"Sir Lu, the payment vehicle has arrived on Hennessy Road. It's calm."

"Keep your distance, end the tracking at Wong Chuk Hang Road, and change to car No. 2."


"Reporting to Sir Lu, the payment vehicle has turned from Wong Chuk Hang Road into the Eastern District Corridor Chai Wan direction. I noticed a black car has been following the payment vehicle. I suspect it is an accomplice of the robbers. I am responsible for reporting the location of the payment vehicle."

"Car No. 2 has ended the tracking. All units will check the equipment again. Once the gangsters move, they will immediately go to Haiyu Street to intercept them! Situ, report the situation at the construction site!"

"Sir Lu, the crane has moved and is turning to lower the hook!"

"Sir Lu, it is expected that the delivery vehicle will arrive at the scheduled location in fifteen seconds! The black car will turn from Exit B into Haiyu Street. Colleagues along the route please be careful to stay hidden!"

"Everyone, be careful, don't let the robbers discover your whereabouts!"

"Ten seconds left...eight, seven, six...three, two..."


As everyone watched with bated breath, the crane on the third floor of the viaduct suddenly lowered its hook, and it happened to be hooked in the middle of the windshield in front of the car.

The fast-moving payment vehicle continued to rush forward, but was caught tightly by the hook, and then the entire vehicle was hooked up!

"Yo ho!" In the crane cockpit, Da Fei, the gangster responsible for lowering the hook, shouted excitedly, "Done, ready to receive the express delivery!"

He controlled the hook, changed direction, and threw the payment vehicle toward the parking lot under the bridge.

"Da Fei is coming down from the east, and Blind Dragon is here to meet him." Cao Nan's voice came from the intercom, "Abao Di Wei, get rid of the watchdog first! Pluto, Xiao Gao, you fight the flies that come over, I'm here Peripheral cover, ten minutes of free shooting, brothers, let’s have a party!”

Cao Nan's words caused a burst of cheers to come from the intercom.

On the other side, the police official channel was busy and tense. Lu Mingzhe spoke quickly and mobilized the police to take immediate action to outflank all suspicious vehicles.

"Listen, we are facing a group of heavily armed gangsters. They are extremely vicious and inhumane! Once there is a firefight, try to kill the gangsters as much as possible to reduce the chance of casualties!"

"Yes, sir!"


With a loud noise, the payment vehicle hit the ground heavily.

At the same time, an off-road vehicle roared into the parking lot, and two hooded robbers jumped out of the vehicle, each carrying an arms bag and holding a mini submachine gun in their hands, aiming their guns at the loaner car.

The alarm bells blared instantly, and more than ten police cars suddenly rushed over from all directions.

"There's an ambush, this is a trap, Mad, get out!" Cao Nan's furious roar suddenly came out from the intercom.

Before the two hooded robbers could react, two police officers wearing body armor in the cab of the car stretched out their guns from the broken window.

Bang bang bang...

Gunfire erupted instantly.

One gangster was shot immediately, and the other gangster fired wildly, pulling his injured companion and running to the car.


There was an explosion not far away, and fire broke out.


On the other side, a police car was knocked over and rolled to the side of the road.

Da da da da da…


The sound of submachine gun fire, the sound of grenade explosions, the sound of car collisions and sudden braking, the rapid sound of alarm bells, angry shouts and screams, all kinds of sounds converged into a chaotic piece of music.

Su Yi was sitting in a speeding car, nervously holding a gun in one hand and the door handle in the other, ready to jump out of the car at any time.

From time to time, stray bullets hit the car body, making a dull sound.

The scene was extremely chaotic. Almost every robber had a submachine gun and fired at the police. They also threw grenades from time to time. The firepower was very fierce.

The police officers hid behind the car and fired at the robbers, but some police officers kept screaming and falling to the ground.


A car hit several policemen, and they left the car lying in the middle of the road. With the muzzle of the gun sticking out of the window, they fired "click, click, click" to clear an escape route.

"Get in the car!" Cao Nan, who was wearing a hood, shouted and fired.

The two robbers on the other side fought and retreated, approaching Cao Nan.

"Report to Sir Lu, all two robbers in the parking lot were killed!"

"Report to Sir Lu, the robbers driving the crane have been completely surrounded. The robbers have heavy weapons and grenades. We are deploying explosion-proof shields to surround them."

Su Yi was heartened by the good news from the other two battlefields, but he immediately focused his attention on what was in front of him.


The car plunged into the green belt on the roadside. As the car shook violently, Su Yi heard Lu Mingzhe yelling in his ears: "Get off the car! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

By the time Su Yi jumped out of the car, the other three people in the car, including the driver, were already hiding behind the open door and firing continuously at Cao Nan.

Da da da……

Cao Nan on the other side dodged the first round of volleys and immediately shot from the window.

Bullets rained down like raindrops. Su Yi immediately lay on the ground, hearing the bullets hitting the trees, the car and the ground around him.

His mind went blank and he had no time to think about anything.

When the gunfire stopped, Su Yi roared, raised his head and fired immediately.

This is war, life and death!


Suddenly, two grenades quickly rolled towards this side from under Cao Nan's car.

"Get out of the way!" Lu Mingzhe shouted at the top of his lungs.


The fire suddenly started, and the air surged.

Su Yi had no time to react, and his whole body was overturned by the scorching air waves. After rolling for several weeks, his back hit the tire hard. He suddenly couldn't breathe and curled up in pain.

My ears were buzzing and I couldn't hear anything.

Su Yi raised his head with difficulty, roared through the smoke and fire and continued to shoot.

But actually he couldn't even hear his own voice.

He saw a robber approaching Cao Nan's car. He roared and fired all the bullets in the magazine.

What made Su Yi ecstatic was that the last bullet went straight through the robber's forehead. The robber fell to the ground holding a grenade that he had not had time to throw.


The grenade exploded and blood and flesh flew everywhere.


Cao Nan drove suddenly from the front, knocked away two policemen who were rushing forward, and drove away.

"Chase! Chase!" Su Yi seemed to hear Lu Mingzhe yelling at the top of his lungs.

He didn't know where the courage and strength came from, he climbed up and followed Lu Mingzhe into the car.

Before the door could even be closed, the car sped out!

There were only three people in the car, Lu Mingzhe, Su Yi and Zhao Sir. The driver was Sir Zhao. He stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and pursued the black car that was escaping crazily in front of him.

"Cao Nan is driving!" Sir Zhao shouted, "A gangster got in the car just now, and another was just shot to death by Pingzi!"

"So there are only two left?" Lu Mingzhe asked loudly.

"Yes! There are only two left! We must not let them run away!" Sir Zhao replied.

Lu Mingzhe excitedly slapped the back of his chair and laughed loudly: "Pingzi, good job!"

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