to his wife that night, but then he thought about it, do the Zhepeng people have the custom of visiting graves and burning paper?

Moreover, Takeda is a proven actor. Even if he acts to fit the role, is it necessary for him to go to the grave of his character's dead wife in the middle of the night?

So it is possible that Takeda was exchanging information with someone there.

The paper he burned might be information.

Takeda asked everyone to draw a sketch of the manor this time. Is it related to his dead wife?

Does he have acting assignments related to his dead wife?

It's very possible!

Su Yi's three guesses all have a certain probability, but if Takeda just wants to find Li Ningyu who is following him, his method is undoubtedly stupid, because Li Ningyu, who has ulterior motives in his heart, will definitely not draw more.

If Takeda was looking for actors, then he was quite smart, but he was also trying to be smart, because the actors also had their own secrets and would draw less.

If Takeda's purpose is Su Yi's third guess, it is likely that his purpose is to find certain characteristics of painting.

Maybe Takeda had the goal of killing two birds with one stone, or killing three birds with one stone, so he really made a good move this time.

No matter what the possibility is, Su Yi will definitely not expose his familiarity with the manor in order to obtain punishment immunity!

But you can't draw too little, otherwise you will be punished if you lose!

He must master a degree, and draw neither the most nor the least.

But this speed is too difficult to master.

Maybe everyone here has been to Baicaotang.

In other words, even if you have never been here, you may know the terrain here, or guess the terrain here, and draw many details.

If Su Yi only drew the line he saw when he entered the building after entering the gate, it would undoubtedly be too deliberate. Not only would he easily lose, but it would also make Takeda suspect that he had something up his sleeve, so he did not dare to draw more.

Painting too much or painting too little is wrong.

It’s neither too much nor too little, but it’s too difficult to grasp.

This third round of the game seems simple, but it is actually the most dangerous test.

He was extremely confused in his heart, but Su Yi didn't dare to stop for a moment.

The first thing he drew was the line that just came in from the gate. This was something he should have been able to draw without hesitation, so he couldn't stop and think, otherwise it would be very conspicuous.

This is also true, everyone is drawing at this time, and Takeda is observing everyone!

Su Yi drew the gate, the front yard, the rockery, the bamboo forest, and the east and west buildings.

What he painted were all the scenery that he could see along the way.

After painting these, Su Yi began to paint specious scenes.

He did not draw absurdly, but some of the drawings were right and some were wrong. In this way, it would give people the feeling that Su Yi was guessing at the drawings.

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